MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 94 injustice

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It was Mu Feibai's 21st birthday within two days of returning to the Eagle Riding Club from the safari park.

The "gift" that Qiu Yu gave Mu Feibai was a whole afternoon of sparring in the game—or in other words, "beating".

And it was a live broadcast, in front of Mu Feibai's countless fans, who beat him up.

"Hiss, Mushen, is there anything you can't think about, you asked Qiushen for such a birthday present?"

"Hahahaha pass it on, Mushen is shaking M."

"Moushen's performance in the 1V1 mini-map made me more determined to play OA!"

Mu Feibai's body was condensed by the light spots again, he turned over the barrage, pretending to grit his teeth: "I also killed him once, why don't you remember!"


"Just once, Mushen? Since when did you set such low demands on yourself?"

"After playing all afternoon, I won once hhhh"

Mu Feibai: ...

In fact, he and Qiu Yu have done a lot of this kind of 1V1 small map confrontation training, as well as arena confrontation training. From the very beginning, he had no ability to resist, and now he can compete with Qiu Yu in the ring. Even Qiu Yu said that he is very talented and has improved very fast.

This jungle map can almost be regarded as Qiu Yu's home field. The "Ghost Killer" on the Star Alliance Cup is not a casual nickname. If he wants to escape Qiu Yu's tracking in the jungle, Mu Feibai dare to say that, looking at the entire Star Alliance professional circle , so far he can barely do it.

Fans, after all, have never faced Qiu Yu's sense of oppression, so they naturally don't understand how difficult it was the only time he won.

Mu Feibai would not go to explain to the fans, but pretended to be wronged: "I want to sue you! I want to tell Brother Qiu that you bullied me!"

Fans: "OA! OA! This pair is definitely OA!!"

Mu Feibai: ...

It was his captain's birthday, and of course the members of the Eagle Cavalry team would not be polite. After the training in the afternoon, Zhou Shu made a fuss and used the birthday party as an excuse to kill Mu Feibai for another big meal.

In order to prevent the situation like last time, this time they chose an exotic restaurant with a private room. Once the box door is closed, it doesn't matter whether it's Beta or Alpha outside, it won't affect them.

However, I don't know if the team has been unlucky recently and it is not suitable to travel. Just after the dinner, the group ran into trouble again.

Not far from the restaurant where the party was held is the "Thirteen Degrees" bar that Du Chen had been to. When the Eagle Riders were standing on the side of the road waiting for the reserved car, there was a sudden commotion from the direction of the bar. It seemed that someone was struggling to get out of it, and others were chasing after and trying to stop it.

Mu Feibai immediately protected Qiu Yu behind him, and the rest of the people responded immediately, surrounding Qiu Yu directly to prevent him from receiving any danger from any direction.

Seeing them so nervous, Qiu Yu couldn't help laughing, but he didn't refuse the kindness.

However, Yingqi didn't want to take the initiative to cause trouble, but things happened to provoke Yingqi.

I saw the man who was struggling to run out from the bar stumbled towards them, but failed to meet Mu Feibai who subconsciously led Qiu Yu away, so he suddenly turned around and threw himself on Du Chen, grabbing his lapel tightly , with unconcealable panic in her voice: " me!"

Behind him, the pursuers came up quickly, gritted their teeth and looked at the eagle riders who looked alert.

As if he knew that he was doing something bad, he was a little stern: "I advise you not to worry too much! He is the one our Young Master Wang called for!"

DU Chen was about to push the person in his arms away, when he saw the person raised his hand and brushed his sideburns, turned his head and panted and shouted at those who were chasing him: "I said I won't sell myself!"

At this moment, the chasing soldier vaguely judged from DU Chen's figure that he should be an Alpha, and suddenly sneered.

"You're an Oga with a thread cut," he said contemptuously, "You really think you have an Alpha protecting you? Let me tell you, it's your luck that Young Master Wang has taken a fancy to you—"


Before he finished speaking, he was kicked on the stomach by Du Chen, took two steps back suddenly, curled up and sat down on the ground.

The few people chasing after him got angry immediately. They threw off their coats and rolled up their sleeves, and they were about to come up to fight with DU Chen. DU Chen wasn't afraid at all, he took half a step forward and protected Oga, who had never met before, behind him, released a bitter mint breath, and was ready to fight at any time.

"What are you hitting, call the police!" Mu Feibai suddenly interrupted lazily.

He raised the bracelet on his wrist and chuckled: "Forcing others to sell themselves, and wanting to take them back by force? You and your young master Wang have both broken the law, do you know? Or, your young master Wang is so powerful that you can even despise the law gone?"

It's a pity that people who are full of thoughts of fighting can't listen to these words. They were already drunk, and when they were stimulated like this, they rushed forward regardless.

...then they were all thrown down by DU Chen and Mu Feibai like chopping melons and vegetables.

At this time, the siren sounded from far to near, and soon arrived at the scene of the incident.

After asking the personnel involved and calling the bar surveillance, the ins and outs of the matter became clear very quickly—Yao Jue, that is, the Oga who escaped from the bar, was the waiter of this bar, and was giving the "Wang Wang" in the box. When "Shao" was delivering wine, "Shao Wang" took a fancy to him and asked him to accompany him.

As a waiter, Yao Jue was sometimes helpless, so she agreed to accompany her. Unexpectedly, when he was with him, "Young Master Wang" started to move. He couldn't bear the grievance, so he saw the right time and escaped.

Unexpectedly, he would be chased by "Shao Wang"'s friends all the way to the door of the bar, and no one would lend a helping hand to him along the way.

Qiu Yu looked at the young man with half-long hair hanging on his shoulders, and recognized him as the waiter who led him and Mu Feibai in to find someone the night Du Chen was drunk.

Unexpectedly, this person is also an Oga, and he has also undergone a resection operation.

"Sorry for dragging you into this."

After the police intervened, Yao Jue quickly calmed down from the panic. There was almost no negative emotion on his face, and there was still a faint and gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Actually, I recognized you, so I asked you for help. I have the idea of ​​taking advantage of you, so I am very sorry... If this incident has brought you any bad influence, I can compensate you."

Mu Feibai was about to speak, but Du Chen said first, "Why are you so busy apologizing for the evil done by others?"

The words were good, but the tone was particularly bad, and Yao Jue couldn't help being stunned.

Mu Feibai said: "Don't pay attention to him, there is something wrong with his mouth."

Yao Jue smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine. I can understand what he means. He's actually a good man."

Zhou Shu couldn't help laughing, and elbowed Du Chen: "It's over, it's over, the first time a hero saves the beauty, he was issued a good person card!"

DU dust was so angry that he wanted to hit him.

Yao Jue quickly explained: "No! I didn't issue him a card, I really think he is a good person... At least, unlike other Alphas, they showed disgust towards me when they heard that I had the operation."

As he said that, he was a little nervous, subconsciously looking at Mu Feibai who was standing beside Qiu Yu. He knew that the other party was also an Alpha, and he might hate him, thinking that he might bring down Oga around him.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feibai's reaction was - he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Is your definition of 'good guy' so simple?" He was a little incredulous, "Then we are all good guys if we are present."

Yao Jue pursed her lips, showing a sweet smile: "Yes, you are all good people."

At this time, DU Chen suddenly asked: "Why do you need surgery?"

This question is somewhat offensive to the parties concerned.

He immediately reacted after asking, cleared his throat, and said awkwardly: " don't have to answer."

"Ah, there's nothing you can't say."

Yao Jue had a good temper, smiled, raised his hand and used his little finger to hook a strand of hair that fell on his cheek behind his ear.

"I used to have an Alpha, a childhood sweetheart, and I married him when I was just 18 years old. We had a very good relationship, and I gave birth to a pair of twins for him. Unfortunately, something happened to me , was accidentally marked by another Alpha."

Hearing this, Qiu Yu couldn't help frowning.

Du Chen looked at Yao Jue, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak in the end.

Yao Jue smiled: "He probably felt that the fault was mine, and that it was all my fault that I went out alone while he was on a business trip, so that I encountered that kind of thing. So he... took me to another star area, forcibly, let I underwent the operation, saying that only in this way, I will not go outside to hook up with other Alphas.

"At that time, his possessiveness was already a little pathological, and I couldn't resist. If I hadn't contacted the Oga Federation with the help of my friends, was escorted back, and successfully sued for divorce...I didn't even dare to think about it. I would watch it every day in the future. Seeing his face, how can I muster up the courage to live..."

When he talked about these things, there was not much pain on his face, but a faint smile all the time, as if he had really come out of the haze.

"...Won't the surgery be audited?" Du Chen clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.

Yao Jue said with a smile: "The review in the first star area is very strict, so he didn't dare to take me for surgery here. He knows that if I like children so much, then... if I love him, I will definitely not pass the review."

After finishing speaking, he frowned and smiled sweetly: "Fortunately, it's over. Although I didn't do the operation voluntarily, I'm fine now, I can come out to find a job, and I can walk freely on the street without Always worried about being bullied."

"Aren't you worried about being bullied?" Du Chen snorted, "Then what's the matter today?"

Yao Jue was silent.

Qiu Yu thought for a while and asked, "When you underwent surgery in other star regions, did you know about it? Are there many Oga who are involuntarily 'operated' like you?"

Yao Jue smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't have the energy to pay attention to these things at that time."

After a pause, he added: "However, I later heard in an Oga mutual aid group that the black market in some star regions in the west will sell Oga into clubs, and those Oga have undergone forced surgery to prevent them from Secretly conceive a child of a well-known Alpha, or use pheromones to seduce Alpha to be devoted to them, so as to escape...

"Most of the surgical patients in those underground clinics are of this type. They never cared about Oga's life on the operating table."