MTL - This Star is Legal But Sick-Chapter 456 On the news broadcast

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 Chapter 456 is on the news broadcast

Hearing Xu Ye's words, Xu Baifeng clenched his fists.

 I thought you bought a fan, but it turns out you bought an electric fan.

How come you, a big star, talk like those people who talk about cross talk?

Xu Baifeng said with a smile: "You are wrong, you don't have eyes."

 After this joke, the atmosphere between Xu Ye and his future father-in-law also eased a bit.

After the visit, Xu Baifeng’s eyes fell on the scroll brought by Xu Ye.

He often comes into contact with calligraphy and painting, and he can tell at a glance that these two things must be calligraphy and painting.

 He was quite curious in his heart about what kind of calligraphy and painting Xu Ye got him.

 Now that he and Xu Ye were familiar with each other, Xu Baifeng changed the topic to calligraphy and painting.

Xu Ye took the initiative and said: "Uncle, I brought two paintings today. Come and taste them."

When the upper part of the landscape painting came into Xu Baifeng's eyes, the business tycoon showed surprise in his eyes.

 Hearing this, Xu Baifeng suddenly became interested.

Xu Baifeng smiled and said: "Is it a painting by any master?"

She simply couldn’t believe that this was actually painted by Xu Ye.

 Xu Ye placed the scroll on the table and slowly opened it.

However, he never thought about how good Xu Ye could draw. There are several celebrities who can draw these days.

 At first, Xu Baifeng really didn’t take it seriously, just looking at it casually, but now he has to taste it carefully.

With the level of this painting, if Xu Ye's reputation is added to it, it might be able to fetch a big price.

Xiao Xu looked unbelieving.

“Uncle, let’s look at this one first.”

 Xu Baifeng sighed in his heart.

 As Xu Ye's hand moved, the lower half of the scroll was also revealed.

"Xu Ye is really good at painting. He doesn't know that I like calligraphy and painting, so he goes to learn it, right? No, at this level, I have to study for at least several years."

 For Xu Baifeng, as long as Xu Ye works hard, everything will be fine.

Xu Baifeng also commented in his heart: "There are mountains and water. The whole thing gives people a sense of depression. If there is another person below, the whole scene will be more complete."

 What is this thing?

  Why is this Tom?

  Some of his friends are students majoring in the Academy of Fine Arts, studying under famous teachers, and the things they paint are not as good as those painted by Xu Ye.

 Thinking of this, he looked down.

When Xu Ye picked up something, Xiao Xu asked in a low voice: "Can you really draw?"

Xu Baifeng understands calligraphy and painting, and he respects those who can draw. Privately, he likes to draw some pictures when he has nothing to do, but the things he draws are really unsightly, so the calligraphy he writes is okay.

 Xu Ye smiled and said, "I understand a little bit."

 Your drawing is really quite good.

Xiao Xu saw him getting up and immediately followed him.

 Following his movements, the paintings inside gradually appeared in front of everyone from top to bottom.

Xu Baifeng said: "Then bring it and I'll take a look."

 This painting is quite good.

Who asked you to draw Tom?

Little Xu Ke was listening to the conversation just now. She thought Xu Ye bought two paintings and gave them to Xu Baifeng. Unexpectedly, Xu Ye painted two paintings and gave them to Xu Baifeng.

Xu Ye is only twenty-one years old, and he has no time to study.


But when Xu Baifeng took a closer look, he was stunned.

When Xu Ye came over with something, Xu Baifeng's face became serious.

 When he saw a touch of blue below, Xu Baifeng said in his heart: "I want to go together, and there is indeed someone."

 Ink painting, you have a Tom in it.

Xu Ye said: "That's not true. I drew it myself."

 “Can you still draw?”

 You're just going to draw for me like this?

Xu Baifeng felt that his heart could not bear it.

 His eyes were looking at the painting seriously, and he kept thinking in his mind that it was good.

 Xu Ye immediately got up and went to get the painting.

“Don’t worry, I promise to impress my uncle.” Xu Ye said.

 Xiao Xu on the side was already stunned.

 But the problem is that Tom doesn’t feel any dissonance in this painting.

 The emotion conveyed by Tom matches the emotion conveyed by the whole painting.

 “He is either a genius or a devil.”

 Xu Baifeng is finally convinced.

 Xu Ye, you are really sick!

Let alone Xu Baifeng, the moment Tom appeared, Xiao Xu felt that her brain was suffocated.

 This painting is very Xu Ye!

Xu Ye smiled and said: "Uncle, what do you think of my painting? I also incorporated Tom and Jerry into it."

 After being silent for a long time, Xu Baifeng couldn't find any reason to say that this painting was not good.

The painting is really good, no problems at all.

 “It’s very uncomfortable to know that there is a problem but can’t find a reason to refute it.”

 Xu Baifeng finally said: “Let’s look at the next one.”

 He didn’t believe it, and the next one was the same.

Xu Ye immediately took out the next painting and said with a smile: "Uncle, the styles of these two paintings are different. I don't know which style you like, so I just painted them both."

As he spoke, Xu Ye slowly opened the second painting.

 Xu Baifeng looked intently.

In this painting, two big trees are painted. This is a close-up view, and further away, there are undulating mountains.

There is indeed a slight difference between this painting and the previous painting, and the difference is very big in the choice of paint.

The previous painting used colored ink, while this painting uses black ink.

“This painting is not bad.” Xu Baifeng praised in his heart.

 He did not think that Xu Ye asked others to draw it, but said that he drew it himself.

He knew Xu Ye's character well. At the Huayin Awards ceremony that year, Xu Ye sang "Rakshasa Sea" directly in the live broadcast room.

With his character, he would not lie about this kind of thing.

 Besides, lying will be discovered sooner or later, so there is no need.

Just when Xu Baifeng was about to praise Xu Ye, he suddenly noticed that one tree in the painting was a little different from another.

There seems to be something on this tree.

 When he took a closer look, he was dumbfounded.

Isn’t this **** Tom?

 Why is there still Tom?

Moreover, Tom is not on a tree, but in the posture of splitting a big tree with his crotch. The upper part of the tree has been split in half by Tom's crotch.

If he hadn't looked carefully, he would have almost been fooled by Xu Ye.

 Hmm, no sense of disobedience!

Xu Baifeng was impressed by Xu Ye's brain circuit.

 An idea suddenly came into his mind.

"If I show these two paintings to my friends, I guess their expressions will be very beautiful. When they react, I can also say, this is painted by Xu Ye. Did you see it? Tom and Jerry , also an animation by Xu Ye.”

Thinking of this, Xu Baifeng could not wait any longer.

He said to Xu Ye: "These two paintings are very imaginative and very good." "Uncle, this scene in this painting is from Tom and Jerry. How about we take a look?" Xu Ye suggested.

 “Okay, let’s take a look.” Xu Baifeng said.

 He was really curious about this big tree.

When Shen Xinning came out of the kitchen, she saw two men and a woman watching TV in the living room, and they laughed together from time to time.

The TV show is still "Tom and Jerry."

 Shen Xinning almost thought she was being deceived.

Xu Baifeng is actually watching cartoons?

 At this time, the episode of "Flying Cats" was playing on TV.

When the famous scene of Tom splitting a big tree with his crotch appeared, even though Shen Xinning had just come over and didn't even know what was happening in front of her, she started laughing along with everyone.

This is the charm of the cartoon "Tom and Jerry".

 At noon, Xu Ye had a meal at Xiao Xu's house.

Different from last time, Xu Yunqi is not at home because school has started, and other members of Vitality Girls cannot be light bulbs at this time.

After dinner, Xu Ye and Xu Baifeng had nothing to do. Xu Baifeng simply pulled Xu Ye into the room where he usually practiced calligraphy and painting, and drank tea while painting.

Xiao Xu was making tea for the two of them.

 While painting in the afternoon, Xu Baifeng went out to answer a phone call.

At this moment, a system prompt suddenly popped up in front of Xu Ye's eyes.

“Linghai Special Effects Company’s capital chain is broken, and the company’s senior management intends to package and sell all the company’s assets. It is recommended that the host take over, which will be of great help to subsequent development.”

 After this prompt popped up, another line of words appeared below.

  【Life reminder card has been used】

 Xu Ye reacted immediately.

  “So that’s what I was prompted to do.”

Xu Ye has heard a little about Linghai Special Effects Company in the industry. The company's strength is definitely not at the top level among special effects companies.

 But people should listen to advice. The system prompts that it is definitely reliable. If you don't follow it, you will be really stubborn.

 Xu Ye directly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the company's staff, asking the employees to check the specific situation. If they were sure, they would contact Linghai Special Effects Company directly.

Not long after, Xu Baifeng also came back, and the three of them continued drinking tea and painting.

 At seven o'clock in the evening, Xu Ye had already had lunch, but he was in no hurry to leave.

I haven’t watched Xinwen Lianbo yet.

Xu Baifeng also has the habit of watching the news network and turned on the TV.

 What he didn't expect was that "Tom and Jerry" appeared on tonight's news broadcast, and Xu Ye's name appeared.

Xu Baifeng knows very well what it means to a person to appear on the news network.

  If you are within the system, from now on you will be a role model and a favorite in the entire unit.

 As for people in society, this is also an honor and is of great help to the career.

But as a star in the entertainment industry, it is a bit outrageous to be on the news broadcast.

 Who was the last star in the entertainment industry to appear on the news network?

 Xu Baifeng couldn't remember it at all for a while.

 This level of news coverage is not simple news at all for celebrities. This is called a golden body!

As long as Xu Ye doesn't make any big mistakes in the future, he will be fine.

 In the entertainment industry, there are several stars who have golden bodies.

 Xu Ye is only twenty-one years old!

 He still has a long way to go.

Xiao Xu was also surprised when he saw this report: "Old Xu, you are on the News Network!"

 After she finished speaking, she realized that she had been so excited that she had called Xu Ye by the name she had called Xu Ye in private, but in front of her parents.

Xu Ye smiled and said: "It's not me who got it, but the whole studio. This is everyone's credit."

 “I don’t care, it’s just you who are great!” Xiao Xu said proudly.

Shen Xinning also praised: "Xiao Xu is really promising now."

Although Xu Baifeng didn't speak, his eyes looked at Xu Ye with admiration.

This son-in-law is so qualified!

If Xu Ye hadn't reached the age to get the certificate yet, he would have wanted Xu Ye to go and get the certificate with his daughter immediately.

 Compared with the sons of his friends, Xu Ye can be said to be someone else's child.

 The most important thing is that Xu Ye really doesn’t have any bad habits.

 The children of his friends all have more or less bad habits.

 As for being rich, Xu Baifeng doesn’t care.

No matter how rich you are, you can't compare to him. He wants to see his daughter happy more than to get married.

Well, if you have to get married, let Xu Yunqi do it.

Xu Yunqi, who had just come out of the library, sneezed and looked around in confusion.

Tonight, Xu Ye stayed overnight at Xiao Xu's house. Unfortunately, he stayed in the guest room.

Xiao Xu’s house is really big. It’s difficult to sneak into Xiao Xu’s room quietly. In addition, there is a nanny here, so there is no chance to have close contact with Xiao Xu.

Tonight, as the news of "Tom and Jerry" appearing on Xinwen Network was released, it once again aroused everyone's discussion.

 Xu Ye also became a hot search topic.

In tonight's news broadcast, the names of Xu Ye and Gao Leyong appeared, along with footage of the Dream Building Studio filmed by CCTV.

Gao Leyong's name appears less frequently, while Xu Ye's name appears more often.

  The words used in it are all about praise and praise.

 In the past, the official media would only publish news and post on Weibo to praise Xu Ye, but this time it is really completely different.

 “Mom, Dad, the cartoon I watched was on the news network!”

“Dean? How much money did you spend to get on Xinwen Network? Please introduce me to me. I want to get on too!”

"Am I right? This bitch, the dean, is actually on the news network. This must be a program accident!"

  Shadow netizens immediately started to reorganize themselves.

 Other stars in the entertainment industry were really dumbfounded this time.

 You are **** cheating!

 You sing and we sing too, and you make movies and TV series and we make movies and TV series too.

It turns out that you didn’t get on the news broadcast by singing and film and television dramas, but by cartoons.

This is not the same track, and you can't learn it even if you want to.

  But the impact on a star is really too great.

This is not even a national level ad, this is an international level ad.

 As for Xiaolan Station, this wave of laughter burst into laughter.

Before this, they never thought that "Tom and Jerry" would become so popular, and they didn't even know that it would be broadcast on the news network.

This time "Tom and Jerry" was broadcast on the news broadcast, and the interface of a small bad website also appeared. Although it only lasted for a short second, it was enough!

 At night, the boss of Xiaolan Station received a call from Wu Rui.

Wu Rui reported to his boss the growth of various data of "Tom and Jerry" in the hour after the news broadcast was broadcast.

  After hearing the report, the owner of Xiaolan Station smiled from ear to ear. This was a huge win.

 Then he remembered something.

 Xu Ye served as the spokesperson for Doushou last year. It’s almost a year now, and the contract is probably about to expire.

 There are also many users in Xiaolan Station who are calling for Xu Ye to be the spokesperson of Xiaolan Station, so why not ask Xu Ye to be the spokesperson.

 Throw money!

 Throw money hard!

  The person must be snatched away from the trembling hand.

 (End of this chapter)