MTL - The World Online-Chapter 11 Proceeding

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When Ouyang Yu walked into the Chamber of Deputies, people had arrived.

On the front wall of the Chamber of Deputies, there is a landscape painting that I do not know who made it. The lines are rough and sturdy, and it is also extremely majestic. A rosewood chair is placed against the wall, and three ordinary wooden chairs are placed on each side.

The first person to sit in the left hand is Shi Wansui, followed by Zhao Dexian and Zheng Shangun. The first person in the right hand is Cui Yingyou, followed by Zhao Youfang and Zheng Dahai.

I greeted everyone one by one. Ouyang Yu sat down on the rosewood chair and said: "Began to discuss it. You can report the resources of the territory first."

"Yes," Cui Yingyou said with a cry, and stood up. "In terms of resources, the territory now has 4,750 units of grain, 220 units of wood, 390 units of stone, and 450 units of iron ore. In terms of resource output, logging It can produce 100 units of wood every day, and the quarry can produce 50 units of stone every day. According to the current construction progress of the territory, it is expected that the wood will soon be in short supply, and it is recommended to increase the number of logging workers. Reporting is completed!"

After listening to the report of Yingyou, Ouyang Yi did not immediately respond. He took the opportunity to check out some of the architectural drawings he bought in the primary market last time to see how they were built.

[Ferry]: Provides services to and from both sides of the river. Construction conditions: Mekong, ferry, ferry construction drawings, 40 units of wood, 20 units of stone. Construction time: one day.

[Primary Terminal]: Provides general civil vessels to dock and provide cargo distribution. Construction conditions: dock construction drawings, 400 units of wood, 200 units of stone. Construction time: three days.

[Primary Shipyard]: Construction of ordinary civilian vessels, including ordinary fishing boats and passenger ships. Construction conditions: primary shipbuilder, 100 units of wood, 50 units of stone. Construction time: two days.

[Village Temple]: The land of villagers' beliefs to improve residents' satisfaction. Construction conditions: construction drawings of village temples, 400 units of wood, 350 units of stone. Construction time: two days.

He has calculated in his mind, and there are also junior military camps and five small residential buildings in the basic building of the territory. The number of resources required for the first-level villages is already very clear.

After the calculation, Ouyang Wei said, "It's very good. The Yingyou report is very detailed, the analysis is also in place, and the problem is fixed. I just counted that all the construction projects are completed, and a total of wood is needed. 1240 units, stone 760 units. This does not include the wood needed for the subsequent construction of fishing boats."

"According to the current speed of timber production, it has been unable to keep up with the construction speed. It is imperative to add people. The territory now has a total of 87 people. In addition to special talents, there are 70 farmers. The labor force is still sufficient. So I decided to To increase the number of farmers in the logging yard." Speaking of this, Ouyang Wei looked at Zhao Youfang and said: "Zhao Youfang, the director of the field, you must do a good job in the division of labor and ensure the supply of timber in the territory."

Zhao Youfang quickly got up and said aloud: "Yes. Guarantee to complete the task!"

Ouyang Yu smiled slightly. "In addition, what happened to the task assigned to you a few days ago?"

Zhao Youfang frowned slightly and replied: "I have traveled all over the territory for a few days and found that there is only one forest in the west. The forest is in the territory of the territory and is expected to only produce 8,000 units of wood. As for Outside the territorial area, because of fear of an accident, the investigation has not yet begun."

Ouyang Yu sank a bit, looked around at everyone, and said seriously: "The question that Zhao Chang has just raised is very sharp. With the construction of the territory, the logging and quarry are outside the village, and are vulnerable to beasts and hooligans. Attacks. The ferry crossings, docks and shipyards that will be built in the follow-up will be outside the territorial scope, and the security situation will be more severe. These are the core industries of the territory and must be guaranteed to operate safely. It is difficult to take care of the history alone. The urgent task now is to build the primary military camp, train the militia, and improve the military strength of the territory."

Ouyang Wei saw that Shi Wansui was already full of excitement. He smiled and said to him: "The generals of the history, the task of forming a militia squad, I will hand it over to you. The number of recruits will be ten. From now on, you It is possible to select soldiers in the territory. I promise that as long as you are a qualified soldier, the construction team, the logging farm and the quarry will cooperate with the release."

Shi Wanshou laughed and said aloud: "The end will no longer be the commander of the polished pole. Please rest assured that the Lord will definitely train a team of **** powerful militia for the territory, and live up to the trust of the Lord."

Ouyang Yu nodded and turned to look at Zhao Dexian. He took out the military camp, ferry, dock, shipyard and village temple architectural drawings from the storage bag and said: "Captain Zhao Dexian, this is the remaining five architectural drawings, you take Go back. Coordinate the construction order, and then the displaced people who are brushed out four days later, except for the special talents, all join your construction team."

Zhao Dexian quickly got up and took the drawings. He said loudly: "As long as the materials are supplied in time, I promise to build all the buildings within five days."

After Zhao Dexian returned to his seat, Ouyang Wei went on to say: "The short-term arrangements are clear to everyone. I want to talk to you about the long-term planning of the territory, so that everyone can know what you are doing. I will give you a bottom out. The ocean will be the core of the future development of the territory. By controlling the ocean, it will be able to hold the throat of global trade and occupy the strategic high ground of future transnational war."

"To achieve this strategic goal, we must build a strong sea fleet. Therefore, the shipbuilding industry will become the core industry of the future. Fortunately, we now have a senior shipbuilder in our territory." Zheng Dahai said to him: "Master Zheng, I hope that you can choose the right shipbuilding apprentices in the territory from now on, and train a group of junior, intermediate and even senior shipbuilders."

Zheng Hai calmly rose and said calmly: "I will live up to the adults!"

Ouyang Yu nodded and looked around and said: "Today's deliberation is over. After that, the tasks assigned to the meeting will be implemented one by one."

Everyone got up and said in unison: "I will live up to the adults (the Lord)!"

On the 10th of January, Gaia’s first year, the game opened for the tenth day. After four days of construction, the construction projects of the territory are nearing completion.

The ferry, the primary barracks and the remaining five dwellings have been completed, and the primary shipyards, the junior wharf and the village temple have also entered the final stage and can be completed today.

The ferry was built on the bank of Friendship on the northernmost tip of the territory. It was the first day of the landing of the rafts by Ouyang Yi and Shi Wansheng, which is very memorable. Through the ferry, you can cross the Friendship River and explore the hinterland of the Lianzhou Basin. The shipyard and dock are built on the easternmost side of the territory, near the bank of the canyon.

Among the 60 displaced people who have increased in the past four days, there are five people at the grassroots level such as lumberjacks, fishermen and vegetable farmers. A grandfather, nearly fifty years old, the body is also healthy, easy-going, laughing all day, everyone called him old man. Ouyang Yu arranged for him to hold a boat at the ferry, using the simple raft that Ouyang was hiding on the shore.

The biggest gain is a young man in his twenties. He is a beautiful and beautiful girl named Gu Xiuwen. He is a child. Although it is not a show, but after all, it has passed two assessments of county and government tests, plus the grade is not big, it is already a good reader.

More specifically, although Gu Xiuwen is only a black iron talent, he has a special strength. This shows that this person has great potential, a little training, and may be promoted to silver at any time.

[Name]: Gu Xiuwen (black iron grade)

[Identity]: Shanhai Village Clerk

[Occupation]: Civil Service (Children)

[Loyalty]: 75 points

[Commander]: 25 [force]: 15 [intelligence]: 35 [politics]: 40

[Features]: Bo Wenqiang (improving the administrative efficiency of the territory 5%)

[Evaluation]: The scholars of the Han Dynasty, who are poor and hard-working, read poetry books, and those who are modest and gentle.

Ouyang Yu immediately appointed him as the registrar of the territory, responsible for the work of documents and population registration. The first thing he arranged for him was to prepare a roster of territorial population.

Gu Xiuwen can win the evaluation of the modest gentleman, which is enough to explain his character. Ouyang Yu is prepared to train him as an important internal person in the future, and it is appropriate to appoint him as a clerk.

Thinking about the development of the territory in the past few days, Ouyang Yubu walked toward the military camp in the northwest corner. The second baby took the inferior horse and followed him behind him.

At the entrance of the military camp, Shi Wansui took his carefully selected 10 soldiers and was already waiting for it. When I saw Ouyang Yu, I laughed and said with excitement: "Lord, you can come. You will be waiting in the end."

Looking at this heart-felt fierce, Ouyang Yan said with helpless face, said with a smile: "Okay, I know your heart is worried. I will transfer them for them now, go in!"

The military camp is not large, and the main entrance is a solitary wooden gatehouse with no simple defensive arrow tower. Passing through the door is a small school yard.

There are two archery targets placed on the west side of the school ground for the sergeant to practice archery. On the west side of the school yard, there are five or six scarecrows on the north side for everyone to practice their fighting skills.

There are three rooms in the military camp, which are the secret room, the council hall and the officer's lounge. The military camp east cabin is a soldier's dormitory, with only one large room and a standard shop. There are two rooms in the military camp, the dining hall and the storage room.

I came to the door of the secret room and pressed it on the door with a hand.

"System Tip: Congratulations to the players who have no clothes to open the military camp to transfer to the secret room. The junior military camp can transfer the peasants to a level 1 militia, and the transfer fee is 10 silver coins. Please choose the number of people to transfer!"

"10 people!"

"System prompt: Confirm the number of transferees ~ ~ deduct the player 岂曰 no clothes 1 gold coins."

I saw that the door of the closet was slowly opened, and the chamber was black and lacquered. I could not see what was inside. Ouyang Yu arranged 10 farmers into a column, one by one into the secret room.

When the first militia came out, the image was completely new. The original rags disappeared, replaced with a brand new linen gown, and a simple leather armor tied to the chest. Holding a simple spear in his hand, the whole person's attitude is also more determined and fierce.

Ouyang took the opportunity to check the properties of the militia.

[name]: Zhang Daniu

[Identity]: Shanhai villagers squad team members

[Occupation]: Militia

[Level]: Level 1

[Strike power]: 2 points (attack defense comprehensive index, standard civilian combat strength value is 1 point)

[consumption]: 2 units of grain / day

[Equipment]: linen gown, simple leather armor, simple spear

[Evaluation]: Farmers who have just gone out of production need to undergo long-term rigorous training in order to become a qualified soldier.

The militia rises 1 level per level and increases the value of 1 point. After rising to level 10, you can transfer to a formal pawn, otherwise the level can no longer be upgraded. The transfer of soldiers requires an intermediate barracks to operate.

In less than half an hour, 10 farmers have all been transferred to become level 1 militia. For true professional soldiers, the militia is naturally nothing. But for civilians, every militia exists as an enemy. Ouyang Yu will compile them into a militia squad, led by Shi welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest, hottest serials are available at users please To read.