MTL - This Game is Not Easy-Chapter 61 dark battle

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The breathing changed from heavy to calm.

The old one-eyed stood up straight and glanced at the large candles on the left and right.

That was the only source of light in the room.

"Wait! Does he want to..."

As soon as the Baya knight became alert, the old one-eyed had already pulled out two small portable crossbows from his body.

Straighten both hands, one left and one right, facing the direction of the light source, and pull the triggers respectively.



The sound of breaking the air sounded, and the candle went out instantly.

The whole room went dark all of a sudden.

"Damn it!? What happened?"

"The Night Demon has started! He is good at fighting in the dark, and the old one-eyed is indeed a Night Demon!"

Two slightly panicked voices sounded from the entrance of the room.

Compared to the reactions of the two, the Baya Knight was much calmer.

But the environment where the black hand could not see the five fingers in front of him still made him look ugly.

"I'm so careless, I didn't expect that Old One-eyed would have a portable crossbow."

"This is somewhat inconsistent with the rumored fighting style of the Night Demon... Maybe it's a personal item brought by the player."

"Humph! Because my identity is exposed, so I won't hide it anymore, are you ready to give it a go?"

"It's a pity, your opponent is me! I'm going to decide this hundred points!"

Taking a deep breath, the Baya Knight closed his eyes.

This is an underground secret passage, and there is no moonlight.

Darkness is true darkness. Without the light source, the naked eye can hardly see anything.

If that's the case, it's better to close your eyes completely and focus on your hearing.


There were two more air-breaking sounds.

The Baya Knight's ears moved slightly, and he rolled on the spot keenly.


The sound of crossbow arrows colliding with the ground immediately resounded from the location where they had been.


"Ah! My feet!"

At the same time, at the entrance of the room, the screams of his companions sounded.

Ignoring the screams, a thought flashed through Knight Baya's heart.

"The filling time is about five seconds."

"According to the sound, the location of the old one-eyed is..."

With a kick, the Baya Knight's speed suddenly exploded, rushing towards the source of the sound of the crossbow arrow.


The rapid speed, driving the gusts of wind, suddenly exposed the movements of the Baya knight.

"Who is there!"

"Is it the Night Demon or the Baya Knight who rushed over?"

Before the old one-eyed could respond, the two companions who blocked the door, instead, shouted loudly.

"A bunch of useless trash."

Killing intent flashed in his heart, the Baya Knight's speed increased again, and the whistling sound became more pronounced.

However, he didn't seem to mind, and even had some intention of exposing himself.

Because it was only two seconds before the arrow was fired.

In such a short time, the crossbow bolts must not be fully loaded.

So have no fear.

Moreover, although the Baya Knights made a guess about the position of the old one-eyed.

But the old one-eyed will definitely move afterward, resulting in a prejudgment bias.

At this time, if this momentum can make the old one-eyed panic and reveal more location information, that would be perfect.

But the old one-eyed character is not a simple character, and despite the whirring of the Baya knight, he is imposing. It just didn't make any sound, silently lurking in the darkness.


At this time, the Baya Knights had already rushed to their destination, but unfortunately, it was destined to be an empty field.

"It must be around."

"If you want to leave this area quickly, you will definitely make a sound."

"But I listened carefully just now, and there was no such big movement here."

"This means that the old one-eyed must move in a small range with light hands and feet, so the range of movement must be very small."

With his feet moving slightly, the Baya Knight silently groped around.

This time, he didn't dare to make a sound, and completely hid himself.

Because five seconds have passed.

At this point, the old one-eyed double crossbow could be fired at any time.

The Baya Knight quietly explored the surroundings while guarding against possible attacks.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

The old one-eyed seemed to have some scruples and did not attack again.

The Baya Knight is still searching for the location of the old one-eyed, and there is no progress for the time being.

The remaining two people held their breaths and did not dare to intervene in this level of battle.

However, they still had doubts in their hearts.

According to rumors, the Night Demon is very powerful, and once had the record of slaughtering the entire village with the power of one person.

Why doesn't seem to be very strong.

Moreover, using a portable crossbow is not like the fighting style of the Night Demon.

In other words, whether the old one-eyed is a Night Demon or not, it is still uncertain.

But the old one-eyed did take the initiative to attack, this is undeniable.

So even if it's not a Night Demon, it's definitely an enemy.

What's more, if you know such secret passages, there is a big problem at first sight.

Time passed minute by minute.

This harmonious scene of peace and harmony lasted for more than ten breaths before it changed.


It was the sound of metal hitting the wall.

Almost at the same moment, the sound of the portable crossbow breaking through the air followed.



The direction of the arrow's attack was not in the direction of the wall, but in the direction of the source of the sound.

He even made a little pre-judgment.

Unfortunately, in the end, it was still the sound of crossbow arrows hitting the ground.


"Got you!"

The next moment, the sound of hard steps and the shouting with excitement sounded almost at the same time.

Although he couldn't see, the old one-eyed could sense that a shadow was speeding towards him.

The breath of death came from the surface.

Cold sweat ran across the old one-eyed cheek, his expression became more focused, and the movements in his hands quickly accelerated.

This time, he broke the previous record. It only took two seconds to reload the portable crossbow.

Of course, just filled a handful.

The other one is still empty.

The five-second reload time is the time to reload two portable crossbows.

If you just reload one, the time will naturally be halved, but the lethality will inevitably decrease.


The sound of running is getting closer.

The sense of oppression is getting stronger and stronger.

The old one-eyed raised his head with difficulty, swallowed his saliva, and his back was dripping with cold sweat.

"For the castle master!"

Opening his throat, the old one-eyed roared and smashed the empty portable crossbow towards the source of the sound.

Almost at the same time, he pulled the trigger of another portable crossbow.


The first portable crossbow was blocked by the Baya Knight with his empty left hand.

At the same time, he immediately locked the old one-eyed new position coordinates again, and adjusted the direction slightly.


But at this moment, the Baya Knight heard a familiar sound of breaking through the air from right in front of him.

Almost before he could even react, the crossbow arrow had already hit his body precisely.


The sound of crossbow arrows piercing into flesh, and the pain, came almost at the same time.

Ps1: Thanks to ‘Gtedlyy’ for the 500 starting coins.

Ps2: Thanks for the 100 starting point coins for the reward of 'this Qin is not this love'.