MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 16 Entertainment film and television black and red idols (16)

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The system asked: "Is the host really not curious about what Zhang Shi is going to do?"

Xie Gu said lazily: "I'm not curious, why are you curious about what you can guess?"

Hearing that the system was silent for a while, Xie Gu sighed, feeling that he was an old father who worked hard to pull children, and was also responsible for explaining the principles of life to the elementary school system: "What can I do to Zhang Shi? Or add a few more non-existent black materials, but his brain is not good, and he only thinks that it will ruin my reputation. But don't say whether these things can black me, even if it is black, he What can it do to me? Will it affect my money?"

...that doesn't really matter.

After all, it will not be a matter of principle, but if it is a matter of principle, Zhang Shi's unwarranted fabrication will give him a chance to shed his bones, then sue him for reputation infringement, and then continue to hype it up, and both fame and fortune are guaranteed.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed something that can be guessed at the beginning.

"How, do you feel that your IQ has sublimated?" Xie Gu suddenly asked.

The system was silent for a while, and then stubbornly said two words: "No."

Xie Gu sighed: "It seems that there is no help, so the IQ has not improved."

"!" The system was so excited that the code was messed up again, "Please respect the AI-level IQ of the system."

This time Xie Gu ignored the system and went back directly to the inside of the banquet hall. He was going to give a speech later. I don’t know who came up with this strange rule, but the cooperation between Gu Fei Catering and Muhe Group It is indeed to be officially announced today.

Mu Qi'an also came today, and when she saw Xie Gu, she raised a glass to him, and said hello.

Xie Gu also raised his glass politely, but turned his head and frowned in thought.

"What is the host thinking?"

Xie Gu said: "I'm thinking about something you don't understand."

Since the last system reminder, Xie Gu has read the progress bar several times. Xu Yucheng's career progress is still at 20%, but his counterattack progress has slowly increased. Today, Gu Fei has officially settled in the imperial capital, and it has reached 25. %, so Xu Yucheng is obviously paying attention to the movements on his side.

But let alone tonight, since the day the system reminded him, Xu Yucheng has not appeared in public this month.

The business circle is actually not big. After this month, Sun Qian and Zhang Shi's broken things can be known without inquiring, and the part of Xu Yucheng that was coveted by Sun Qian before is naturally said, although about how In the end, the person who went with Sun Qiangun became Zhang Shi. There are many opinions about this episode, but combined with Xu Yucheng's changes, it can be guessed.

Xu Yucheng gave Zhang Shi to Sun Qian, and he got on a boat, ready to ride the wind and waves.

It's just that Mu Qi'an has been cut off by Xie Gu, who is this ship now?

Xie Gu was not worried about what Zhang Shi was going to do. There were only a few things that people with limited brain capacity could do, so there was nothing to be afraid of. But Xu Yucheng is a protagonist anyway. Although he is not a saint in character, his means and luck are indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

Seeing that it was time to speak on stage, Xie Gu put down the cup in his hand, tidied up his clothes, and walked to the microphone on stage.

He has always disliked those red tapes, and always felt that it would be better to spend a long time with the old foxes and study how to make money, so this speech was also very brief, and bluntly announced the cooperation with the Muhe Group, and looked forward to the future for everyone. After drawing a cake, it was Mu Qi'an's turn to speak.

Mu Qi'an tends to be tactful. In short, the official language is very slippery, but in general, it is not long. She praises Gu Fei and then Mu He, and finally looks forward to the future. The whole process takes only fifteen minutes.

"...I believe that under the close cooperation in the future, the relationship between Gu Fei and Muhe will be like family..."

Xie Gu suddenly narrowed his eyes, thinking of a point that he had forgotten for a long time.


The Xie family and the Zheng family have been at ease for too long. They haven't figured it out for more than half a year. It is indeed time to jump.

If the boat Xu Yucheng boarded was guessed by Xie Gu, then the other party could not let go of his own development, not to mention the progress of slap in the face, while Xu Yucheng's hatred value was also rising, even if it was just a competition for interests, it was enough for the other side to advance. Shoot yourself.

So what are the forces that the other side can unite?

Xie Gu counted, Zhang Shi, Kong You, Xu Yucheng, Wu Borang, Zheng's family, Xie's family, and maybe the one who seems to have a similar IQ with the system... ex-fiancee?

What is that girl's name?

"Bai Ying," the system reminded, "Also, please don't compare my intelligence level with that of humans."

"Oh, it doesn't matter," Xie Gu said with love, "you can still win with Bai Ying."

system:? ? Is this what it means?

After the banquet that day, Xie Gu first went to ask someone to check the current situation of relatives on both sides of the Zheng family and the Xie family.

Because I haven't paid attention to it recently, Xie Gu just asked Yu Qiao to follow up. It's not so fast to get the news now. It will take about two or three days. The best of the best jumping will bring the company down, as long as you grab the front of the boat and cut it off.

And Zheng Xie's two families, Zheng Wen's attitude so far makes Xie Gu think something is wrong.

This made him suspicious of some things, but the previous data showed that nothing was wrong.

"Probably the host's perception is wrong." The system comforted.

"No," Xie Gu retorted, "I think it's your system that's not good."

The system was so aggrieved that it only hated that it didn't have a lacrimal gland in the program, otherwise it would burst into tears in Xie Gu's brain, and then burst the host's head.

"What about Xu Yucheng? Xu Yucheng has been detecting me all the time." The system is still stubborn.

"What did you detect?" Xie Gu groaned, "You detected loneliness? Do you know what Xu Yucheng did? Do you know that he got on that boat? You don't even know how to calculate the progress of your own program. Say, what do you know?"

The system said: "Lonely."

"Since you only know loneliness, then you should be lonely," Xie Gu said, "Be good, Tong, be honest and don't be a demon."

The system finally shut up.

Three days later, the industry's largest brokerage entertainment company controlled by Liyuan Group, Golden Palace Entertainment officially announced a newcomer - Xu Yucheng.

[Wow, the captain jumped to the Golden Palace! 】

[Woooooo, this is a recognition of our city! 】

[It seems that Stripe Entertainment is really going to disband, and the last powerful newcomer has also left]

[The future of Chengcheng can be expected! 】

[According to the opinions of the upstairs, we are always very spicy chicken? 】

[Passers-by, Zhang Shi was originally a type of fish in troubled waters. During the RC group, his strength was not as good as Xu Yucheng, his appearance was not as good as Xie Gu, his temperament was not as good as Kong You, just your fans ranting, I am embarrassed and committed cancer]

[You Xu Yucheng are awesome? What kind of name have you gotten out of almost two years after your debut? It's not as good as Xie Gu and Kong have a retreat.]

[It's funny, don't mention it when you quit the circle, okay? 】

In the past, the fans of the RC group were caught in a melee, but they succeeded in creating a lot of heat. In the absence of targeted black materials, it was a very good start for Xu Yucheng.

Xie Gu also glanced at it, and after making a firm guess in his heart, he went from the office to the living room.

At this time, there was only one person sitting in the living room. This person was slender and had beautiful facial features, but his skin was faintly pale, and his face was even more nervous.

Seeing Xie Gu entering the living room alone, she stood up a little excitedly, but said with a little murmur: "A, A Gu."

It was Zheng Wen.