MTL - The White-Haired Imperial Concubine-Chapter 161

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"Master Qi has said that Wei Chen thinks this is the most appropriate way."

"The minister also agreed with the two adults."

Man's eyes changed slightly, he looked at them and refused to answer, and asked the others: "Do the rest of Ai Qing also think that the matter should be reported to the emperor before making a decision?" She just said, Several people are trying to agree. She couldn't help lowering her gaze, suddenly stood up, opened the curtain, and went out. If we must act in accordance with these rules at this time, I am afraid that we will not wait for others to attack Jiangdu without sending troops. She just thought about it, but didn't speak out.

The ministers saw her suddenly come out of the curtain and froze slightly, and those who were about to speak also stopped. The expression on her face didn't seem to be a sign of anger, but the sudden cold eyes made people feel involuntary. She raised her head slightly, staring down at the crowd, her steps were slow, she moved forward step by step, and stood on top of Dan Zhuo. "General Luo, what do you think?"

Luo Zhi groaned slightly, frowning, "Qi Niu Niang, the end will think that fighter planes must not be delayed. We have only five days. If you play, please ask the emperor to go from Jiangdu to Zixiangguan. One time, one time. Day. Shacheng is endangered, I'm afraid we can't wait until then. "

She was full of admiration, and she did not mistake this person! Converging the emotions in her eyes, her sharp eyes swept the crowd one by one, "Sir, do you think General Luo has a point?"

"This ..." Xiang Xiang said, no way. He is the head of Wen Chen. If he agrees to transfer troops without passing the emperor, in case of defeat, he cannot escape responsibility. If he disagrees, then Shacheng will fall and he will become a sinner. After much deliberation, in the end only silence can be achieved.

Man snorted in his heart, these ministers have been in the office for a long time, and they have learned to protect themselves. I hate to take all good things to myself and push the risk to others. She looked at the ministers. Didn't anyone stand up and say something?

"Qi Niangniang, Wei Chen thinks that General Luo's statement is reasonable. The so-called time-shifting situation is easy, and special circumstances should be treated specially. Compared to the rules, Wei Chen believes that it is more important to support the border in time. After the fall, one of Zongzheng's worry-free promotion. After he spoke, several people agreed with it, "We should first assist the border guard before reporting to the emperor."

However, several people who had previously opposed the objection argued with them. Those people are the same as the elders of North Korea and China. They are stubborn in nature.

Seeing them blushing and thick necks until they were noisy, and their mouths were dry and temporarily suspended, she looked coldly and said in a deep voice, "You're done? Listen to this palace! "

Every time she looked, she naturally exuded a majestic and imposing manner, which made people unconsciously surrender. The ministers were startled, and they knelt down and listened.

She lifted her chin and paced over Dan Zhe, and Jin Buyao, wearing a phoenix crown on her head, set out a light and gentle arc with her heavy steps. "Rules are dead, people are alive. Now the situation in the border is critical, and you do n’t agree with sending troops first, then this palace will ask you a question today: If the Holy News is delayed, the enemy will break through the sand city and drive straight in. When you hit Jiangdu, can you afford the death? Can you afford it? ”When she asked the last sentence, she looked very serious, with a strong tone, uttered words, uttered words, and asked a lot. The Minister was speechless.

Seeing that they all bowed their heads, she laughed lightly and stopped paying attention to those people, and directly ordered: "General Luo, this palace ordered you to immediately lead Luo Jiajun to rush to the sand city to assist, annihilate the enemy, and strengthen my power in the Southern Dynasties."

"The end will follow the decree of the mother!" Luo Zhi took his knees, then worried: "Madam, grain ..."

Man Man said: "General Luo, please rest assured that the palace has ordered people to prepare in advance."

The ministers of the Manchu dynasty were embarrassed. It turned out that the princess had already decided on this matter, but this was to test whether they knew how to watch. The ministers bowed their heads, and no one objected.

After the rift, she called Luo Zhi to the Palace of Government.

"Excuse me, what else does Niangniang command?" Luo Zhi asked respectfully.

Manran said: "Only General Luo said that this expedition is only 70% sure? That palace will send you another 20%."

Luo Zhi was a little puzzled. There was no extra army sent to him.

Man-chan asked, "How does the general think this battle should be fought?"

Luo Zhisi said: "Our army has limited strength and should not attack directly. It should be based on defending the city, waiting for opportunities to conquer, and surprisingly winning."

He nodded indifferently, "That palace will send you four words: attack heart first. I heard that Yi Shiguo had had friction with Yushui Country half a year ago. Now that the former suspect is released, it is nothing more than to capture our southern dynasty. The three nations conspired During this conspiracy, you have your own highs and lows. "

Luo Zhi's eyes brightened, "Mother-in-law means ... Divorced Three Kingdoms? I will understand!" An army composed of three countries looks extremely powerful on the surface, but in fact, their hearts are not always the same.

Manyu turned around and picked up a thin pamphlet from the royal case, just a few pages. "This is for you. The so-called confidant knows one after another, so make good use of it."

Luo Zhi took it for a look and hesitated. What was recorded above was the hobby and temperament defects of the leading three kingdom boys, as well as the conflicts between them. With this, the heart of alienation is also a matter of time. He couldn't help but be excited. For so many years, he had always looked down on women, but the women in front of him had to admire them. "It turned out that the mother-in-law had already prepared."

He smiled wildly, beckoned to the door, and immediately a palace man came forward holding the drink. Manxi poured a cup for him personally and passed it on. Luo Zhi was ready to kneel but was stopped by her. "The frontier battle was urgent and there was no time to set up a banquet to practice. This palace is here. General Luo respects a cup and wishes General Luo to defeat the enemy at an early date. Army, triumphant return! "

"Thank you Niangniang!" Luo Zhi raised his glass with both hands and drank on his neck. He had a completely different mood and attitude from the last time Si Yuting refused to drink.

After Luo Zhi retreated, she passed Xiao Sha in. Then, slowly walked to sit down in front of the royal case, and Xiu Shu told Wuyou what was happening today.

Xiao Sha asked: "Master, you gave that grain to General Luo, what will the emperor do?"

Zongzheng Wuyou temporarily decided to go out. For a few days, the preparation of food and grass was not sufficient. Anxiety emerged frantically. "On the last few days there was a snowfall, and on the way to Zixiangguan, a valley intersection was blocked by heavy snow, no carriages could be passed, and grains could not be transported. Even keeping these grains was useless, It's better to give Shacheng an emergency first. "

"The emperor ..."

Manran said: "You send a message to Zhaoyun, ask her to take 200,000 silver, secretly buy grain and grass, and be sure to send the grain to Zixiang Pass within one month."

Xiao Sha looked at her disapprovingly. "You want to put the lives of the emperor and hundreds of thousands of soldiers into her hands?" He was very skeptical of Zhao Yun's ability to handle things.

Manyu put down Zhu Bi and sighed, "There is no choice anymore! I believe that for the sake of worry, Zhaoyun will do it even if he is desperate."

That woman has no less than half the love for worry-free. Throughout the year's correspondence, she felt Zhao Yun's growth from the line and was very happy for her. Man Man again said: "You just need to write down the situation clearly and tell her to be careful. Remember to tell her that this matter must not be known to others, including the sinking fish." It is a matter of life and death. Be careful, she can't believe anyone except Zhao Yun.

Xiao Sha nodded. "The master has made two hundred bronze chariots, and the authorities above have been settled. Only gunpowder is needed."

The man answered well and said, "Do not spread the method of gunpowder."

Xiao Sha said: "Master, rest assured, this has always been done by his subordinates, no one knows."

"That's good. You've worked hard!" She smiled gratefully. It feels good to have a few trusted people to stay with you.

Xiao Sha retreated, and she immersed herself in government affairs until the third.

Returning to the Manxiang Hall, he felt weak and exhausted. She went to the bath room for a bath, and sobbed and leaned against the pool again. Recently, it seems more tiring than before, and I often dream, sleep stupidly and restlessly.

In the dream, there was always a hand tightly around her neck, she couldn't breathe if she breathed hard. She desperately called, no one came to save her, she wanted to open the hand of that person, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not shake him. That dream, every time I woke up, cold sweat spread all over my body, and in midnight, she seemed to see the man holding her neck in tears, but she couldn't see his face. Such a dream, with the feeling of passing away from the beginning to a later segment, became clearer and clearer day after day, as if she had experienced it in person, so real.

The weather in Jiangnan in February has been slightly warmer, but it is still cold at night. The cold wind swept in through the closed gap in the window, blowing on her bare skin, shivering. She immediately woke up, and the water was slightly cold. She quickly got up, put on her clothes, and returned to the dormitory.

The big bed in the dormitory was missing one person, and looked extremely empty. She went straight to the bed without lighting, lifted the quilt, got into the quilt, and habitually lay inside to leave the outside. 2k novel reading network