MTL - The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You-Chapter 919 You are my little love song (Qin Ge 195)

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Chapter 919 You are my little love song (Qin Ge 195)

Seeing that the medical staff had gone in, the people who were covered in blood had already been promoted to the first aid, and the warmth of the season came after the song.

"Miss, you are okay? If you have so much blood on your body, if you have been hurt, please do it quickly. Is it your friend or someone? I am staying to help you with the doctor. You are going to check the injury." ”

"I'm fine." When I read the song, the light on the upper part of the emergency room was already lit, and I turned my eyes. I raised my hand and let the season warm to see the blood on her hand: "I didn't get hurt, the blood is theirs, the injured is My driver and assistant, they are very hurt, I have nothing to do..."

The 16th floor of the hospital.

"What about Dr. Qin?"

"I don't know, just on the first floor of the emergency department, I received three people who were seriously injured in a car accident. Dr. Qin was just talking to the old Zhou of the emergency department. I didn't know what I heard. I suddenly left the phone and left. The elevator didn't come up yet. Go straight from the safe passage apprentice..."

"Safe passage? This is the 16th floor. Where is he going..."

"I don't know... I have never seen Dr. Qin suddenly so anxious to do something..."


The warm season was originally something to come to Qin Shiting. When I saw the situation of the song, I was too worried and did not leave.

At this time, many reporters from the outside of the hospital have rushed in. While photographing the situation in the hospital, they asked: "Is the two friends who are the injured family? The car accident near Yuanyang Road Park is very strange. Can anyone tell me in detail? The situation at the time..."

Outside the emergency room, the reporters broke into a group.

When the song was not spoken, the warm season was about to isolate her from the reporters. Suddenly, a low male voice came from behind the crowd: "Get out."

The voice was really cold, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Qin Shiting, who was standing there with a white face and expressionless face.

As soon as Qin Siting appeared, the medical staff on the first floor of the hospital fell into silence, and no one dared to speak loudly.

Those reporters were stunned. The first time I saw a doctor talking so unwelcome, I held the camera directly to him.

As a result, the reporters’ words have not been spoken yet. The security guards in the hospital have already rushed over and drove those reporters out. They said seriously: “The emergency room is not a place where reporters randomly shoot, hurry out, don’t block Here the doctor is delayed to treat the wounded, go quickly!"

A group of reporters were driven out of the hospital and gradually quieted down.

Qin Siting’s eyes were very cold and very light, and he looked at the warmth of the season, as if he didn’t know that she would come, and then seemed to inadvertently put his eyes on the songs that were behind the warmth of the season, and when he saw the song, he was pale. Standing there, I have never spoken.

He came over and his voice was low and clear: "Where is it?"

This is a song when asked.

When I was in the ambulance, I didn’t realize that the central hospital that the medical staff said was the central hospital. Now that she has come back, she has come to the hospital where Qin Siting is located.

But when she saw his indifferent look, she was silent for a moment, and some of her whitish faces did not have any particularly obvious expressions. She only replied faintly: "I am not injured?"

When answering, she didn't open her eyes, her voice was cold and clear, like the coldness of Qin Siting.

If he thought she was deliberately coming to him after the accident and wanted to seek his attention to seek his pity or want to brush the sense of existence, then it is not necessary, she did not have this idea.

When I saw the eyes and the same cold look when I saw the song, Qin Siting was single-handed in the pocket of Bai Dazhao. The indifferent blind man swept her eyes, and her mouth gradually came out with a cold smile: "Also, Miss Shi has always been hard."

Hard life?

It is known that her parents are no longer there, leaving her only one. She knows that she has a car accident but others are seriously injured. She is fine, so she said that her life is hard?

She turned to look at him, and looked at Qin Shiting's cool eyes, her eyes calm, and her tone was cool: "Now my driver and assistant have been seriously injured. Life and death are not clear. Dr. Qin can help me, but please don't be here. It’s getting worse.”

Qin Siting sneered: "I can't see it. Miss Shi is quite conscience to the people around me. Your conscience, which was eaten by dogs, has been back in the United States in a few years."

When I read the song, I stopped talking and stared at him.

She suddenly felt that the man in front of her was a little strange.

Ming knows that there must be some misunderstandings she does not know, but now she can't explain a word at this time, can't find the direction, don't know what happened.

But his eyes are still deep sneer.

The warmth of the season can't stand down and said: "Doctor Qin, when Miss just ran in, her feet were awkward. It might be the bones of the legs and legs. Her face was so bad, even if her blood was not her, but it should also be Not a small scare, you are a man, don't you go to the heart of the family at this time?"

"Frightened? What is scared?" Qin Siting was cold and meaningful: "There is no feeling that even a stone-hearted person can be worn by a million arrows. If I can tie her heart, she also It’s not a time to read songs."

When the words fell, he went straight.

The warmth of the season can't be seen, and obviously there is something to come to him. After listening to the song for a while, he quickly followed.

Seeing the cold back of Qin Siting, watching him enter the elevator, when the song was standing in front of the emergency room did not move.


in the afternoon.

The warm season only came up to talk for a while and then left, Qin Siting then went to an operation.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when it came out of the operating room, and the sunset outside the hospital had risen.

Before going back to the clinic, he looked at the nurse on the side of the consultation desk. After a moment of indulging, he asked: "Is there any other movement in the emergency room this afternoon?"

The little nurse was surprised that Dr. Qin would suddenly take the initiative to ask questions. He quickly replied at the back of the consultation desk: "Ah... I don't know very well..."

Qin Si is quite expressionless: "You little nurses have a break every day to get together and talk about gossip in various clinics. What else do you not know?"

The little nurse blushes in an instant, screaming and saying: "Oh...and there is no movement. I heard that several people in the bizarre car accident happened during the day, and the two serious injuries were saved. That is what is called The driver’s person seems to have inhaled a large amount of hallucinogenic gas before driving. The police came to the hospital and have come over to investigate.”

Qin Siting faintly glanced at her, and the little nurse quickly bowed his head with embarrassment.

He didn't talk any more, turned and walked away, went to the front of the clinic, was about to open the door, but stopped again. After stopping for two seconds, he turned back to the elevator and entered the elevator.

(End of this chapter)