MTL - The White-Haired Imperial Concubine-Chapter 127

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The man stiffened stiffly, and his lips were pale immediately. The tragic experience of that time left an indelible shadow in their hearts, so that as long as she remembered these things, she would be unconsciously afraid and shamed. So in the past year, they have never really had the same room. In fact, in this regard, not only was she evading, he was also careful not to ask. Although I cannot live like this for a lifetime, at least not now.

Zongzheng Wuyou felt the stiffness of the person in his arms, and smiled happily: "I just talk about it, don't worry about it. Today, I received a message that the war in Beiyi country had ended, and his prince, Fu Xi, and Fu Zhai lost 50,000 soldiers. Conquer 80,000 soldiers. On both sides of the capital, there are small borders on both sides of the capital, while their army wants to share a cup of tea, they have seized four cities. And we have been harassed to the south, and we do n’t want to give us a chance to rest ... opinion?"

After thinking for a long time, he looked up and said, "In my opinion, this matter is definitely not that simple. All countries move together, all of them are coming towards the Kingdom of Heaven. I am afraid that someone is too ambitious and deliberately helped the situation. Weng Bangxiang Everyone knows the principle of fighting for the fisherman's profit, but not everyone can do that fisherman. Looking at the current situation today, on the surface, it seems that only Qiyun Country and Dustwind Country are still standing still. "

Zong Zheng woke his eyes lightly and asked, "How much do you know about Qiyun Emperor?"

Man's eyes faded and he shook his head gently. She didn't understand, she really didn't understand. That person is too deep to be seen by anyone. Everything she had done for that time was incomplete. She thinks that person is really a terrible person!

She leaned against his wide chest and thought of all the abnormal behavior that the man had shown her before she pushed her down to hell, and she felt terrified. Looking at the vast sky and snowflakes, she frowned and said quietly: "He is a devil who can laugh and push the person he loves to Hell!" Before losing consciousness that day, the affectionate eyes of that person The truth made her want to tremble. In the three years of Qiyun Kingdom, he treated her better than any concubine in his harem, and now when I think about it, I am surprised that the concubines she has seen seem to have a little more or less Mark of. Or eyes, or lips, or face, body shape. In the past, she could never have imagined it.

Zong Zheng had no worries for a moment, squinting, thoughtfully. A devil who can laugh and push his loved one to hell! Such people must first have the courage to push their hearts to hell, and then they can push their loved ones to hell. This kind of person is absolutely cruel and terrible! Often he can turn his weakness into a winning chip.

With this in mind, he stared, "Aman, could he treat you ..."

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it's not me ... forget it, don't say this, we are in the palace all day, and the information we get is given by others. We should also occasionally go into the people's sentiment, maybe we will What ’s the gain. It ’s just a rare snowfall. It ’s good to go out and breathe. ”

Zong Zheng thought for a while and nodded.

Manyu called a palace maid to bring her veil, and she pulled up her white hair and hid in the veil. Otherwise, with her image, she will definitely be recognized when she goes out.

Zongzheng leaned uneasily on the chair collapse, staring quietly at her movements, his eyes were deep, and he suddenly asked, "Aman, what do you think of his personal expedition?"

Man's action was slightly delayed, and he naturally knew who the "he" was in his mouth. She groaned a little, and said, "Maybe he didn't deploy it properly before, and he was not trusted enough to let the generals lead troops to suppress the chaos." This reason, in fact, cannot be established. How could a well-thought-out person like Fu Zhao not deploy beforehand ? It is said that when he first came to the throne, he should mainly stabilize the people and handle the affairs of the North and Central China, and the war in Beiyi country may not be necessary for him to take the initiative, but why? She didn't know.

After getting her hair done, she turned back: "Anyway, we are given a chance to rest, which is a good thing. Well? Why don't you change clothes?"

Zongzheng raised his eyebrows worry-free, got up and went to the Linqi Temple next door, took off the golden dragon hair crown, replaced the dragon robe, wore a white dark-textured brocade coat, faded a bit of magnificence, a little more elegant casual.

Manxi frowned and asked, "You just go out like this?"

Zong Zheng Wuyou looked down at his shirt, "What's wrong?"

Manran said: "Too compelling."

Zong Zheng froze for a moment without worry, and then smiled with a lip. The smile looked a bit wicked, and there was a moment of fascination. She didn't see this smile for a long time. She knew what he was thinking at the moment, and with a twitch of her mouth, she turned around, "Forget it, that's it. Go."

Zong Zheng stepped forward without worry, holding her hand with a smile. They didn't take anyone, so they were both out of the house. This is probably the most comfortable moment in more than a year. Such comfort is a bit extravagant for them, so it is extremely precious.

The streets of Jiangnan are clean, and the quaint buildings on both sides of the road are pleasing to the eye. The bare branches stretching over the roof of the eaves have a special view in the blizzard. The clear water under the corridor has not formed ice, and the snowflakes fell on the water surface and melted instantly.

It was an excellent scenery, and she should feel the charm of this winter with the mood of walking in the courtyard, but when Manlong and Zongzheng walked on the bustling street, she regretted it a bit. In the past, I used a horse-drawn carriage to go out in the capital city. This time, people's sentiment is used to observe people's sentiment, just like ordinary people go shopping. People like him walking around will undoubtedly become the focus of everyone. Not to mention Jiangnan, even if you look at the world, how many people can stand in front of him without losing color? How many people can look at him without moving?

People all around seemed to be gone, and their eyes were all on them. Compared with Zongzheng's worry-free, the white mask covering the face was more mysterious in people's eyes. People were thinking, What kind of woman can stand beside such a peerless man?

Frowning frantically, turning to look at Zong Zheng's worry-free, but seeing that he was holding her hand as if no one was next to him, not a little uncomfortable. He is already used to it! But this time they came out to observe the people's feelings. Such publicity is not good.

She sighed and was a little annoyed, and she should no matter how he thought about it, but also let him disguise himself before leaving the house. What if he laughed at her little daughter?

"Aman, you don't need to care about other people's eyes." Zong Zheng saw her uneasy without worry.

Mangai sighed: "I'm afraid you will be recognized, so we will leave for nothing."

Zongzheng smiled worrylessly: "Anyway, usually you stay with me. Today, it's as if I take the time to accompany you out to relax." He suddenly realized that he owed her a lot. Although two people were together, the current situation, what he has The position is such that he can no longer be as reckless and arbitrary as before, of course, provided that he does not violate his principles. This year, he gradually understood his father's situation, the kind of internal and external troubles of the emperor. Leaving the palace a year ago, he wanted to take him with him, but he refused. He didn't force it because he knew he didn't want to be too far away from his mother.

"Seven brothers, seven brothers--" Walking on the bridge, they didn't need to look back to know that the nine emperor must have gotten their news from the palace, and hurried up. Today, the nine princes are called the nine kings and are in charge of the army.

The ninth prince caught up and complained pantingly, "Qi brother, why don't you call me out of the house?" He used to call him Qi, and couldn't change, and didn't want to change.

Zongzheng frowned, "You're done with your business?"

The eldest son of the nine emperor's mouth was stiff, and he gave a good gesture. He hesitated and smiled, "It's almost a little, oh, Seven Brother, you have come out a lot. Of course, I have to let go of my business to accompany you. We haven't been out together for a long time. I miss it so much! "He said with a smile, his eyes fell on the man covering his face with Zongzheng Wuyou, the smile disappeared immediately, and he turned his head and snorted, indicating that he had not lost his breath.

It's been a year since he frowned, and he still behaves to her. Every time he sees her, he always hums, seemingly afraid she doesn't know his attitude. She shook her head helplessly, and walked across the street with Zongzheng Wuyou, passing a teahouse, which was extremely lively. There was a splash of foam from the storytelling in the teahouse, and she was talking vigorously.

The man turned his eyes and said, "Go, go in for a break." Where there are many people, I can always hear something I can't hear elsewhere.

Zong Zheng nodded worry-free, and the ninth prince froze. He didn't want to think about it. He hurried to the front to stop: "Seven brother, don't enter this tea house ... Ah, no, I mean ... what's so fun about this little tea house? Yes, let's go look elsewhere. "

Zongzheng frowned and asked, "Why can't you enter?"

"Uh ... this ... this reason ..." He scratched his head, supported him, and Zongzheng didn't bother to care about him. The nine prince tilted his mouth, patted his head vigorously, and quickly followed. 2k novel reading network