MTL - There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart-Chapter 113 The young master has broken his studies? !

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In all fairness, Li Hanshan felt that he was no longer young.

He is three years older than Jiang Su, but he never thought that he would still be told by Jiang Su that he was still young.

Li Hanshan wanted to refute, wanted to pull Jiang Su's hand, but Jiang Su's grip was too tight, if he didn't use force, it would be difficult to break free, and he didn't want to hurt Jiang Su, so he had to let Jiang Su do it.

Li Hanshan couldn't see, and Xie Zeli didn't dare to speak.

Just now, the voice of Louyan talking with Jiang Su and the others was too low, and the brothel was too noisy, so he didn't even realize that Jiang Su had come here.

If Xie Zeli had known Jiang Su was here in advance, he would not have come out of that house even if he had been killed.

Today's Jiang Su, in his eyes, is almost hooked up with the Demon King. In the past, he thought that he was the hero of the Jianghu, the leading devil in the evil way. In this Jianghu, he is not afraid of anything, and no one dares to offend him. , but after meeting Jiang Su, everything is different.

He was terrified of Jiang Su.

Xie Zeli really couldn't imagine how there would be such a terrifying figure as Jiang Su in the righteous way of the world. This person doesn't look like a righteous way at all, and his behavior seems to be more terrifying than the devil's sect. Oh, walking in this river and lake, a high martial artist can indeed do whatever he wants.

Not to mention Jiang Su's mouth, Xie Zeli was flustered when he saw him talking, and his clothes today are really not suitable for Jiang Su to see. He wanted to retreat, but he thought, Jiang Su, even if he avoided it, it would be useless.

The more he retreats, the more Jiang Su will push forward. He might as well face everything directly—anyway, as long as he feels indifferent to the current scene, the embarrassing ones must be others.

Xie Zeli smiled at Jiang Su, and was about to speak, but suddenly felt that something was wrong with Jiang Su today.

Jiang Su desperately shook his head at him, his eyes were full of hints, and he even tried to convey his thoughts to the two of them with his lips, but Xie Zeli couldn't quite understand, Lou Yan read silently for a moment, and suddenly realized that Jiang Su was letting them Hurry up, he turned around in a hurry, grabbed Xie Zeli's arm, and tried to drag him away forcibly.

But the embroidered shoes Xie Zeli wore had thick soles and the hem of the skirt was too long. He panicked and stepped on the hem of the skirt in a hurry. However, after he endured the tears, his martial arts were restrained, and he still can't help it. Before recovering, the gait was unsteady, Lou Yan was still pulling him, he couldn't help but staggered a few steps, fell to the ground with a plop, and hit the ground hard, when he raised his head again, his hair was messed up and he was in a mess.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su felt that Lou Yan was a waste.

Xie Zeli fell in front of him, but he didn't have time to help him!

It seems that the master of Meiyou Palace has been slack in practicing kung fu recently, and this love affair has too much influence on his kung fu training.

There were people coming and going in the brothel, Xie Zeli fell so hard that it almost attracted the attention of everyone in the corridor on the second floor of the brothel, so many eyes fell on him, Xie Zeli couldn't control the embarrassment in his heart, First, he secretly scolded Jiang Su as a plague god, and then couldn't help but glared at Lou Yan viciously. The root of all this was him. If Lou Yan hadn't brought him here, he wouldn't have been humiliated like this, let alone met Jiang Su. Shut up this big devil!

But Li Hanshan finally couldn't hold it anymore when several people made such a big commotion. He didn't understand why Jiang Su didn't allow him to watch, and the sentence that Jiang Su just popped up out of nowhere... Li Hanshan thought about it, and Jiang Su said , the child is still young, if the child refers to him, the person Jiang Su will not let him see at this time is definitely Xie Zeli.

As for why Jiang Su didn't allow him to see it, Li Hanshan thought of his father's absurd behavior, and thought that this place was a brothel, so he couldn't help but understand it, but as a member of the Demon Cult, he thought he could see it. Far more than Jiang Su, no matter what kind of scene appears in front of him, he should not be too shocked.

He finally raised his hand, grabbed Jiang Su's wrist, and asked, "Where is my father?"

Xie Zeli: "..."

Jiang Su: "...he's not here."

Li Hanshan: "Put your hands down, it's fine."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Jiang Su hinted at the two of them, coughed heavily with Li Hanshan, and said, "Xie Zeli is really not here."

Xie Zeli sprained his foot, it was difficult to stand, let alone walk, Lou Yan was anxious to leave, so he had to hug Xie Zeli, picked him up and ran away.

And Li Hanshan had already held Jiang Su's wrist, and seemed a little angry. Jiang Su wanted to explain, but it was obviously too late. He turned his head and saw that Lou Yan had run away with Xie Zeli. Heaving a sigh of relief, he let Li Hanshan look at it, and said, "Look, there's nothing there."

Li Hanshan looked in that direction, and only saw the back of Lou Yan rushing out of the brothel, and the corner of the red dress of the person in his arms.


red dress? !

Li Hanshan looked serious.

He turned his head and looked at the room with the open door. Fangcai Louyan had been guarding in front of this room. He thought that the people inside must be extremely important to Louyan, otherwise Cailouyan would not be so nervous just now. He directly Turning around and entering the room, he saw scattered clothes on the bed in the room at a glance. The style of the clothes was so familiar that he could tell at a glance... Isn't that the clothes his father used to wear? !

But the clothes are here, but where are the people?

Li Hanshan frowned, subconsciously trying to connect what he saw with the red skirt he saw just now, but Jiang Su frowned and thought quickly, no matter what, he couldn't let Li Hanshan open up this new world again The door, he could only forcefully explain, saying: "I think your father—he was indeed here just now!"

Li Hanshan raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Su.

"But I didn't see him just now." Jiang Su said dryly, "Master Lou...uh, he should be here to guard..."

He couldn't make it up.

He felt that this was the first time his life had been subjected to such a test, and Li Hanshan looked at him hesitantly, as if judging whether he was lying, Jiang Su was silent for a moment, and finally felt that there might be only one way left for him.

He is well aware of his weaknesses.

If Li Hanshan looked at him pitifully with aggrieved face, he would definitely be unable to control it.

He is born soft and not hard, and he can't stand other people showing that kind of look, let alone the person he likes begging for mercy, and he believes that Li Hanshan should be similar to him, he just needs to soften his look and feel wronged. Some-

Li Hanshan immediately changed his attitude: "I believe in you."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan looked at the clothes on the bed again, was silent for a moment, and tried to connect everything that happened just now.

Since Jiang Su did not lie, his father was indeed here earlier, but now he has left and left his clothes here, he must have left in a hurry, and according to what he saw just now, the person in Lou Yan's arms was wearing a red dress , appears to be a woman—

Li Hanshan understood.

"Master Lou lived here with my father, but he cheated on the other women in the brothel." Li Hanshan said firmly, "He ran away my father in anger."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su reluctantly nodded and said, "That's it."

Li Hanshan said "hmm", didn't say anything else, and even ignored the big loophole in his guess, and walked straight forward, but after walking a few steps, he stopped again, turned his head and looked at Jiang Su in doubt , and asked, "Where is our room?"

Jiang Su felt something was wrong.

You must know that Li Hanshan has always been somewhat resistant to the matter of coming to the brothel, and Jiang Su was the one who negotiated with him just now. In this case, why does it seem that he has accepted this matter all of a sudden, and even took the initiative to ask Jiang Su, wanting to hurry up? Some went to the room with Jiang Su.

It's not right, it's just too wrong.

Jiang Su frowned, pointed the direction for Li Hanshan, and followed Li Hanshan in doubt. When he arrived at the house, Li Hanshan closed the door first, and looked around the room. He always felt that the bed and bedding were not clean, so he Turning around, he said to Jiang Su, "I'll ask them to get new bedding."

Jiang Su: "..."

After all, Li Hanshan had already left the door. Jiang Su was puzzled in the same place, and felt that Li Hanshan's behavior was weird. After a while, he was suddenly startled, and finally realized what was wrong. Li Hanshan only saw Xie Zeli's clothes. This change, and now he left with an excuse to take the quilt. At this moment, Li Hanshan shouldn't be chasing Lou Yan, right?

Indeed, Lou Yan took a step first, but Lou Yan's martial arts can't be compared with Li Hanshan's at all, even if he leaves early, as long as Li Hanshan wants to chase, it is impossible not to catch up.

Jiang Su got up in a hurry and was about to go out, but it happened that the door opened from the outside, so he stopped, and then saw the maids in the brothel carrying brand new bedding to change them for them, he was startled, and then glanced out At a glance, Li Hanshan was behind those people, he didn't go after Lou Yan, he just stood behind them and helped those maidservants get some things.

Jiang Su heaved a sigh of relief, only to feel that he was really worrying too much.

He watched those maids come in to change the bedding, but for some reason, it seemed that everyone looked at him a little strangely.

Since Jiang Su came to the book, with such a face, he was often stared at by others. Most people just stared at him and would not make any further moves. He has long been used to it, but today It's a little different, the eyes of these people are a little strange, Jiang Su almost felt that there was some strange dirty thing on his body, but he couldn't figure it out, even after those people went out, he didn't understand those people Why look at him like that.

The bedding on the bed was changed, and Jiang Su was almost embarrassed to the extreme. He had already lost the slightest interest, and even regretted why he brought Li Hanshan here. If he saves trouble, it would be no good to meet Li Hanshan directly in the inn ? !

Why is he so troublesome!

He had to come to this shabby place, he met Lou Yan and Xie Zeli, but he didn’t say anything, it’s still so embarrassing… He wished he could go back sooner, but when those maids left and Li Hanshan walked in with his things, Jiang Su noticed , the one in Li Hanshan's hand doesn't seem to be part of the bedding.

The bed has already been made, what exactly is he holding in his hand?

Jiang Su was startled, took a step back, and was about to speak, Li Hanshan had already put the thing on the bed, Jiang Su looked nervously, and his heart skipped a beat, only then did he realize that his guess just now was true.

That was really a suit.