MTL - There is No Bottleneck In My Practice-Chapter 24 Where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon

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  Chapter 24 Where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon

  Liang Sheng's house.

  On the night when the area near the main house of the Liang family was flooded, because of the fire, there was an endless sound of beating gongs and drums to put out the fire.

  Liang Sheng didn't fall asleep in the first place, so he went out of the dark room to check the situation, and after a little thought, he quietly returned to his room.

  There is such a big commotion at this time, no accident, Ma San will definitely come to him, if he is not in the room, I am afraid there will be some trouble.

   Of course, he can continue to stay in the secret room, but he needs to make Ma San disappear in this world.

   But raising a dog will have feelings, not to mention having been with his loyal servant for decades. Although Liang Sheng is not a good person, he also has his own bottom line.

   Sure enough, before he lay down for a long time, there was a knock on the door, and Ma San's words made Liang Sheng a little glad that he chose to go back to the room.

   "Master, the main family sent someone to pick up the master to go to the ancestral hall, saying that the ancestor has left the customs, and called everyone in the family!"

  Liang Sheng responded immediately, dressed in a hurry, opened the door and saw Ma San standing with a guard of the main house.

   "Master Sheng."

   The guards didn't have much respect, but Liang Sheng didn't care, and just followed them away without any delay.

  The reason why Liang Sheng was so straightforward was also very simple, because the strength of the guards was no more than the third level of Houtian. If they had problems, he could kill them halfway and run away.

  If they have no problems, but I dare not go to the Liang Family Ancestral Hall, I am afraid that I don't know what hidden dangers will arise.

   Fortunately, there is no problem with the guards of the main family. They took Liang Sheng and galloped all the way to the Liang family ancestral hall at the fastest speed.

   On the way, not only Liang Sheng, but also other Liang family children were rushing to the main house of the Liang family.

  However, on the way forward, Liang Sheng saw countless people still carrying water to put out the fire, and he couldn't help but secretly startled. The Liang family might suffer serious losses this time.

   When he arrived at the Liang Family Ancestral Hall, the entire ancestral hall was extremely solemn. He found a remote corner and stood there motionless.

  In front of the ancestral tablet in the ancestral hall, not only Liang Ying was there, but the ancestor of the Liang family also appeared, and there was another person, Liang Ping who hadn't appeared for a long time.

   But when Liang Sheng saw him, his mood didn't fluctuate at all. When all the children of the Liang family gathered, the ancestor of the Liang family who had closed his eyes suddenly opened them.

  At this moment, the gate of the ancestral hall clanged and closed tightly.

   "Last night, someone provoked my Liang family, burned countless shops in my Liang family, and slapped us in the face in front of the people of Jinzhou. What are we going to do next?"

  The voice of the ancestor of the Liang family was calm, but everyone could feel the anger in his words. At this time, the head of the Liang family, Liang Ying, stood up abruptly.

   "Of course an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! Anyone who offends my Liang family will die!"

  As soon as these words came out, Liang Shengben stood in the corner, surrounded by young children of the Liang family, their blood was excited by Liang Ying's words in an instant.

   "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, whoever offends my Liang family, dies!"

  The ancestors of the Liang family were very pleased to see this scene. My Liang family man is especially bloody. The person who set fire last night must die!

   Then Liang Ying began to assign tasks according to the strength of the brothers in the Liang family. As for Liang Sheng, no one cared.

  If he is not already an "old man of the Liang family", I am afraid that he would not be called today. After all, what is the use of a waste who has been acquired for decades?

  Liang Sheng was also happy and at ease, he didn't talk to anyone, and immediately returned to his house after the party.

  As soon as he got home, Liang Sheng completely closed the door on Ma San to thank the guests, because the situation in Jinzhou City is now more serious than he thought before.

  Back when the Liangwu family and the county government teamed up to eradicate the Gao family, the ancestors of the Liang family did not appear in the open, but now they have to show up in person to give the Liang family's children confidence.

  Why is this so?

   There is only one reason for this situation, and that is that the secret enemy is so powerful that even the Liang family is not very sure.

   What happened in the next two months also confirmed Liang Sheng's conjecture.

  Not only the Liang family, the Wu family also dispatched almost all their forces to cooperate with the county government to arrest the mastermind behind the scenes.

   Even so, Jinzhou City is still riddled with holes and accidents everywhere, even Shengde Building was attacked.

   Fortunately, the old duan and the others had been dismissed by Liang Sheng long ago, and Shengde Building was temporarily closed, so there were no casualties.

  Not only the Shengde Building, but also the shops and stores in Jinzhou City, during this period, few survived.

   It was only in this situation that the county government realized that the Wusheng Sect originally wanted to cut off the people's livelihood security in Jinzhou City, so vicious.

  Combined with the policy of only entering and not entering Jinzhou City, it has become a bit troublesome to get food and living supplies from outside. Compared with the huge population of Jinzhou City, these things are just a drop in the bucket.

   Just when the entire Jinzhou City was in complete chaos, the Wusheng Sect attacked again, and the Liang and Wu families were attacked frequently, causing mutual casualties.

  Even the county magistrate died in his own house, and this time Wushengjiao deliberately left a mark of a fifth-grade lotus flower at the scene of the murder.

  The Liang and Wu families have profound backgrounds, so they naturally know what this means, and the mastermind behind the scenes is Wushengjiao, which can no longer be concealed.

  Liang Ying and Wu Chang went to Shangxian County Zun Xia Zhiqiu angrily at that time, but they didn't know what Xia Zhiqiu said. After they came back, the two families continued to cooperate with the county government.

   It's just that they also withdrew most of their power, and no longer cooperated closely with the county government as before.

  But the internal chaos in Jinzhou City has already begun. After all, the grain merchants and shops have been completely lost, and some people in the city have begun to completely lose their hands.

  Under such circumstances, countless people took to the streets, knelt in front of the county government office, and asked the government to lift the closure order.

  Because if they are not allowed to leave the city, they will starve to death. In this case, the county government has not responded for a long time.

  If the people resist violently, they will be strongly suppressed by the county government. For a while, the entire Jinzhou City is like a powder keg, which will explode at any time.

  Under such circumstances, Liang Sheng was of course more afraid to go out. His inventory could last for half a year. He had been paying attention to the movement in the city, and Ma San and the others were also sent home by him.

  He can't take care of them now, and the children of the family are more attacked, and the common people are safer. Letting them leave will protect them better.

  He was even a little thankful that the mastermind behind the scenes did not come to trouble him. How did he know that it was because of his kindness to Hongzhi back then that he escaped.

  However, during this period of time, Ma San and others were not dragging him down. He was hiding in the secret room behind the rockery, and it was difficult to find him.

  He thought that under the pressure of the people of Jinzhou City, Jinzhou City would open the city gate, and then he could fish in troubled waters and leave the city as soon as possible.

  As for how the Liang family would react to this, he didn't care at all. After all, the Liang family was already in trouble, so why would he care about him at this time?

  But the facts are completely opposite. The Jinzhou county government has such a tough style, and the Liang and Wu families have suffered a lot before, and they are still willing to cooperate with the county government, which makes him a little puzzled.

  Why is the county government so demented? Isn't this tilting the balance of victory to the black hand behind the scenes?

  If there is an abnormality, there must be a demon!

  I'm afraid the county government still has a backstop, Liang Sheng thought about it again and again, and finally decided to stay calm and see the situation first.

   Then a few days later, Jinzhou City was in chaos!

   Thank you, Wowo, big brother, for the 15 million reward, I love you!



  (end of this chapter)