MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 74

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Si Yu held the steering wheel and looked up at the rearview mirror from time to time—the white Bentley always kept a safe distance of 3.5 meters from her, like staring at her to prevent her from running, and like is protecting her.

At this distance, she could only roughly see the outline of Lu Xi sitting in the car, thinking of the tone and expression when Lu Xi said "I miss you too" just now, she felt a little bit Messy.

Si Yu looked back, looked at the surging traffic ahead, and pouted.

She didn't go back because of those words.

"Grandma!" Si Yu stepped into the living room from the garage, ran over and hugged Mrs. Lu who was in a wheelchair.

Mrs. Lu hugged her tightly and patted her back, half delighted and half reproachful: "You finally know you're back."

Si Yuxin clenched her heart all of a sudden, squatted down to look at her, and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, grandma, I'll definitely come back to see you when I have time in the future."

Mrs. Lu touched her skinless face and said distressedly, "Why didn't you tell me what happened?"

“…what’s the matter?”

"So many people on the Internet scolded you for slandering you, yet you didn't tell me!"

Si Yu's expression froze, she looked at Lu Xi who followed up, and asked her with his eyes: How does grandma know?

Lu Xi happened to hear what Mrs. Lu said, and she was also a little confused, shook her head and said, "I didn't say it."

"If Sister Li hadn't read the news, I wouldn't have known you suffered so much."

Mrs. Lu helped them clear their doubts with one sentence.

Si Yu looked at the nanny Sister Li who was standing behind Mrs. Lu in surprise.

Sister Li sneered and said, "I was bored to watch the news on my mobile phone, and then I saw the news that you were hacked."

Speak clearly.

Mrs. Lu is not in good health. She is afraid that the elderly will be worried. Si Yu has always reported good news instead of bad news. She has been hacked several times in the past year, perhaps because she was not well-known at the time, the news was too lazy to report her. After the broadcast of "Your Smile", Si Yu was considered a small fire. This time it involves the sensitive topic of campus bullying, and the matter is very big. She is featured on Tieba, Weibo, forums, and various news platforms. , Coincidentally, Sister Li saw it.

No wonder Mrs. Lu was so emotional when she saw her.

Si Yu was touched, pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, grandma, that matter has been resolved, we found the person who posted black me, we have won the lawsuit, and the misunderstanding has been clarified. already."

"It's clarified, can it be regarded as the facts that hurt you never happened?" Mrs. Lu patted her unconscious thigh and said sadly, "I knew there were so many intrigue in this industry, I Should have stopped you in the first place."

Si Yu's smile didn't change, and he patiently coaxed: "There are intrigues in every industry, and someone blackmails me to prove that I am popular. It's not bad to think so. Grandma, you really don't have to worry too much, I'm very strong inside. Yes, I don't care about those who scold me at all, it's a big deal."

Mrs. Lu disagreed: "No matter how powerful you are, you are still a woman, and so many people scold you for slandering you, can you really not care at all? I don't believe it."

Sincerely speaking.

Mrs. Lu patted her head and said bitterly: "Grandma really loves you, I don't want to see you being pointed at, and I don't want you to be hurt. Jojo, Stop being an actor."

Si Yu was stunned, looking at Madam Lu's distressed and caring eyes, she suddenly thought of her deceased grandmother.

One time, Si Yu was seriously injured while filming, grandma knew it, took her hand and said tearfully: "Xiao Yu, being an actor is too hard, why don't you do it. Grandma I don't need you to make too much money, I just want you to be safe."

In an instant, she seemed to have returned to the dilapidated hut again. Madam Lu's face overlapped with her grandmother's, and her eyes began to blur.

She clenched her thin hands and said slowly: "I said I want you to live a good life, not an actor, where will I get the money to buy you a big house? It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of hard work, and I really enjoy acting."

Lady Lu was caught off guard by her sudden red eyes, so she hurriedly comforted and said, "Okay, I won't say it anymore, just keep doing it if you like."

Si Yu suddenly recovered, blinked quickly, suppressed the enthusiasm in his eyes, took a deep breath, and grinned: "Thank you grandma."

"Hey—" Mrs. Lu sighed heavily and said, "Go wash your hands and prepare for dinner."


Si Yu stood up, bumped into Lu Xi's inquiring eyes, and his heart burst. She quickly lowered her eyes and turned to wash her hands.

Lu Xi followed her slowly, thinking of what she said to her grandma, she always felt weird.

Si Yu's family was wealthy and inherited a huge inheritance after her parents died. Before they got married, her family also lived in a big villa.

But Lu Xi didn't think deeply, just thought it was Si Yu who deliberately said that in order to persuade Mrs. Lu.

There was a large mirror in front of the sink, and Lu Xi stood behind Si Yu who was washing his hands carefully.

Si Yu kept her head down, Lu Xi couldn't see the emotion in her eyes, she only remembered her red eyes just now, as if she had suffered endless grievances.

It's not that Lu Xi has never seen Si Yu cry. Si Yu often cried in front of her before, and every time she felt no turbulence in her heart.

Is it because of stress?

Thinking of the abuse on the Internet this month, Lu Xi was silent for a while.

Si Yu said that she has a strong heart and doesn't care about those comments on the Internet, is that really true?

Or just pretending to be strong?

"Is it tiring to be an actor?"

Si Yu knew that Lu Xi was looking at her, but this question surprised her. She turned off the tap, turned around, and said with a chuckle, "Which line is not tiring to do?"

Lu Xi looked at her slightly smiling eyes and pursed her lips.

I don't know if Si Yuta is good at covering it up, but those eyes are clear and agile again, as if the fragility just now was just an illusion.

Lu Xi also knew that he asked nonsense, thought for a while, and said, "If you are tired, take a rest, you don't have to fight like that."

Si Yu picked up the dry towel to wipe his hands, and said casually, "If you don't fight, you won't get any money."

"Are you short of money?"

Meeting her skeptical eyes, Si Yu realized that he had missed his mouth, rolled his eyes, and said, "Those shares, assets, etc... are all left by my parents. , I just want to make money to support myself through my own efforts, can't I?"

"Make money to support yourself?" Lu Xi repeated her words, flashing in his mind Si Yu's previous idleness and being a rice bug at home every day, completely incompatible with the self-reliant Si Yu in front of him No.

Sometimes she wonders if Si Yu has completely changed her personality, why is there such a big gap before and after?

Si Yu saw her expression changed and changed, thinking that she was questioning her lack of ability, and she said angrily: "I don't make money to support myself, do you support me? "

Lu Xi's thoughts were interrupted, his eyes moved slightly, and he said, "Okay."


"If you get tired one day and don't want to film, I'll take care of you."


Si Yu's face was full of astonishment, and his heart was beating wildly.

She just said it casually, but she didn't expect Lu Xi to answer so seriously.

I was used to being independent and self-sufficient since I was a child. Si Yu never thought of being dependent on anyone, but I have to say that Lu Xi's three words "I support you" really touched me. she is.

I couldn't iron it in my heart, which made her feel like she wanted to depend.

She is dying, how can this woman speak so well now? !

Si Yu felt that this bathroom couldn't stay longer, and was afraid that he would fall if he stayed for one more second.

She dropped the towel and was about to leave when Lu Xi stopped her: "Don't leave tonight, stay with grandma."

Si Yu wanted to spend more time with Mrs. Lu, but only thought about sleeping at night...

Seeing her hesitation, Lu Xi thought, "Are you worried about sleeping with me?"

"...What does it mean to sleep with you! Don't talk nonsense!" Si Yu's ears heated up.

Lu Xi realized that there were ambiguities in those words, his face was slightly embarrassed, and he said, "I want to ask you if you are worried about sleeping in the same room with me... Forget it. If you mind, I can go to the guest room."


Si Yu couldn't remember how many times they slept in the same room, but it was fine before, one slept on the sofa and the other on the bed, without disturbing each other. Since Lu Xi confessed to her, she also understood what she thought about Lu Xi, and she could no longer be in the same room with Lu Xi calmly.

No matter whether she is hypocritical or awkward, she feels that their current messy relationship should not continue to sleep in the same room.

Lu Xi offered to sleep in the guest room, but he avoided embarrassment, but Si Yu was a little worried: "What would you say if grandma found out?"

Lu Xi thought about it and said, "Then tell her I've been snoring under stress recently, for fear of making you sleep separately."


Si Yu didn't observe Lu Xi's sleeping well, but she knew that Lu Xi would never snore when she was sleeping. Don't talk about snoring, Lu Xi was too honest when he slept. Basically, whatever position he lay down would be the same position when he woke up.

She really didn't expect Lu Xi to make up for Lu Xi's snoring in sleep in order to make herself so self-deprecating at night, and couldn't help laughing.

Lu Xi didn't know why she was laughing, she was infected, the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, and asked softly, "Is it okay?"


Si Yu stayed that night.

She didn't sleep on the sofa as usual, but slept directly on Lu Xi's big bed.

The mattress was soft and comfortable, and the sheets and pillows exuded a familiar scent, the same as the smell on Lu Xi.

Smelling the fragrance, she soon fell asleep.

Si Yu stayed at Lu's house like this. Lu Xi went to work during the day, and she stayed with her grandma at home.

They still let go to sleep at night.

Mrs. Lu really believed in Lu Xi's nonsense that she would snore at night, and pulled Si Yu to ask secretly, "You guys always sleep so separately, won't your wife's life be affected?"

Si Yu was stunned for a second before he realized what "wife-wife life" meant, his face flushed red, and he stammered and said, "We...don't need it too often..."

Fortunately, technology is limited now, otherwise Si Yu would have doubted that Mrs. Lu's next question was whether they would have children.

Mrs. Lu saw that she was too shy, so she stopped asking.

Lu Xi still went out early and returned late, but Si Yu found out that Lu Xi, who used to want to spend every day in the company, recently got off work very early, got home around six o’clock, had dinner with them, and finished eating After dinner, I pushed Mrs. Lu to go for a walk with her. After the walk, the three sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Halfway through, Madam Lu noticed something was wrong, looked at Si Yu and Lu Xi who were sitting on either side of her, and said, "Why do you two always sit apart?"

Si Yu glanced at Lu Xi, who was separated from her, and asked weakly, "Sit separately...what's the problem?"

Mrs. Lu pointed to the male and female protagonists on the TV who wanted to be together 24 hours a day, and said, "Look at this young couple, they all watch TV together, why are you two? Do you sit apart every time?"

"That's acting..." Si Yu said with a guilty conscience: "I and Lu Xixi have been married for three years, old husband and wife, you don't need to be tired and crooked all day long. Is that right, Xixi? ?"

Lu Xi raised his eyebrows, but said, "Old husbands and wives can also get bored."

Speak: "!"

"That's right." Mrs. Lu said cheerfully: "Come here Xixi, I'll change places with you."

Mrs. Lu skillfully pushed the wheelchair and gave up the middle position.

Si Yu watched Lu Xi move over vigilantly, thinking: This woman doesn't really want to take the opportunity to hug her, right? !

If that's the case, when Madam Lu faces her, she doesn't know how to refuse...

Lu Xi sat down next to her, saw her nervous look, paused, and leaned over.

Si Yu stiffened.

"Don't be nervous, just watch TV." Lu Xi said in her ear with a volume that only two people could hear, and then sat back down.

Si Yu sighed.

She thinks too much...

Lu Xi didn't do anything, and Madam Lu didn't make any strange requests to them, and concentrated on watching TV.

Si Yu turned his attention to the TV.

On the screen, the heads of the male and female protagonists are getting closer and closer, and the male protagonist lifts the female protagonist's chin and kisses the female protagonist.

She was embarrassed to stare at the TV, her eyes wandered and met Lu Xi's eyes: "..."

After only one second, Lu Xi calmly turned his gaze to the screen.

Si Yu bit his lip, his heart was numb, and he couldn't watch TV drama anymore.

Except for the embarrassing kiss scene, the two of them had their own ghosts, and the days after that were not disturbed.

These dull days continued for three days.

On the fourth day, Si Yu left the Lu family to record a variety show.

Because of the black incident in Tieba, Si Yu was forced to push down two online magazines. After the court verdict came down, Liang Yufei apologized publicly and she was able to wash her white. Haoyu invited her to record again.

It was the female staff member who came to pick them up. This time, the attitude was reversed 180 degrees, and he personally ran down to help them put their luggage, smiling and flattering.

Si Yu has been in the circle for nearly ten years after all, and he is no stranger to this kind of face. However, Xiao Xia couldn't stand it, and whispered a few words to her.

Two webinars were recorded in one day.

After recording the online roundup, they rushed to S city non-stop to shoot a promotional video for the game "God's Domain".

Boarding the plane, Si Yu took out the blindfold and prepared to take a nap.

Xiao Xia, who was sitting next to her, desperately hit her with her elbow and said in a low voice, "Liang Yufei seems to have broken up with Lin Yiyan!"

Si Yu drowsily disappeared, glanced at her phone, and saw a video.

Xiao Xia put one earphone into her ear and clicked on the video.

The video was taken secretly, the background is not clear where it is, Lin Yiyan dragged a suitcase with a cold face and walked quickly, Liang Yufei stumbled to catch up with her, hugged her crying and did not know what to say . Lin Yiyan broke her hand and said a word, and finally drove away without looking back, leaving Liang Yufei crying on the spot.

After watching the video, Xiao Xia clicked on the comment.

[Lin Yiyan took off Liang Yufei! Absolutely broke up! 】

[Did they break up because Liang Yufei posted black Siyu? 】

[Girlfriend abandoned as soon as she was in trouble, it seems that this Lin Yiyan is also a scum. 】

[How do you know that Lin Yiyan abandoned Liang Yufei? What if Liang Yufei did something sorry for Lin Yiyan and was found out? Such a bad girlfriend is also divided for me. 】

#林一言梁宇辉 Suspected breaking up# These words are clearly hanging on the top of the hot search.

Si Yu and Xiao Xia looked at each other.

Si Yu did not think that Lin Yiyan broke up because Liang Yufei blackmailed her, otherwise Lin Yiyan would not have called her that day, let alone accompanied Liang Yufei to court.

But judging from the current situation, the two do seem to have broken up, otherwise why does Lin Yiyan want to take Liang Yufei off?

Why did you break up all of a sudden? Si Yu couldn't figure it out.

Lin Yiyan was driving alone on the highway, and she didn't know that the breakup between her and Liang Yufei had been spread on the Internet.

Half an hour ago.

Lin Yiyan decided to accompany Liang Yufei, who was not in good spirits, to go abroad to relax. When checking her luggage, a strange number called Liang Yufei's mobile phone.

This phone call became the trigger/fire/line of her breakup with Liang Yufei.

As soon as the call was connected, the person on the other end said straight to the point: "Miss Liang, when did you call the last payment? You don't want to default on your account, right?"

"What is the final payment?" Lin Yiyan was confused.

"Still pretending to be with me?" The man's tone was not good: "Last time I photographed you and your girlfriend kissing in the car, you said that the money is not enough, first give half of it, a month has passed , when will you give the remaining 100,000 yuan? If you don't give it, I'll tell your girlfriend about it!"

Lin Yiyan's hand trembled while holding the phone.

The paparazzi who followed them said that someone wanted to **** her, Lin Yiyan thought it was Xu Yingying, never thought that all this was actually designed by Liang Yufei.

Liang Yufei came to pick her up when she was drunk, arranged for someone to follow her, took the initiative to kiss her while she was drunk, and deliberately let the follower capture her secretly, forcing her to reveal their relationship early...

During this month of love with Liang Yufei, Lin Yiyan was deeply fascinated by her, and even contacted Si Yu twice for her.

Liang Yufei said that because she was afraid of being bullied by Si Yu, she was fascinated for a while, and caught Si Yu as a black person and wanted to take revenge. Lin Yiyan is also convinced of this. Liang Yufei kept repenting to her, saying that she would not do such stupid things again in the future, and Lin Yiyan forgave her.

After the court judgment came down, Liang Yufei was scolded by netizens. Lin Yiyan was worried about her depression, so she booked a flight ticket to take her out for a walk.

She was willing to do so much for her, and this call completely woke her up.

Lin Yiyan didn't want to make too much trouble and dragged Liang Yufei outside the airport to confront him.

Liang Yufei admitted that she arranged the paparazzi to secretly take pictures, crying and saying that she did it because she loved her too much, and begged her for forgiveness.

Before this, Liang Yufei shed a tear and Lin Yiyan was so distressed, but now seeing her cry, she just feels fake.

She reluctantly broke up with Liang Yufei, was disheartened, and turned away.

Light and Shadow Building, President's Office.

Lu Xi exited Weibo, put down her mobile phone, and said to Chen Yan who came in to deliver the documents: "I want to rest for a few days, the daily work of the company will be handed over to you, and the important documents will be put away first, and then wait for me to come back. sign."


"Let's see if I can still book a plane ticket to S city today, and if so, book one for me at any time."

Chen Yan thought she was just tired and wanted to take a vacation. When she heard the city of S, she understood it and teased, "You want to see Miss Si?"

"..." Lu Xi coughed unnaturally without denying it.