MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 998 New Khan King

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"Khan, you say, you want to pass on your sweat to our son Fenglin!" The aunty woman looked even more excited, but was exhausted by the old Khan King with her slap. On the face, "Bitch! It turns out ... it turns out ..."

Lin Si saw that he was out of breath, with a strange noise like a bellows in his throat, and his lips were cold, and he said for him, "It ’s just to make her children have a good future. As for your others, Intelligent children, according to my investigation, have also been almost killed by her. "

"Your blood spurts you!" The so-called "concubine" was so angry that she picked up the golden jug on the desk and smashed into Lin Si.

The entourage behind Lin Si blocked it with a lift of his hand, and the golden jug fell in response. The follower sang an eyebrow and slammed: "What a bravery!"

Lin Sichong waved his hand, and the follower immediately resigned respectfully.

"My official didn't come to discuss with the King of Khan and the concubine, but to inform the King of Khan, you should abdicate to let the virtuous." Lin Si's eyes were tight, and he swept towards the Old King of Khan, "Before the official came, "Xia Xiakou", the Snow Eagle Department is handled by the official. "

The old King of Khan's eyes turned pale for a while, and now he really fainted.

This time the so-called "concubine" is also dumbfounded, even if she looks down on the court's life officer arrogantly, but dare not say anything disrespectful to her Majesty.

"Impossible ... impossible ... what did I do with the Snow Eagle Department, why did I suddenly have such bad news?"

Lin Si stood up, glanced at the Snow Eagle nobles with different faces, and said coldly, "Are you still not ready for the new King of Khan to take over the ceremony?"

The Snow Eagle nobles were startled, but still no one moved.

Lin Si smiled coldly, and took out the golden sabre that the Emperor gave him before he came. Decide! "

When Lin Si said this, the aristocrats in the Snow Eagle Department were all scared to get up, and some even rolled out of the desk and knelt down the mountain to hustle.

Immediately, he ran out of the big account, for fear that his head was really chopped down by the golden sword he had cast down.

Under the auspices of Lin Si, soon the prince was surrounded by the aristocrats of the Snow Eagle Department.

Because the Yiluo Prince is not valued by the old Khan King, it is impossible for the Yiluo prince to be present at events such as receiving court officials.

And Prince Fenglin was absent because Lin Silai's sudden, he was not knowing where to swing at the moment.

The wind and frost that fell on the prince's face, he really worked for the welfare of the people. Although his father Khan hated him and the "concubine" wished that he would die soon, he did his best to help the people.

Even heavy work such as carrying water to help.

And she also helped the people to do the sheep-raising. When they encountered the people being bullied by the nobles, as soon as he met, he would come forward.

Lin Si watched the prince quietly, and the prince also looked at him.

Suddenly he grinned, turned away from the nobles around him, strode to Lin Si, and laughed: "It was you! Dear guest, I remember you, your entourage also helped the herdsman find a missing Little lamb! "

Everyone was surprised when they saw the prince knew the master Zuo Xiang in advance, but they were surprised when they thought about it. However, a message was also revealed from Prince Yilu's words. Prince Yilu did not know Lin Si's identity.

And Lin Si never hinted at his identity before the prince.

In this way, the nobles of the Snow Eagle Department will have the spectrum in mind.

The master Zuo Xiang is just fancy of the prince's heart as a fool.

Think again, this prince is much better than that of Fenglin Prince. The Prince of Fenglin is very cruel and disregarding the lives of the people. Even if he really became the new Khan of the Snow Eagle Department, the Snow Eagle Department also No better than under the leadership of the old King Khan.

The aristocrats of the Snow Eagle Department were ready to stand in line. Even the aristocrats who stood on the side of Prince Fenglin had changed their minds this time.

After seeing the nobles below, the "concubine" was almost stunned when she squeezed behind the son of the **** woman.

But because the aristocrats of the Snow Eagle who had stood behind their mother and son no longer looked at her no matter how she winked, she couldn't help it anymore.

"Good for a prince." Lin Si saw the young man in front of him with a thick face and a good understanding of etiquette, so he said hello to him politely.

Although from the official position, even the sweat king of the Snow Eagle Department does not need to take his eyes, but he is still willing to pay considerable respect to the son of such a benevolent tribal leader.

At this time, the prince noticed that Lin Si was very different from the last time he met. Now he holds a golden sword in his hands, and the whole person is like an unopened sword, and he dares not to grab its edge.

He was startled, and suddenly realized that the identity of this young and handsome young man must be unusual.

At this time, the noble members of the Snow Eagle Department who had watched and watched the color quickly introduced Lin Si to Yiluo Prince, who was surprised when he knew Lin Si's identity.

Then he became nervous again.

He had realized that their Snow Eagle Department was just a small tribe. How could they let the court send an adult left to inspect?

Could it be his father Khan or the princes born to the "concubine" mother-in-law who have caused something that should not be?

At this time, the prince finally glanced at the main hall before discovering the old Khan who had passed out.

At the moment he shouted "Father Khan" nervously, and went to check on the situation of the Old Khan King, but he was quickly caught by the eyes of a nobleman in the Snow Eagle Department.

"When the prince fell, the old Khan was fainted by the concubine." The aristocrat of the Snow Eagle Department was standing on the side of the prince, so he did not want the prince to go up to see the old Khan. The woman was stigmatized.

In addition, the nobleman of the Snow Eagle Department also told a prince that the prince Zuo Xiang just announced that he would take over the new King of Khan of the Snow Eagle Department.

Yi Luo Prince has stayed.

He never thought that things would go this way, but no matter how surprised and incredible he was, and regardless of the dissatisfaction of other brothers and sisters who were not in harmony with him, under the auspices of Lin Si, the new Khan of the Snow Eagle Department after all Already in office.

The King of Khan banqueted Lin Si alone in the king's tent.

After three rounds of drinking, the King of Khan said to Lin Si heartily: "Master Zuo, although I am already the King of Khan of the Snow Eagle Department, I am still frightened by this position, I am not like that People who have ambitions, but I also know that since the adults chose a fall for the court and His Majesty, there must be a purpose, and now I ask the adults to let the fall a peace of mind! "