MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 19 comfort

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Song Xian was hugged inexplicably, she turned her head to look at Jiang Liuyi, moved her body, and felt that Jiang Liuyi's hug was tighter and couldn't help frowning, could it be that she just had dinner with Yu Bai and had an unpleasant fight and wanted to comfort her?

That's right, they will get married, isn't it just to 'comfort' each other?

Song Xian asked, "Have you finished your meal?"

Jiang Liuyi buried herself in her neck, her voice muffled: "Yes."

Song Xian said, "I haven't eaten yet."

Just stuffed some bread in the morning and drank a few cups of warm water, but she was not hungry, Jiang Liuyi said, "I brought you omelet rice."

Song Xian shook his head: "I don't want to eat this."

Don't you want to eat the uncomfortable meal?

Jiang Liuyi asked guiltily, "Don't you want to eat?"

Song Xian looked sideways, flames burst into her usually calm eyes, she put down the eye drops, closed the computer, and said to Jiang Liuyi, "I want to eat something else."

Jiang Liuyi met her eyes, hugged her and clenched her shoulders tightly.

She suddenly remembered that when she met Song Xian for the first time, she recognized the wrong person and said sorry to Song Xian, but Song Xian took the initiative to greet her.

"Do I resemble anyone you know?"

"It just looks like it at first glance," she said.

At the first glance, the profile looks alike, but when you look closely, you can tell the difference, and the temperament is also very different. Song Xian is very quiet, a quietness that makes people feel as cold as water.

She thought that her relationship with Song Xian was limited to those two sentences, but she didn't expect her to ask, "Who are you? Ex-girlfriend?"

She froze for a moment, but nodded.

Song Xian asked again: "How long has it been since we broke up?"

She thought for a moment: "It's been almost three years."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Song Xian: "What's the matter?"

Song Xian said, "I'm fine. If you're fine, would you like to find a place to sit?"

She had heard this kind of strike-up talk a hundred times, and she always declined, but looking at Song Xian's calm eyes, she suddenly followed suit.

She thought that being with such a quiet person like Song Xian would not cause waves, but she was wrong. When the two of them were alone, Song Xian was not quiet at all, just like boiling water at any time. She soaked in the scorching heat every day—such as now.

Song Xian hooked her neck intentionally, hugged her with both hands, and the weight of his whole body was about to hang on her body, that sentence suddenly had other meanings, Jiang Liuyi said: "Aren't you hungry?"

The voice of the person in his arms softened: "Very hungry."

Obviously the same word, but different meanings.

She couldn't hold back, and wanted to bow her head to kiss Song Xian, when her lips were close, Song Xian said: "Go back to the room."

Jiang Liuyi hugged her, Song Xian's hands were still messing around in her clothes.

Jiang Liuyi staggered in her arms, barely leaning against the wall to stop, Song Xian withdrew his hand, Jiang Liuyi's heart was full of disappointment, she took two quick steps, and carried Song Xian into the room.

The curtains are drawn, and there are two worlds inside and outside the room.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky until the sunset, and Song Xian was awakened by the phone ringing outside the door. She walked around the dark room familiarly, but didn't touch anything. After walking out of the room, she picked up the phone. How is her figure repairing? She sat down and said to Yuan Hong: "Just a little more, I will send it to you later."

Yuan Hong smiled: "Okay, don't work too hard, do you have a headache today?"

Song Xian pressed his temple, and said calmly: "Fortunately, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Yuan Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "Then Miss Jiang is okay? Xiaoying and the others love to make trouble, and they played like crazy yesterday."

Song Xian replied to her lightly: "It's all right."

"It's fine." Yuan Hong was relieved, and she said, "Then I won't bother you, see you tomorrow."

Song Xian put down her phone, turned on the computer and continued to edit the pictures. After a while of work, she was hungry and looked at the omelet rice that Jiang Liuyi brought back. After it was warmed up, she sat at the table and edited the pictures while eating.

Jiang Liuyi's picture is particularly easy to edit, because she is pretty. Although Song Xian didn't like her appearance at first sight, she decided to marry Jiang Liuyi. It is undeniable that part of the reason is her appearance.

No one doesn't like beautiful things.

She is also a layman.

Song Xian quickly repaired the picture and sent it to Yuan Hong. As soon as Yuan Hong arrived home, she received Song Xian's edited picture as soon as she sat down.

Of course she had seen Jiang Liuyi, and had dinner with Jiang Liuyi last night, but when she opened the picture suddenly, she still had the illusion of being electrocuted when she saw the picture.

It's so beautiful! ?

As expected, it was taken by Song Xian. The editor said every time that it is very good to cooperate with Song Xian, because every time I can feel the heartbeat. It is the people in the photos. Yuan Hong used to laugh at the editor for being too exaggerated. Just now Opening this group of pictures, she admitted that it was not an exaggeration.

Her heart rate actually accelerated for a few seconds, and although she quickly calmed down, the feeling of astonishment brought by seeing these pictures just now cannot be erased.

Really know how to shoot! Really know how to fix it! It looks so good!

Yuan Hong happily sent the photo to the editor, but as expected, the screen was blown up by the other end, and she couldn't get to the bottom of it.

【Help! ! This is really beautiful! ! ! Surrender to Song Xian's hands every day! ! ! 】

It's really amazing, even Yuan Hong who doesn't know how to shoot can get the essence of it, she sent a message to the editor: [Array well, don't let me off the hook. 】

American editor: [How is that possible? Sister Yuan, believe it or not, even if you don’t release anything, it will sell well! 】

Yuan Hong poked her profile picture: [Don't say there is something missing, go and fix it. 】

American editor: [Okay, Sister Yuan, follow Sister Yuan's orders. 】

Yuan Hong was amused by her, and turned her head to send Song Xian: [Thanks for your hard work, the effect is very good, I sent it to Xiao Li, and she praised you for a good shot. 】

Song Xian had just finished eating omelet rice. After seeing this message, she swipe across it after replying. The screen still showed Bai Ye's latest itinerary. She glanced at it and turned off her phone.

When Jiang Liuyi walked out of the room in her pajamas, she saw that Song Xian had just finished eating, and she walked over: "Is this for dinner?"

Song Xian turned his head: "Are you awake?"

Jiang Liuyi rubbed her hair, and walked behind Song Xian with a humming sound: "Are you full? I'll order some more food later?"

Song Xian put down the spoon: "I'm full."

Jiang Liuyi let out a cry.

She turned around and went into the bathroom to wash up. When she came out, Song Xian had already cleaned up all the rice bowls on the table. After Song Xian had finished eating, Jiang Liuyi didn't really want to order alone. She went to the kitchen to order a bowl of instant noodles, and poked her head while frying poached eggs. Looking at Song Xian sitting in front of the computer: "Do you eat poached eggs?"

Song Xian said without turning his head, "Don't eat."

Jiang Liuyi: ...

She was silent and ate by herself.

Song Xian was still busy with the computer, Jiang Liuyi asked, "Are you still working?"

Song Xian raised his head, looked at her, and said lightly, "It's over."

It’s just that this group of photos of hers is so pretty, He Xiaoying asked her to make it into a computer wallpaper. Originally, an American editor could do it, but Xiao Li was busy with typesetting and didn’t have time, so He Xiaoying found her, and she finished one and sent it. I was knocked by other colleagues suddenly, so I haven't stopped yet.

Jiang Liuyi was puzzled: "What are you doing after it's over?"

Song Xian pulled the picture and said, "I'm making a wallpaper."

Jiang Liuyi walked behind her holding the instant noodle bowl, and saw that Song Xian was using his own photo as the computer wallpaper. He chose a side photo and made a photo of it. It looked like he was looking into the distance, and the artistic conception was very good.

She didn't expect Song Xian to use her own photo as wallpaper, Jiang Liuyi's ears felt hot for no reason, Song Xian turned around and asked, "How is it?"

Also ask her opinion.

Jiang Liuyi suppressed the strange feeling and cleared his throat: "It's okay."

Song Xian said: "I also think it's okay."

After she finished saving, Jiang Liuyi said, "You can also send me a copy."

Song Xian nodded without thinking: "Okay, just this one?"

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Anything else?"

Song Xian showed her all the photos he had just made, and Jiang Liuyi's face felt dry and hot, and she said, "Then send them all to me."

After she finished speaking, she left holding the noodle bowl, her expression was as usual, but her footsteps were a little messy.

Song Xian sent all the completed pictures to Jiang Liuyi.

After washing the dishes, Jiang Liuyi sat on the edge of the counter in the kitchen, gargling habitually and biting on the lozenge, the cool lozenge instantly spread on the tip of the tongue, the chilliness also suppressed the dryness.

When she looked up, she happened to see Song Xian was still busy in front of the computer, Jiang Liu was leaning on her mobile phone, Lin Qiushui sent her a message saying sorry for what happened today, she paused, did not reply, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The next one is a message from Zhao Yuebai: [Liu Yi, help me see which dress looks good? 】

She wore it for her birthday. In the past, news like Zhao Yuebai was posted in the group. Jiang Liuyi wanted to go to the group to have a look. After Zhao Yuebai and Qian Shen had a quarrel, they stopped talking. Didn't say anything.

Jiang Liuyi chose red between red and white, and Zhao Yuebai immediately sent out: [I also think this set is good, so let's leave it at that, what are you doing? No news all afternoon? 】

Jiang Liuyi replied: [Sleep. 】

Zhao Yuebai: [I really do what you can. 】

Jiang Liuyi pinched the phone, and suddenly sent a few pictures over, Zhao Yuebai: [? 】

She sent: [Help me choose a computer wallpaper. 】

Zhao Yuebai: [Use your own photos as wallpaper, are you flirty or not? 】

Jiang Liuyi: 【My wife made it. 】

Zhao Yuebai: […]

In the end, Zhao Yuebai chose three for her, and said that it was more difficult than choosing a dress for herself. Jiang Liuyi raised her eyebrows when she saw the wallpaper she had chosen, and Zhao Yuebai asked: [I heard that you met Yu Bai again today? 】

Jiang Liuyi froze with a smile on her face, and slowly retracted it. It took her a long time to reply: [Work needs. 】

Zhao Yuebai: [Hey, work needs belong to work needs, I think you have to tell your wife, your wife loves you so much, if you know that you meet privately, she will definitely be sad. 】

Jiang Liuyi suddenly thought of Song Xian crying when he came back today.

She was silent for a few seconds, and saw Song Xian close the computer and couldn't help but walk over. The two sat on the sofa together, Song Xian rubbed his neck, and heard Jiang Liuyi ask: "It's over?"

Song Xian nodded: "Well, it's over."

Jiang Liuyi hesitated and would call her: "Song Xian."

Song Xian looked sideways, Jiang Liuyi said: "Qiu Shui was supposed to invite me at noon today, but when I went there, Qiu Shui had something to leave, so I had lunch with Yu Bai."

Yu Bai? Song Xian frowned, why did she mention her ex-girlfriend again?

Do you want comfort again?

Forget it, she understands **** after a full meal, Song Xian took the initiative to stretch out his hand to look at Jiang Liuyi, and opened his lips: "Take me back to the room."