MTL - There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place-Chapter 1324 the passage of time

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Thousands of Dao Dharma phase qi machines flowed into the Xuanyin Pearl by themselves, and all of them merged into Man Luo's soul. This was the last thought of fellow Buddhist practitioners, pure and sincere.

All kinds of dharma and Manluo are in harmony with each other, and after this integration, it will be as if they were born with supernatural powers.

It's just that Manluo had no intention of breaking the realm, and after melting all the remnant souls, she escaped directly from the Xuanyin Orb, transformed into her true form, and walked in front of the three people in Baiyun Tower.

Without the protection of the Buddha's light, its condensed dharma image was immediately suppressed by the way of heaven, and it collapsed in an instant.

"A Luo, your spiritual sense..." Jin Chan exclaimed, and the purple golden bowl in her palm revealed the light of merit and virtue.

Man Luo raised her hand to stop her, and sighed softly: "I've been sleepy for a long time, let me relax for a while..."

While talking, Man Luo walked up to Zi Yan, and praised softly: "Sister Zi Yan is really so beautiful, no wonder Brother Bai has traversed countless star fields, and he has to pursue this far..."

Halfway through the conversation, he seemed to have figured out the clues, and couldn't help sighing with a bit of envy: "Congratulations to Brother Bai and Sister Ziyan for their lovers finally getting married... I heard Brother Bai talk about the world of love and prosperity in the world before." ..., it really makes people fascinated, and I really want to go to the next life..."

Following the sound of the voice, Man Luo's dharma gradually disintegrated, and finally turned into thousands of lights.

At the same time, a Bianhua flower escaped from the Xuanyin Pearl, swallowing thousands of fluorescent lights, and finally merged with the spirit flower itself into a crystal clear divine seed, which slowly floated down from the midair.

"Namo Amitabha..." Manluo asked for relief, but the golden cicada was powerless to stop her, so she could only recite the Buddha's name and send her off.

Zi Yan stepped forward and gently held the God Seed, and sighed softly: "Thank you, Sister Manluo, I will take you home now..."

After saying that, he raised his hand and summoned a Bianhua flower that was more than three feet high and shone with fairy light. One of the slender petals protruded out and gently wrapped the **** seed.

In this way, Man Luo's aura completely disappeared from the small world of Buddhism, and she jumped out of the avenue of reincarnation here.

go home…

That's right, Ziyan has been found, and the immortal flower of the other side has also been found, it's time to go back to the world of lovers...

Thinking of this, Baiyunlou suddenly felt tense, as if he had forgotten an extremely important matter.

"Tonight and tonight..." Ziyan's soft words came from his mind, and Baiyun Tower immediately woke up, and raised his hand to resist the magic weapon of the sundial.

After some concentrating deduction, the always calm headmaster Bai couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Twelve years, twelve years have passed, after all, it was plotted by the devil Shenglian... Chaoyang, Baiyuan..."

"The morning sun is unobstructed, and the White Court is still the same, but under the sweeping calamity, the Three Realms should be hard to be peaceful..." While Baiyun Tower deduced the passage of time, Zi Yan sensed along the air mechanism.

Hearing this, Baiyunlou nodded slightly, feeling relieved a little, but still entangled with the passing years: "In a blink of an eye, twelve years are gone, no wonder Senior Sister Qingchi specially reminded me to see it before parting." Pointing to the sundial, it should be here...

"I have been away for twelve years, and I don't know what the human world... the whole three worlds have become..."

Hearing these words, Zi Yan couldn't help showing a smile, she put her hand on her senior brother's arm, and said jokingly: "I think it's Mr. Xianjun, you are worrying too much. With Chaoyang Xiaojing and the others here, you don't need to worry too much , let alone sister Yunxiao taking care of her in the dark."

Sensing that the aura of the person he cares most about is all intact, Baiyunlou completely relaxes.

Turning her head to look at Zi Yan, her eyes could not help but be filled with infinite tenderness, she immediately wrapped her arms around the thin waist, and said: "From today onwards, I will call my husband..."

"No, the younger sister is just the brother's Taoist companion, and you need to be careful in front of people." Zi Yan twisted her body slightly, and broke free from the arms of Lord Bai, her pretty face became more and more rosy.

"Then according to junior sister..." Bai Yunlou chuckled, but did not persist, turned his head calmly, and looked at Jin Chan, who was full of surprise.

"Senior Brother, you and Senior Sister... Are you a Taoist couple? Or do you have a lover?" Only now did Jin Chan recall Man Luo's words just now.

Bai Yunlou replied with a bit of arrogance: "Of course, Zi Yan and senior brother are not only Taoist couples, but also lovers... By the way, this venerable also has a lover named Chaoyang, so don't miss it when we meet in the future." It's a gift."

While speaking, a cloud of sapphire smoke rose from under his feet, engulfing the three of them and fleeing beyond the sand of the Ganges River.

Jin Chan couldn't accept it for a while, as if her previous cognition had collapsed, she asked weakly: "Senior Brother Jianglong, you... are a Buddhist venerable..."

Regarding the junior brother's curiosity, Baiyunlou explained patiently: "What's the matter? This deity has countless incarnations in the heavens and myriad worlds, and each incarnation can experience a life. The previous bitter sea walker, today's Dragon Subduing Arhat is just one of the incarnations..."

"But no matter what the incarnation is, senior brother, my nature is just a sword fairy who travels the world of mortals."

"Junior Sister Manluo, who regenerated the true spirit in the flower of the other shore, has now acquired thousands of dharma images. In the future, she can also use her incarnation to wander around the world, truly feel the pain and joy in the world, and you can personally appreciate the avenue of love."

Hearing the name of Man Luo, Jin Chan showed concern. After knowing that her true spirit was safe, she immediately sat cross-legged on the cloud head, chanted sutras and Seeing Jin Chan's appearance, Baiyun Tower secretly sighed No wonder Man Luo's last thought was to go to the world of sentient beings. When she met such a wooden fish, she was really speechless...

However, Jin Chan has her own path of Buddhist cultivation, and she cannot force it...

Just as he was feeling emotional, his mind suddenly brightened, and the familiar scenery of Lingshan finally reappeared in front of his eyes.

"Hahaha, I am back from subduing the dragon..." The smooth laughter echoed in the mountains.

This trip to the sands of the Ganges has fulfilled his wish, Master Bai is in a good mood, and the unrestrained temperament of the immortal has all returned.

"Senior brother Bai... Uncle Bai, Uncle Bai, Uncle Dongfang, you can count yourself back, this disciple has been waiting here for almost a year..."

The voice sounded familiar, and Bai Yunlou immediately restrained his temper and turned his head to look, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The agile girl who appeared in front of her was actually Yuan Bao, the little girl whose eyes were wide open.

Taking a closer look, Baiyun Tower suddenly became a little stunned, but also became more curious.

The auras on this ingot were rather mixed, apart from the auras of Jing Wuxin and Bi Yougong's masters and apprentices, there were actually a few auras that Baiyunlou was extremely familiar with.

The most conspicuous one is Nangong Xiaojing, and then Nangong Feiyang, and even Chaoyang's aura is very clear.

From this point of view, this ingot is not only well acquainted with all the immortals in the world, but also deeply loved by several elders of Qingyun sect...

"Yuanbao, is Xiaojing asking you to wait here?" Baiyunlou sensed a few breaths of breath in the small world of Buddhism, and immediately asked curiously.

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