MTL - There is No Bottleneck In My Practice-Chapter 15 Fudo Ming Wang Seal

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  Chapter 15 Fudo Ming Wang Seal

   Something is wrong.

At this moment, Liang Sheng was secretly trying to calm down the turmoil of the inner qi in his body, because just now when he was copying the Buddhist scriptures, unconsciously, the inner qi in his body followed a track that had never been seen before, circulating around the body by itself. .

  This situation is unprecedented. With Liang Sheng's cautious personality, how could he allow this situation to continue?

   Fortunately, he has an attribute panel to hide his inner breath, otherwise the abnormality in his body just now might be noticed by Xuan Nian upstairs.

  At this moment, he was staring at the plain yellowed Buddhist scriptures beside the table, not sure if the situation just now was an accident.

  He froze in place and thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with his body, so he decided to try again.

   This time, Liang Sheng held his breath and focused his attention. As he copied Buddhist scriptures, the number of words gradually increased, and the Qi in his body circulated again by itself.

  Its exercise route is completely different from health-preserving exercises and Golden Dragon Jue!

   This is not my illusion!

  Liang Sheng no longer had the relaxed state of mind he had before, his face was full of solemnity, and his brain was running wildly for a while.

   This Buddhist scripture is absolutely extraordinary, but it has been placed on the first floor for so long, and Jinshan Temple has not paid attention to it, which can only mean that it is very special, or no one cares at all.

  However, if you want to test whether Jinshan Temple really doesn't care about this scripture, the method is also very simple.

  After all, Hongzhi said that as long as he doesn’t go up to the second floor, he can freely copy the scriptures on the first floor and even take them back to his guest room.

  In this case

  Thinking of this, Liang Sheng suppressed the excitement in his heart, copied the original Fudo Mingwang Tathagata Sutra, and then put the sutra back.

  Then he took another Buddhist scripture in his hand, brought the copied Buddhist scripture paper and pen, and came to the novice monk in the Sutra Pavilion.

   "Master, I wonder if I can take this Posa Sutra back to my room to copy it?"

  The novice monk took a look at Liang Sheng’s hand and it was indeed an ordinary Basuo scripture. Of course, there was nothing wrong with it, and said with a smile: “The chief minister has already ordered that the laymen on the first floor can borrow and copy the scriptures at will, as long as they return them before leaving the temple.”

  Liang Sheng expressed his thanks immediately, and then took the scriptures to his guest room. On the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion, Xuan Nian just glanced at Liang Sheng and didn't care.

   Waiting until the next day, Liang Sheng returned the Posuo Sutra, copied Buddhist scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion for another day, and took another sutra out of the Sutra Pavilion before leaving.

  After going back and forth for seven days, Liang Sheng finally pretended to be inadvertent, borrowed and took out the Sutra of Fufuming King Tathagata.

  He forced himself to remain calm, but the monk, as usual, did not stop him, and Xuan Nian on the second floor did not appear.

   Sure enough, no one at Jinshan Temple knew the special nature of this scripture, and it was just regarded as an ordinary scripture.

   And this also made Liang Sheng heave a sigh of relief. He searched the scripture carefully that night, but found nothing.

   It seems that this is just an ordinary scripture.

  Early the next morning, Liang Sheng pretended to return the scriptures, and then copied the Buddhist scriptures as usual. When he left, he took another Buddhist scripture, and the little novice didn’t even bother to look at it.

   Sure enough, the act of borrowing books by themselves has become irrelevant. They have already tacitly agreed that they will return the scriptures, and no one cares.

  In the next few days, everything went on as usual, and Liang Sheng finally felt relieved that this Sutra of Fudo Ming Wang Tathagata is a scripture that no one cares about.

In the eyes of Jinshan Temple, it is no different from other Buddhist scriptures on the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion, and he has written down all the contents of Fudong Mingwang Tathagata Sutra. Being around doesn't matter.

  Since this is the case, Liang Sheng found a time and quietly sent back the original scriptures without attracting anyone's attention.

  Even Xuan Nian, a high-ranking martial artist, didn't know that there was a missing scripture on the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

  After that, Liang Sheng would transcribe the Sutra of Fudo Ming Wang Tathagata every day, but Liang Sheng didn't feel any changes in himself, and after some research to no avail, he just let it go.

  Unknowingly, a month passed like this.

   On the way, Liang Sheng asked Ma San to go back to Jinzhou City. The situation in Jinzhou City not only did not ease, but became more and more tense.

  I heard that many middle-grade martial arts masters have been involved in accidents one after another, and the casualties are not small.

   Seeing this situation, Liang Sheng was even more afraid to show his face, and continued to hide quietly in Jinshan Temple, no matter the flood in Jinzhou City.

   And just today, Liang Sheng was in the guest room, continuing to transcribe the Fudo Mingwang Tathagata Sutra as usual.

  After running a big cycle this time, a special inner qi was generated in his body, which made all other inner qi in his body work.

  Golden Dragon Jue, Changchun Kung Fu, and other nine health-preserving exercises are distinct from each other. Under this special internal energy, they are speeding up.

  If Liang Sheng practiced at a speed of 1 before, it has become 1.5 now, which is a full 50% faster.

   And this special internal energy is like a brilliant sun, extremely masculine, and under the operation of other exercises, it has also begun to grow, and the speed of operation has also accelerated a lot.

   Fortunately, he has an attribute panel to hide the breath in his body, so Jinshan Temple did not attract the attention of him, and no one noticed his abnormality.

   After all the kung fu in his body had finished running, Liang Sheng felt his whole body became much lighter.

  He couldn't wait to open the attribute panel at this time, and his face was extremely pleasantly surprised.

  Name: Liang Sheng

  Age: 32

  Talent: Naive and dull (extreme)

  gongfa: Jinlong Jue (sixth floor), Changchun Kungfu (eleventh floor), other health-preserving exercises (ninth floor), Fudoming King Seal (first floor)

  Realm: warrior acquired sixth level (80%)

  The progress of the sixth level of the day after tomorrow reached 80%. He thought it would take at least a year to achieve this progress, but he did not expect to achieve this progress unexpectedly today.

  The most important thing is that there is an additional Fudoming King Seal in the column of my skills, which should be the reason for my changes.

  Fudo Ming King Seal?

  Liang Sheng murmured a few words to himself softly, feeling vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

   No, I must have seen these five characters somewhere, otherwise I wouldn’t have such a familiar feeling.

  Although he couldn't remember it, he also knew that the seal of Fudoming King must be related to the Sutra of Fudoming King Tathagata, and he didn't expect that he would have an adventure.

  Being in a good mood, Liang Sheng wished he could go to Yichun Tower to celebrate for himself again, but it's a pity that now is not the time, and he still needs to hide in Jinshan Temple.

  But at this time all his cultivation tasks have been suddenly completed, and with nothing to do, he can only pick up a book of miscellaneous notes as a pastime.

   This time, in order to stay in Jinshan Temple for a long time, he prepared a lot of things. If he can pass the time, he also prepared some miscellaneous notes.

   Just when Liang Sheng picked up a book of miscellaneous notes and was about to lie down to pass the time, he sat up suddenly.

  He finally remembered where he had seen the five characters Fudo Ming Wangyin.

  At this moment, Liang Sheng's eyes were shining brightly!

  (end of this chapter)