MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 71

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Si Yu couldn't calm down after receiving the call from Zhu Qi.

Afraid that her condition would affect the recording of the next program, she did not look at her mobile phone, and Xiao Xia and she pushed their suitcases out of the airport terminal worriedly, and saw the nanny car waiting outside.

The staff who came to greet them had a stern face, didn't open the door for them, and said in a lukewarm tone, "Why are you taking so long?"

Before getting on the plane, Xiao Xia sent the flight information to the staff member. The plane arrived on time, and it took them only ten minutes to collect the luggage.

In fact, the Tieba incident caused a lot of trouble. The program team learned the news. Just now, the group was still discussing whether or not Si Yu should continue to record the program. Afraid of offending Guangying, the director asked the staff to take Si Yu over first.

The female staff member read the post that broke the news, and she truly hated her, and her emotions were all on her face.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Si Yu said with a good temper.

The driver was enthusiastic and came down to help them put their luggage.

Si Yu hurriedly said: "We can do it ourselves."

The driver had to give up.

Xiao Xia whispered in her ear: "You are the guest, why are they so arrogant when they invite you to record the show."

Si Yu didn't know whether it was because of online public opinion, or because the staff member who disliked her not being famous enough did this to her, and motioned Xiao Xia to stop talking. She opened the trunk and was about to put her luggage when her phone rang.

Seeing that Zhu Qi was calling, she hurriedly pressed the answer: "Sister Qi."

"The show will not be recorded for now. Come back quickly." Zhu Qi said.

Si Yu lowered his voice: "This is not good, the contract is signed."

"Mr. Lu said that she will bear any loss." Zhu Qi's tone was very urgent: "I have explained the situation to the director, you will come back immediately and solve the Tieba matter."

Si Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Lu Xi also knew about this?

Will she believe the black stuff on the Internet?

Zhu Qi said a few more words in his ear, but Si Yu didn't pay attention, so he calmed down and said, "I'll go back right away."

"Come on, what are you doing?" The female staff member urged impatiently.

Si Yu closed the trunk, put on a mask, and said with a smile: "We won't record."

Under the suspicious gaze of the staff, Si Yu pushed the suitcase with one hand and led Xiao Xia to the airport with the other.

They bought the nearest flight and arrived in city B five hours later.

From the airport, go directly to the company.

From the time of the accident to the present, the manager of the public relations department has never left the conference room with his subordinates, always keeping an eye on the trend of public opinion on the Internet. After all, this is the task that President Lu personally explained, and no one dares to slack off.

Si Yu rushed to the conference room in a hurry, just sat down, but before she could catch her breath, an employee of the public relations department sitting next to her suddenly shouted: "Fuck! , President Lu just lost a big melon!"

Seeing that everyone took out their mobile phones, Si Yu also took out their mobile phones curiously, logged into Weibo, clicked on the hot search, and saw the number one trending search#light and shadowbeautyCEOself-explosionmarried# these few When I wrote a word, my heart skipped half a beat.

Lu Xi blew himself up? ? ?

Then she was stripped of the vest! !

Si Yu stood up.

No one noticed her strangeness, because everyone was attracted by the video that the employee opened.

On the screen is a video excerpt, which is the part of the content that Lu Xi was interviewed by reporters at the end of the press conference.

On the 13-inch computer screen, Lu Xi, who was wearing a professional suit, was intellectual and abstinent. She stared directly at the camera with a cold gaze.

When the reporter asked that question, Si Yu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

When she heard Lu Xi say the words "she is my wife" softly, Si Yu felt an indescribable complex emotion, she forgot to breathe and stared blankly. looking at the computer screen.

Reporter: "Is she a star? Or a wealthy daughter?"

Lu Xi: "No comment."

Reporter: "Is it convenient to reveal when you got married?"

Lu Xi: "Three years ago."

Video finished.

"Fuck!!" Someone shouted.

Si Yu was taken aback.

Lu Xi only admitted to being married, and did not disclose the identity and name of his wife, but this is undoubtedly a super big melon for the online melon eaters and Guangying employees.

These employees of the public relations department are the same as taking the excitement/excitement/drug.

"President Lu got married so early! It's too good to hide it!"

"Which son of a **** spread the rumor that Lu was always unmarried???"

"So who is Mr. Lu's wife?"

"It's so secretive, it should be a business marriage with a wealthy family."

The more Si Yu listened, the more guilty he became. As his eyes rolled around, he saw Zhu Qi sitting next to him with a stunned expression on his face. Be quiet.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Xia, who was completely unaware, was confused by her actions.

Speak: "…"

Zhu Qi: “…”

Zhu Qi's heart was turbulent at this time.

Only Zhu Qi recognized that the luxury car on the hot search last time was from Si Yu, and it was enough to surprise her to learn that Si Yu and Lu Xi kissed her in the car, and now Lu Xi Xi publicly admitted that the person she kissed was her wife. Doesn't that mean Si Yu is President Lu's wife? ? ?

Zhu Qi took a long time to digest the news, tried to suppress the shock in his heart, cleared his throat, and said to other colleagues who were farther and farther away: "Mr. Lu's revelation should be able to disperse. Pay less attention, let's hurry up and solve the Tieba thing first."

Those few people remembered that they had business to do, so they quickly stopped gossip and looked at Si Yu.

The manager of the public relations department said: "The people who broke the news in the post bar all said that it was your classmate, and they all said with certainty that you once took you at the same table... that Zhang Xiaotao broke a bone and forced others to Dropout? You have to tell us the truth, is this true?"

"I did have a holiday with Zhang Xiaotao." Si Yu pondered a little and said slowly, "But there is some misunderstanding here."

"What misunderstanding?"

This started when Si Yu met Lin Shuang at the fashion gala dinner four months ago.

Si Yu was assigned to a table with Lin Shuang at the fashion festival. In the banquet hall, Lin Shuang found her and asked her if she remembered bullying Zhang Xiaotao and forcing Zhang Xiaotao to drop out of school.

Lin Shuang was a junior high school classmate of the former female partner. At that time, Si Yu hadn't passed through. How could she know what the original female partner had done? When she came back, she asked Xiao B.

Although Si Yu often scolds Xiao B as a **** system, but it is still useful at critical times. Xiao B gave her some of the memories of the original female supporting role, and she realized that the so-called bullying classmate had another hidden meaning .

Zhang Xiaotao is the former female supporting role's junior high school classmate, and the family conditions are difficult. The original female partner and Zhang Xiaotao had been at the same table for two years, and the family conditions were average at that time. Suddenly one day, the father of the original female partner has developed, and he wants to take his wife and daughter to live in the big city. The former female partner, who has completed the transfer procedures, went back to school to get her transcripts. She ran into Zhang Xiaotao and found that Zhang Xiaotao was wearing a precious watch she had lost before. Zhang Xiaotao refused to admit it, and the two had an argument. When pulling, the watch fell on the ground and broke, and the original female lead was furious and scuffled with Zhang Xiaotao. Zhang Xiaotao was frail and was beaten and screamed. Fortunately, the father of the original female partner appeared in time and pulled the original female partner away.

This was originally a story of a small fight between two female classmates caused by stealing a watch. Others didn't know it, and Zhang Xiaotao didn't dare to tell others the truth. Everyone only saw that she was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face. It was thought that the original female partner was bullying her.

As for why Zhang Xiaotao was forced to drop out of school after it evolved into the original female supporting role, this is even more outrageous.

Zhang Xiaotao accidentally fell on her way home by bicycle and broke her hand. She was afraid of being scolded by her parents and lied to them that it was the original female partner who broke her hand.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiaotao's parents went to school to make a big fuss, but at this time, the original female supporting role had already followed her parents on the way to the big city, and this matter could only be left to nothing.

Since then, the news about the original female supporting actor bullying Zhang Xiaotao and breaking Zhang Xiaotao's bones has spread like this.

Because of fractures and injuries, Zhang Xiaotao was forced to drop out of school. Later, her family really had no money, so she simply refused to let her go to school.

The three views of the children in junior high school have not yet been formed, and they are all repeating what others say.

Si Yu deliberately omitted the paragraph of Xiao B, and used the tone of stating the facts to tell the cause and effect that he knew.

After listening to the complete story, the manager thoughtfully said: "That is to say, that Zhang Xiaotao stole your watch and slandered you... Then according to what you said, the person who posted it also It's not pure black, after all, the rumor was caused by Zhang Xiaotao, and those students who broke the news were at most misled by her rumors."

"What if someone knowingly misunderstood me and spread rumors to blackmail me?"

"What do you mean?"

Si Yu picked up the phone and found the screenshot of the chat that Zhang Xiaotao sent her before, which contained the chat history of Zhang Xiaotao and Lin Shuang.

Si Yu explained: "This Lin Shuang is my junior high school classmate, and he is also an actor like me."

The screenshot is very long, and the others come to watch it together.

In the chat log, Lin Shuang first mentioned the "Your Smile" starring Si Yu, and mentioned that the second female Chen Shuang is a female school bully who likes to bully classmates, and then chatted with Zhang Xiaotao When Si Yu bullied her and forced her to drop out of school, his tone was extremely fierce, and the words revealed his undisguised hatred and disgust for Si Yu. Zhang Xiaotao told Lin Shuang that the incident was a misunderstanding, and Si Yu did not bully him. Lin Shuang didn't believe it at all, and asked her if she was threatened by Si Yu and did not dare to speak.

After chatting with Lin Shuang, Zhang Xiaotao realized that something was wrong. She did not reply to Lin Shuang, and immediately called Si Yu.

Before going to record the show, Si Yu knew that Lin Shuang asked Zhang Xiaotao about the past, but he couldn't guess what Lin Shuang wanted to do. When she got off the plane and was told by Zhu Qi that she had been hacked, she was not surprised.

The manager read the chat log without a word, touched his chin, and thought: "Do you suspect that this Lin Shuang is blackmailing you?"

Si Yu frowned and said worriedly: "I don't know if it is her, but she is the most suspect."

Lin Shuang is an actor who is struggling in the big city, Zhang Xiaotao is just a working girl who has graduated from junior high school. , added WeChat, and inexplicably asked about things more than ten years ago, which in itself is a very suspicious thing.

The manager brushed the sparse hair on his head and said, "Whether it was done by Lin Shuang or not, since what that person posted is not true, please call the police and file a case first. President Lu blew himself up. Marriage, this matter is being discussed on the Internet now, it can be regarded as temporarily suppressing your matter, but it is estimated that it will not last long."

It turns out that Lu Xi released such a big melon to help her divert the attention of netizens? Si Yu was surprised.

"Let's go, let's go to the police station." Zhu Qi's voice interrupted her thoughts.


They went to the underground garage and happened to meet Lu Xi and Chen Yan who came back from the press conference.

Si Yu stopped.

"President Lu." Zhu Qi and Xiao Xia greeted Lu Xi respectively.

Lu Xi nodded slightly, passed them, his eyes glued to Si Yu who was one step behind, and walked towards her: "Is the matter resolved?"

"Not yet..." Although her identity has not been revealed, I don't know why Si Yu feels like she has been stripped, especially Zhu Qi staring at her with a look of good drama, making her cover up uneasy.

She took a silent step back.

Zhu Qi glared at her and pulled the silly Xiao Xia into the car first.

Chen Yan also said interestingly: "Mr. Lu, I'll go up first."

Lu Xi nodded.

In the blink of an eye, only the two of them were left in this empty space.

Si Yu didn't dare to look directly at her too gentle eyes, looked away, and said, "Did you deliberately say those words in front of the reporter?"

Lu Xi's expression froze, and said softly, "Did you see the interview?"

Si Yu made an unnatural "uh" sound, thinking of Lu Xi's tone and expression when he smiled at the camera and said "she is my wife" softly, and his heart was a little turbulent.

"The PR department was helpless at the time, so Chen Yan had to arrange a nursery and ask me those questions at the end of the press conference." Afraid that she would be angry and expose herself without her consent, Lu Xi was careful Watching her reaction, she paused and said, "I know you don't want to expose your relationship with me, so I didn't say much."

"..." A strange emotion flashed in Si Yu's heart, which was fleeting, raised his eyelids to look at her, and said, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Lu Xi didn't quite understand.

"Thank you for believing in me." Si Yu said sincerely.

If she hadn't believed in her, Lu Xi would definitely not have revealed that she was married to help her share the firepower. And after the meeting, Lu Xi didn't ask her if the matter was true or not, but directly asked her if she had solved it.

Without understanding the cause and effect, Lu Xi actually chose to believe her, she was really surprised.

I was also moved.

Lu Xi stared at her and said softly, "You are my wife, I don't believe who you believe."