MTL - This Star is Legal But Sick-Chapter 403 Don't live up to your enthusiasm

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Chapter 402 Is there any linkage to the song this time?

In this world, anti-black criminal investigation dramas are still in a lonely era.

Many viewers today have not had much exposure to this type of drama.

Even if there are people who like it and watch it, some of the classic TV series that I can find are all from more than ten years ago.

 At that time, such dramas were full of blood and violence.

This has led to most viewers having a stereotype about this genre.

 Many viewers just don’t like to watch this type of drama.

 At the beginning, everyone had the same inherent impression of "Hurry".

What’s wrong with anti-black criminal investigation dramas? They just add an anti-black background to criminal investigation dramas.

There must be undercover, gangsters, and gunfights in it.

Lin Zhipeng and everyone are stupid.

Lin Zhipeng has also gradually become "Yehua".

“The scenes in the video are all real. Whether it is a comedy or not is up to everyone.”

 “What’s wrong with Xu Ye!” Lin Zhipeng complained.

The smile on Yang Jian's face suddenly solidified.

Xu Ye’s Weibo post has been retweeted more than 10,000 times.

 But you are committing fraud!

This is a trailer scam!

 When the audience goes in and realizes that this is not a comedy at all, they will give you a knife.

 I, Lin Zhipeng, will never lie to others.

Lin Zhipeng said, as long as I don’t admit it’s a comedy, no one can say I’m a liar.

Lin Zhipeng soon discovered that many people were @him. When he clicked in, he saw Xu Ye’s Weibo.

Out of curiosity, he also clicked on Xu Ye's video and started watching it.

Even on the official account of "Crazy Blast", a group of netizens were cursing.

 “I am Meng Dehai, who are you?”

 But many viewers still have doubts.

As a result, after Yang Jian hit him, he said: "Hello, is this Cao Mengde?"

An Xin gave Meng Dehai’s phone number to Yang Jian and said that I had nicknamed her “Cao Mengde”.

By the time Du Chonglin discovered this situation, it was already too late.

“But what does this have to do with me? I didn’t make this trailer. Even if I want to cause trouble, I’m going to look for Xu Ye.”

A group of leading actors all followed Xu Ye's example.

 There are also questions that people asked him.

“I testify! The content of the video is true!”

On the other end of the phone, Meng Dehai's voice came.

At this sight, even Lin Zhipeng, who was usually stern and unsmiling, couldn't hold back.

As a result, not only Ren Keying and Lin Zhipeng, but other leading actors also forwarded Xu Ye's trailer one after another.

 “I am the actor in it, and these lines are all true!”

 He decided to help Xu Ye.

Whether this thing can penetrate people or not.

 Xu Ye, you are also very good at cutting.

 Can you watch it during your usual leisure time, or sit and watch it as a family?

 The content of the trailer is basically these things.

 Are these two trailers really previewing the same TV series?

Lin Zhipeng has been concentrating on promoting "Crazy" these days. When he has nothing to do, he stays in front of his mobile phone and answers questions from netizens.

There are only so many laughs in this drama. If you shake them all out, it will be really hilarious.

Hey guys, when will "Rush" become a comedy?

 You must be held responsible if there are deviations in your reports!

Yang Jian liked Meng Yu and asked An Xin for her phone number.

“Whether it’s a comedy or not, everyone will know after watching it!”

 But as soon as the trailer produced by Xu Ye came out, netizens were stunned.

 Different from previous dramas, the production is more sophisticated and the era is familiar to everyone.

 When he saw the end, Lin Zhipeng really couldn't hold back.

 Subsequently, he also forwarded Xu Ye’s Weibo post.

 “Hey Du Chonglin, it’s obviously a comedy, but you haven’t told us yet.”

 Because in the last paragraph, Meng Dehai’s son-in-law Yang Jian made a phone call.

 “Lao Du, you deceived us so badly!”

“Let me just say, Xu Ye’s last drama was all a comedy. How come the next drama has such a big span? It’s still a comedy.”

 “I love watching comedies! A must-have for relaxing!”

These comments filled Du Chonglin’s head with questions.

 Since when did I lie to you?

 The one who lied to you is Xu Ye, okay?

Du Chonglin posted a Weibo message using his own Weibo account.

  “‘Rush’ is not a comedy!”

No one usually pays attention to his Weibo, but because everyone is talking about "Crazy" today, netizens are also paying attention to his Weibo.

As soon as it was posted on Weibo, netizens responded below.

 “Just keep acting!”

Du Chonglin’s eyes widened.

 “What did I do? I didn’t do it!”

 No one believed what he said.

 As we all know, videos cannot be edited.

Xu Ye took out all the videos, and a group of actors testified that this is the content of the play.

You are the director of "Horse", what do you know about "Horse"?

Du Chonglin is at his wits end.

 He also messed up.

 It’s hard for him to talk about Xu Ye.

Xu Ye is also promoting "Kurst", and the effect is pretty good.

Thinking of this, Du Chonglin sent a message to Xu Ye.

 “Did you make the trailer?”

 Xu Ye replied quickly.

“No, someone else did it. I just posted it on my Weibo.”

 “Who are the others?”

 “My cousin, Xu Huohua.”

 “Get out of here!”

Du Chonglin was speechless.

 You have the most brothers!

New news from Xu Ye was sent soon.

“Director Du, are you interested in going to Happy Departure?”

Du Chonglin immediately became interested.

 He hardly participates in variety shows.

 On the one hand, I haven’t met a suitable person, and on the other hand, Director Du is actually a relatively reserved and serious person.

However, if you are too restrained and serious in a reality show, it will be boring.

 Coupled with the profession of director, one is basically a person behind the scenes.

Even if it was a promotional drama, Du Chonglin asked the actors to go, but he didn't go.

This doesn’t mean that Du Chonglin doesn’t want to go, he actually wants to have some fun too.

 "Happy Departure" is different. This is Xu Ye's program, which can be said to be his own.

He can also let go of the acquaintance game without any psychological baggage.

 “Okay.” Du Chonglin replied.

 “Then I’ll ask other people if they have time.”

 The other people Xu Ye mentioned are also actors in "Crazy".

It would be best to go on a variety show to promote the TV series before "Crazy" starts airing.

 In the end, the only people confirmed to go were Lin Zhipeng and Ren Keying.

 Other actors are busy and don’t have time to come.

 Xu Ye also greeted Yu Wei and was preparing to arrange the recording of the next episode.

  I am talking about the next issue, but actually when it was broadcast, it was the third issue.

The last time Xu Ye went to Happy House to record, he recorded two sessions at once.

This is also the difference between reality show variety shows and audio variety shows.

Xu Ye and the others don’t just record one episode every time they go there, which would be a waste of time.

While Xu Ye and the others happily celebrated the passing of the new drama, things were different at Jade Bird Entertainment.

Last week, "Happy Departure" and "Traveling in China" were broadcast simultaneously. These two programs are both reality shows, so naturally they are compared together.

 As a result, "Across China" failed at the beginning.

 There are also some problems with word-of-mouth.

 Mainly because in this variety show, in addition to the celebrity guests headed by Wang Jiahao, there are also some amateurs.

These celebrity guests are all big names. The program team wants to cause trouble, but these celebrities are also experienced and know how to avoid some risks.

  In the end, the highlight of the program fell on the amateurs.

 But what can an amateur see?

 The most important thing is that many viewers come to watch this program because they want to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland with the guests.

 As a result, in the first period, the first half was about trivial matters such as taking a bus, finding a hotel, accommodation and meals.

 The trip finally started in the second half, but the performance of a group of guests was not very good.

For example, Wang Jiahao.

There is another surprise here. When Wang Jiahao introduced a historical scenic spot, he talked about it eloquently, but he gave the wrong date.

 The amateur next to me couldn't help but correct it.

Although the scene was hilarious, Wang Jiahao was obviously a little embarrassed.

With the variety show team's urinary nature, they naturally edited all of this.

  If these are not edited in, there will really be nothing to watch.

 A guest is worse than an amateur who only appears in one episode, which is quite funny.

After the final show was aired, even though it attracted some viewers with some of its troubling storylines, most of the viewers didn't think highly of the show.

“If you want to be cultured, you won’t be cultured. If you want to be funny, it won’t be funny either.”

“It can be seen that the program team seems to have learned about national treasures, but it is a pity that this group of guests cannot hold up the scene.”

“If you want to be a show-off, don’t go all over China. If you want to be serious, find some real guests. If you want to be relaxed, don’t make a show of being a show-off.”

 This is the evaluation of many viewers.

The audience is not stupid, and they can see that many of the confrontational scenes in the show were arranged by the program team.

 This is different from "Happy Departure".

 In "Happy Departure", the program team will only issue one task, and ignore other tasks. Everyone can play freely.

 It’s good to look happy and happy.

  "Walking Through China" was wanted by everyone, but the result was not good.

Mr. Song was naturally furious and called a group of people from the program team over to give him a lecture.

This variety show spent a lot of money and invited so many guests with very high appearance fees. If it were like this, it would lose money.

The director of the "Across China" program group is called Liu Ting. He is a director who specializes in variety shows and has also produced several popular variety shows.

 Liu Ting was also helpless.

“This group of guests is more famous than the last. Before I even filmed the show, one person asked me to take care of it, and the other person asked me to take care of it. How can I do this? I can only make a fuss about it from amateurs.”

 Although variety show directors are bold, it depends on who is behind the director.

 Behind Liu Ting is Song Zhengqi, but he knows Mr. Song’s character.

 If he had a conflict with the guests, Mr. Song would prefer those celebrities rather than him, the person behind the scenes.

 Finally, Liu Ting read "Happy Departure" and did some analysis.

"Celebrities like Xu Ye are hard to come by. None of my guests are like this. I can't handle the joy, so let's do something else and let's do some stage performances."

Liu Ting called his superiors and subordinates to have a chat and prepared some work for the second episode. Anyway, he had to give the program some new tricks.

 There are many actors among his guests, so let’s just perform.

Just like "National Treasure", we will do some stories related to scenic spots.

 After planning, Liu Ting directly assigned the task to the screenwriter.

 There is not much time left for screenwriters.

 The screenwriters are all numb.

This makes it clear that he will not be allowed to sleep at night.

 But Liu Ting will not care about this.

Your **** is on fire, who cares if you have time to rest?

 Finally, the screenwriter handed the things over on time, and Liu Ting also arranged the filming.

 The second issue of "Across China" is also ready to be broadcast.

Although the things that are rushed out are almost meaningless, it is not important.

 Fans of the guests will find ways to brag.

The guests did not say anything.

 This week, a new episode of "Sounds in My Ears" will be aired.

 What is different from the previous one is that starting from this issue, "Sound in the Ear" will be broadcast live.

This program is where everyone sits together, chats, and then sings. It’s not a big problem if it’s live broadcast.

 On the contrary, live broadcast singing brings a better experience to the audience.

On Friday night, the live broadcast of "Sound in the Ear" also officially started.

 After being stimulated by Xu's cute song last week, director Yao Zhi's mentality has changed.

Calling other guests will only bring some popularity to his program.

But calling Li Qiushan here brought two kinds of popularity to his program.


This director who likes to wear hats to cover his bald head even came to Li Qiushan specifically.

“Li Qiushan, let me ask you something. Is there any connection between Xu Ye’s “Happy Departure” and the song you sang in this issue?” Yao Zhi asked.

 She seems to care about Li Qiushan, but in fact she cares about Xu Ye.

 Li Qiushan was speechless.

  I am the only one who feels uncomfortable co-authoring this.

Everyone is very happy to hear that Xu Ye has made a magic change, and they are looking forward to it.

 Li Qiushan said warmly: "I don't know."

Yao Zhi didn’t ask any more questions. It would be impolite to ask any more.

However, he estimated that there should be no linkage.

 He is fairly familiar with the filming process of this type of variety show.

 But it is not available in this issue, which does not mean that it will not be available in the next issue.

Yao Zhi chuckled and said, "The new guest in this episode is Wang Qichen, a singer from Jade Bird Entertainment."

After listening to Jade Bird Entertainment, Li Qiushan cheered up instantly.

 Mr. Xu’s opponent is here!

 As a member of a large studio, Li Qiushan naturally wants to maintain the fine traditions of the studio.

Li Qiushan remembers this Wang Qichen.

  During the National Day Gala last year, a piece of news broke out on the marketing account.

  It is said that Wang Qichen was originally going to attend the National Day Gala, but when he was going to the rehearsal, the light at home fell down and hit him on the head.

Wang Qichen sadly missed the opportunity to attend the National Day Gala.

 Later, Xu Ye appeared on the stage of the National Day Gala.

 The program "Sounds in My Ears" does not eliminate singers, nor does it engage in any competition.

 But when a song is played, the audience will still judge it in their hearts.

 “I know Director Yao.” Li Qiushan said.

 Soon, the program was officially launched.

Tonight, Wang Jiahao is also watching "Sounds in My Ear", not because he likes watching music variety shows, but because his good friend Wang Qichen is going to sing on the show tonight, and he is also here to support it.

Wang Jiahao snorted coldly after seeing Li Qiushan.

 “Another Xu Ye’s younger brother.”

Wang Jiahao looked down upon other people in Xu Ye’s studio.

 He felt that these people were nothing without Xu Ye’s works.

His idea actually makes sense and seems very logical.

 But in fact, these people are already good in strength, but they just lack an opportunity.

 Xu Ye just gave them a chance.

Xu Ye will not hire a bunch of rookies for the studio.

But Wang Jiahao would not think so.

 As the singers took the stage one after another, they finally arrived at Li Qiushan.

Li Qiushan stood up from the sofa with a smile.

The host asked: "Teacher Li, what is the name of the song you sang for everyone today?"

Li Qiushan smiled and said slowly: "Actor."

 (End of this chapter)