MTL - This Guy is Wrong-Chapter 2542 Ask Immortal Huangquan (122)

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   Chapter 2542 Asking Immortal Huangquan (122)

   Hu Shuo was a mature manager and didn't kill him at night - he came the next morning.

  Hu Shuo entered the door with an expression of "I knew it was like this".

   Looking at Chuzheng's eyes, it is sad and helpless.

   Like that, as if Chuzheng did something to him.

   Chuzheng ate his breakfast calmly. Hu Shuo didn't have much time, so he suppressed his 'grief' and quickly reported to Xing Jue.

   Xingjue has basically figured out the situation of the group now.

   There is basically no need for Hu Shuo's reminders, and he has been able to do his job as president with his ability.

   After Hu Shuo finished speaking, he couldn't help but ask Chuzheng: "Miss Chuzheng, when will the outside thing stop?"


  What's the matter?

   Chuzheng hasn't had time to watch the news.

  Hu Shuo said so, she clicked on the news and found that there were still people who committed suicide.

   But compared to the day of the outbreak, the number is not much now.

   is like a dozen people every day.

  Hu Shuo was speechless.

   Not more than a dozen people a day?

  'Yao Zhuyue' has a very special ability, she can affect the thinking of human beings and cause them to die.

   This influence is not temporary.

  Like now that ‘Yao Zhuyue’ has been caught, there are still people affected, and the scope is not limited to any place, but almost all over the city.

   They don't look like they usually do, but when a certain "key information" is triggered, they suddenly commit suicide.

   How many people 'Yao Zhuyue' has affected, Chu Zheng doesn't know.

   That guy seems to have run a lot.

  If she's been using her abilities all the time, I'm afraid where she's been...

   For this problem, Su Tiyue also came to ask Chuzheng if there was a solution.

   The incense that Chuzheng gave has long been used up.

   "Yes, yes, but do you pay?" The ones she gave for free were already worthy of them.


  Su Tiyue gritted her teeth, applied with the above, and transferred a batch of spirits as a reward.

   Chuzheng was probably not very satisfied, but in the end, seeing Xing Jue's face, he still agreed.

  Su Tiyue: "…"

  Why didn't he let Xingjue talk to her?

   Obviously Su Tiyue is naive.

  Xingjue's kindness is only shown in front of Chuzheng.

   In front of others, how could Xing Jue speak so well.

  Su Tiyue took advantage of Chuzheng's absence and whispered to Xing Jue: "Can't your memory be restored yet?"

   For so long, he didn't remember anything.

  Xingjue's tone was not very concerned: "Maybe."

  Su Tiyue frowned: "Then you..."

  Xingjue smiled gently: "It doesn't matter if I have a memory or not, the person I want is by my side, that's fine."

  Su Tiyue: "…"

   Being seen by her, she didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

   Not to mention she was lying to you from the beginning...

  Su Tiyue doesn't know what happened in the game, so it's hard to persuade her.

  Su Tiyue sighed: "Then I'll go first, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, let me know if you have anything."


  Xingjue watched Su Tiyue leave, and when the others were gone, the faint smile on his face faded, and he looked at the void quietly, with no focus in his eyes.

   I don't know how long it took, Xing Jue raised his hand to cover his face.


after one day.

   Officially released a message that the whole city needs to be disinfected. Please don’t take extra precautions. The disinfectant is safe and non-toxic and can be directly touched, which is also good for them.

   Suicide, the official pretense is a virus that can affect nerves.

  No one has seen anything strange, so this pretense can basically convince people.

   However, there has been a flu incident before, so it is inevitable that there will be conspiracy theories.

   Chuzheng turned off the news, and only had an indifferent expression about it.

   She went down to Guan Jiang Yunli and Lu Fengze's room.

  Lu Fengze still stayed within the range of the white circle, while Jiang Yunli sat outside.

   Neither of them paid any attention to the other, but they did not confront each other.

   "Didn't I tell you to keep them together?" Chu Zheng turned his head and asked Liu Zhong.

  Liu Zhong: "It's together."

   Chuzheng: "…"

  Liu Zhong: "…"

  Liu Zhong didn't lock Jiang Yunli in Bai Guang, because he was afraid that the two would really fight.

  Jiang Yunli saw Chuzheng and said, "I thought you weren't coming."

  Lu Fengze in the white light raised his eyes and glanced, then lowered his eyes again, as if it was nothing to do with him hanging up high.

   Chuzheng: "Take him out."

   Liu Zhong took Jiang Yunli out and locked him in another room.

   Most of the rooms here are dark, but the room where Jiang Yunli is at this time is clean and bright.

   There were chairs and tables in the room, Jiang Yunli was not polite, he pulled out the chair and sat down.

   Chuzheng was separated from him by a transparent glass.

   "Tell me when you started."

   "I don't remember." Jiang Yunli seemed to be recalling: "It's been a long time."

   Chuzheng didn't ask any further questions, and directly changed the question: "Why did you lead me to Beihe Tianjing?"

   "North and patio..."

   Jiang Yunli whispered.

   After a moment, he chuckled: "Of course I want you to help me open there."

   Chuzheng: "Why?"

  Jiang Yunli was silent for a while, then choked out two words: "Fun."

   Chuzheng: "…"

   Chuzheng wanted to go in and beat someone, but Liu Zhong next to her gave her a wary look.

   Don't kill people before you finish asking.

   is not without such a precedent…

   Fortunately, Chuzheng stabilized, and did not have the same knowledge as Jiang Yunli.

  Jiang Yunli said that fun is one of them, and the other is to make some trouble for Chuzheng.

   After all, if that connection point is opened, then she has to deal with those unknown creatures, so she won't have so much time to pay attention to him.

   He has more time to prepare for the rest.

  Chuzheng calmed down and stared at Jiang Yunli: "How do you know there is a junction there?"

   That junction point is not recorded at all, but there are traces of construction.

   Where did Jiang Yunli know about this junction...

   It has to be said that Jiang Yunli was still an unknown creature, when he first came to this world.

   He was very weak at that time, his level was not high, and his abilities were average.

  Although the unknown creatures here are all different, they rarely interact.

   But some unknown creatures will attack the same kind to improve their level.

  Jiang Yunli was unfortunate enough to meet such an unknown creature.

   I don't know if he was lucky or bad luck.

   He was not dead, he was caught.

   That person is studying unknown creatures, but he is good with unknown creatures.

  Jiang Yunli was the first group to be caught, and it was also the unknown creature who had been following that person.

   He stayed with him for a long time.

   That junction point is known from that person.

   "The one you said?"

   "Miss Chuzheng, that was more than a hundred years ago, of course she died." Jiang Yunli smiled: "Do you think everyone is like you, immortal?"

   Chuzheng: "…"

   I feel offended!

   (end of this chapter)