MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 741 Destruction Overture

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"I'm afraid that there is trouble on the Master's side."

Xu Mu said in a deep voice.

Changsheng nodded, his expression full of worry.

But he knows that if the master can't solve the enemy...

He also sent it up.

"I hope Master can get rid of this trouble." Changsheng sighed.

Then he returned to the God Realm and continued to polish the Holy Body.

After breaking and standing, he condensed into the Great Completion Holy Body, and at the same time grasped the cultivation direction of the Perfect Holy Body.

As long as you keep at it, sooner or later you will be able to enter the beginning.

As for level ten...

Unless he tempered his Eucharist into a brand new tenth-level avenue, it would be almost impossible to step into it.


Under the flicker of the blue giant face in the sky, Yang Shou began to doubt his life and the possibility of his own existence.

This memory, although unfamiliar, gave Yang Shou a very familiar feeling.

As if... it was really what he had experienced.

It's just that he forgot.

Now, it has been excavated by the blue remnant soul.

"Your memories were all transformed by the shadow into another person, he tried to lead you astray and erased your original memories..."

In the sky, the blue giant face continued to bewitch, guiding Yang Shou, causing his realm to decline rapidly.

At the same time as his decline, his immortal body actually began to crumble.


At Yang Shou's main body, this giant face loomed and suddenly appeared, staring at Yang Shou.

"What's the matter? This power..."

It watched Yang Shou's immortal body begin to crack, and the power emanating from it was as vast as the sea, and even it was startled by it.

"This... how many worlds should this be destroyed to gather so much power?"

It is unimaginable that someone in the world has access to such vast power.

Even in the era when it was a deity, no one could do this.

The power of countless worlds was cast into one, making Yang Shou's body form a whole.

"But... the more amazing you are, the faster you will die!"

Its voice was chilling.

It was suppressed by this Death Star for countless years, and it was finally out of trouble, but it was decided by Yang Shou!

It can't stand it!


"Don't you understand yet?"

"Your memory is just false!"

"Let me show you what real memory is!"

The blue giant face in the sky continued to bewitched, pulling Yang Shou into the field it was best at.

Countless so-called real memories, like spiders weaving webs, formed pictures in an instant and appeared in front of Yang Shou.

At this time, Yang Shou...

has fallen into deep suspicion.

He never thought that everything he had was false.

Even his memory has been manipulated.

All he knew was what others wanted him to know.

What he thought was just what people wanted him to think.

What are chess pieces?

He is a chess piece in the hands of others, but he has been trying to jump off the chessboard and become a chess player!

How ridiculous!

He smiled wryly, watching the scene in front of him change again.

He traveled alone in the universe, began to herd the stars, and evolved civilization.

Many worlds have evolved.

In the prehistoric world, there are Taoist ancestors who are amazing and brilliant.

In the God Realm, the perfect race of the God Race was born.

In the world of reincarnation, he instantly realized the Great Way of Reincarnation.

In the world of Hongmeng...

One world after another, but only those people he remembered were absent.

There is no longevity.

No white coat.

There is no blue sky.

There is no first ever.

No small cloth.

No Yu Ping An.

There is no Xu Mu.

Everything is just his fantasy.

He became more and more white, the words said by the giant face in the sky...

When you are not you...

What is the meaning of existence?

His memory was fabricated, including the fact that he wanted to become a chess player, but it was just a guide from the other party's fabricated memory.

All his behavioral motives are under the manipulation of that existence.

He doesn't even have autonomy.

As he doubted himself more and more thoroughly, his body collapsed faster and faster.

The energy contained in the inextinguishable body actually began to leak.

The doomed energy of destruction spreads out, destroying those blue mists.

Just the unconscious destruction of the doomed energy made the blue remnant soul tremble.

"This... this power, can actually swallow the soul?"

It was accidentally swallowed by this power and destroyed a small part of its soul energy.

In its memory, there are indeed many powers that can devour the soul.

But this power is too rare.

In the era of the three statues, the cultivation base was not obvious, and there was no such thing as the saints who specially opened up the world to deduce a higher realm and deduce more rich and diverse civilizations.

Therefore, Yang Shou did not know about the doomed energy that was unintentionally rectified by Yang Shou.

Although the cultivation base of the ancient three gods once dominated the world and reached the eleventh level, if the cultivation concept is really concerned, the current saints, with the development of the times, can already leave them alone.

The blue remnant soul quickly converged all souls to prevent it from being swallowed again.

However, it was just this flaw that it accidentally revealed, which made Yang Shou, who was in the memory picture, suspicious again.

In his perception, the blue remnant soul was destroyed by a small part of his soul energy.

These souls are extremely old, from countless years ago.

Pulling him, who was in the stage of self-doubt, into reality.

"Three, remnant souls."

He gritted his teeth and said these four words.

At this moment, he understood that the power from the remnant soul was constantly beguiling him, trying to break his Dao Heart.

Those memories, whether true or false, if he believed them, then... he might really die on the spot.

Because once he believes, it means he chooses to accept this memory.

As the remnant said, if the memory is changed, then... what is the difference between a different person?

At that time, this Yang Shou will die.

And he...

Under the desire to survive, he kept telling himself these four words.

"Three, remnant soul..."

It's just... he was in the blue fog, and the ubiquitous memories kept brainwashing him, trying to make him forget everything in the past.

Let him accept this new memory.

In this new memory, he was not counted.

All because he worshipped a master and then embarked on the path of cultivation.

This cultivation path is very smooth, he has even reached the Beginning Realm, and is preparing to break through the tenth level.

"Huh? This will is so firm?"

The blue remnant soul was surprised again. It was able to control the memories of all living beings at the beginning of the ancient times.

This is the tenth-level avenue.

All beings in the world, even the tenth-level memory, can be manipulated.

This is also its biggest killer move.

So before, it and Yang Shou were lost in energy collision, and it chose to drag Yang Shou into it.

With this trick, it believes that it can make Yang Shou doubt himself and die directly!

In the early days of ancient times, there was a saying that people who lost their memories waited for death.

How can you show that you are different from others?

The only thing that can be proved is memory!

And like Yang Shou's firm will, in his memory, he has seen some.


"No matter how firm your will is, you have been calculated too much in your life."

The blue remnant said coldly, and then, a new scene began to evolve in the picture.

In the picture, Yang Shou, who practiced the Great Way of Creation and the Great Way of Reincarnation, reached the Beginning Realm, and when he was about to break through the tenth level, a sudden change occurred.

His master... the black shadow suddenly appeared.

Take him directly!

"Have you seen it? This is your master! He helps you practice and guides you to evolve the world, but for his own selfish desires!"

"He is trying to inquire about a higher realm, trying to enter the eleventh level, and then disperse all the cultivation bases and be reborn!"

Taking advantage of this calculated scene, the blue remnant soul is once again bewitched.

Hearing this sentence, he was still struggling. Yang Shou, who resisted the bewitching, suddenly opened his eyes at the same time, together with Yang Shou, who was being taken away in his memory.

"You... forced me!"

Later, Yang Shou, who was in memory, began to try to resist.

It's just that everything about him is taught by Sombra, and all attacks are not worth mentioning to Sombra.

After a battle, the shadow crushed Yang Shou in the memory picture!

In the memory picture, Yang Shou gritted his teeth, and at a critical moment, he abandoned the body of reincarnation and the avenue of creation contained in it.

He gave all the results of his hard work to Sombra.

When I got Yang Shou completely fell into the memory picture.

All his own memories seemed to be erased at this moment, replaced by the memories fabricated by the blue giant face in front of him.


In a thousand worlds.

The world... began to become extremely illusory!

Xu Mu's face changed greatly. He knew that Master had encountered unprecedented trouble.

It may even be bigger than what he remembered in that death!

in the abyss of cause and effect.

The Lord of Black Mist raised his eyes slightly, frowned at everything around him, and felt something in his heart.

"Are you going to die?"

His tone was very cold, neither sad nor happy, and he closed his eyes again.

For him, Yang Shou's life and death did not matter much.

From beginning to end, he never regarded Yang Shou as a real opponent.

His opponent will always be the Lord of the Upper Realm!


World 7.

The ancestor who was integrated with the earth also seemed to sense something, and a figure appeared.

"This little guy, won't he just die like this? Is the end of the holy world coming?"

He frowned, but he had no intention of leaving Earth.

Everything in the outside world has little to do with him.

Nothing is more important than surviving the inevitable catastrophe that lies ahead.

Only by being alive can you qualify for the eleventh level!

As for Ling Zu or the Lord of the Upper Realm who is fighting with him, even if they reach the eleventh level, he does not think that the other party can survive this world catastrophe.

"Right now, it's just the beginning!"

He murmured, the figure disappeared from the earth again, and the will enveloped the entire earth, guarding the world No. 7 in front of him!

Next, it won't be long before the three remnant souls get out of trouble together, and the entire holy world will usher in earth-shaking changes!