MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 47 confrontation

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Hearing this, Ji Yu laughed for some reason, getting louder and louder, and then her eyes fixed.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed my wrist, and pulled it towards me fiercely. I was caught off guard by his force and swayed to the ground on my back.


The things on the table fell to the ground one after another, and even the incense burner rolled down. The room was filled with incense dust, and the aroma of cypress wood was so strong that it was choking. The piano case fell next to me and was knocked open a crack. From that gap, I saw the words "Drunk Life" carved in cinnabar on the body of the piano.

drunk life.

Drunk life, dream death, drunk life dream death, his zither and sword.

How frivolous.

The arms of the purple sleeves were propped on the ground between me and the piano box. When I looked up, I bumped into Ji Yu's dangerous smiling eyes through the thick incense dust. I instantly remembered the time when I first saw him at the wedding banquet. He felt like a light in the mist.

He grabbed my wrist with one hand, put one hand on the side of my head and imprisoned me on the ground, looking down at me. He smiled and said, "Say it again, that it has nothing to do with me, that I have no right to intervene, that I am sinister and despicable?"


I was about to speak when he leaned over and kissed me.

I stared blankly at his eyes, which were so close to me, they were amber like Huadiao wine, the light disappeared after a couple of swipes, and he closed his eyes.

Warm, moist, his lips. Rich and intense, his breath. Lingeringly spread into my limbs, he wrapped around the tip of my tongue, I couldn't bear this kind of slender itch, so I could only hold his sleeve tightly. He tore off my hand, inserted his own fingers inch by inch, interlocking his fingers.

Until he slowly let go of me and stood up, I was so dazed that I couldn't make any response.

"Why don't you hide?"

His Yingying eyes looked straight at me, as if he wanted to see the sun through the clouds and reach the heart.

I just broke free from the hand that was intertwined with him as if I had just woken up from a dream, and forced myself to calm down: " me?"

After asking this question, I feel that for a person like him who has lived among flowers, the kiss should be done on a whim, and he just wanted to gag me.

I was thinking this, but I saw Ji Yu smiled helplessly. He leaned over and whispered in my ear: "I don't know. So you can give me the answer."

"What do you want to lose to me?"

His breath blew by my ears, warm and itchy, I was stunned for a long time before I heard my own voice: "I always lose to you."

"I don't just mean the chess game," he said in a low voice.

And I don't just mean chess games.

I always lose to you, I never win against you. You don't know anything, the me who you think is indifferent, ruthless and indifferent, who no one expects in this world, is actually the most afraid of you.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then pushed Ji Yu away. I sat up, and Ji Yu also straightened up and let go of my hand, her gaze kept on me. I closed the piano case that fell on the ground and put it back on Ji Yu's table, then looked at Ji Yu.

In the smoke and dust, his hair was only half tied with a headband, and the rest fell on his shoulders, covered with a thin layer of incense ash, as if his eyelashes were also stained a little, like walking through a fine snowfall. in front of me. Even so, it didn't look embarrassed, and it was still very hazy and beautiful.

It's beautiful like a whirlpool.

I looked at this person for a while, and finally regained my sanity. I smiled lightly and said, "You seem to treat me differently, but you also liked this piano so much, so you decided to burn it yourself in the end. Ji Yu Son, not everyone is waiting for your love and affection."

People felt that because it was Ji Yu, the glamorous Ji Yu who was admired by thousands of people, I should be flattered that he treated me a little differently, and I should go back to him wholeheartedly, just like Xia Wan.

But that's not what I want.

This love is my most precious thing, and I don't want it to be used or wasted.

Just like my mother I want to live a good life, I hate getting hurt, so I want to get out of this vortex.

Ji Yu narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at me, as if she was amused, but also sad. He coughed twice in the smoke, and said lightly: "When I kissed you just now, your pulse beat too fast. Jiujiu, you obviously like me."

I just felt my throat tighten and my hands clenched into fists, but my face remained calm.

Ji Yu casually laughed: "You're just talking about me, but you're not the same? So what if you like it, what's the big deal to you? You can give up at any time."

I lowered my eyes and fell silent. The smoke glowed golden in the sun, and the dust slowly settled, as if everything in the world was silent, only the sound of our breathing.

"So..." I said slowly, "We are the same kind of people, we are too similar. Ji Yu, we are cold and prickly, we can't trust each other. There is a very fragile mutual attraction between us. , so that it is insignificant and does not need to be attached.”

"Insignificant? No need to be persistent?" He sneered.

"It's time for me to leave, son. I won't ask for advice today. I'll come back another day."

This was the first time I avoided Ji Yu's gaze, I got up and saluted him, then hurriedly withdrew. When he walked out the door and turned to the corridor, Ji Yu suddenly made a sound.

"We are different, Jiang Jiuqing, we will have a bright future."

I looked at Ji Yu in the room, he was staring at me intently, paranoid and arrogant, with a faint trace of deep sorrow hidden.

I looked away as if I had been stabbed, and hurriedly plunged into the sunlight in the corridor. The green bamboos in Weneryuan swayed with the wind, and I walked past the colorful light and shadow cast by them, as if someone was chasing me. The sunlight pierced through the almost transparent air, too bright to be dazzling.

There seemed to be a lot of people greeting me on the road, and I all responded with a smile, but I didn't remember any of them. When I got to Xueming Pavilion, I suddenly stopped, leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

I still can't see Ji Yu sad, whether it's true or not, I feel like I'm going to be out of breath.

Fortunately, Proud Ru has always been vigorous, and he has never been seen as vulnerable except when he is unconscious in nightmares.

It is best for him to be proud all his life, and it is best for his pride to never be compromised. It's okay for him to be domineering, cruel, or playful, but he must not be sad.

This is my favorite person, I hope he will have a smooth life and never fall.

And hope he let me go.

I looked up at the sun, the air was hot in summer, filled with the clear aroma of soil and leaves, my mood finally calmed down a little bit.

"Are you okay?" A gentle and familiar voice came from next to my ear, and I turned around to see that Shen Baiwu was standing by the door at some point. He looked at me for a while, then slowly walked over to dust off the incense ash on my body, and asked, "What's wrong with you? You won't lose and fight with Ji Yu?"

Shen Baiwu can joke, how embarrassed I look.

I tried my best to laugh and helped him into the room, and said lightly: "Young Master Ji Yu is a bit busy today, I didn't play chess, let's go another day."

Shen Baiwu looked at me for a while, didn't ask me any more, just said yes, and then started to cough while leaning on the wall next to him.

Recently, his cough symptoms seem to be getting worse, and there is always a deafening and prolonged coughing sound in his chest. He took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth, and put away the handkerchief after his cough subsided.

A flash of red flashed by, and I grabbed his hand in shock.

"Show me your handkerchief."

His eyes seemed to be a little dodged, and he closed his eyes and said, "Don't look at it."

"If you have something to hide from me, I will know sooner or later." I raised my voice slightly. Shen Baiwu was silent, and he stretched out his palm helplessly, the blood on the handkerchief in his palm was shocking.

The doctor said that his body is fragile now, and if he coughs up blood again, he may be in danger. I hurriedly helped Shen Baiwu into the room and sat down, then went to call the doctor over. Shen Baiwu grabbed my hand and said calmly: "The doctor already knew about it, I didn't ask him to tell you."

My hands slowly clenched into fists, and I asked him, "How long have you been like this?"

"It's been a few days."

"You...why didn't you play chess?"

Shen Baiwu was silent for a while, then let go of my hand and smiled slightly, "Because the doctor said that playing chess requires too much thinking and energy, and my body can't bear it."

I only thought that he sealed the chess game, as if he asked himself to abolish his position and withdraw from the engagement. It was his break with the past self, but it turned out to be like this. The doctor had told him not to let Shen Baiwu consume his mind before, but I was negligent, I should have thought of it.

"You...why do you do this? Don't read the chess records anymore, and don't teach me any more." As I said that, I wanted to take back the chessboard and chess box on the table, but Shen Baiwu stopped me, he raised his head A pair of clean eyes looked at me, with a helpless smile: "This matter has something to do with you, but it doesn't have much to do with it. Jiujiu, I like playing chess."

My hands stopped clearing the chessboard.

"After I got sick, all the things I liked became harmful, and I couldn't do them as long as I wanted to live. I couldn't play chess, I couldn't plan, I couldn't ride horses... Now I feel good about playing chess again, and it's good to meet you. So I figured out some things." Shen Baiwu said softly, he coughed twice, and continued: "As you said before, after I die, I may turn into a caterpillar or a turtle, that's something I can't choose. Only when I am alive, I am myself, Shen Baiwu."

"However, as a human being, I still have a high official, rich salary and no worries about food and clothing, so I should do what I want to do, live as 'Shen Baiwu' and die as 'Shen Baiwu'. In this way, when I become an insect or animal in my next life, I will not Will regret it."

The door was open, the sun fell on him unscrupulously, and the dust shone brightly in the sun. This is summer, the summer when everything is noisy and desperately growing, and there is a vigorous breath of life in the air. As for Shen Baiwu in front of me, he is completely white, from his face to his clothes, to the way he looks at me, like a person made of snow.

It seemed as if it was really going to melt away in such bright sunlight.

I didn't expect that what I said to persuade him made him not afraid of death.

"You've made up your mind, haven't you?" I asked.

Shen Baiwu nodded, he laughed and said softly: "This way you don't have to guard me, you and I can be free. Jiujiu, I think this is the best ending."

My lips moved. At this moment, I thought of many dissuading and comforting words. I have always despised such people, but I couldn't say them. Life is his sickness and his. He has struggled for many years and has been silent for many years.

Maybe it is really like what Ji Yu said, Shen Baiwu is like another **** period to me. I'm not sure what they want is right, I just try my best to help them fulfill their wishes.


Sound the alarm for girls who like Laobai! He wants to live for his ambition, and he is willing to die for it. So... cherish Lao Bai who appeared in the next few chapters, and see him once less.

And a little spoiler, Lao Bai is not a perfect good person, he has done many wrong things.

(run away with the lid on)