MTL - The White-Haired Imperial Concubine-Chapter 111 Whitehead (3)

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111 An Instant Whitehead (3)

For the first time, she pinned her hope on others. Every time she was in distress, Zongzheng Wuyou always rescued her at the most crucial moment like God of God. This time, she didn't want him to save him, and he didn't want her to fall into someone else's trap again. Only Fu Zhao can crack this bureau, provided that if he is willing! She prayed silently in her heart, and Fu Zhao found that Chang Jian had taken him away in the name of him earlier, and prayed that he knew earlier that she had left his protection. However, she didn't know that the man she was looking forward to was watching the scene coldly outside the door.

He heard the call for help that was so weak that he could barely hear it, and gave a subtle stun, but reasonedly told him that this was not Rongle, but a means by the mark. A person who is so proud of Rongle will not ask for help. Even if she is in despair, the first person to think of will be Zongzheng worry-free!

Everything in the dark room continued, and she refused to swallow. She choked to the trachea, coughed violently, and her entire face became red and purple.

After filling the medicine, the man let go, and she was weak and fell to the ground with a bang. It was too late to feel pain, and her throat was burning like a burning pain. Her eyes opened suddenly, and her hands pinched her neck in a natural reaction. She screamed, the torn husky, and her throat broke through her throat with a sharp blade. Pipe inch inch split.

She was in pain, rolling **** the wet and cold ground, and the hoarse screams passed, and in the end, even the whimper stopped and disappeared. This choking pain made her want to choke herself alive, if she had the strength to do it.

With such pain, the tears couldn't be controlled, and they spread on the beautiful cheeks.

The two men in front of them completed the task and withdrew to the side. She turned hard and saw a handsome, upright man standing with his back in the dark light outside the door, staring blankly in this direction.

There was a thump in her mind, what caused her to collapse instantly? She couldn't believe looking at the man outside the door, the man who had asked her to ask her sincerely! The man she said would live with him!

How is he Fu Chu? !! It turned out to be Fu!

Destiny is ridiculous! She was praying for his presence a while ago, hoping that he could save her, but where did she know that all this turned out to be his plan!

She laughed and uttered a sigh of laughter, trying her best to barely hold her up, and asked him to say, "Why? Why is this? Why do you give up on your promises and hurt me? Is this what you call love ? "

Who can give her an answer? Brother Huang first, then Fu Cai, who else? Why does it hurt her always that she thinks she really treats her? Is it true that affection and love are so worthless at the center of rights and hatred?

Her mouth widened, her lips trembled, and tears rolled down, she couldn't help it. She really wanted to ask him for an answer, but she realized sadly that there was no sound at all in her throat after being torn by severe pain.

His face was as pale as paper, and his heart was terrified. She didn't want to believe that cruel fact. She was busy pinching her throat with both hands, raised her head high, and desperately wanted to scream, but until her face turned red and blood, the sorrow from the deep chest was only her In order to hear.

Letting go in vain, my body collapsed to the ground.

Was her throat so ruined? destroyed! The bowl of medicine brought by Fu Tui Ming made her dumb!

She stared blankly at the man outside the door, the whole world was dark, her heart was drowned by severe pain, and she laughed silently.

She suddenly felt that this might just be the beginning of a disaster, and she was going to suffer much more than that.

The men outside came slowly, and the sound of the slow footsteps was in the silent black room, and the extra lowness made the heart tremble. He could not see the look in the woman's eyes, but he could feel the anger and despair rising from the sky, as if accusing him of cruelty. Unmoved, he reached out and squeezed her chin, smiling gently: "If this mission is over, can you survive? It depends on whether Zongzheng's worry-free willpower is strong enough! ** San is no better than ordinary medicine If you don't control it, you will die. "

She couldn't even laugh so hard, this man still refused to let her go! She wanted to say, "Fu Zhao, you are nothing more than this! Your great cause of revenge, after all, depends on a woman to accomplish it. I misunderstood you!"

Unfortunately, she couldn't say anything. She could only lie on the ground tightly to grab his hem when he turned around and silently resisted. She doesn't want to hurt a man she loves as a pawn, don't!

Fu Zi turned around and gave her a scornful look, kicked her up, kicked her out without mercy, her pupils shrank, and her fragile body hit the hard wall, and then bounced back to the ground, rolling very far. She heard a rattling sound in her bones, and she seemed to have broken. The **** gas in her chest tumbling violently, rushing straight up, she opened her mouth and sprayed a mourning blood flower on the ground. The remaining scarlet red winded along the side of her mouth to the ground, forming a long red line, which seemed to be infinitely stretched sorrow, instead of the voice that the woman could not export, telling her sadness and despair inside.

The man didn't look back at her, turned his back to the dark room outside the door, and said blankly, "Take her."

The two approached her again, and severely split a palm knife towards her neck. She suddenly became dark and passed out.

Destiny is always like this, and people can't escape along its established track.

The imperial palace, the towering Qiankun Hall, halfway through the ascension ceremony, stopped there. On the high chair, the prince was seated.

"It's not good! His Royal Highness ..." A Yu Linjun's guard rushed into the hall, even forgetting the rules.

The Prince frowned, "Why is this so panic?"

Yu Linjun's guard knelt down and reported: "Here is the king!"

Prince Huo De stood up, his face changed in shock, and asked, "The gate of the city fell? How many people did he bring?"

The guard said: "The city gate did not fall away. Li Wang entered the palace with thousands of men and horses who did not know where it came from. Now he has passed through the triple palace gate. Please be crowned by the prince!"

The Prince heard only a few thousand people, and he was relieved, sat still, and shouted, "Where is the Yulin Army?"

"Humble job!"

"Tell you to take all the Royal Forest Army to meet the enemy and wipe out the anti-thief in one fell swoop!" The Prince replied and added: "No need to stay alive!"


The ministers looked at each other. This prince was obviously aimed at Li Wang.

A coup is always accompanied by brutal blood, which cannot be ended for a long time. The bustling capital city, the luxurious and beautiful palace, is now everywhere in the smoke battlefield, along the way, blood paves the way, countless dead bodies.

Zhentian's shouting and shivering voice came into the hall far away, and the prince finally couldn't sit still. Even if there was a dragon chair under his body, once his life was threatened, he would still feel like sitting on a needle. He stood up, pacing back and forth on top of Dan Qiao, his hands clenched, his heart panicking, and the ministers were all in a panic-like expression on their faces, and the hand holding Watpan shivered involuntarily.

Some generals were also sent out to meet the enemy. Around this hall, there were no guards except a few guards standing sparsely.

The shout was getting closer and closer, and a blood-covered Imperial Army rushed in to report: "Prince Qiyu, it's not good! The anti-army has already rushed in, and the 20,000 Imperial Forest was almost completely annihilated by the army, and the few soldiers from the king One thousand soldiers are not damaged. "

"What?" The prince trembled in shock, almost standing still, "then, then they ..." He wanted to ask, where did they charge? But he hadn't asked what he said. Several people swarmed in at the entrance of the hall. They didn't have gold armor, only a black robe stained with blood. Each person had a blood-drinking sword, and the blade's edge flashed in the sunlight. With bloodthirsty mang.

The comer was divided into two columns, neatly separated on both sides, with a respectful look, all in one voice echoing through the entire palace: "Greetings to the king!

So strong!

The ministers were so embarrassed that they did not dare to look up, and spontaneously made their debut.

In the solemn and majestic hall, the red carpet extends from the dan bao under the dragon chair to the golden threshold.

Dressed in white, the glorious and peerless man has the inherent power of a king, making people unconsciously want to surrender. I saw that he was relaxed and relaxed at the moment, and walked into the hall with a refreshing look, where there was half the battlefield appearance. There was no trace of floating soil in his white clothes, let alone a drop of blood. Presumably his subordinates also took care not to let blood spill on their masters when killing people.

The Prince's complexion was already pale, his voice was trembling, "Seven or seven emperors."

Zong Zheng looked at him without worrying and glanced at him. He went straight over him, folded his clothes, and sat down on the dragon chair politely. The casual and chic movement seemed to be the most common chair in his house.

"See Lord!" From inside and outside the hall, thousands of people worshiped throughout the palace. The ministers took this momentum and kneeled involuntarily. The prince was furious, and turned back and smiled, "Is the seventh emperor here to visit the father? The father is in the palace, and he will be very happy to see you." 2k novel reading network