MTL - This Game is Not Easy-Chapter 55 prudent

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Watching the Baya knight muttering to himself, he walked towards the door of the warehouse.

The remaining four couldn't help looking at each other.

"How about the Baya Knight..."

"Shh! It is rumored that he is so strange. If you talk too much, you may be killed."


At this moment, the Baya Knight, who had come to the gate of the warehouse again, suddenly stopped.

Looking back, the doubts in Baya Knight's heart have disappeared, and the playful smile blooms again.

"Baya Knight?"

"Baya Knight..."

The four of them were puzzled, and followed the line of sight of the Baya Knight.

There is the corpse of Knight Agold.

Corpse? !

The four of them trembled.

Sure enough, the rumors are true, and the Baya Knights really have that special hobby...

The four of them felt a chill.

At this moment, the Baya knight had pushed the four away and came to the body of the Agud knight.

"The place where the dust traces finally disappeared is here."

"It's interrupted from here, what does this mean... Is there something wrong with this corpse, or is there another secret passage in it?"

Thinking of this, Knight Baya leaned down, carefully checked the condition of Knight Agold's body, and stretched out his hand to take a breath.

"The muscles of the corpse are starting to stiffen, and the corpse spots have appeared."

"The breathing is completely still, and the heart is not beating up and down."

"There is no problem with this corpse."

The curvature of the corners of the mouth became higher again.

Standing up and turning his head, Knight Baya said to the four behind him, "You guys, carry this corpse to the side."


The four of them were stunned for a moment, and after feeling the sight of the Baya knight became cold, they hurriedly walked over.

The Baya Knight took three steps back and drew out another dagger on his waist.

Two daggers fluttered at his fingertips at the same time, his expression relaxed and appropriate.

But if you look closely, you can see that the Baia Knight's breathing has become a little faster, as if he is secretly on guard for something, and he seems to be waiting for something.

He understands that now has come to a critical moment.

If there is a secret passage under the corpse, then the Night Demon is in the secret passage.

If there is no secret passage under the corpse, then the corpse is a Night Demon!

Although the latter is extremely unlikely, the Baya Knights are very trusting in their identity skills.

If there is really no secret way, after eliminating all the impossible, the only possibility is the truth.

Even that corpse has corpse spots!

Seeing that the four people in front of him had surrounded the corpse, the Baya Knight quietly clenched the dagger, and his heart began to beat faster.

But the playful smile on his face became more and more prosperous, as if he was enjoying such an exciting moment, and was vaguely looking forward to something.

"Switching zones is indeed the right choice. There are many masters, and the situation is constant. Even such a low-intensity game copy can bring such a sense of tension and excitement."

Licking his dry lips, the Baya Knight stared firmly at the stiff corpse.

To his disappointment, even if he was caught by four people at the same time, the corpse didn't respond at all.

The other four didn't know the thoughts of the Baya Knights.

After the shield knight grabbed Fang Yi's shoulder, he looked at the other three.

Eyes crossed, the four of them nodded in unison.

The shield knight was ready to turn Fang Yi over to the side of Baron Ram's corpse next to him.

But as soon as the strength went down a little, he found that the body of Knight Agold was much lighter than he thought.

With just a little effort, the corpse rolled away.

At the same time, due to the miscalculation of strength, the Shield Knight couldn't help but lean forward, his center of gravity was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he stepped forward with his right foot forcefully to stabilize his body.


The Shield Knight just breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't lose face in public.

Suddenly, I felt a bump under my right foot.

If that's the case, he wouldn't take it to heart. After all, the surrounding ground is also somewhat uneven.

But the problem is, the place under his feet is not only uneven, but also a little loose, and the touch is quite strange.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you OK?"

The other three would have already put their bodies away and looked back at the Shield Knight who almost fell.


Having said that, the shield knight still frowned slightly, and he was a little concerned.


At this moment, behind the shield knight, there was a sudden humming sound.

Looking back, Baia Knight's face was almost close to his.

Baya Knight? !

Trembling in his heart, the shield knight was startled and hurriedly retreated.

However, the Baya Knight ignored his frightened reaction, and instead looked at the place where the Shield Knight had stepped on with his right foot with interest.

"This... it should be a backdoor switch, right?"

"It's no wonder that many places in the warehouse area have uneven floors. I'm afraid it's just to cover up this area."

"But luck is a bit good, is it a coincidence...or is it..."

Knight Baya looked at the corpse of Knight Agud next to him, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, clenched his dagger, and slowly walked towards the corpse.

"Knight Baya, you, you scared me to death just now, I thought...Wait, what are you doing?"

The shield knight has recovered his senses at this Seeing the behavior of the Baya knight, his voice instantly increased.

The other three immediately noticed the abnormality of the Baya Knight, and their eyes were all focused.

Before, Doctor Bird's Beak was arrested in the dungeon just because he said dissecting such a blasphemous corpse.

And now, the Baya Knights also seem to have a tendency to desecrate corpses.

This kind of thing is definitely impossible to hide.

If Count Xhosa finds out, the four of them won't be able to escape.

The four looked at each other, their expressions full of tension and worry.

"Baja Knight, calm down, don't forget about Dr. Gul!"

With hesitation flashing on his face, the shield knight rushed towards the Baya knight.

As a devout believer, he does not allow anyone to blaspheme his beliefs in front of him, not to mention that this matter involves his life.

At this time, the Baya Knight had already come to the Agud Knight's side.

He turned a blind eye to the reactions of the crowd.

With a frown, he raised his dagger and stabbed the corpse fiercely.

"He really wants to do it!"

The remaining four people jumped in their hearts.

The Shield Knight immediately accelerated and charged towards it.



The sound of the crash and the piercing sounded almost at the same time.

But when everyone took a closer look, their hearts sank.

Because of the movement of the Shield Knight, it was still a beat slower.

Although the baya knight's dagger was "forced" to shift from the position of the heart, it still stabbed the right leg of the corpse of the knight Agold fiercely.

And because of the collision of the shield knight and the explosive power of the baya knight.

On the spot, Knight Argud's thigh was scratched with a deep scar that could be seen to the bone, and blood immediately flowed to the ground.