MTL - This Guy is Wrong-Chapter 2490 Ask Immortal Huangquan (70)

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   Chapter 2490 Asking Immortal Huangquan (70)

   Chuzheng had already left the well: "Do you remember what time it was?"

   "Of course I remember this. It was the summer of ten years ago. It was the day when my son's grades were released. My son did well in the test. I was happy and invited someone to drink..."

   The host went off the mark as soon as he said it, and began to praise his son.

   "Specific time." Chuzheng was not interested in his son.

   "Oh oh's July 12th."

   Chuzheng narrowed his eyes: "Are you sure it's this time?"

   The owner glared at him: "I'm sure I can't remember this wrong! Can I still remember my son?"

  Su Tiyue sees Chuzheng not quite right: "Is there any problem here?"

   He has already checked it just now, and there is nothing unusual here.

   "There is the sound of water below." Chuzheng tapped the ground with her toes, and said with a blank face, "There is something down here." There was something familiar to her...

  Su Tiyue was not sure what Chuzheng said.

  Su Tiyue: "What's wrong with the time he said just now?"

  Chuzheng: "You haven't entered the Unknown Biology Administration ten years ago?"

   "...No." He didn't even know what an unknown creature was at that time.

  "..." Chuzheng gave him a disgusting look, "Go back and check it yourself, you should have information there."

  Su Tiyue: "..."

   "I want to go down and have a look."

  Su Tiyue was surprised: "Go down?"

   Chuzheng didn't respond, and turned around to inform Liu Zhong to come over.

  Su Tiyue frowned and turned to contact the people in the bureau.

   Let them check what happened in July ten years ago.


  A villa.

   The room was very dark, there was almost no light, the man sat in the shadows, playing back and forth with the mask in his hand.

   The door was pushed open, and a figure hurried in.

   "Sir, she found Beihe Tianjing."

  The man made a move, and his tone was still quite casual: "Really? Just found it?"

   "We didn't dare to get too close, for fear of being discovered. The specifics are not yet clear. Sir, we need to stop..."

  The man didn't say anything, he didn't know what he was thinking.

   "You go out first."


   The room was quiet again, and there seemed to be something surging in the darkness.

   After an unknown amount of time, a short chuckle sounded, and then calmed down again.


  Pingning Town.

   It was already afternoon when Liu Zhong brought Su Yao and Yeyue Li over, Liu Zhong quickly negotiated with the host here, and the host left with his family first.

   "Protect him." Chuzheng pointed at Xingjue.

  Xing Jue stood aside, watching without saying a word, without showing any emotion.

  Only when Chuzheng looked at him, Xingjue would smile lightly.

   "I'll go down with Miss Chuzheng." Su Yao took the initiative.

  The depth of the north and the patio is much deeper than Chuzheng thought, and after the end, after the two sides expand, you need to go down.

   is like a T. Looking down from the wellhead, the bottom you see is the middle part of the horizontal T.

   But go both ways, and there is a passage to the bottom.

   "Miss Chuzheng, which way are you going?" Su Yao looked down, it was too dark to see anything.

   Chuzheng looked at both sides, and finally determined the left.


   It took about seven or eight minutes for Chuzheng to reach the bottom, and she went around the silver thread and retracted it on her wrist.

  Su Yao turned on the lighting tool and illuminated the surroundings.

  It is surrounded by bluestone walls with obvious artificial traces. The space is not large, it is circular, with a diameter of about ten meters.

  There are two doors, one is open and the other is closed, I don't know where to go.

  The robot fell out of Chuzheng's pocket, rolled around, and soon cast a three-dimensional image of the entire space in the void.

   "Miss Chuzheng, this was built manually?" Su Yao looked around: "It looks like it's a long time ago."

   There will be an echo when speaking, which sounds a bit strange.


  Chuzheng took the flashlight that Su Yao handed over. There was nothing here, it was very empty.

   "Where does this door lead to?" Su Yao was standing in front of the open door, looking in, "The light is not far..."

   When the light enters, it has only a penetration of one meter, and it does not shine far at all.

   "It should be some kind of light-absorbing substance." Chuzheng didn't pay attention to the open door, but stood in front of the unopened door.

  This door is covered with moss all around, so it has been a long time since no one has opened it.

   Chuzheng pressed his palm against the door, and the cold touch spread from the palm of his hand.

  Su Yao didn't dare to move, he stepped back from the open door without speaking, and just stood beside Chuzheng.

   Chuzheng withdrew his hand after a while and started looking for the mechanism to open the door.

   However, there are no organs in this space.

   Chuzheng paced back and forth in front of the door, she could feel that there were unknown creatures here, but not here...

   is deeper.

   "North and..."

   "Miss Chuzheng, what did you say?"

   "It's nothing." Chuzheng turned around and walked towards the open door: "Go over here first."

The    passage is not wide, and after entering, the light can only reach a range of one meter.

   The two entered one after the other, and almost at the same time, the door slammed shut.

  Su Yao was startled, it was too late to go back.

   "Miss Chuzheng..."


   There was a sound outside the door, the sound of heavy objects moving.

   It's like the door over there opened.

  And...the sound of water...


  Liu Zhong sat by the well, paying attention to what was going on below. It was quiet at first, and there was no sound.

   But gradually, he heard a little movement.

   "There is a sound?" Ye Yueli also heard it and came over.

  Liu Zhong looked down, and vaguely saw something floating above, getting higher and higher...


   Liu Zhong was a little surprised.

  Su Tiyue and Xingjue heard the movement and came over, just in time to see the well water coming up and flowing directly.

  Su Tiyue: "It seems that what that person said may be true."

   This well can really produce water.

   It's just that he didn't spray it directly as the owner described.

   "Baby will be okay?" Xing Jue is more concerned about this.

   Liu Zhong and Ye Yueli didn't respond, Su Tiyue said, "Don't worry, she won't die."

   The water outlet time is not long, it lasted about half an hour, except that the water flowed out directly at the beginning, and the water level in the back has been maintained at the same height as the wellhead.

   After half an hour, the water began to recede. If there were no water stains, who could believe that there was water in this well?

  Su Tiyue received the information from the bureau.

   "Around July ten years ago, there was a large-scale riot of unknown creatures, and many people died."

   He was still studying at that time, and he remembered that people often died during that time.

   also said what virus or something...

  Su Tiyue turned over the information.

The    data did not mention why the unknown creatures rioted, but it started suddenly.

  According to the data, the fluctuation of the spiritual value of Jingnan City has been in an abnormal situation during that time.

   But they didn't find the source of the exception.

   In the end, the whole thing ended, and nothing came of it.

   (end of this chapter)