MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 18 I cover this boss

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The ground was shaking.

The old but intact mine tunnel was fragmented, the roar of the earth's veins went from far to near, the rubble continued to fall, and his feet were shaking almost unsteadily.

The searchlight that was carried all the way fell to the ground in the previous flutter, and was instantly pressed by the stones. The afterglow of the light was quickly absorbed by the darkness, leaving only a little light above the ventilation shaft.

There are artificially installed blowers on the ventilation shaft, which may fall off the stone wall at any time, but once you leave here, you cannot resist the ubiquitous poison gas.

It is already close to the exit, but it seems to be a natural gap that cannot be crossed anyway.

In a desperate situation, Gu Yuan smiled calmly, pulled the land lamp into his arm, and leaned down to protect him tightly: "Don't be afraid."

The sound through the breathing mask was a little stuffy, humming softly in the ear, as if resonating with the same heartbeat.

Lu Deng blinked, leaned quietly in his arms, and fumbled to find his hand.

The electronic sound of the system is getting more and more urgent, and it keeps returning progress in mind. Galileo's special envoy found that the underground situation was wrong and had ventured down the exit to search, and they could bet again.

Perceived the extra force in the palm of his hand, Gu Yuan, through the thin light, met the bright and bright awns in those eyes that were still not dim, and for a moment, he nodded with a smile: "OK."

Since his teenager wants to keep going, there is nothing wrong with it.

With that said, he had taken a deep breath, took off his mask, buried the person in his arms firmly in his jacket, and stood up again.

Although physically exhausted, Gu Yuan's speed has not slowed down. Along the way, avoiding the gravel that was constantly falling above his head, firmly guarding the young man in his arms, he fumbled in the darkness.

After walking for a while, the air gradually became fresh.

The burning sensation in the lungs faded, and the land light slightly supported the body. If Gu Yuan looked back, he realized that the falling rocks had completely blocked their way.

The poisonous gas was trapped behind the gravel, but the area of ​​the vent was twisted and stretched and expanded. Due to the constantly changing terrain, fresh air slowly flowed in.

Gu Yuan's eyes burst into surprise, holding his hand tightly.

He raised the corner of his lips silently, and his right hand with a dangling light struggling for a while in his pocket, took out the last sugar, peeled it with one hand, and fed it to Gu Yuan's lips.

The sweet scent of milk spread quietly, Gu Yuan's eyebrows were dumbfounded, he bit his mouth half and opened the remaining half, and lowered his head into the boy's mouth.

The lip **** away when touched, and the sweetness opens at the tip of the tongue.

Gu Yuan took a deep breath, took him into his arms, and continued to move forward.

Take one more step and you have one more hope of living.

Poison gas is no longer a threat, but tunnels and rubble that may collapse at any time are still in crisis. Gu Yuan tried his best to walk carefully, fumbled in the dark, and stumbled forward, but still inevitably unstable under his feet.

Lu Deng took his hand lightly, and Gu Yuan steadily shook it, wrapping the hand in his palm.

The injury was ahead, and the poisonous gas was behind. The teenager's hands were no longer familiar and warm, but the strength was still stable and constant.

Gu Yuan felt a pain in his heart for a while. He gently moved the person into his arms and tried to pass the temperature on him, but suddenly he shook violently at his feet.

Climbing his arm around his shoulder and neck, Lu Deng tried his best to catch his body and rest on his shoulder.

A new wave of tremor came sharply, and the mine tunnel under their feet was overwhelmed, and fracture displacement began to occur.

The rubble under his feet suddenly became sparse, and the sound of falling rocks came from his ears. Gu Yuan sank abruptly in his chest, and pushed the land light onto the narrow platform between the rocks for machine excavation, and said quickly: "Don't move, wait for me, wait for me to pick you up!"

The roads between the mines were originally complicated, and the earthquake was even worse. Lu Zhiguang was short of physical strength and couldn't go far. Once he hurriedly moved, he was destined to be more fierce.

He couldn't care what he was going to face. Gu Yuan was so anxious that his eyes always fell on the blurry figure that was getting farther and farther, his body quickly fell down, and he soon fell into the darkness without light.

Lu Deng wanted to respond and opened his mouth, but only hoarse air flowed from his throat.

Thinking of the poisonous gas inhaled in a hurry, Lu Deng raised his hand and touched his neck, and his heart became empty for a moment, but his eyes quickly turned quiet, and Gu Yuan's life level monitoring was called up.

Below is an underground river that has never been found. It moved up in a strong shock. Falling from here is not necessarily a dead end.

The sound of stones roared all around, and Lu Deng sat still in place, squinting his eyes, and the slightly pale Qingxuan eyebrows completely calmed down.

"Host ..."

I don't know how long after that, the sound of the system came from Ai in the middle of my mind, with clear and careful.

"Target person-the target person has been washed ashore, I opened his life monitoring position for Galileo, and the search envoy will soon find him ..."

Under the influence of poisonous gas, Lu Deng's body was unable to speak smoothly, but it was not affected in his mind: "It's hard."

"Are the hosts still gone?"

The system was a little urgent, and the electronic voice was faintly accelerating: "After all, the rescue operation violated the sovereignty of Guarcin. After the target person was rescued, he would be immediately taken away by Galileo, and he would not pick up the host!"

Even with the map, Lu Deng's body is not enough to support going out.

If Gu Yuan doesn't return, sooner or later, Lu Deng will be crushed to pieces by the rising stones under the earthquake, or he will be choked by the collapse and blocking all the vents.

In the case of inactive withdrawal, the feeling of death is 100% simulated reality. The system could not bear to see his host suffer in this way, but did not dare to force a decision for him, and could only try his best to persuade him.

"Will do."

Lu Deng pursed the corners of his lips and patiently responded to it, his eyes fell to the darkness of nothingness. An uninjured hand fumbled several times, picking up a stone and placing it in front of it.

Gu Yuan said that this time it is enough to count to ten.

He is inconvenient to speak, and the right-sized stones are not easy to find, so he can count them slowly.

Slow down a bit.

Gu Yuan had lost all consciousness when he fell into the underground river.

There was darkness all around, the icy current of water forced the last bit of air out of the chest, and the body was so cold that it could condense blood into ice, but only a little temperature remained in the chest.

Even in the chaos of suffocation and cold, clear thoughts lingered in his mind.

Lu Zhiguang is waiting for him.

He was carefully guarded in his arms along the way, and bumped into a teenager who couldn't bear it. Now he was alone in the cold darkness, waiting for him to go back, to pick him up.

Such thoughts filled his mind, his chest, seeping into the blood, etched into the bone marrow. Even if it is crushed to ash, it is still clear and hot.

A hand leaned over to him, as if trying to help him. Gu Yuan gritted his teeth and tried to avoid, but his body was powerless, and his other hands stretched out in time to lift his body up.

The complicated voices rang in my ears chaotically, but not the cruelty and cruelty that had been used to the torture, but the strange joy and excitement.

Broken clothing was peeled off, wrapped in a large blanket, and the cold river water was drained off. Someone was injecting him with a potion that he didn't know how to use it. Someone was carefully lifting him up, trying to carry him back.

A flash of lightning flashed through his heart, Gu Yuan struck a jerk, and suddenly pulled his arm out to his side, and stood firm.

"Mr. Gu, you are awake!"

Galileo's special envoy was dressed up, and his young eyes showed pure admiration and enthusiasm. He stepped forward and steadily supported him: "We are Galileo's. Let us pick you up!"

Vision has become accustomed to darkness, and the light in front of his eyes is a bit dazzling. Gu Yuan frowned and thought about it, remembering Lu Zhiguang's coughing in the poison gas and telling him.

Unable to tell whether it was dominated by the body or consciousness, Gu Yuan nodded, thanked several people in front of him, raised his hand to take over the searchlight in the hands of the young man next to him, and turned around and walked back.

"Mr. Gu!"

The special envoy hurried to catch up with him and wanted to raise his hand to help, but was politely separated by Gu Yuan.

"Thank you for coming to pick me up. I still have something to do. This lamp is temporarily borrowed."

Although he had been soaked in the underground river and his face was almost white, the man who changed his clothes still brought the inherent strength and calmness, bowed his head slightly, and raised the lamp in his hand.

"This is the territory of Guarcin. You can't stay here for a long time, or you will definitely leave a handle-leave me two nutrition needles. You return to the station and wait for me. When you go out, I will go to you."

Standing high all year round and fighting in the mall, Gu Yuan could easily grasp the focus of the negotiations. Hearing his words, the envoy's eyes flashed a little hesitantly.

Diving to Gu Yuan without permission will indeed give people a handle. If the unknown agent had not described the location extremely accurately, they would not have been so embarrassed.

Seeing that the special envoy was still lingering, Gu Yuan held out his hand to the young man, picked out two nutrition needles in the back box he was carrying, picked out every necessary medicine, and finally took a roll of bandages and put it aside Backpack.

It was Lu Zhiguang's schoolbag. The teenager's body was already on the limit, so he took the schoolbag, but he didn't want to be too hasty when he separated.

But it doesn't matter, I will pick him up, and my schoolbag will soon be returned to the original owner.

Gu Yuan pressed on his chest, his palm touched the moist wood, and his eyebrows passed softly and gently.

The strong vibration caused the river to migrate, and the underground river was turbulent, but it did not break the safety between the neck. This is a good sign, Lu Zhiguang must still be in peace, waiting for him to pick him up.

Only let him count ten times this time, and it would be faster.

"Mr. Gu, it's dangerous here!"

Seeing that Gu Yuan had really gone back, the envoy quickly rushed to catch up: "Are you looking for the agent who protects you? We have also received news from him that the communication system he uses is very powerful, at least Agents of higher-level galaxies should be able to protect themselves ... "

He wanted to persuade Gu Yuan to stop and meet the pair of quiet and bright black pupils, but his words were stuck in his throat.

"Thank you, I'm looking for me—"

The teenager's warm eyes lighted up in his mind again, Gu Yuan's expression was slightly gentle, and he lowered his eyes to consider the word for a moment, or raised his head, and the corner of his lips raised a gentle arc.

"--my lover."

His eyes were too gentle and firm, and the special envoy finally couldn't speak, stopped and watched his body film keep plunging into darkness.

Gu Yuan's mood was also not calm.

The mother star is turbulent and the situation is uncertain. He even dares to hide his heart for the future, let alone talk about love.

But he loves it.

He certainly loves it.

It's just that the word is being spoken, it really takes too much emotion. His body was still cold, but the blood was roaring inside, as if throbbing and burning because of the sentence that pierced his mind, his heart beating slowly on his chest, but as if roaring in the ear drums.

Eyes were quietly hot, Gu Yuan held the wooden safety buckle, and lay it lightly on his lips, the faster he moved.

The shock had calmed down, and the Guars probably had the confidence to bury him deep in the ground. Everything was quiet again as if it had never happened, except that the ascending and falling mine tunnels were still fragmented.

He was washed down from the middle reaches of the underground river. He couldn't go back to the original place according to the way he came, but he has firmly remembered the distance from the vent when they separated.

The broken mine tunnel is still mine tunnel, as long as you can put back the original general situation in your mind, you can find it back.

Lu Zhiguang must still be waiting for him there. Gu Yuan refused to think about any other possibility. He was already at the end of the crossbow, and only held on to his heart with those thoughts. As long as those thoughts are considered, he will be completely attacked at this time. collapse.

The searchlight's light was shaking, and Gu Yuanshen trudged forward, and the rubble rolled down at his feet, but there was no time to take care of it.

He has reached the place where the two separated.

The mine tunnel was completely broken and deformed under the great earthquake, and the stone forest stood up, blocking most of the sight. Gu Yuan helped Shitai to stabilize his body, and shouted the boy's name, but never responded.

It must be not loud enough.

The light swept through every visible corner, but was still blocked by many stone walls, the light was shaking, casting a creepy shadow.

Gu Yuanquan had no intention to pay attention to those stone shadows, but ran anxiously, his voice was gradually dumb, and his salty blood was faintly spreading in his throat.

His teenager always listened to him and would not run around by himself. Besides, with Lu Zhiguang's physical strength, he couldn't go far by himself.

He shouldn't find it.

The pain came clearly from the viscera, Gu Yuan's body was cold, and he nearly stepped on the air several times, but he still stood by his last hope, and walked among the rising stone walls, looking at the most humble gap.

He shouldn't find it.

The land lamp leaned between the narrow stone edges, still holding a stone in his hand.

He hasn't changed position, but the change of the rock squeezes his space to become extremely narrow, and the light is almost completely invisible. Even if the search is fine, it is very likely that he will be ignored.

He heard Gu Yuan's voice, but his physical strength was completely exhausted, and he could not speak, and he couldn't give any response.

The light and shadow continued to shake, and he listened to Gu Yuan's voice gradually mute, and even imagined the hissing pain caused by the forced vocalization of a congested vocal cord.

On several occasions, Gu Yuan's footsteps were even close to him. Maybe just a slate, or just a turn, as long as he can say any sentence, even a word—

But he couldn't say anything.

The poisonous gas completely deprived him of sound, and only a short airflow was emitted. If he had enough strength, he could run out to find Gu Yuan himself, but now he can't even raise his hands.

It's not so good to pass by.

My chest was cold and my eyes were dazzled by the changing light. Lu Deng tried to move his finger and tossed down the stone. The faint sound made by Gu Yuan could not be discerned by himself.

Such subtle movements had completely exhausted his strength, and he could do nothing.

The pale white lips moved slightly, the air flow across the vocal cord paralyzed by poisonous gas, Lu Deng tried to raise the corner of his lips, and finally called out Gu Yuan's name.

The body slipped down the stone wall, and the bells around his neck swayed lightly, and suddenly there was a crisp sound.

Gu Yuan stopped abruptly.

The bell's voice was very subtle, but he never heard it wrong.

The coagulated blood rushed in an instant, causing his eyes to turn black, his chest agitating with ecstasy, and hitting his heart fiercely. He almost flew to the place where the sound came, took away the stones, and held his searchlight lightly, but still swept through every corner that might be overlooked.

Between the narrow stone edges, the light swept a shadow.

At this time, his body couldn't help, and he couldn't catch the rubble. He rubbed his knees between his elbows, Gu Yuan leaned over and slipped over, grabbed the body in his arms, and hugged him.

The eyes were quiet and narrow, the lashes were long and thin, and a small shadow was cast on the eyelids.

He hurried to the young man's wrist, Gu Yuan's hand was shaking so badly, he repeatedly touched it several times before he finally felt the weak pulse.

The heat flow finally rushed into the eyes, quickly blurring the sight.

His legs were too soft to stand up, he just sat on the ground like this, helping the teenager to rest in his arms, set the searchlight aside, and quickly searched for emergency medicines and injections in the schoolbag.

The needle glowed coldly under the lamp, carefully immersed into the pale veins on the wrist, and Gu Yuan breathed out and injected him with an emergency nutrition needle. He was about to deal with the wound on his shoulder, but his action suddenly stopped.

The man in his arms did not know when he had opened his eyes and was looking at him quietly. His eyes were always somber and clear, and his eyes were hesitant to stop on his face. Unbelievable surprises.

That surprise was too bright, so bright that Gu Yuan's eyes were sour, and he smiled at him with tears, rubbing the boy's short hair slowly, and falling a soft kiss between his forehead.

"I'm late, sorry ..."

He thought that Lu Zhiguang would still show a quiet smile to him, but the boy in his arms suddenly blinked, water vapor gathered quickly, and tears had fallen down.

Gu Yuan's chest was stagnant fiercely, holding his shoulders and arms could not help but tighten it tightly, guarding the person firmly in his arms, so that the teenager leaned on his shoulder.

The warm liquid quickly penetrated the clothing and turned cold in the cold air underground.

Distressed and speechless, Gu Yuan could only kiss him again and again, carefully wiping the tears on his face. Suddenly, his face was cold, and he touched it with ease, only to realize that he had also lost his tears without knowing it.

With a soft pat, the faint trembling of the body in his arms finally faded, resting quietly on his shoulders.

Gu Yuan dropped the last kiss on his lips, gently turned his arms gently, asked him to lean between his arms, and carefully looked at the wound that had been soaked with blood on his shoulders.

The clothes were peeled off, the boy's thin shoulders shrank instinctively in the cold, but his strength was still weak, and it was obviously difficult to do even a move.

"Good soon, good soon ..."

Gu Yuan Wen coaxed, pulled the searchlight closer, re-debride for him neatly, applied medicine to stop bleeding, and carefully tied a new bandage.

I thought that Lu Zhiguang had exhausted himself in a drowsiness. After doing all this, he straightened up, but found that the young man's eyes still fell on him, and his eyes were still disturbed.

His chest was sore, and Gu Yuan took off his clothes to put it on for him, and took care of him in his arms. He had to ask him where he was uncomfortable, but his heart jumped.

He finally realized what was wrong.

Although Lu Zhiguang was taciturn, he would still respond to him in time. But this time the teenager was too quiet, not only didn't say a word, even when he cried, he was completely silent.

The poisonous gas that made him extremely disturbed suddenly burst into his mind, Gu Yuan's chest shrank almost suffocating, he stared down at him and whispered, "Keep the light, can you speak?"

Lu Deng's eyes flickered, and his eyelashes fell quietly.

Suddenly the whole body was so cold, and the strong back was afraid of pouring into the chest, and the heartbeat was so fierce that it almost broke the eardrum. Gu Yuan tightened his arms tightly, and the mute kept repeating: "Sorry, sorry ..."

He finally knew why Lu Zhiguang's mood suddenly lost control.

Not because he was alone in the dark, or because he had waited too long, but because he watched him running all the way back, listening to him constantly calling and beckoning, but couldn't respond, unable to move, but leaned silently Between the edges of the stone, they passed by one by one.

If not for that bell.

Had it not been for the cotton wool, which had been used for sound insulation, it would have been lost in the trekkers.

He may doubt his judgment after searching for nothing, or may continue to run other paths in the pit, trying in vain to find some traces of the boy.

If he didn't hear the bell, Lu Zhiguang watched himself come here, and watched himself regret to go away after looking for no fruit, the despair to endure was enough to bite the bone.

Such despair is enough to overwhelm anyone with the strongest will.

Just thinking about this possibility, Gu Yuan was so afraid of cold hands and feet, he did not dare to imagine, what kind of mood Lu Zhiguang should be when he was lying in the dark.

The energy of the nutrition needle slowly exhaled a little strength in the body. Lu Deng moved his arm, hooked Gu Yuan's cuff, slowly pulled it, and gently held his palm. He almost stretched his blue veins on his side. collar.

Rou Qin's touch gently rubbed the side of the neck, as if soothing, but also as intimacy.

Gu Yuan slowly adjusted his breathing to gradually calm down his mind, embraced the young man's back, and met the pair of dark eyes that had recovered softness and warmth: "Persistent light ... I'm sorry."

He must apologize-he cannot but apologize.

He should be more careful. He should have checked to see if Lu Zhiguang's body was damaged in poisonous gas. He should be with him at all times and should not push the teenager to a safe place on his own initiative.

If the bell doesn't ring today, everything that may happen is far more cruel than the result of their falling together and living together or dying together.

Lu Deng looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly, he shook his head and said silently: "It didn't take long."

After thinking about it, I added another sentence: "I only count to four, and I haven't had time to five."

Gu Yuan froze for a moment, read his lip, finally finally embraced the young man into his arms, kissed preciously, and narrowed his eyes and smiled.

When the situation of Lu Deng was a little better, Gu Yuan injected him with a second dose of nutrition needles, wrapped his clothes carefully for him, and stood up, hugging people: "Let's go home."

Lu Deng leaned between his arms, his eyebrows quietly opened a smile, leaned his head up, and put a kiss on his lips.

As he moved, the bell rang again crisply.

One of them had just soaked in the cold underground river water, and one had been lying in the vermiculite for a long time. No one could be cooler than anyone else. They held each other tightly, but slowly developed a little temperature where the skin touched.

After Lu Zhiguang showed the smile to him, he fell into an exhausted drowsiness, resting quietly on his neck, and even his breath was insignificant.

The ringing of Qing Ling dispelled the chill of the underground night.

Gu Yuan held his wrists all the way, his weak pulse against his fingertips, and his own heartbeat reconciled. Although weak, he remained stable.

He remembered the way out and there was lighting, and the way out was not difficult. Walking along the underground river that had calmed down all the way to the mouth of the mine, I thought I had to find another way to sneak into the safe area, but met the young and determined face of the envoy.

"Mr. Gu, we know that you must be back soon."

To meet his gaze, the envoy smiled and walked towards him: "Let's go, your lover seems to need formal treatment. The voyage ship is equipped with professional medical equipment, which will be very helpful."

With that said, he had already raised his hand and wanted to help Gu Yuan to pick up the person in his arms, but he was thankfully politely thanked by Gu Yuan: "Thank you, I'll do it myself."

The envoy's eyes flickered curiously, and he raised his hands and rubbed the tip of his nose. He didn't say more, but only led him forward.

The voyage ship stopped in the mountain stream not far away, and the youth who had managed to save him were kept nearby, escorted one after another, and sent them safely to the humble ship.

"We still have to stay in peace talks, and by the way stop them for a while. This voyage ship has set its flight direction. You only need to sleep well and go home."

The special envoy sent him to the ship, passed the spare brain, and left him all the materials he carried, still full of vitality in his eyes.

Gu Yuanwen thanked him, and he groaned a little before he said, "Do you stay here, don't you worry that Guar will find trouble in the galaxy court?"

"Our nationals are illegally detained. We come to pick up our compatriots. If they are in trouble, let them go."

The envoy smiled and saw that he put the person in his arms lightly on the bed before reaching out to him: "Mr. Gu, you are the hero of the entire Galileo star. I know this kind of thanks is too much compared to your contribution Shallow, but-thank you. "

Gu Yuan's eyes were slightly hot, but the end of his eyes showed a slight smile. He caught the hand of the special envoy and held it lightly.

The envoy's figure quickly disappeared under the ship, and the set program began to run. The voyage ship soared into the air, quickly moved away from the ground under the propulsion of the accelerator, increased to the escape speed, and fell into the dark night sky.

In the vast universe, the light spots are fleeting, and the eyes are the same as before.


In the winter afternoon, the sunlight is bright and warm. Through the window bar, casts scattered light and shadow in the bedroom.

Lu Deng was lying on the bed, squinting quietly.

A layer of snow has accumulated outside the window, and fresh snow is slowly falling, gently covering the ground once burned by the flames of war, concealing everything into pure white.

The bedroom door was gently pushed open. Gu Yuan entered the door with fresh snow and stood at the door for a while. When the cold was almost gone, he walked to the bed lightly.

The teenager slept peacefully, and the slender thick eyelashes fit snugly on the eyelids, breathing evenly and softly. Gu Yuan's eyes calmed down, and he covered his horns, and leaned down to get a kiss between his forehead, but those eyes suddenly opened.

Gu Yuan slightly stunned, Lu Deng had seized the opportunity, raised his head and touched his lips quickly, his eyes brightened with a bright smile, and he threw himself into the man's strong and broad arms.

Could not help but chuckled and murmured, Gu Yuan hugged the man steadily, his forehead against his puppet: "Sleep well?"

Lu Deng leaned comfortably in his arms, his eyes arched in a soft arc, nodded, and raised his hands around his shoulders and necks.

"Okay, knowing you smell it, drink some water and eat slowly."

Gu Yuan couldn't help laughing, holding the young man in his arms on the bedside, feeding warm water near the table to his lips, watching him take a few sips, and then scooping out the cake he brought with him.

They had escaped from Guarcin and had been picked up by the special envoy of Galileo. It had been a little over six months.

The war on Galileo has passed, and Guardian's army was pinned down on Galileo. Under the service of the ring near the planet, he had to grit his teeth and pay a large amount of compensation before finally bringing the army Pulled back.

In the galactic court's ruling, Guarcin really brought out the special envoy of Galileo to invade the territory of the planet, but instead exposed the illegal detention of alien residents, and further involved the prison that seriously violated human rights laws. He was severely punished by the galaxy. Not only did he remove more than a dozen high-ranking posts from the Guardian army, he was also ordered to pay Gu Yuan one billion Xing coins separately, and immediately remove the monitoring equipment on his body.

The superposition of the two phases greatly hurts the vitality. For at least fifty years, Guar will no longer have any efforts to hit other planets.

The Galileo star was fully rebuilt in the difficult but hot sky, new hopes sprouted under the scorched earth, and when the snow cleared up, the planet would become brighter and show new vitality.

After receiving the new feed, Lu Deng was content, leaned on the bedside and ate the cake carefully. A small arc swelled between his cheeks, and everyone saw his heart bumping lightly.

Gu Yuan withdrew his thoughts, couldn't help raising his hand, and gently rubbed the top of his hair: "Is it delicious?"

The head under the palm moved, looking up at him, a bright smile of fresh snow appeared between his eyes, nodded gently, and cut a piece of cake to his lips.

Gu Yuan's chest was vaguely astringent, but he still nodded with a smile, and then moved the piece of cake slowly to the soft hair of the teenager.

The Lu Deng exam was very good, and his score was among the best in the galaxy's joint exam. However, due to physical reasons, he could only leave the school as soon as the school started, and stayed in the villa for medical treatment. In the past six months, Gu Yuan has done everything possible, although he has restored his body to a healthy level, but still has no way to make him speak again.

Lu Zhiguang didn't seem to be affected too much by this incident. He still always had a soft and clear smile, and even to make him see clearly, those smiles became brighter and brighter.

He was always distressed.

Being taciturn is one thing, speechlessness is another. The communication between the two of them was not hindered by this matter. The simple meaning Gu Yuan could understand, and the more complicated ones would either look at the mouth or communicate with their brains without any hindrance.

But his teenager does not always live in this villa after all.

Thinking of what the young envoy had said, Gu Yuan dropped his eyes and groaned, but suddenly put a hand between his eyebrows, holding his hair bun, and slightly raised his face.

The teenager looked at him with mild concern in his eyes.

Gu Yuan smiled at him, took the hand that had recovered his warmth, moved it to his lips, and kissed him: "Fangguang, you are a high-level civilized agent, aren't you?"

It makes sense to be a special staff member of the system. The identity had been exposed in the mine for a long time, and Lu Deng slightly raised his lips to meet his gaze, but nodded.

Galileo was mostly destroyed by the war. Exercises in the room in the slum's own house had been blasted out in the artillery. If you were added as an agent, you would probably not need to do your homework or go to school.

Although he asked, he did not expect that he would admit it so happily. Gu Yuan chuckled, sitting sideways on the bedside, and let him lean into his arms: "You guys-is there a way to cure you?"

Lu Deng blinked, pulled his hand over, and slowly wrote on the palm of his hand.

The warmth of the fingertips and the gentle touch of the palms of his palms made his heart crunch.

Gu Yuan took a deep breath and tried his best to control his more and more relaxed mind, discerning the words he wrote down.

——There is a way, but as long as I go, I can never return.

The whole sentence was connected, and a small vortex was dropped in his heart, but he was not surprised.

Gu Yuan nodded gently, flipped his palms, wrapped the young man's hand, and stared down silently.

It seemed that he was faintly aware of his thoughts, his body in his arms moved, put down the cake, turned back to look into his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up in a rare slight arc.

Gu Yuan greeted his gaze, and suddenly smiled slightly, holding the faint and tight-looking face, and put a light kiss on his lips.

"Where are you--recruiting people? Willing to accept genetic modification, bring their own savings, and want to have a good relationship ..."

Lu Deng froze, and suddenly his eyes lit up quickly and uncontrollably.


When the staff of the system is in short supply, as long as the data has the intention of becoming a staff, the data can be strengthened by special encryption and rotated between different worlds. Although the memory of each world will be sealed, the core data will not change anymore. When the day comes, everything can be re-reminisced.

Seeing the boy's head point as if pecking rice, Gu Yuan couldn't help but laugh loudly, raised his hand to hold him in his arms, and kissed deeply with a smile.

It seems that it is time for an adventurous interstellar raft.

Finally came up with a way to stay together for a long time. Lu Deng raised his head to meet his kiss, the faster his heart beat, closed his eyes and pulled his hand, and made a stroke in his palm: "Make a wish."

There are people who care for him secretly, and the other party makes a wish at this time, maybe it will be realized in the next world.

Gu Yuan moved slightly, spreading his palms together, writing a response with a smile: "Okay."

His boy asked him to make a wish, and he closed his eyes and repeated his wish in his heart.

Opening his eyes, Lu Zhiguang leaned on his arms and looked at him, with a real warm smile on his brows and eyes.

"What to do, it seems like my wish has been fulfilled for a little while ..."

Gu Yuan chuckled softly, raised his hands to gather his short hair, and said softly: "Go to your throat first, and then let me spoil you forever, OK?"

Then it will not be a lifetime, but a lot of lives.

Lu Deng looked at him, his eyebrows curved with joy, and he cut a piece of cake to feed him.

The author has something to say: system: the host he wants him to send you to school to pick you up from school to hug you and then accompany you to do your homework

# 工作 炸 不出 的 #

#This life can't blow it up #

# 一个 人生 都 都 炸 了 的 #

#Writing homework is uniform! The host is in love! !! (つ Д`) #

[New World Preview: Campus x Pseudo-teachers x Homework]


o (* //// ▽ ///// *) q into v three in one! Messages are red envelopes wow! !! 2k novel reading network