MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 150 The temptation to go home

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"It’s really lively." Fang Yixing pushed the door in. He strode to the youth in front of the glasses and put the box down and opened it directly. After a look at Ren Qiao, he said faintly, "Give, you want the genetic modification liquid, if you can’t wait, you can take it directly. Use it."

Ren Qiao cried and stopped. He Yu sat up in surprise. "The teacher, the brother, the genetic modification liquid in the safe is not bad?"

"The box is empty."

Fang Yixing simply smashed the people in the conference room. Jiang Guolong first glimpsed, followed by a loose expression, and pressed the cheers of other people in the project team and asked, "The transformation liquid..."

"The leaflets are brought home."

Jiang Guolong heard a complete sigh of relief. At this time, Ye Zhizhou just came in and patted the table directly. "The second child, the rules and regulations of the institute, you are all ass! Is it a research result that has not yet been put into use?" Going home, this must be punished! Also, if you take it away, take it away, and the action is not meticulous. Actually, the sloppy movement of the safe setting will cause you to mess with this game. I know that you have not waited for the body after the accident. It’s very hard and hard to run back to work overtime, but this is not a reason for your sloppy intentions. Today, you must be fined, and you will be deducted for one month. Do you have any objections!”

Fang Yixing took a look at his master, a low cough and a smile that rushed to his throat, and his face was serious. This remark is like reprimanding, but in fact it is full of maintenance. I took a scorpion and slammed everyone, and then classified the problem of the safe setting of the safe as sloppy. Finally, I mentioned the car accident before Ye Zhizhou, and reminded me that my family’s apprentice had brought the wound out of the reforming liquid. It’s so hard and hard to make a small mistake, and I have fined him a month’s bonus. Don’t let go, go home and wash and sleep.

"That is, brother, you are too wrong. When you have a headache for the last two days, I will advise you to take a break. You are not going to work overtime to check the progress. Look, now it’s a problem, next time. I can't ignore my own body in order to save someone else's life, so I don't want to suffer from it. I am also suspected of suffering loss." He Yu also heard the bias in Jiang Guolong's words, and he followed the appendix and tried to force Ye Zhizhou's "dedication to disease research." The greatness was sturdy, and it was a bit of a sigh of glasses.

The glasses youth heard the meaning of her words, could not help but look at her sideways.

Ren Qiao did not expect that this kind of thing would happen, biting and biting his lips. She used the light to sweep a look at the unclear Lou Yi, and thoughts flew in her mind, eager to find a way to turn the situation back.

When Ye Zhizhou came in, he felt a little heavy and was completely tossed by Jiang Guolong and He Yu. Although his heart was very warm and heartfelt, he should not be removed as soon as possible.

"It’s really my problem to bring home the research results. I don’t disagree with the bonus, but I don’t recognize the wrong temperature in the safe.” He turned on the communicator and went to the projector in the conference room to start the video transmission. The people who looked at it said, "I did go back to the Institute after work last night, but I just went to a big conference room and transferred the surveillance video in the lab. Then I found this. For insurance, I went to a lab to take the remodeling solution away."

When Ren Qiao’s thoughts stopped, his expression changed greatly, and his heart rose and panicked. He said in a hurry, “Senior brother, since the reforming fluid is fine, the tutor has also given you punishment. Then, let’s just let it go, it’s so late.”

"No hurry, just a few minutes of surveillance video, not delaying everyone's time." Ye Zhizhou turned on the projector's player, like a smile, look at the camera, click on the play, "Miss Ren, think about how to explain Let's go."

Jiang Guolong and the glasses youth heard the thoughts of the two people back and forth, and then looked at the projector. Fang Yixing also made a clue, relying on the conference table to take a quick glance at Ren Qiao, and also followed the projector.

The video is black for a few seconds and then the picture becomes clear. A sly figure walks into the lab, first looks up at the direction of the surveillance, then goes straight to the safe, enters the password to take out the storage box, enter the password again, error, The box did not open. After repeated trials, the figure became irritable. I took out the communicator and pressed it a few times. After a few seconds, I said, "The password has been changed! How do I know that he changed it." What, the figure is more urgent, and shouted, "Don't remind me! The password has been changed. What can I do! Who told you that he didn't kill him at the beginning, to kill him, I still need to toss this?"

The room was dead and quiet, everyone turned to look at Ren Qiao, He Yu directly bombed, "Ren Qiao! What are you going to the lab! What did you mean when you didn't kill him? Who are you going to kill? Is it a brother! Did the brother-in-law’s car accident be done by you? You, your snake-hearted monk! Where are the brothers, I am sorry, you must hurt him!”

"Little rain!" Jiang Guolong will want to rush to the rain, hold a stern look, Ren Qiao, forehead green muscles bulging, obviously not too angry, but try to restrain, "Miss Ren, I hope this thing you Can give me an explanation."

"I, I don't have it, I just drank more after dinner.... Lou, Lou Yi brother..." Ren Qiao didn't think that Ye Zhizhou was in the research institute at the time, but also recorded real-time monitoring, more flustered, reaching out to pull the glasses youth The sleeves, "Ling Yi brother, you believe me, I did not move those transformation fluids, you also saw, I do not know the password, I, I am worried about the illness of the big brother, so only after being drunk Thinking about the situation of the reforming fluid..."

Lou Yi saw a lot of conspiracy and intrigue from a young age, but I still can't understand the situation at this time. He gently twitched his hand and shook his head, whispering, "How clever, you let me down, I thought you were the only one in those people... I was blind, you said you are drunk So let's take a look, then you sent me a message saying that the remodeling fluid was broken by Mr. Ye, and he was drunk and said drunken words?"

Ren Qiao began to cry again. "I don't have it. I really just came to see..."

In the surveillance video, Ren Qiao rushed away after hanging up the communication, and then the picture was black and the video ended.

“After seeing this monitoring, I went to the lab to take the remodeling fluid and then left the institute.” Ye Zhizhou turned off the communicator, glanced at the crowd, and continued, “I did not find the video I intercepted. The temperature of the cabinet, but you can compare the monitoring time, I went back home directly after taking the remodeling solution, and then I have not returned yet, so it is not me who changed the temperature of the safe. That is to say, after I left, there are still people. Into the lab, maybe Miss Ren, maybe not, but whether or not, there is a problem with the surveillance video."

The other meaning of this statement is that even if it is not Ren Qiao that changes the temperature of the safe, then Ren Qiao and the people in the monitoring room have a certain collusion. It is certain that Ren Qiao wants to harm people. In the end, The fool knows who changed the temperature setting of the safe.

The tops of the institute were all black, and Fang Yixing directly pulled out the communicator and dialed it to the monitoring room. "The people in the monitoring room gave me all the way to the top floor conference room. One can't be less, all!" After talking about hanging up, I dialed the communication to my assistant. "You are now going to the monitoring room and staring at it, and then call the police, saying that someone deliberately steals and destroys our research results."

"No, don't call the police." Ren Qiao panicked, and went to pull the sleeves of Lou Yi, "Lie Yi brother, I really didn't mean it, I just drunk, beg you, don't let them call the police, all this. It’s all misunderstanding."

Lou Yi’s eyes flashed a bit into the eye, and he was quickly replaced by calm and rational. He gently pulled back the sleeves he was holding. “Occasionally, since it is a misunderstanding, go to the police station and say that the misunderstanding is clear. The alarm is the institute itself. I have no right to intervene."

[The probability of love between Lou Yi and the protagonist has dropped to 30%, please support the host. ]

[The probability of Fang Yixing and the protagonist's love has dropped to 10%, please support the host. ]

The light screen popped up and the brain began to faint. Ye Zhizhou raised his hand and pressed his forehead. He went to Fang Yixing and patted his shoulder and handed the communicator over. "The follow-up things will be hard for you, and trouble."

"Let's say this kind of guest, blame me." Fang Yixing took his communicator and exported the surveillance video to himself. His face was dark. "If I didn't send Ren Qiao so badly to your project team, you won't be Toss this. If it’s not your wit, I’m not only going to slap a slap in the face, but I’ll have to give you a big red envelope!”

Ye Zhizhou patted his shoulder again, silently appease.

Ren Qiao, who is known as a cockroach, tightens his fingers and can only use his cry to cover up his emotions. Now the situation is very unfavorable. She must not go to the police station. This plan has completely failed. She must think of a way, and there is Lou Yi. She has finally used the things of the collapse of the gene to get close to each other, and she must not lose sight!

"Mr. Ye." Lou Yi shut down the storage box on the table and lifted it up to Ye Zhizhou. His expression was sincere and solemn. "I thank you for your help on behalf of the building, and I have misunderstood you tonight, sorry."

Fang Yixing had a cold face with no good face, and Ye Zhizhou pulled him a little. He smiled at Lou Lou, and said gently and alienatedly, "No need to do this, misunderstanding will be good." As for the other party's gratitude, he did not want to accept it. This reforming fluid is not specially made to save the other person, it is a matter of convenience... In fact, he will be happier without this.

Lou Yi saw his unwillingness to talk more, and felt a little pity and awkward in his heart. Once again, he solemnly apologized and looked back at Ren Qiao, who was still crying. He shook his head and turned away. After watching a play that I didn't want to see, I was also fooled into making a supporting role. He is in a very bad mood now.

The police came very quickly, and Ren Qiao was taken away by the fire. The sudden opening of the drama finally came to an end.

After a busy record-setting procedure, Ye Zhizhou came out of the police station against the rising sun, and could not help but sigh for a long time. This is a very recent day...

"Ye Shixiong." He Yu looked stupid and followed him out. He said with indignation, "Ren Qiao's family has a bit of background. This incident did not cause the actual loss of the institute. There is no direct evidence. It is very likely that the thunder and rain will be small. Directly revealed."

Ye Zhizhou was silent. He discovered this problem when he just recorded the confession. The police officers’ questions were too perfunctory and too biased. They did not have direct evidence of the temperature setting of the safe.

He Yu was very reluctant and continued to say, "Senior brother, you have to recall the things in the car accident. I think there is something weird inside. Maybe it’s really a job. You see that you went to our hospital in a car accident, not yet. Knowing how to toss is the main speaker of your project. If you don't save it, if you don't save it, then the project and background that she leaked out now, the project x2 may come to her."

Ye Zhizhou smiled at her side and smiled. "I have a lot of things in this matter. You are going back to rest. It is not good for girls to have dark circles."

"Come here again, you... oh, why don't you worry about it, you have to be bullied and die!" He Yu was laughed at him without temper, turned and ran into the police station. "No, and you." It’s totally useless to say that, I’m looking for a brother and a master!”

Ye Zhizhou watched her in and clenched the small mirror in her pocket. Car accident, x2, Ren Qiao, Lou Jia... and the things he has forgotten to recognize his relatives, I feel that a big net is covering his head and ready to fall.

The thoughts in the brain flew, and he turned to the nearby breakfast shop, lightening his expression. Those who say that they want to recognize their relatives but have never appeared in their own car accident... Who will it be?

After a week, Ren Qiao’s business is gone. Fang Yixing did not stop and wanted to continue to check in, but was suppressed by his old man. For this reason, Fang Yixing almost demolished the office of his old man. The people in the monitoring room were cleaned up, and several of them were expelled. The researchers in other departments also had problems, and they continued to go several times. The atmosphere in the research institute was tight throughout the month. Everyone worked hard and didn't dare to laugh as usual.

Ye Zhizhou got a big bonus and was taken off.

"My dad also kicked the iron plate. The interest chain is too complicated. There is no way." Fang Yixing irritatedly pulled his hair and clenched his fist. "That is not knowing which way to go, actually got stuck." Shao Jia, Mom!"

Shao Jia, the big tree of the federal political circles, and the building of the military department were dubbed by the public as the two great mountains of the Federation. Fangjia only took a good position in the military research department, and it was really worse than the two buildings. It is no wonder that Fang’s hot-tempered old man turned off the fire this time.

One x2 actually alerted two big mountains, and Ye Zhizhou didn't know what to say.

"The building is not derogatory! You gave them life-saving things, but they did not care about you, but also allowed Shao Jia's hand to reach the military, garbage!" Fang Yi was so angry that he wanted to smoke, remembering that he had not yet been in the laboratory. The completed experiment can only be endured by indignation.

"The building is estimated to be busy paying attention to the situation of the building... I am not angry, I will take a vacation, and I will raise my body." Ye Zhizhou handed a bottle of meat in the past and calmly dropped the bomb. "And I need time." To figure out some things, remember the things I recognize, my life may be a bit involved with my family."

Fang Yi’s hand shook almost without the delicate bottle that he handed over, and stunned his ear and said, “What are you talking about? You, you and the disgusting family are involved?!”