MTL - The White-Haired Imperial Concubine-Chapter 106 Wrong lingering (2)

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106 Wrong Lingering (2)

Fu Shu shook his hands, frowned, and turned away. The man shouted to the side: "Mark incense."

A woman came out after the screen in the dark, saluting towards the curtain: "Subordinates are there."

The man's hoarse voice, gloomy and unpredictable, said, "This woman has had too much influence on him. Do you know what to do?"

Mark Xiang's eyes flashed, Fang Gong answered, "Yes, my subordinates know."

"Well, then you go."

After returning to General's Mansion for 7 days, Fu Man did not see Fu Cai. I wonder if he deliberately avoided her, or if he was really busy.

In the past few days, she has not deliberately asked about the changes in the capital, but she also knows that it is going to change! From the first day of her return, she was placed under house arrest again. This time, the guards of the Qingyuan Garden were at least twice as many as the last time. Fu Shu replaced her with a reliable and reliable manager. Responsible, in addition to Linger, Xiao Sha, Xiao Ke, and Xiang Ying, two rough girls were left, and the others were removed. She didn't understand the specific cause, but faintly felt that the storm was coming.

These days, it seems that more and more refugees are flocking to the capital. The capital is surging in secret, many forces are fighting, and the city is in panic. The current situation is tense and war seems to be imminent.

The prince has ordered Fu to raise troops to suppress the "Jiangnan Anti-Thief" outside the city, but Fu has been hesitant to make a stand. Everyone is speculating that at this time, the General of the Grand Patriotic Army supported the prince to ascend the throne, or Help Li Wang become a thing? The king has disappeared since the day of hunting, and his whereabouts are unknown. The king's palace was closed by the prince, and the "Jiangnan Anti-Thief" camp outside the city did not see him. Everyone did not know where he went. At this time take a stand. Ministers frequented the General's Mansion, and even the Prince's Mansion was not lively here. With the current situation, in the eyes of outsiders, the attitude of the Grand Patriarch seemed to determine everything.

After the waves of guests were sent away, at night, the general's mansion slowly fell silent, in a tense and secretive atmosphere, and even the servants in the mansion became silent and did not dare to say a word.

In the study, Fu Zi sat expressionlessly in a chair and listened to the report from below.

"The Jiangnan Army outside the city is hosted by General Xie, His Majesty Li, and the King and the Nine Princes have never shown up. There is no hidden building or any movement. We cannot find out where the person without hidden building is at this moment. We have followed your instructions. Ordered to go from house to house, and found no suspicious person. "

"The Royal Palace has been turned several times by the Prince from the inside and out, and I still can't see the Yuxi. All the people whom Her Majesty had called out a few days ago were also checked, but ... there was no result. The day she returned from the hunting ground to the palace, Lianfei suddenly I don't know where she is going. No one can be found in the entire harem. She checked the guards of the palace gate and no one saw her out of the palace. "

Fu Zhao frowned slowly, and after listening, said lightly, "Go on."


Fu Zhao has been sitting upright. This sitting position has been maintained for many years. Even if he is not an outsider, he is always easy to forget. When he is tired, he can lean back. He rubbed his temples habitually, called the waiter of the Qingyuan Garden outside the door, and asked, "What is your wife doing these days? What's so special? There are guards around the garden, how does she react? ? "

The middle-aged supervisor hurriedly replied: "If you return to the general, the wife has no abnormal behavior. As usual, she walks around the garden every day, reads the book, listens to Linger and Xiao, and sometimes smiles a lot. I look at a place when I'm dreaming. "

Fu Zhao's eyes lightened slightly, and the moonlight was flowing like mercury, reflecting the coldness in his eyes. He asked: "Can she ... ask Ben?"

"I asked once a couple of days ago and asked if the general has been busy lately?"

Fu Zhao gently frowned, nodded and said, "Go down, wait and serve. Remember, all the water and food prepared for the wife must be carefully checked. If a stranger enters the garden, stop first and ask Ben After you have reported your concubine, make your final decision. There must be no errors. "

The steward responded with congratulations. After a while, someone came to report: "General, the prince is here."

"The general has been so busy lately, you haven't even had time to say hello to Prince Edward, have you?" The prince entered the room with a bad tone, with obvious dissatisfaction on his face.

Fu Tzu got up and gave a gift, glanced at it calmly, and smiled calmly: "The prince talked a lot, now is an extraordinary period, Wei Chen just wanted to share some more for the prince. "

The prince sneered, and said, "Thank you so much for the prince?"

"Don't dare!" Fu Zhaodan said indifferently, "Prince, please sit down. Come, have tea."

The prince snorted and said, "Prince Ben asked you to send troops to suppress the Jiangnan army outside the city. Why don't you stand still? Is it because you are not satisfied that Prince Prince has promised you the position of the assistant government? Now. "

Fu Zhao said: "The Prince has misunderstood. The enemy ’s current direction is unknown. Naturally, we can't act rashly. From Wang Shen's war strategy and good strategy, there are no traces for many days. I don't know where to hide, and what he plans, we take the liberty Out of town pressure, what would happen if there were sudden changes in the city? Besides, we have to beware that the praying mantis catches the cicada and the yellow bird. "

The Prince stunned and thought for a moment, and said, "What does the general mean?"

Fu Zhao smiled gently and changed the subject without saying a trace, saying: "Prince is a little calm and restless. The most important thing right now is to quickly find the jade seal. Without the jade seal, even if he ascended the throne, it is not justified. In the king's hand ... "

The Prince stood up and brushed up, looking grimly, "Prince Ben will not let him get the jade seal."

The Prince was sent away, and the surroundings were finally completely quiet.

It was dark, and he was tired but sleepless. That day, he abandoned her and would she blame him? He still took advantage of her, and despite his countless reasons, he did. Giving up his promise to her, he doesn't know how to face her? Afraid to see her indifferent eyes, the corners of her thin mouth, and even dare not think about it, how did she feel that Zongzheng carelessly injured her that night, how did they snuggle up in the cold cave to keep warm?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt. He loved her so much. How could he be willing to give her to others by himself? Isn't that holding a knife into your own heart? But today's situation looks great. Actually, he knows well. There are countless calculations, but the doorkeeper who can't help him with revenge gave him such a hand at this time. What is he trying to do to save his strength? Although he is the young master of the Heavenly Vengeance Gate, it is only a false name. How many people will be loyal to this name and betray his master?

He sneered, and stood up, outside the window, the autumn wind was bleak, and the moonlight was cool. He looked up to the darkness of the boundless sky, and the bitterness of depression in his heart couldn't spit out. He yelled, "Come."

A guard came in, "What do the generals command?"

He said lightly: "Bring a jug of wine."

The guard gave a slight glance, glanced at him, and quickly responded to get the wine.

Fu Tzu sat down by the window. This was the first time he actively wanted to drink. He had always been self-disciplined, not greedy, and afraid of accidents. Today, I really want to drink, my heart is full of thoughts, and I can't understand it.

All the people around were dismissed, and in case he was drunk, he didn't want to be seen.

Hold the hip flask and drink by yourself. His drinking volume was not good, a pot of muddy wine entered his throat, a spicy and intense sorrow passed through his intestines, and his heart stabbed into his lungs. Where can people who are struggling on the edge of love and hatred find an outlet?

Cup after cup, he was still sober. He simply lifted the jug and poured it directly into the spout. Ears echoed the mark on the cliff that day, "When did you start to look forward and look back? Aren't you cruel and hot-hearted and mercilessly killing people without seeing blood? Aren't you good at forbearing mood and anger? Do you use whatever means to achieve your goal? But look at yourself now, what do you look like for a woman? "

The hot water spring overflowed the mouth, flowing down slowly along the knife-like resolute contour, and the hot spicy watered a cavity of struggle.

He looked up and looked at the empty and clear bright moon, and smiled desolately. He wanted to say that he is also an individual and he also has feelings. Why can't there be love and affection? If you can choose, who doesn't want to live happily? Laugh when you are happy, and vent your sorrow. Whoever wants to live so forbearing is not like a ghost or a ghost.

The pot was finally empty. When he let go, the delicate blue and white porcelain jug fell to the ground and fell into several petals. He felt a little drowsy at the beginning, but his consciousness was still so clear. He stood up, swayed his body, glanced out the window, and glimpsed a woman in white wearing a black hair standing under a sycamore tree in the moon, Looking at him from a distance. He felt a shock, only thinking that he had lost his eyes, shook his head, closed his eyes, and looked back again. The woman was still there, with a slim body and a beautiful face that could not eat the fireworks on the earth, but the shadow of a tree shrouded her eyes. 2k novel reading network