MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 581 qualitative change 2

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A neat red incision is clearly cut across the navel.

Anglia can be seen through the wound, and the intestines inside are also neatly cut in half, and the white silk is connected to temporarily maintain life. .

He reached out and touched the wound gently.

boom! !

A white halo suddenly exploded from the wound, and his hand bounced off instantly.

"Damn! The Holy Power of the Church is locked!" Helia also saw this light. The face was distorted by hatred and pain, and the fists and nails almost pierced the palm of his hand.

"This kind of the exclusion of this power...." Angrid also flashed a glimpse of his eyes. "I'm sorry, Hilia.... Her heart's internal organs are cut in half, and there is a holy force rejection. I don't dare to use major surgery....."


Heliah sat down to the ground. "There must be a way.....there must be...." He muttered in his mouth, his eyes gradually falling into a state of no god.

Angrid suddenly stepped back and looked at Helia on the ground with a strange look.

This decadent man is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The dark short hair quickly became longer and became strangely silvery white. His eyes began to permeate the staggering green light, and the corners of the eyes slowly extended two green lines, all the way to the chin. It is like a tattoo.

"As my sister, I naturally can't let her die like this...." Helia slowly stood up and the voice became a cold and gloomy voice.

He raised his hands and a small sky made up of gray-white rocks.

"Everything is awkward...judgment!" Hailia whispered quietly.

laugh! ! !

The walls of the treatment room suddenly burst into a dazzling green light.

All the beams of green light are like arrows. All gathered on the black woman on the bed.

The wound on the woman began to heal quickly, and the internal visceral wounds healed as quickly. A trace of white sacred force was slowly expelled, silent and without any resistance.

The scorpio in the hands of Helia slowly fell to the right side of the hanging plate.


Hailia suddenly spewed a blood and stumbled to the ground.

The surface of his skin slowly drilled a green filament, like a filament of hair. A large number of green silk grew rapidly and became longer, and gradually drowned his whole person.

In less than ten seconds, the whole person in Helia was automatically wrapped into a green coat.

Anglia stood on one side and waited until the big stagnation stopped. This went to the masked woman, and the blue light flashed in the eye and was carefully checked.

"The heart recovers and beats, all the functional indicators are normal. Unbelievable!!" Angrid was amazed. "That kind of horrible injury. Actually it can still survive safely... This vitality is already comparable to my real body! This is obviously not the blood that is known for regenerative ability!"

The gaze moved to the big cockroach formed by Helia. "All things scorpio? Another name for bad luck? The blood is getting stronger and stronger...." Anglia flashed a glimmer of hope. He could feel the cells of his body tremble with excitement in this **** atmosphere, as if the thirst to the extreme desert ushered in heavy rain.

"It should be a qualitative change after this stimulus... Wait until the big cockroach opens, it should be the end of the qualitative change. Then the blood will be drawn again..." Angrid has already inferred many times to determine the blood of this doom. Breath has great benefits for itself. The blood after the qualitative change can enhance the level of the wizard. It has been proved by many analyses.

"What I can do now is just waiting. As long as I don't interrupt this process..." He feels that this big cockroach does not have much defensive power, and the extremely complicated changes that are carried out inside it may be interrupted by a single attack.

"Well?" Angrid suddenly looked at the right side, his eyes faintly red. The line of sight penetrates the wall. Cross the woods and look into the unknown.


In the dense woods

In the dark forest, a group of silver armor knights holding yellow torches are quickly moving through the woods. Their horses are dark and their eyes are light green.

This team has more than a dozen people. Leading a young woman wearing a pale blond body.

"How far is it? Milin!" The female knight in the Mercedes-Benz asked loudly.

"Come on, the mountain above the front is!" A male knight behind him replied.

"Only solve the bug-like wizards, and immediately run over to deal with the **** people like these mice. These **** people, like the wizards, are always so weak. They just crawl like worms, once there is no barrier, just like The lamb to be slaughtered, I really don't know how this weak existence has been passed down to the present." Another female knight in the ranks complained coldly.

"Even if the mice have their own unique rules of survival." The female leader replied faintly. "When the attention of the sorcerer and the **** person is very weak, be careful not to be surrounded by a single one. Safety."

"What are you afraid of! Those who are sorcerer's blood are also used for a long time." The horsewoman snorted. "In general, the wizard **** person saw us when we didn't turn around and ran."

"Be careful with yourself." The female leader, the knight, faintly glanced at her, no longer saying more.

"This time there is also Raytheon and us to act with us. What are you worried about?"

"Those mice are just more capable of escaping, and they have no resistance at all!"

"How about killing this game? Who was the last time you were robbed? How can you not win the game?"

"If you lose, you still want to deny it!"

A group of knights laughed easily.

"No sound!" The female leader raised her hand and suddenly all the sounds in the team were quiet.

The flare of the torch fluttered backwards, like a flying red yarn, and the team could only hear the hum of the horseshoe.

Soon, a camp of bonfires suddenly appeared in front of the team. A tall, strong man was kneeling by the fire and heard the sound of the horseshoe. The strong man stood up and looked back. He suddenly looked shocked and rolled his body into the bushes and plunged directly into the grass.

"The **** man is lingering! Chasing!!" The Cavalier female leader slammed out the scimitar at the waist and held up the squat.


A team of knights screamed and rushed toward the direction of the big man.

Unconsciously, their direction of progress has completely deviated from the goal.


On the other side of the woods, a five-person squad knight. Under the leadership of Raytheon, he was rushing to catch up with the shadows fleeing in front.

The team has deviated far from the target dome.

"No! It's counted!" Ray's face changed, he pulled the reins, "Call~~~"

The horses in the silver armor slowed down slowly, and even the entire team slowed down. Until it stops.

"Adult, what happened?"

"How did you stop the adults? You can almost catch the kid!"

Raytheon raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"I suspect that he deliberately wants to take us away from the original direction. Now everyone is moving towards the original goal, full speed!"


Everyone responded neatly, twisting the horse's head with him and speeding up the horse in the original direction.


In the tomb

Take back the line of sight.

Go out of the treatment room, close the door, and Angrid slowly removes the gloves.

"Hylia's plan has not been successful? It is related to my future interests. It seems that it is not good to go to the door in person..." He walked slowly to the main entrance of the tomb, handing the gloves on his hand to the one standing. Rila.

"Little guy. Let me go out. Come back soon, you will be waiting in the treatment room for a while."

"Know it." Freila also knew that it was a crucial time. I didn't ask much. She also saw the injury of Helia, and now her face is still pale. I went to the bathroom and vomited for a while, and my body was still empty.

Pushing the wooden door of the tomb, Anglia tightened the black cloak and looked at the dark night forest outside.

"During the qualitative change. No one is allowed to interrupt the process....." A flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and the backhand closed the door, and the figure instantly turned into a flame disappearing at the door.


4. In the dense woods, a white figure in a month rushed toward the Wella Valley as a white line.

The trees and the stones are in front of him as illusory, straight through the past, without any sound or destruction. It seems to be just a phantom illusion.

In the white line, a tall knight with a white armor bent over and bowed. His chin had two long white whiskers, hanging down to the chest, and a maneuvering blade in the shape of a crescent moon. The same is white.

The knight is the thunder that left the team to advance alone. After reacting to the plan, he suspected that his teammates were too slow, and simply accelerated to go all out to the goal of the church.

"Don't dare to transfer directly from the church headquarters, I really thought we couldn't track you?" Ray's face was a bit cold.

Suddenly, the knight slammed into the footsteps, and the backhand silently took out the revolving blade, blinking and looking straight ahead.

In the woods, Anglia slowly came out in a black silk robe, his hands hidden in his robes, with a subtle smile on his face.

"Sorry, I can't let you go here. It's very important to do ahead. In addition, private territory does not welcome outsiders."

A black mist condensed from behind him and turned into a black scorpion climbing on the shoulders of Anglia, making a squeaking noise.

"This kind of breath.... is very similar to Scorpio. Is it also the embers of the blood family?" Ray's face was gloomy. "A district, a lingering, actually dare to stand alone in front of me, relying on the ability of those who are vulnerable to the blood of the garbage? Is it trying to kill me?"

"Don't die?! Bloody ability garbage?" Angley's face sneered a little sneer, "Ignorance idiots.... let you really see what the real blood capacity should be!"

He slowly reached out and held the man with a white armor. Numerous black smoke gathered in his palm to form a spherical shape, as if the barrel was about to be ejected. A huge force that trembles and trembles slowly,

"This power!!!?" The knight's pupil suddenly shrank.


He ignited a spurred white flame, opened his mouth, and swallowed his mouth and shimmered in white light.