MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 158 156. He is good at many instruments? Make two in an hour

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  Chapter 158 156. He is good at many instruments? Making two songs an hour? (seeking subscription)

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui have once again forgotten what they said yesterday!

  —You can always trust Wang Cheng.

   Indeed, the topic is too difficult.

  Old Huang quickly returned a message to Guo Shouxin.

   "I just returned to the company, and Wang Cheng's new song Chengdu has just been uploaded in less than an hour."

"The sales volume is very impressive, already more than 41 million! Many people are waiting for this song to be uploaded. As soon as he uploaded it, we gave exposure resources so that almost every user can see it at the first time, so Sales will explode in a short time..."

  Guo Shouxin showed the news to Liu Jiahui.

Liu Jiahui didn't have any surprises or surprises about the sales data. This is just Wang Cheng's normal performance. Even he downloaded the song Chengdu immediately. Penguin Music must have invested a lot of publicity resources for Wang Cheng. Doubtful.

  For people in his and Guo Shouxin's age group, they obviously prefer Chengdu's folk songs with stories compared to works like nunchaku and ninja.

   There was a knock on the door.

  Guo Shouxin quickly said: "Come in!"

  The person in charge of publicity opened the door and walked in, and said excitedly: "Director Guo, Producer Liu. I just got the data, so I came here to report to you!"

  The person in charge of publicity handed the data sheet to Guo Shouxin, the latest data on it, and the current public opinion situation of the outside world.

  Guo Shouxin took it over and took a closer look, and Liu Jiahui quickly moved his head to stare at each item of data above. This is their harvest time again.

The person in charge of publicity is also reporting the situation quickly: "After we put the lottery tidbits on the shelves, in just 20 minutes, the playback volume reached hundreds of millions, which is a huge increase from last week! Tens of millions of people have participated in the discussion on the entire network. Now the latest The hot topic is the confrontation between Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao. And Wang Cheng once again got boxing as the topic of the performance, which became the focus of the hottest discussion."

   "In just 20 minutes, more than five million people were satisfied with the result, and they were very eager to see Wang Cheng perform martial arts for the fourth time."

   "We have invested some resources, focusing on Wen Yixiao, and now Wen Yixiao's popularity has increased considerably. He has just become a superstar coffee, and his influence is at its peak."

   "The video of the performance that was launched yesterday has already exceeded one billion views! It is estimated that this week will reach more than three billion views. It is still a little far from the peak period, but we expect to return to the peak in the next issue."

"And the video that was launched in Southeast Asia last night has exceeded 200 million views...a huge increase from last week. The number of views last week has just exceeded 500 million. This is still supported by the two major girl groups! It seems , the attractiveness of the two major girl groups is not as good as Wang Cheng alone..."


   The data is reported item by item.

  The pressure that Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui had just had in their hearts gradually decreased a lot, and they gained some confidence again.

  I also remembered what they said yesterday—you can always trust Wang Cheng.

   "Okay, continue to increase resource investment. There are only the last two performances left, don't be stingy, spend as much resources as you have, and make sure that the last two performances will not lose the chain."

  Guo Shouxin is quite satisfied with the current performance data, and urged again.

  The person in charge of publicity nodded: "Okay, Director Guo, we will definitely not relax at this time."

   After finishing speaking, the person in charge of publicity turned and left.

  Liu Jiahui asked, "Have you notified Lao Wang and them?"

  Guo Shouxin nodded: "I sent them a message, and they said they would come at noon!"

  Liu Jiahui nodded, and said with some expectation: "There are three performances this time, I don't know which performance he will focus on."

  Guo Shouxin was also somewhat expectant and apprehensive: "Yes, there is only one week..."

  Both of them believed that Wang Cheng asked Lao Wang and others to come over to create and produce music, and they might only create one or two performances, and the remaining one or two performances might use other classic repertoires.

  They all hope that Wang Cheng can choose familiar classic repertoires in musical instrument performances, and create in personal singing and team performances.

  Creating a single instrument performance is very difficult in itself, and it cannot be done in a day or two!

  Because, this is a more classical style!

  In the chain of contempt for music, classical music stands at the top of the pyramid...

Because classical music itself already belongs to the category of musical art. The audience is not the general public, but many classical music lovers and classical music masters. These people's musical literacy is much higher than ordinary people. Recognized, the difficulty is higher.

   Many popular music that ordinary people like, everyone thinks it sounds good, but other classical masters judge it as useless!


  Both Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui believed that Wang Cheng’s instrumental solo, he would definitely choose classic repertoires to perform, which is something everyone would do.

  As for individual solo and group performances, originality is required, and with Wang Cheng's creation and production speed, it is not impossible!

that is…

   Both are worried.

  Wang Cheng's inspiration, is it enough?

  Same topic!

   Created four times in more than a month!

   It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is the nightmare mode in hell.

  The great success of the first three times raised the difficulty of the fourth creation several levels again.

  Because of the wonderful performances of the first three times, the audience's expectations for the fourth time will be even higher...

  This is also the reason why many people in the entertainment industry do not invest too much in the same subject matter.

  Because, if it is difficult to break through, the audience will get tired of it, and failure will follow.


  Old Wang received the news from Guo Shouxin, and immediately led the team members to the base of the program group, and then went directly to the door of the recording studio to guard.

  Several people have seen the lottery results discussed on the Internet, and couldn't help discussing it.

   "I said, Wang Cheng is going to perform martial arts for the fourth time. The difficulty is simply beyond the sky. If it were me, I might be so worried that I would tear my hair off now."

   "Yeah, it's so hard. I'm tearing all my hair out of it..."

"Guess, how many works will Wang Cheng create this time? Poetry and Distance are obviously the title of a folk song. Boxing should still be popular! If Wang Cheng can create and produce a new song in a day, it will be really awesome... "

  Old Wang listened to the discussion of several people, and said lightly: "Then have you ever thought about whether Wang Cheng will finish the production of the two works in the afternoon?"

   Several people were taken aback for a moment, then shook their heads, expressing their disbelief.


   "Old Wang, don't scare us."

   "That's right, how is this possible? The martial arts topic is so difficult, how can he think about creating a second one?"

   "Just wait and see..."

  However, at this time.

  Wen Yixiao, Liu Shengjie, Liang Xi, Kong Changxing, and Lao Zhou came over after lunch.

  Seeing Lao Wang and the others, Liu Shengjie and the others greeted familiarly.

This week, Du Wei took a break, so Kong Changxing also took a break temporarily. He joined Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi and became the three top behind-the-scenes teams to create and produce for Wen Yixiao. Such a behind-the-scenes creation and production lineup, even It was at the peak of the Chinese music scene, and it can be called luxurious.

   And this is not counting the top behind-the-scenes creators who didn't show up!

  The resources that Wen Yixiao enjoys are definitely the number one in the current Chinese music scene. At this time, no one else in the same period can compare with her...

   Behind this, there must be the full support of Penguin Entertainment!

   After all, Wen Yixiao just became a superstar in the Chinese entertainment circle yesterday, and she is also one of the only newcomer superstars in recent years. She has huge potential in the future, and Penguin Entertainment will not be stingy in investing resources.

  At the same time, Wen Yixiao is also one of the few super giant female stars in the entire Chinese entertainment circle...

  And under Penguin Entertainment, Wen Yixiao is already the undisputed first sister in terms of popularity and fan status.

  Perfectly explained what is meant by debut is the pinnacle, what is meant by stars holding the moon.


  She can enjoy so many top-level resources at this time, and she can understand it.

  Old Wang and the others looked at Liu Shengjie and the others, and then at their own side, they were the only band, without a single creator or producer, it was simply too shabby.

  Although, they are also known as the number one soundtrack team in the industry...

  However, they would definitely not dare to show off in front of these insiders. They quickly stood up and shook hands with Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Liang Xi to say hello...

  Wen Yixiao looked at them curiously, and wanted to ask many questions.

  Liu Shengjie asked first: "Wang Cheng asked you to make a new song?"

  Old Wang smiled and said, "Director Guo told us to come, so here we are."

  Liu Shengjie nodded.

  Kong Changxing asked curiously: "Old Wang, did you really work with Wang Cheng for half an hour at noon yesterday? Did you make two soundtracks?"

   Several people looked at Lao Wang.

Old Wang nodded and replied truthfully: "Well, to be precise, it only took twenty-eight minutes. To be honest, we were all confused at the time, and Wang Cheng directly gave each of us an instrument score and asked us to record it individually. , it's over, let's go!"

   In front of several insiders, they all said what they said.

  They did this every time they cooperated with Wang Cheng, and they didn't hide it.

  Wen Yixiao also asked curiously: "Wang Cheng said, will you make a few works this afternoon?"

  Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Liang Xi looked at Pharaoh with bright eyes in an instant, causing the pressure on several people to increase instantly.

  Old Wang smiled wryly and shook his head: "Didn't I just say that Director Guo called us here, and Wang Cheng didn't call us..."

All right…

   Several people can see it.

   Lao Wang and the others are truly pure tool people.

  Lao Zhou came over and patted Lao Wang on the shoulder sympathetically.

  However, when they thought that Lao Wang could become the number one soundtrack team in the industry as a pure tool person, Lao Zhou and the others were envious, and they also wanted to have such an opportunity.

  Wen Yixiao asked again: "By the way, does Wang Cheng have any musical instruments that he is good at?"


   Several people froze again.

   What musical instrument are you good at?

  Old Wang and the others flashed strange expressions.

  Everyone present knew that Wen Yixiao probably wanted to learn about Wang Cheng's musical instruments and prepare for solo instrument performances.

   Liu Shengjie saw that the faces of several people were not right, and asked, "What's wrong? Can't you tell me?"

  Old Wang shook his head and said: "There is nothing I can't say, but I don't know what musical instrument he is good at. Because, it seems that he is good at the commonly used musical instruments!"

  Kong Changxing also asked curiously: "What does it mean to be good at? How good is it?"

  As top producers, both Kong Changxing and Liu Shengjie are very familiar with various musical instruments because of the need for arrangement.

Old Wang said seriously: "It means better than us. Just like the previous soundtracks, Ninja, Jiucao Gangmu, Chinese Kung Fu, Fist of Fury, Nunchaku, etc., all used some rare instruments, None of us are very good at it. Then, Wang Cheng will play in person, teach us, or simply play by himself!"

   "It's like the island musical instruments in Ninja, the big drum in Chinese Kung Fu, the guzheng in Jingwumen, the erhu in Nunchaku and the live piano..."


   Several people present couldn't help but gasp after hearing Lao Wang's words. Wen Yixiao's bright eyes widened slightly, and some disbelief flashed in their eyes.

   Only then did they know that so many amazing things happened in the recording studio next door to them?

  The people present are all really knowledgeable people.

  Everyone knows that it is definitely not a simple matter to practice a musical instrument to the level of proficiency. It takes a long time of practice and a good talent to make it possible.

  Wang Cheng is only nineteen years old, how could he know so many musical instruments?

Lao Zhou, who is also the leader of the band, said directly in disbelief: "Old Wang, are you bragging? How is it possible! Guzheng and piano are very common now, so that's all. But the erhu is very difficult to can pull out the erhu People with a high standard can be counted on one hand in the entire circle.”

   "Most people want to learn Erhu, but they can't find a teacher to teach them!"

   Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Liang Xi also nodded in agreement.

   Erhu for a lifetime is not just talk.

  Erhu is like a western violin, which requires a high level of talent and a lot of practice to develop a level. Erhu is more difficult than the violin and requires more talent.

  Generally, people without talent may not be able to find the pitch in practice, so they can only make noise.

  So, among the many top soundtrack masters they know, there are really only a few who can pull out the erhu to the level.

  Because of the folk music style brought about by Wang Cheng's songs, many musicians are trying to incorporate traditional folk music recently, so those musicians who can play the erhu are too busy.

  In the entire Chinese folk music circle, there are only one or two erhu masters.

  For a nineteen-year-old like Wang Cheng, if he can pull out a erhu that is on the table with one hand, it is definitely a genius level, and the two erhu masters may come over to compete for apprentices.

  Because there are not many Chinese young people who are willing to learn folk music, and even fewer people who are talented in erhu among them!

  If there is an erhu genius, the erhu masters will come to **** them regardless of face, just to pass on their mantle, otherwise there may be a risk of losing it.


  They thought of Wang Cheng's character and temper, and knew that even if two masters came to grab him, Wang Cheng might not bother to pay attention.

  Old Wang shrugged and said indifferently: "It's fine if you don't believe it. I didn't believe it at the time, but that was the fact that happened at that time. Later I asked Wang Cheng, who did he learn the erhu from!"

   Liu Shengjie immediately asked, "What did he say?"

  Old Wang looked at Liu Shengjie: "What do you think he will say?"

  Liu Shengjie froze for a moment.

  Wen Yixiao said: "He won't answer!"

  Old Wang looked at Wen Yixiao: "It seems that you are really studying him and know that he will do this. Yes, he ignored me."

  Wen Yixiao blushed a little, and then asked again: "You said, Wang Cheng can also play the guzheng?"

  Old Wang nodded: "Of course, you have also heard the Guzheng from Fist of Fury, right? He played it himself..."

  Wen Yixiao recalled it carefully, that part of Guzheng in the arrangement and soundtrack of the whole song is indeed amazing, but it is not difficult to take it out alone.

  However, she kept this matter in her heart.

  Wang Cheng knows Guzheng!

At the performance of the nunchucks, Wang Cheng also played a piece of piano on the spot. Although the piano itself was not difficult, Wen Yixiao could tell from the movements and temperament of Wang Cheng's piano playing at that time that Wang Cheng Cheng's attainments on the piano may not be low...


  Yu Jinghong contacted her, hoping that she could play Guzheng in the solo instrument performance.

  Because, this is an internal initiative issued by the above to all entertainment companies in the entertainment industry—

   Advocate domestic stars and entertainers to promote China's own cultural elements as much as possible during performances.

With Wen Yixiao's popularity as a superstar, coupled with the super high ratings and attention of tomorrow's idol, if Wen Yixiao plays the guzheng on stage, it will definitely cause a lot of repercussions and attract everyone's attention to the guzheng. This traditional musical instrument will definitely arouse the favor and attention of the above!

  Maybe, like Wang Cheng when he performed Chinese Kung Fu, he will be named and praised by the official media, which is not a small compliment for Wen Yixiao.

  However, Wen Yixiao was unwilling.

  Because, she thought that Wang Cheng could not play Guzheng, and she hoped to play the same instrument as Wang Cheng!

   And she knew that Wang Cheng could play the piano, so she had already decided in her heart that she wanted to play the piano.

   Now, I heard Lao Wang say that Wang Cheng's guzheng level is not low.

  Wen Yixiao temporarily put down the piano in her heart, and began to think about which guzheng piece to play.

   Can carry forward Chinese cultural elements, and can play the same musical instrument as Wang Cheng...

   It's the best of both worlds.

  Wen Yixiao had a smile on his face.

A trace of admiration appeared on Liu Shengjie's face again: "What an incredible young man, I really want to see the next performance soon...Okay, Yi Xiao, let's start too, don't waste time, your time is more intense this week... "

  Wen Yixiao nodded.

  This time, she needs to produce two new songs within three days, one solo and one group performance.

   This was an extremely high test for her and Liu Shengjie.

  Before, under the pressure of Wang Cheng, they managed to complete a song in three days, and the quality and quantity of the song were completed, which is already a huge improvement.

Now, under greater pressure from Wang Cheng, they have to halve the time again. In three days, they will complete the production of two new songs. It is five or six times the improvement.

   This is also one of the reasons why Kong Changxing joined.

  With one more top producer, it can be completed faster...

  Watching Wen Yixiao and Liu Shengjie enter the recording studio and get busy.

   Lao Wang and the others swiped their phones boredly again...

   Until four o'clock in the afternoon.

  Wang Cheng walked over from the passage not far away on time, followed by Huang Bin and Mo Bailin, while Sun Gang and Chen Xiaoyong did not come.

  When Lao Wang and the others saw Wang Cheng coming, they immediately stood up and looked at Wang Cheng seriously, as if the subordinates saw a big leader...

   "Wang Cheng, here we come!"

   "Wang Cheng..."

   Several people stood up and greeted Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng nodded to Lao Wang and the others, without any nonsense, he took out the notebook and pen he brought, and wrote down the musical notes and instrument requirements in the notebook, and handed them to each of them one by one. hands.

  The door of the recording studio next to it opened, and Wen Yixiao, Liu Shengjie, and Kong Changxing walked out. They wanted to discuss the arrangement and production of the new song, and they happened to see this scene!

   This was the first time they saw Wang Cheng write something to Lao Wang and the others.

  Watching Wang Cheng scribbling there, he wrote down some notes almost without thinking, and then handed them over to the musicians who can play them...

  They knew that this meant that Wang Cheng had already had a plan in mind to do this. He already had the appearance of a finished product in his heart, and he had to have absolute self-confidence to be so decisive and fast.

   Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Wen Yixiao all looked at Wang Cheng with envy.

  Because they all know that this is a state that every musician, no matter if they are a singer, a producer or a creator, is extremely envious!

  Imagine the finished product of a work in advance, and I am confident that it will be successful, and then make it step by step according to the finished product I imagined, which can greatly improve the production efficiency.


  This state can be encountered but not sought after.

Liu Shengjie has only encountered this state once in his life. It was more than ten years ago, when he cooperated with a top heavenly king, he produced a song in just one day. It was a fast and in the best state, and that work was also a great success later.

   Then, for so many years, Liu Shengjie never met again.

   As for Kong Changxing, who has only been in the industry for a few years, he has never encountered this kind of state so far, so he has never experienced what kind of state it is.

  Wen Yixiao aspires to be like Wang Cheng in the future, doing all the work from creation to production by herself, so naturally she also longs for Wang Cheng's magical state!

   What makes them speechless is that such a magical state that can be encountered but not sought after seems to be the normal state of Wang Cheng...

  Wang Cheng seems to be in this state every time he makes a work!

Assign each instrument step by step, let each instrument play according to your own ideas, and then mix them together to complete the soundtrack of a song, and record the song again... a song is completely Production is complete!

   This is the speed of the gods.

  It's as simple as one plus one equals two.

   Several people watched Wang Cheng write scores for Lao Wang and the others there, and did not bother.

  However, Wang Cheng quickly finished writing, and said lightly to Lao Wang and the others: "I will give you 20 minutes to get familiar with, and then start recording!"

  Old Wang and the others nodded together, and quickly began to study their scores.

  Liu Shengjie came over and stretched out his hand to Wang Cheng and said with a smile: "Every time I see your work, it opens my eyes and I admire it!"

  Wang Cheng admired Liu Shengjie's strength and attitude of continuous learning and improvement, so he said modestly: "Generally, you are also very strong!"

   shook hands, and it was a touch.

  Liu Shengjie was affirmed by Wang Cheng, with a bright smile on his face: "Where, you are already too strong, if this is not normal, we will not be able to live!"

  Kong Changxing also came over and shook hands with Wang Cheng, and said with a smile, "Indeed, you are already too strong!"

  Wang Cheng smiled lightly and did not refute.

Seeing that Liu Shengjie and Kong Changxing shook hands with Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao also came over and extended his hand to Wang Cheng. Looking at Wang Cheng who was close at hand, her heartbeat immediately accelerated, her face flushed a little, and she forced herself to smile calmly. : "You are too strong, I don't know if I have a chance to catch up with you in this life."

Wang Cheng looked at Wen Yixiao, this time he did not refuse Wen Yixiao's handshake, reached out and shook Wen Yixiao's hand, and just wanted to pull it back, but Wen Yixiao froze for a moment, holding Wang Cheng's hand and did not let go , Wang Cheng took a little effort to pull his hand back. He didn't miss Wen Yixiao's warm and soft hand, and said lightly: "You don't need to catch up with me!"

  Wen Yixiao hurriedly withdrew her hand, lowered her head in embarrassment and shyness, took a step back, not daring to look at Wang Cheng, and whispered: "You are my target, I will definitely catch up!"

  Wang Cheng still said calmly: "It's up to you!"

   Then, he nodded to Liu Shengjie and Kong Changxing, ignored them, turned around and walked into the recording room to get busy, preparing for the upcoming recording.

   Several people present knew Wen Yixiao's thoughts on Wang Cheng, so they didn't interrupt their conversation.

  Witnessed Wang Cheng’s rejection of Wen Yixiao’s veiled confession...

   Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Lao Wang all admired Wang Cheng's determination in their hearts!

  A fairy-tale temperament like Wen Yixiao.

  They put themselves in their shoes and thought about it, if Wen Yixiao expressed something to them, it would be impossible for them to have any persistence, and they would become licking dogs in a second...

  But Wang Cheng refused again and again.

  Liu Shengjie watched Wang Cheng walk into the recording studio, and then said in a low voice, "Wang Cheng, you are really extraordinary."

  Kong Changxing and Lao Wang nodded in agreement.

Wen Yixiao didn't care about Wang Cheng's refusal, but just clenched his fists tightly, recalling the feeling of being held by Wang Cheng's big hand in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, inspiration came to his heart, and he said to Liu Shengjie: "Teacher, I have some ideas."

  Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Wen Yixiao immediately returned to the recording studio and chatted about their music.

   Another hour later...

  Wang Cheng left the recording studio with slightly disappointed Huang Bin and Mo Bailin.

  Leaving the somewhat lost Lao Wang and the others sitting there to rest.

   After a while...

  Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, Liang Xi, Wen Yixiao, Lao Zhou walked out of the recording studio again, and saw Lao Wang sitting there. Wang Cheng had disappeared, and the recording studio next door was also locked.

   Several people were stunned for a moment, and then they understood!

  Wang Cheng, call it a day again...

  Old Zhou asked: "Old Wang, are you finished again?"

  Old Wang smiled wryly and nodded: "Well, it's time to call it a day! Forty minutes to record the soundtrack, ten minutes to record the singing, and ten minutes for post-processing... It's over!"

  After hearing this, the others felt nothing.

  Because, isn't this the normal rhythm of Wang Cheng?

   One song in one hour…

  Wang Cheng has done it before.


  The teammate next to Lao Wang said softly: "This time, we made two works at once!"

  This is the reason why they are a little confused here. They also said that it is impossible for Wang Cheng to make two songs a day, but Wang Cheng finished two songs in one hour...

   They finished the work by themselves, and they haven't recovered yet.

   Not to mention other people.


  The surroundings instantly quieted down.

   Pairs of eyes stared at several people.

   Produced two works at once?

   It only took one hour in total?

  Wen Yixiao stared at Pharaoh and the others with wide and delicate eyes.

  After being quiet for a second, Liu Shengjie quickly asked, "You mean, you guys finished two songs in one hour? Including the arrangement, soundtrack and song recording? All the work?"

   Several pairs of eyes were fixed on Pharaoh and the others.

  However, Lao Wang and the others obviously don't care about the pressure of this gaze, they haven't fully recovered their thinking ability yet.

Lao Wang nodded and said with certainty: "Yes, in one hour, two works were produced and all the work was completed. We didn't see the finished product, but in Wang Cheng's style, since the work is over, he can upload it at any time. .”

  Kong Changxing said two words one by one: "Awesome!"

  Old Zhou then said three words one by one: "It's awesome!"

  Kong Changxing took a puff of cigarette suddenly, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said with a wry smile: "Living in the same era as him, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

  Liu Shengjie nodded, feeling Kong Changxing's mood.

  He is a gold medal producer of the older generation, and he has already experienced the feeling of being at the top, so his mentality is relatively peaceful now, and he is more pursuing pure music, not for performance.

   But Kong Changxing is a new generation of top musicians who have been in the industry for less than ten years. He has not yet reached the peak, but he will be forever suppressed by Wang Cheng...

   That feeling is definitely not very good.


  He has nothing to do.

  Liu Shengjie looked at Kong Changxing, then at Wen Yixiao, his eyes were full of regret.

   These two were born in the wrong era!

  Liang Xi patted Kong Changxing's shoulder, feeling the same untimely.

  Wen Yixiao herself doesn’t feel like Kong Changxing, because she never thought about stepping to the top, she only wants to be recognized by Wang Cheng, and only wants to catch up with Wang Cheng in terms of strength and be worthy of Wang Cheng.

  So, Wen Yixiao said with full motivation in her heart: "Teacher, let's continue working quickly!"

  Liu Shengjie nodded, finished smoking a cigarette, and entered the recording studio again to continue working.

  Kong Changxing and Liang Xi also finished smoking and continued to work.

  Old Wang rested for a while, and then went straight back to his studio!

  Tomorrow's Idol program group continues to be busy.

  The only busy players left were Wang Cheng and Huang Bin's team, as well as Wen Yixiao and Song Xue.

  While many other trainee players are resting, they are not completely idle. Basically, they have started to plan for their upcoming official debut. If they want to make an official debut, they must publish their works. In the entertainment industry, it's either music works or film and television works!

   Judging from the current signs of recovery in the Chinese music scene, most people will choose to publish music works, which is faster, more effective, and can better digest the current popularity and fans.

  For film and television works, even if they are shoddy, it will take more than one or two months to meet the audience. At that time, I don’t know if the popularity of tomorrow’s idols will still be...


   At this time, the Chinese music scene suddenly became active again. Many talented musicians have received invitations from major entertainment companies, either to produce or to create works...

  Many talented creators and producers have become more sought-after, and their prices have also risen.

at the same time.

The Idol of Tomorrow program team, Penguin Entertainment Group, and Nanyue Satellite TV have worked together to invest a lot of resources and continue to hype the show's final showdown, making Tomorrow's Idol's performance in the finals an undisputed hottest national topic. Discussion topics about this finals can be seen everywhere on all social platforms.

  The popularity of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao soared again, not even weaker than that of the annual Spring Festival Gala.

  Countless viewers are already looking forward to it, waiting for the start of the final confrontation between the two...


  Anyone in the industry can imagine that this is the first and possibly the last matchup of super giants in the history of the Chinese entertainment industry, and the ratings will definitely be surprisingly high!

   As a result, a large number of celebrities and entertainers wanted to watch the performance live, hoping for a chance to appear on the scene to gain popularity.

  Every position in the live broadcast of the program has become a scarce resource, and there are many big names participating in the competition. The more front row, the more sought-after.

time flies…

   In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend again.

  (end of this chapter)