MTL - The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven-v3 Chapter 17 1st St. Petersburg Conference

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Russia, St. Petersburg.

Nesselov's voice surprised the Prussian ambassador Heinrich von Bülow so much that he couldn't choke.

Fortunately, the staff of the Prussian mission has rich experience. After all, the two foreign ministers did not often speak at international conferences, so eating and drinking became another kind of entertainment.

On the other side, Prince Metternich thought the Russians would have something new? Unexpectedly, it was pure jealousy and jealousy. The ocean powers divided up the land everywhere, and the furry bears on land could only look at each other across the sea and would naturally harbor resentment.

Although Russia's proposal is also beneficial to Austria on the surface, Metternich did not believe in any free lunch and decided to wait and see.

Ever since, the Austrian mission also started a fishing trip like the Prussian mission. After all, it is impossible to let people eat something in their mouths without paying a price.

On the other hand, the Austrian Empire currently does not have enough strength and funds to continue to develop new colonies. Metternich admitted that the resources of the Aprati colony were very rich, but compared with the maintenance cost of maintaining a colony at the southernmost tip of South America, it seemed that the gain outweighed the gain.

Franz is also not very optimistic about South America. Whether it is Brazil or Argentina, population and population quality are big problems. The situation in South America is different from that in Africa. Although the education level of African blacks is low, the population is sufficient and there is no shortage of labor.

But the situation in South America is different. Although they are dominated by whites and mixed-race whites, their education level is not much better than that of Africans, and they lack sufficient labor force.

In short, it means high-sightedness and low-handedness, few people and poor quality.

But Russia doesn't care so much, as long as it is land, they like it.

The Russian approach was immediately rejected by Palmerston.

"Mr. Nesselov, I think you could put it more tactfully."

"Please tell me." Nesselov himself was a soldier, and he was not very clear about diplomatic etiquette, let alone Palmerston's seemingly harmless words.

"You should say that, we Russia want it, and Argentina should give us some!"

Palmerston was as pungent and merciless as ever, but this time his self-righteous "British humor" didn't amuse everyone.

Prussia and Austria are just here to watch the excitement, and they both ask Russia, so it is naturally impossible to go along with Britain. The northern lion in Sweden is actually a helper invited by the Russians, so it is impossible to laugh at the Russians.

Although François Quizot was in power in France, in order to prevent him from betraying the country, Bonapartists and radicals opposed allowing Quizot and his cronies to participate in the negotiations.

In the end, the French side elected a young man named Pierre El, who was both an aristocrat and a royalist, but at the same time opposed to Kizot's ruling philosophy.

Such a maverick young man naturally would not give Palmerston face. On the contrary, as a colonialist, he felt that it was more in the interests of France to make friends with Russia.

After all, there is no direct conflict of interest between Russia and France, and Britain is their common enemy. At this time, they can use the power of the Russians to gain a first-mover advantage in this crisis.

"Mr Palmerston, you are a naked slander!

Lord Nesselov proposed international condominium, not monopoly or partition. This also means that His Majesty the Tsar of Russia wants to resolve this crisis in a peaceful way, while you are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and you are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. "

Pierre El gave Palmerston a big hat as soon as he came up, and put the plan of international condominium under the name of the tsar.

Moreover, the so-called international condominium was originally proposed by the Russians themselves, and this time they added the name of the tsar, so they were even more unable to veto this proposal.

Palmerston did not become angry as expected, and was in a dispute with Pierre Er. Instead, he chose to ignore the words of the French ambassador and continued to ask Nesselov.

"How does Russia intend to manage the international condominium?"

"Your Majesty's suggestion is that the three countries of the Holy Alliance, together with Britain, France, the Kingdom of Sweden, and Spain, seven countries jointly govern the Governor-General of La Plata to ensure its freedom, security and prosperity..."

Nesselov's speech was written by someone else, which was very inconsistent with his language style, but it was requested by His Majesty the Tsar himself, and he dared not complain.

In fact, the core of Russia is that the Governor-General of La Plata cannot belong to any country, and its income needs the above six countries, which is also the necessary funds to ensure its safety and freedom.

To put it simply, the Russians want empty-handed white wolves. This approach can be said to be very hairy.

Pu and Austria neither opposed nor agreed, and continued to eat melons. In fact, everyone wanted to take advantage of the benefits, but Palmerston was too strong, and he wanted to repay him. Neither Metternich nor Heinrich von Bülow wanted to make a show of themselves.

Of course, they won't give up the income for nothing, and they will swarm like wolves once they see an opportunity.

After France formed an alliance and marriage with Spain, they all felt that they were just taking back what belonged to them, and whether it was the British or the Russians were their obstacles.

But Earl Pierre Er felt that since he was on the negotiating table at this time, he should seek a more favorable condition for France.

Palmerston, on the other hand, was still relentless. He was used to pushing his opponents into corners, and finally had to agree to his terms.

"Russia? With 600,000 infantry on the steppes of southern Russia? Do you know the distance from Sevastopol to Buenos Aires? How much will it cost? Do you understand?"

Nesselov actually didn't know anything about the situation in Argentina. He only knew that Russia had no rivals in Europe except Britain.

Metternich couldn't stand it anymore, how could the Russian foreign minister be such a waste. In fact, this is all the fault of Tsar Nicholas I. Because of the rebellion in the Senate when he ascended the throne, he extremely distrusted civil servants.

As a result, almost all the ministers in the Russian center were military officers. They may be very loyal to the Tsar personally, but they are really messed up when they are responsible for their own affairs, and the corruption is not inferior to France at all.

At this moment Count Pierre Herre suddenly spoke.

"A mere La Plata needs 600,000 troops? Could it be that you, the British, are behind the tyrant Rosas?"

Palmerston was not afraid of the threat of war, but he could not let France gain the upper hand in public opinion, and immediately retorted.

"Sir Rosas is a decent gentleman. You Frenchmen send troops to invade a peaceful country. Who is the tyrant?"

At that time, Europeans didn't know much about Argentina and Rosas, so after Palmerston said a few words casually, the situation of the entire public opinion began to reverse again, and everyone condemned the French invasion.

After all, France did many such things during the Napoleonic Wars.

"Rosas is a beast and a gentleman, shouldn't you Brits know better? We France support the international condominium proposed by Russia."

In fact, Earl Pierre El was already prepared. Although the outcome of this negotiation will not depend on whether Rosas is a tyrant, it is still beneficial to France to prove his brutal nature.

Earl Pierre El actually had his own plan for supporting international condominium, that is, to find a way to kill the dog Rosas raised by the British, and then find a way to support a dog of his own.

Soon the **** of Rosas was made public. Although he is not a heinous tyrant in South America, he is still the only one in Europe where peace has been maintained for several years. He can almost compete with Nero, Cypriot These ancient tyrants, Liu Gu II, were compared.

In fact, the French had already done a good job in public opinion work when they sent troops to the expedition, but these efforts were selectively ignored by various countries, because the French only carried out propaganda on their own one-acre three-point land. I'm afraid Palmerston will really fool you if you help in the dark.

The French were very proud at this time, they felt that Paris was the center of the world,

At this time, the intelligence work of the British was also very poor. Even when it came to the negotiating table, Palmerston felt that Rosas was a good man.

Of course, whether Rosas is a good person or not, Britain's position will not change. This is not important at all. The important thing is that this allows the French to take the lead.

The status of the French has been elevated from invaders to saviors. The only thing Britain can rely on at this time is the debt problem. This role is not glorious.

Palmerston was annoyed at the teasing of Earl Pierre Herre, but the best choice for Britain at this time was to carve up Argentina with France in private, rather than engage in international condominium.

But he had to push the Russians out first before he could sit down and talk to the French.

"Since the Governor's District of La Plata can adopt the method of international co-management, why can't the Strait issue be resolved in this way?"

The straits refer to the Bosporus Strait and the Dardanelles, which are related to the survival of the Black Sea Fleet.

Palmerston's repetition of the old story is to confuse the Russians, because the issue of the strait is indeed related to the rise and fall of the country and the major issues of the world political situation, and Nesselov can't make up his mind at all.

In fact, as far as Nesselov is concerned, many Russian pro-British factions at the same time feel that the issue of the strait should be given up on the convenience brought about by the Vinkar-Yinsky Treaty and accept the British proposal to divide the Black Sea strait. handed over to international condominium.

However, due to the influence of Franz, Tsar Nicholas I became a staunch opponent, so the issue of the strait between Britain and Russia has been shelved.

The British wanted to cancel the Russians' privileges in the Black Sea Strait several times, but Nicholas I vetoed them.

At this time, the British once again raised the issue of the strait. They wanted to use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, so that the Russians could contradict themselves, or choose to give up the convenience brought by the "Vinkar-Yinsky Treaty" and hand over the Black Sea Strait. It will be managed by the international community, or it will withdraw from the competition for Argentina, and Britain and France will continue to carve up the world.

Either way, Palmerston was more than happy to see it happen.

But he overlooked something, the old fox Metternich is still there.

"Excuse me, did you mean the English Channel?"

The diplomats present were not stupid, so they naturally understood the meaning, so they all laughed very cooperatively.

"Mr. Metternich, you know what I'm talking about," said Palmerston, frowning.

"Where is it?" Metternich continued to pretend.

"Of course it's the Black Sea Strait!" Palmerston snorted coldly.

"Then why can't it be the English Channel?" Metternich continued to ask like a stubborn old man.

"The English Channel is our Great Britain's gate, who would hand over his own gate to other people's jurisdiction?" Palmerston replied impatiently.

"Then why isn't the Black Sea Russia's gateway to the ocean?" Metternich asked.

"But the Black Sea Strait belongs to the Ottoman Empire!" Palmerston immediately retorted.

"Could it be that there are no three countries, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands across the English Channel?" Metternich asked again.

Although Nesselov was not good at speaking, he still had the ability to heel and boo. As soon as Metternich finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding, without giving Palmerston a chance to continue to refute.

At this time, Count Pierre Er stood up again and reiterated that France was willing to accept the transfer of the La Plata colony to the international condominium.

Although Palmerston knew that France would never easily give up the opportunity to monopolize Argentina, he did not dare to gamble, because once it became an international condominium, let alone Britain’s debts could not be recovered, the strategy of economic colonization would be declared bankrupt .

The final outcome was the word "delay". Palmerston refused to sign the agreement, and the issue of the ownership of the La Plata colony naturally could not be resolved.

In fact, except for Britain and France, other countries are not in a hurry about this matter at all. After all, it doesn’t matter if there is such a pie in the sky.

Count Pierre El found Nesselov after the meeting and told the latter that if the co-management agreement takes effect, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com France can help manage the La Plata colony for Russia.

Afterwards, representatives of Prussia, Austria, and Sweden were naturally found. Of course, the countries knew what the French were planning, which was to exchange money for governance.

This is no loss for all countries, and naturally there will be no objections.

Palmerston also found representatives from various countries after Count Pierre-El, but he didn't have any actual expression, he was just playing his own third, accusing the French of being invaders, and wanting to relive the Napoleonic era. Old dream, promoting the French threat theory.

Then began to threaten all countries, saying that the British navy is invincible, what will happen if the Black Sea is blocked, what will happen if the Mediterranean entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar is blocked, and what will happen if the North Sea is blocked...

Finally, the wooing was carried out, indicating that the United Kingdom must be the final winner, and there is still time to board the ship. Of course, Palmerston is one of the masters, and it is easy to find the pain points of various countries.

For example, he promised Metternich that he would give several French colonies in West Africa, including Guinea, to the Austrian Empire, so that they could be connected with Austria's original colony of Côte d'Ivoire to form a larger colony, which would be easier to develop and manage.

Austria really needs this colony very much. If all this can be realized, an Austrian West Africa can be created, which will undoubtedly be a booster for the future development of the empire.

But after a rational analysis, you will find that Palmerston is completely sympathizing with others.

Those lands originally belonged to the French. If the Austrian Empire really joined the war and took these lands for itself, then Austria will pay the price for taking the land, and Austria will also bear the wrath of France afterwards.

This seems to be no different from going to war with the French and directly grabbing their territory.