MTL - The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 17 0 Can you not give it to Lin Wan?

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   Chapter 17 017. Can you not give it to Lin Wan?

"My wife was dragged up by me this time. You can see it. Every day, the negative comments are constant. The swearing words are so unpleasant, and the young masters don't buy it. It's hard to say whether she will participate in the next few episodes." At the beginning, Assistant Qin was already worried.

"Wow, look, is Li always fanning his wife?" Secretary Han saw Li Yanchen in the camera, holding a palm fan and pretending to be fanning himself, but the man deliberately sat next to Lin Wan, fanning The action is extremely exaggerated.

   "It would be good if he could find his love back, although he couldn't tell that he also loved the young master." Assistant Qin looked at the screen in the live broadcast room.

Li Yanchen was indeed fanning Lin Wan. She saw the tiny beads of sweat on the woman's temples, but she didn't want to be seen as doing it on purpose. She could only fan her towards herself, but her arm was swung in a big circle. Anyone who is not blind can see it.

   Only Lin Wan didn't think that Li Yanchen was doing such exaggerated actions to fan herself. In order to cool off, she simply went to Li Yanchen's side.

   Don't talk about shaking the fan, now she can clearly feel the sweat falling, and she doesn't bother to rub it with her hands.

  Without the interruption of the three eldest children, after a while of cooling, Lin Wan was ready to do something.

   Of course she was so lazy and could only move her mouth. She lay on the reclining chair and instructed Li Yanchen to wash two bowls of loquat.

  After washing, Lin Wan finally stood up slowly, moved her arms and legs, and then saw that she put the loquat in the bucket and soaked it in well water, and then gently put the bucket into the well.

Well water is warm in winter and cool in summer. When I was a child, there was no refrigerator at home. In order to make watermelon more delicious, my grandmother always took a basin of well water to ice watermelon. Lin Wan thought that the well was a natural refrigerator. , that is two bowls of ice loquat.

   Originally, she only planned to make a bowl of chamomile and loquat tea at night. Who asked Li Zexuan to guide her at noon? She doesn't like to owe others favors.

Li Yanchen also came here in the 1990s. He suddenly understood what this woman wanted to do. The loquats that were picked from the tree were still warm in his hands. When they were placed in the well, they would come up with iced fruits. Pretty smart.

  Because he barely slept the night before, the man was also a little sleepy, so he proposed to go back to his room to rest.

  Li Yanchen didn't go to Lin Wan's bed, but walked directly into the younger son's room and squeezed with him carefully. Lin Wan was under the big banyan tree in the yard, completely unaware of the man's actions in the house.

   Soon, Lin Wan, who closed his eyes and rested, was left in the live broadcast.

  【Everyone in the Xuanxuan family has taken a nap, oh my, I don’t have to watch anymore】

  【Did Lin Wan just put something in the well? The requirements are quite high, why can't the freshly picked fruit be eaten]

   [Will she just want to eat ice and eat it when the cubs wake up]

  【Did you not wake up upstairs? You can tell such nonsense】

The    barrage scrolled again, and slowly turned into comments in twos and threes.

   At three o'clock, all the families basically took a nap. The staff cut the camera to other places and sent a notice, and the five o'clock camera cut back on time.

  Dudu's house, while Dudu fell asleep, the camera was cut away from the house, Xu Xiaoxiao finally cried in front of Su Wei.

  The woman took retreat as her advance: "Su Wei, let's break up, you are a good man, but the Su family, I can't stand high, so I will quit this variety show tomorrow with Dudu."

  Su Wei sat upright, holding Xu Xiaoxiao's shoulder in one hand: "You have been wronged, Dudu is going to be with grandma when we go back, we are still living in our two-person world, I can't live without you."

  Solvay was completely determined to Xu Xiaoxiao.

   already knew Su Wei's attitude, but Xu Xiaoxiao still tentatively said: "But, if you're not here tomorrow, what should I do with Dudu?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell Dudu tonight when I won't make trouble and when to go back. If he keeps making trouble, we'll always be here." Su Wei only had a little girlfriend in his mind. This time, he used ten Ultramans to persuade Dudu. Du signed up for the show to expand Xu Xiaoxiao's popularity, and he wanted to tell his mother that he was married to this woman no matter what.

"Dudu won't listen to it." Xu Xiaoxiao actually didn't want to go back. The variety show "We Are All Ordinary" ranked third in the ratings of all similar shows yesterday. What other show is better than this one? How about increasing your exposure?

   And unlike yesterday's scolding, most people on the barrage today obviously sympathize with her, and she is even more reluctant to give up at this time.

"Leave this to me, in short, tomorrow I will let him cooperate with you obediently, I promise you, even if I am not here, I will always open the live broadcast, so that I can see you at any time, as long as Dudu does something wrong, I will Immediately call the director team to authorize him to teach him a lesson." The man said decisively: "Can you stop mentioning the breakup, without you, my life has no meaning."

  Xu Xiaoxiao followed the steps: "Okay, if I get really angry and accidentally expose my emotions in the live broadcast room, don't blame me, I promise I will try my best to be rational."

   "Hmm." Solvay gently kissed the woman's forehead.

  . . . . . .

   After more than two hours of rest, the five groups of families regained their vitality.

   Before five o'clock, the Xiao Xiao's house was already smoking.

  Xia Mo found that the noodles that woke up today were very good. She borrowed an oven from the logistics of the show team and decided to invite everyone to eat cake in the evening.

  The master of learning actually took the initiative to go out. This is undoubtedly a highlight for the program team to increase the ratings. The staff took out the oven in the kitchen without hesitation, and even asked if there was enough material.

  There are no piping bags or turntables, so Xia Mo can only make a few shapes. Fortunately, there are a lot of fruits in the village, so it is more than enough to make a few fruit cakes.

  When the cake embryo was baked, Xiao Xiao couldn't wait to start eating, and Xia Mo knocked it back as soon as he reached out.

  [The broadcast is on, the broadcast is on]

  【If you like the unpunctuality of the program group, you can be fine a few minutes in advance, there are surprises every time】

  【Is Xiao's mother making cakes? 】

   [Have you not read the introduction of the guests, Xiao’s mother is a dessert chef and has her own dessert shop]

【what! what! what! Will you teach online? I always wanted to learn to bake]

  【Who doesn’t like a pastry chef】

   [Did Xiao Xueba want to steal the cake embryo and was stopped by his mother, Xueba is also very naughty]

  【All mortals have seven emotions and six desires】

  【She has done a lot, is it going to be one for the family? Look how good the mother is]

  【Damn, I remembered Lin Wan's selfish ham sausage again, can I not give Lin Wan the cake]

   does not add 1,

   plus 2,

  Add 3…

   (end of this chapter)