MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 66 Sure

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In the second semi-final on the next day, MIG narrowly beat EL with a score of 3:2. The Eagle Cavalry team's opponent in the final was also determined.

That afternoon, Qi Zhefeng finished the monitoring for Qiu Yu, looked at the data displayed on the instrument, and said: "There are signs of love overflowing again. There are still two days before the finals. You can find a suitable time and do the line again." Body mark."

Qiu Yu's heart trembled slightly: " fast."

"It's been more than 20 days." Qi Zhefeng said lightly, "Your cycle is inherently unstable. After all, the temporary mark is not a real mark, and it can play a limited role in regulating it. You..."

This time, he seemed to catch a slight change in Qiu Yu's mood, and asked, "Are you resisting the temporary mark?"

"It's not a conflict." Qiu Yu said, "I will do it."

It's just that the memory of the first two marks was too deep for him. Although he enjoys that kind of excitement and joy very much, it also makes him a little scared—fearing that if he experiences it too many times, he will be addicted to it and will be assimilated by the rules of this world ever since.

"I can see that you have resistance." Qi Zhefeng didn't believe Qiu Yu's words.

His tone is still calm: "I am a doctor, you can trust me, talk to me about the problems you encounter, maybe I can find a solution."

"It's not a physical reason," Qiu Yu said, "it should be a psychological reason."

"Psychology also belongs to the category of medicine." Qi Zhefeng said, "It is also the doctor's duty to listen to patients' thoughts and solve their worries."

As a soldier who may be injured at any time, Qiu Yu still has a high degree of trust in the profession of doctors. Hearing this, he thought for a moment, and told Qi Zhefeng his worries. Of course, he concealed things about his past, and only said that he was unwilling to yearn for and depend on the feelings brought by the mark.

After listening to Qiu Yu's words, Qi Zhefeng was silent for a while, and asked, "Does it feel very strong?"

Qiu Yu: "Well, very...profound."

Qi Zhefeng said: "This shows that the pheromone matching between you and Mu Feibai is very high."

Qiu Yu was surprised: "What do you mean?"

"Under normal circumstances, Oga will not show such a strong reaction to Alpha's temporary mark. The situation you encountered will only happen between a very small number of Oga and Alpha." Qi Zhefeng's tone seemed to have no emotion "Although it is not yet possible to quantify the matching degree of AO pheromones, the academic community generally believes that this situation means that the Oga and the Alpha's pheromones are very compatible, which can be regarded as..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, and let out a short, very weak breath from his nasal cavity, as if he sneered: "It's a 'God-sent marriage'."

Qiu Yu didn't expect that Dr. Qi's series of unemotional academic arguments would be followed by such a sentence, and he couldn't help being startled.

"Your situation is rare, but I...fortunately, I have seen it."

When Dr. Qi spoke, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and his fingers lightly tapped on the bracelet.

"If you don't have too many negative perceptions of him, you can actually try to accept him. Indulging in pleasure is the nature of human beings. As long as you don't lose yourself, it's not a bad thing to indulge in it occasionally. In fact, there is no need to be afraid."

In the end, he raised his eyes and looked at Qiu Yu: "You are afraid of indulging because you are not sure what kind of relationship you want to develop with him in the future, right?"

After a moment of silence, Qiu Yu nodded: "Yes."

Qi Zhefeng asked: "Do you not like Alpha, or do you not like men?"

Qiu Yu thought for a while and replied: "I should like men. As for Alpha, I actually don't have any feelings for ABO..."

He thought for a moment, and changed to a more direct way of expression: "I can't accept that I'm constrained by something I can't resist, and I can't accept that I will have children. Apart from that, Alpha has nothing special to me. There’s something to like or hate.”

Qi Zhefeng was thoughtful.

After a long time, he said: "You may have some Oga gender cognitive impairment, and you have no sense of identity with your Oga identity at all."

This statement hits the heart of the matter.

Qiu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at Qi Zhefeng: "Yes."

"It's inborn and cannot be changed." Qi Zhefeng said, "I also don't recommend you to accept any so-called 'corrective treatment'. Those treatment methods, better ones can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and worse ones are actually related to abuse. No difference."

After a pause, he added: "If you really can't accept being marked by Mu Feibai, the only suggestion I can give you is to temporarily change to a temporary marking target until you complete the operation."

Hearing this suggestion, Qiu Yu was silent for a long time, but finally said: "I still don't want to change it."

For some reason, thinking that he might be marked by other Alphas made him feel more conflicted. Not to mention being marked and carrying the breath of another Alpha on his body, he didn't even want another Alpha to touch the back of his neck at all.

"Do you like him?" Qi Zhefeng suddenly asked something that didn't fit his style.

Qiu Yu didn't think much about it, he just thought it was an extension of the topic just now.

He thought for a while, and replied, "I probably like it a little bit."

"Like him, but still afraid of indulging in the joy he brings you?" Qi Zhefeng asked again.

"I..." Qiu Yu was speechless.

"Because you haven't thought about your future yet?" Qi Zhefeng became a little aggressive.

Qiu Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Doctor Qi, I haven't figured out how much I like him. I'm just a little 'interested' in his body now..."

Perhaps it was because Qi Zhefeng was older than the team members and had a calmer temperament, and his status as a doctor also gave him some kind of blessing. Qiu Yu bluntly admitted his desire in front of him, but there was no psychological pressure at all.

Qi Zhefeng opened his mouth slightly, but stopped talking.

In the end, he gave a rare smile and said, "Actually, you don't have to be afraid to indulge in it. Even if you are affected by pheromones and inadvertently mark your reproductive cavity, modern medicine can perfectly block conception."

Qiu Yu: ...

He has always thought that most people in this world are very cautious about sex, and it is difficult to accept the habit of the end of the world who see the right thing and go straight to the topic, and don't have to be responsible after sleeping.

Why did Dr. Qi say this, as if he was supporting him in his recklessness?

Qi Zhefeng looked at Qiu Yu seriously: "You are really the most special Oga I have ever seen."

Qiu Yu finally decided to ask Mu Feibai to give him a third temporary mark, but this time Dr. Qi did not ask for surveillance.

"What's the matter with him? Has his **** changed?" Mu Feibai felt strange instead, "Why aren't we afraid that we won't be able to control it this time, and something more will happen?"

Qiu Yu smiled, took out the lancet from the waistband of his trousers, and let it turn over between his fingers.

Mu Feibai watched with horror: "Don't play with the scalpel like this, it's very sharp!"

Qiu Yu put the blade back into the fabric of his trouser waist, walked to the end of the bed and sat down, and said simply and neatly, "Come on."

The third temporary marking, can be regarded as familiar with the road.

After finishing, Mu Feibai fetched the disinfectant wipes that he had prepared for a long time, gently wiped off the blood on the back of Qiu Yu's neck, stretched out his hand, and hugged Qiu Yu into his arms from behind.

After hugging quietly for a while, seeing that Qiu Yu didn't resist, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Can I kiss you again?"

Qiu Yu laughed.

He closed his eyes slightly, thought about it very seriously for a while, and broke away Mu Feibai's arm that was embracing him.

Mu Feibai let go of Qiu Yu's strength, without hiding the sad expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Qiu Yu suddenly turned over, sat down on his lap, held his cheek with both hands, and kissed him deeply!

The young body couldn't bear to be teased, and when Mu Feibai came back to his senses again, he had already pressed Qiu Yu on the bed, the two of them kissed until their breathing and clothes were messed up, their bodies were fitted together through a layer or two of thin fabric. Together, each can feel that the other is ready to go.

Mu Feibai's hand was on Qiu Yu's waistband, but Qiu Yu held it tightly.

"No." Qiu Yu's eyes were wet, panting rapidly, but his tone was extremely firm, "Now, no."

After a long time, Mu Feibai slowly pulled out his hand.

He hugged Qiu Yu violently again, rubbing his cheek against the soft neck, and pressed hard into his arms, his voice was almost crying: "Brother... you'd better kill me and hurry up."

Qiu Yu pushed him lightly: "Relax, it hurts."

Mu Feibai loosened his arms, but he still didn't let him go, and said shamelessly, "I'm in pain too, bro. You've taken the initiative to kiss me so many times, and you're not responsible if you kiss me. Just forget about letting me be your boyfriend. I'm not allowed to be coquettish..."

Hearing his aggrieved voice, Qiu Yu couldn't help laughing.

Mu Feibai kissed the side of his neck, all the way to his ear, and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking?"

Qiu Yu: "I was wondering if I should let you be my boyfriend."

Mu Feibai froze suddenly.

After a while, he let go of Qiu Yu, pushed him away from his arms, and stared into Qiu Yu's eyes: "Are you serious?"

Qiu Yu: "Really."

Mu Feibai's eyes lit up instantly.

Qiu Yu: "Don't be happy yet, listen to me."

Mu Feibai: "Tell me."

Qiu Yu organized his language, and said slowly: "I actually don't agree with my Oga identity. If I can choose, I would like to become the most ordinary Beta. I cannot accept any form of conception. In order to avoid accidental marking, before the operation , I will not allow further behavior."

Mu Feibai looked at Qiu Yu and didn't speak.

Qiu Yu continued: "If you want to be my boyfriend, you have to accept me like this. If you can't accept it, we'll just stay as a temporary mark... From now on, I won't offend you again."

The silence was lengthy.

Qiu Yu waited for a long time, but he didn't get a response. He sighed in his heart, and put his palm on Mu Feibai's heart, trying to push him away.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feibai suddenly tightened his arms, hugged him, and quickly kissed him on the lips.

"I can accept it." Mu Feibai smiled until the corners of his eyes and eyebrows flew up, "Of course I can accept it! I like you, not because you are Oga. I like you no matter what you are, brother."

Qiu Yu's heart relaxed, and he unconsciously showed some annoyance: "Then you didn't talk just now!"

Mu Feibai grinned: "Isn't that to show that I'm thoughtful, lest you think I'll agree as soon as I get hotheaded..."

Just after confirming their relationship, the two hugged each other for a while again.

Mu Feibai endured and endured, and finally couldn't help it anymore, and asked: "You said just now that no further steps are allowed before the operation. What specific step do you mean? Can you not go in?"

Qiu Yu: ...

Heh, Alpha.