MTL - The Village Doctress-Chapter 19 Wind was beaten

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Affin and Afang were a little afraid of Grandma Li.

Grandma Li was wearing a ginger-colored dress, she was very clean, but her face was always serious, even a bit fierce, so the average child saw her a little bit embarrassed.

Speaking of which, Lin Gospel is really the first child in Hulu Village who is not afraid of her.

"My second uncle thinks that my uncle is too ill-considered. Sooner or later, something will happen that will hurt the second house, so she will resolutely split." Lin Gospel said for the two sisters.

Grandma Li nodded her head suddenly and said directly, "It's time to split up, otherwise your two older sisters will have a hard time."

Lin Gospel said: This grandma Li really understands people.

Afen and Afang are very diligent, helping Lin Gospel clean the house again, and helping coax the children, making both Lin Gou and Grandma Li a lot easier.

Because the Lin family's old house was still noisy, Lin Gospel left two sisters for dinner. There was still some white noodles in her rice bowl. Grandma Li kneaded the noodles to make onion oil cake. The two sisters ate at the old house. So a little bit better than a pig, where have you eat such a fine and good thing?

Gospel Lin saw that their eyes were light and gobbling, and their hearts were sore.

After all, the two were cousins ​​who had a blood relationship with the original owner, and the two uncles and the two were pretty good to her family.

She was convinced in her mind to help them.

But before she finished eating a piece of cake, Lin Dahe gasped and shouted in a hoarse and anxious voice all the way: "Gospel ... Gospel, save your second uncle!"

The Gospel of Lin put the bread on his hand and ran out immediately.

Lin Dahe struggling to hold Feng's hands strenuously. Feng's limbs were weak. It seemed that he had been hit by a blunt device at the forehead, and his face was covered with blood.

"Mother!" Affin and Afang rushed to heartbreak.

"Come on, put the second uncle on my mother's bed!" Lin Goshen looked for a moment, then trot forward, stopped both Affin and Afang, and commanded in an incongruous tone: "Affin, you Go to my utility room to find out if there is liquor, if not you go to the village to borrow someone! "Then looked at Afang," You immediately go to the hottest pot of boiling water! "

Although the sisters were crying helplessly, but seeing the eyes of Lin Gospel as firm, they immediately trot away.

Lin Dahe also felt as if he had found the backbone of his heart.

"How did you get the injury on Erbo Niang's head?" Lin Gospel went up and took a close look at Feng's eyelids, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You ... your second uncle was hit by Zhao's vixen!" Lin Dahe's eyes were red, his teeth were not even called by his grandma, and he hated her.

Gospel Lin quickly took out the papar in his arms and folded it into a triangle to bind Feng's wounds forcefully. The speed of bleeding immediately slowed down, and then he reached into the middle point of Feng's person and continued to ask, "Uncle What did the mother hit the second uncle? "

"It's a gimmick!" Lin Dahe stared at Lin Gospel and said, "Gospel, your second uncle, is she okay?"

Seeing that Feng's hadn't woke up, Lin Gossip frowned, and continued to ask, "Is the second uncle vomiting after hitting her head with a hoe?"

Lin Dahe quickly shook his head and thought for a moment to add: "The second uncle who was hit by the corner head of Zhao's bitch!"

Gospel Lin nodded. Feng was hit by trauma. If he touched the corner of the hoe, it would not faint.

Looking at Feng's skinny and thin eyes, his eyelids were also pale. Lin Gou thought of a possibility, and his expression on his face became serious: "Does n’t Er Niang often eat enough at home?"

"Sister Gospel, my mother often saves her food for my sister and me!" Affin brought a copper basin to boil water. When Lin Gospel looked at her, she found that her tears were like broken beads.

She sighed in her heart.

"Sister Gospel, you must save my mother! I'll give you a hoe!" Afang, holding the water, straightly kneels to Lin Gospel.

Gospel Lin was startled, his eyebrows frowned, and she went up and pulled her up, "Sister Afang, why are you doing that? Uncle Er is okay, you can rest assured!"

After Gospel Lin finished speaking, he sighed and sighed towards Grandma Li, "Grandma Li, find out the brown sugar in your home and soak a thick bowl of brown sugar water."

Grandma Li answered.

Gospel Lin went out and took out a clean parchment, put it in boiling water, and then cooled it a little bit and squeezed the water to wipe out the blood on his face.

After a while, Lin Afang came back with a small jar of wine. At this time, the wound on Feng's head was bleeding, and Lin Gospel untied the handkerchief wrapped around Feng's head.

After the wound was cleaned with a handkerchief soaked in boiling water, the wound was cleaned with white wine.

Fortunately, the wound is not too deep and there is no need for suture treatment.

But the three fathers and daughters of Lin Dahe have never seen such a means of treatment, and for a while became more convinced by the medical technique of the Gospel of Lin.

"Gospel, why did the child's mother faint?" Lin Dahe was already calm in his heart. Seeing that Lin Gospel was dealt with, he couldn't help asking.

Gospel Lin looked at him, and suddenly tickled his lips ironically, saying, "Isn't this second stun caused by long-term hunger?"

She quickly recalled in her mind that Feng's eyelid mucous tissue was pale, the middle of her fingernails was slightly sunken, and she had symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. But these symptoms and those of them said that they did not understand, and had to explain from the diet.

After hearing this, Lin Dahe crouched on the ground with his sad hands and choked with his mouth, "I'm useless!"

"Brown sugar water is here!" Grandma Li brought the brown sugar water over, seeing what Li Dahe looked like, and said, "Dahe, feed your mother-in-law and drink, children, let's go out."

Lin Dahe said "Oh", wiped his tears and took the bowl.

Several Gospels of Lin withdrew.

After seeing Affin returning from holding the wine jar, she kept silent and looked at her subconsciously.

Seeing her small mouth clenched, Lin Xing's heart was stunned as if a pair of flames were burning in her eyes.

"Second, you have no ability, your mother-in-law is dead!"

Zhao Shihuo broke into the Lin Gospel's house, saw several people in the Gospel, and immediately cursed at the Gospel with hands on his hips and cursed: "Feng said that you are not a disaster star, this should not be on her head Now? If she dies, it's all yours! "