MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 362 After fright

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"You are willing to hurt the little girl's heart," Xuan Xuan has not returned to Prince Yong's House these days, and Wan Ji Shengyan naturally accompanied him, anyway, the emperor did not arrange any substantial tasks for him .

"...," talking to Yun Xuan Xuan, it was sad and unpleasant.

"Sister, are you sure you can exchange these people back to Xuanyuan Yan?" Looking at Jin Niang's squeaking day by day, Yan Yan was also worried.

Jin Niang has lived in the Yun family for so many years, and the dealer did not return even if he recovered, it is the same as the Yun family, so everyone saw that she was uncomfortable.

When Jin Niang heard Yun Yanyan's words, she set her anticipation on Yun Yanxuan, waiting for her answer.

Looking at a few burning eyes, Xuan Xuan smiled embarrassingly, closed her sleeves and pursed her head and thought: "I don't know how Xuan Yuan Ya's position in the Quartet City, but those people who followed Xuan Yuan Ya came It should be a little famous in Sifang City. If the people in Sifang City really don't care, it should not be possible. "

"Oh," Wan Ye Shengyan looked at her unpredictable thick-handedness, and he couldn't help but rubbed her head, and said with a smile, "The people in Sifang City pay great attention to their own people. This is why Xuan Yuanyi found you. I do n’t care about your identity. It ’s just that your little princess wo n’t get as much support as the lord thinks, so that lord will change his strategy. ”

"I don't care how many strategies she has. Anyway, these people want to put it back, at least give me an explanation," at least, to make the Yun family's life peaceful, as for who is the owner of the Quartet City, whether it will be rich and rich in the future, she Is really unwilling to toss.

What's so good about being a master of a city?

If the mother is alive and won the Quartet City, there will probably be some amazing behaviors again. However, after all, the people in Sifang City are all born and raised. Those who think and do things are not as wise as their ancestors, so if we continue, it will not be possible to keep the Sifang City.

According to people like Xuanyuanya, who were all the heirs of the city's owners, she didn't like Sifang City.

Everyone thought that Sifang City should send the news in the fastest time, at least to change or not to change the conditions, or not. However, after half a year, there was still no news from Sifang City. Just when Yun Yixuan felt that he could not support those people, Sifang City finally came to the news.

But the news made her laugh and cry.

"You said, do the people in Sifang City still care about these people? It's been half a year, and no flies have come over. Is Xuanyuan Yan more important than them, so that the city's owner refused to Xuanyuan Yan in exchange for these people? "Xuan Xuan scratched her hair bun, no matter what temperament was not temperament, it was really urgent now.

Jin Niang is getting ridiculous, but she has been hiding in her heart, she refuses to say that everyone is sad.

These are in pairs, and even Dachang is with Chaer. Although the two were very different in age, Cha'er was willing to say that when the young lady was the most difficult, Dachang guarded them all the way. She knew Dachang's good, and did not care what Dachang was born, so she was willing to follow her.

Dachang didn't marry a wife for so many years and got such a small wife, but it hurts in the palms of the hands, so that everyone teased that Chaer, the little girl, had a plan, and chose such a man, she was regarded as treasure.

Everyone was happy, only Jin Niang was disappointed after she got hope, so everyone was worried.

Fortunately, the dealer's sewing technique was developed and carried forward, so that Jin Niang had a busy opportunity to never miss Xuanyuan Yan.

Xuan Yuanyi originally wanted to go back but was stopped by everyone. Losing a Xuan Yuanyan has left everyone's heads burned, and another Xuan Yuanyi is thrown away. Yun Yanyan is not crying. By then, the Yun family will not demolish the Quartet City.

"If it doesn't work, take someone to the Quartet City to talk," take the Yun family army, and people will not be led away by this way.

"No more news, let ’s go together in a few days." After thinking about it, Xuan Xuan felt the delay, and she really helped Sifang City to support her. After Xuanyuanya adjusted to the present day, she became fat. Let her speechless.

Xuan Xuan is now the Yun family, and Prince Yong's house runs on both ends. In addition, there are not so many rules for Prince Yong's house. As long as the son and daughter-in-law are good, Prince Yong does not care so much. And Wan Yemei's personal relationship was also checked by Wan Ye Shengyan and Xuan Xuan, and he found a household that was considered a low marriage.

Originally, Wan Ye Shengyan felt that the most suitable thing was the Gu Ming dispute of the ancient family, because the conditions of the ancient family were all over there. There would be no babies and no house. This is the best for women. of. Unfortunately, the men in the ancient family had to serve on the battlefield. He didn't want his sister to bear the wealth and prosperity alone, so he had to choose a lot of options to find a young man with a relatively simple family history and no mess in the family.

Is sprinting on the career path, with the support of Wan Yanmeier, he will only go higher in the future, and will know the importance of husband and wife support each other.

As for the way forward, just look at how Meier has gone.

"Master, the news came from Sifang City," Lu Yan's face trotting in all the way was quite surprised.

"What? Really?" Xu Xuan stood up in surprise, some unbelievable. But immediately, as soon as the eyes were dark, people were about to fall and they didn't wait for everyone to exclaim. Wan Ye Shengyan hugged her with his eyes and hands, and shouted anxiously: "Xuan'er, what happened to you? "

"I ... my ears are uncomfortable," I just felt a "buzzing" sound in my ears, which made Xuan Xuan's painful struggle, anxious to stun herself.

"This ... what about this? Jin Niang isn't here," Yun Yanyan was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

"Let Zhuang Jinniang come back now," Wan Ye Shengyan didn't care what Jin Niang was doing at this time, anyway, in his heart, Xuan Xuan was the most important.

"I'll go," Xuan Yuanyi used light work and quickly left Yun's house. He is now quite familiar with the road in Beijing and knows where the dealer is.

Xuan Xuan covered her ears for a long time, and then she panted and leaned on Wan Yan Shengyan, feeling like she had died once.

"Luyan, you say, what's the news from the Quartet City?" She asked gaspingly after her condition was better.

Luyan was worried and regretted, thinking that if she did not rush in, she would not scare the master, so when she hesitated to speak, she said helplessly to the eyes of the master. "Slavery heard people say that the Quartet City was surrounded and no one could come out."

This news dispelled everyone's concerns, and when seeing Xuan Xuan's face was much better, she looked at Lu Liu and asked curiously, "Who is it that surrounds the Quartet City?" Such a big posture really made everyone be surprised.

I thought that the task of surrounding the Quartet City was to be done by Yun Jiajun. I didn't expect to be preempted, so everyone was dumbfounded.

"Uh ..." Luli hesitated when it came to the most critical time.

"Luyan, you're about to say, it's dying," Dong Xue urged aside, feeling that Luyan's temperament is not the same as before. There is something like mother-in-law with An Wei.

Lu Liu closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, shouting loudly: "Slave listened to others saying that the Queen of the Northern Cold Country chased down the young master because of the Quartet City. With annoy, the soldiers bypassed the Nanyu Kingdom and arrived at the Quartet City. Surrounded by people, they did not attack, nor did they explain their intentions. They just surrounded them, and everyone in the Sifang City was heartbroken, so the master would not let the people go back, not the Sifang City, regardless of these people. . "

"Uh," Lu Liu's words made everyone shocked and couldn't even speak.

They wanted to break their heads, but never thought that the hundred miles of rejuvenation in the northern cold country would become so angry for Yuntao.

"When was the Northern Cold Country so strong?" Yun Yu asked weakly on the side.

"Stupid, if there is kindness and righteousness, it is equivalent to having the support of the entire Yun family, only an army. What is difficult for the Yun family," Gu Fengwu understood to the point, and resolved it in one phrase. The mystery of everyone's heart.

After knowing it was Bai Lichun's anger to avenge his elder brother, a smile filled his face, and Wan Wan Shengyan's clothes shouted, "This big sister is so likable, but I don't know when See you, "

Knowing what she said, Wan Ye Shengyan remembered her discomfort just now, instead of letting her mouth loose immediately, she took her hand seriously and said, "If Jin Niang thinks there is nothing wrong with your body, then you want to go Where, not only do I promise, I will accompany you, "

The understanding of her is not a day or two, so Wan Ye Shengyan knew what she meant when she opened her mouth, and she did not turn around and wipe her head. Everything was mainly her body. The rest, even if the sky fell down, had to be back .

Xuan Xuan opened her mouth to say something, but with so many pairs of concerned eyes and Wan Yan Shengyan's insistence, she hid everything in her heart and silently agreed with his decision.

Jin Niang was brought back by Xuan Yuanyi ... because it was too late to catch the carriage, she was so embarrassed all the way back.

"Next time, how dare you treat me like this, and don't ask for me in the future," Jin Niang warned Xuan Yuanyi fiercely, and then came forward to diagnose Xuan Xuan's veins, and even her breath did not calm down, showing the torment all the way .

Xuan Yuan Yi groaned and touched the tip of his nose, but he didn't justify, but felt that he was innocent-wasn't he worried about Yun Xuan's safety?

No one looked at him. Everyone set their eyes on Yun Yixuan and Jin Niang, waiting for the results after the diagnosis.

When Jin Niang came back, she didn't look very good. One was annoyed by Xuanyuan Yi, and the other was worried about Xuan Xuan, so she was a little nervous. But after taking the pulse, his face changed strangely, and for a long time there was no sound, everyone was even more frightened.

"Jinniang, is my sister okay !?" Yun Yanyan took the lead in asking and asked everyone's concerns.

"It should be okay," Jin Niang took a good pulse, and after standing in her heart, she stood up and looked at everyone and answered.

"What's the matter?" Wan Ye Shengyan saw Jin Niang's expression a little deep, and said a little anxiously: "Just now, Xuan Er said that his ears were uncomfortable, and it was so painful," he had never seen Xuan Er like this , So for the ambiguous words of Jin Niang, I am a little worried.

"What the **** is wrong with me?" Xuan Xuan inquired, feeling that it was not good to be concealed.

Jin Niang rolled her eyes indecently, anxiously reaching out and poking her hard. "How dare you ask me what the **** is wrong? Ask yourself, how long haven't you been there?" If there weren't any other men, she would have exploded. "You have been pregnant for more than two months, and you still don't know. You asked me what happened, how did you become a mother?"

"What?" There was a mix of surprises ... the wrong voice immediately caught everyone's attention.

The stupid voice came from Wan Ye Shengyan, who was holding the woman in his arms helplessly, completely scared by Jin Niang's words.

"Pregnant?" The eyes stared at the stomach, not knowing what to think, but there was absolutely no joy in their eyes.

This sudden change made the sound of surprise suppressed, and everyone looked at each other. I don't know if there was any mess between the two, and no one dared to speak.

"Really?" Yun Xuan touched her belly, and the expression on his face was the opposite of Wan Yanshengyan.

"Xuan ... Xuaner," Wan Yan Shengyan's eyes were extremely complicated, and his tone was a little hesitant.

Xu was aware of what Wan Yan Shengyan was going to say, and Xuan Xuan rushed out of his arms. The speed was so fast that everyone made a sound of exclaimation and everyone looked pale.

"Yun Xuanxuan, what are you doing?" Gu Fengwu was the first one to explode, and his pale face shook a bit, making Yun Yu on the side worried.

"I'm fine," Yun Minxuan knows that Gu Fengwu cares about herself, but at this time, she has more important things to do. "Wan Ye Shengyan, I tell you, if you dare to say something that makes me kill the child in my stomach, I will immediately go away with you, take the child back to Yun's house, and sever all relationships with you, never after Know you!"

This guy, do n’t come hard, do n’t know how many moths will come out.

Everyone was stunned by the words of Xuan Xuan, and they didn't understand why Wan Xun Shengyan should not stop the children in Xuan Xuan's belly--isn't it theirs?

Wan Ye Shengyan's hand was a little trembling, looking at the woman who fled from her embrace all of a sudden, squeezing her hands, suppressing the shock in her heart, looking up at her seriously, she said, "This child ..."

"I'm not afraid. Don't tell me your hellful reason, anyway, this child, I'll make it up," knowing what he was going to say, Yun Xuan Xuan didn't even have the chance to speak to him, and he was irritable.

"You guys ... what the **** is going on?" Xuan Yuanyi looked inexplicably, and felt that with a child, shouldn't she be more happy? How can joy turn into a quarrel in the blink of an eye?

Is it normal to have a baby when you are pregnant?

Why Wan Wan Shengyan's expression is like someone trying to kill him, so gloomy and ugly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit ugly, Xuan Xuan stared at Wan Ye Shengyan's anger and converged a bit, and felt that it was boring to be so hard against him, and she didn't have any meaning. She is a doctor. She knows a lot. Not every woman will be in danger when giving birth. Your mother and your aunt will do the same. Just because of coincidence, you cannot deprive me of being a mother! "

For the sake of his mind, she could not have her own child in her whole life. She was afraid that she could forgive him now, and she would hate him in the second half of her life, especially after she saw that the people around her had children.

Jin Niang heard the words, her heart flashed with surprise, thinking of what happened to Prince Yong's Mansion, and finally understood the reason why Wan Zhensheng was different from ordinary people.

This man, who treats Xuan Xuan well, is on the first place. There is no doubt about it. As for the child's affairs ... she remembered the months before Xuan Xuan, and she always allowed Luliu to continue to take herbs to identify herself. What to treat, you will understand how she was pregnant under Wan Ye Shengyan's precautions.

"Where are women who don't have children? Grandpa Shi thinks too much," Gu Fengwu muttered, but his tone was not very firm, and he envied Wan Xishengyan's care for Xuan Xuan.

Wherever a man does not care about the ancestor's responsibility for succession for a woman, if there is no heir to Prince Yong's Mansion, this belongs to the glory of the King's Mansion.

"You know what I'm worried about, why do you want to do this?" Wan Min Shengyan's reason collapsed a little, he didn't have the kind of temporary picture of mother-in-law, because he didn't understand at that time. However, when Meier's mother gave birth, he stood by his father's side and watched a pool of blood flowing out of it. His father's face was a little somber, and eventually he died when he heard that his aunt was having difficulty giving birth. Time became pale.

That picture was engraved in his mind and he would not leave it for a lifetime.

At that time, he still remembered that there were two elder sisters discussing on the side, saying that Prince Yong ’s concubine also encountered this situation and died of blood collapse. This Prince ’s mansion was like a curse, two consecutive masters In such a situation ... After that, he had a shadow over women who had children, and he was extremely afraid of facing such a situation.

When he thought of it, he felt that there was a strong **** smell between his nose, and he couldn't remove it.

Xuan Xuan felt that she was the saddest woman. With the child she should have been taken care of, she was the exact opposite and became the person to blame.

But how should the two of them communicate?

Wan Yan Shengyan was unwilling to bring this up with himself, and secretly drank the medicine prescribed by the royal doctor. If it was not for his own vigilance, the green willow **** would not know it, and the ghost would change the nourishing medicine prescribed by Jin Niang, I don't know if I have this child in my life. Therefore, no matter how persistent Wan Wan Shengyan is, this child will never be removed when she reaches her belly.

"Having a child is a matter of two people, and you still have to discuss it after going back," Jin Niang absolutely cannot guarantee anything about having a child.

When a woman gives birth to a child, she is hovering between life and death. Good luck, that will go all the way, bad luck, if you encounter any difficulties in giving birth, it is really better to die.

"That is, if the old man knew it, he would be very happy. It's not just a matter for the two of you," the people on the side agreed, but didn't know how to convince the two of them.

Bai Yan looked at the stubborn young lady, and then looked at the tangled look of the grandfather Shi, with heartache, but did not know how to persuade.

There are no elders in these two provinces. No matter how they are, they are just a puppet. If they talk too much, it is no different, let them decide for themselves.

Yun Yunxuan was pregnant, but she left the siege of Sifang City behind her.

Everyone doesn't know who to help, so it's better to persuade two people to go back to their homes.

Knowing that evasion could not solve any problems, Xuan Xuan eventually agreed to go back with Wan Ye Shengyan, but he kept Luliu with Yinger along the way, and even secretly started to alert Wan Ye Shengyan. This situation, let Wan There is an indescribable bitterness in Yun Shengyan's heart.

"Brother, sister-in-law," Wan Ermei was still in charge of Prince Yong's Mansion when she was not married, and had to prepare her dowry, which was a bit busy, but it did not prevent her from saying hello. "What's wrong?" However, the two people who used to talk about each other in the past were ugly, and asked with concern.

This was the first time they had been married for so long, and it was the first time to show such an expression. It seemed to be awkward, making her a little surprised.

The whole palace and even the capital city, who does n’t know his brother's affection for Yun Xuan Xuan, it really was reluctant to suffer her a little bit of grievance, but now she is still in a dare. This matter is a bit big.

"Meier," Wu Xuan grabbed Meier's hand, choked before she spoke, her eyes flushed, as if she had suffered a great deal of grievance, Wan Wanmeier hurriedly held her hands and said quickly: " Alas, do n’t you cry, if you have any grievances, just say it. If my brother bullies you, I ’ll watch him and my father.

This sister-in-law is a big brother's favorite, and everyone in the palace is willing to accept it. It's not arrogant and has no temper. As long as you don't anger her, you can toss as much as you want, as long as it is not too presumptuous.

Although she is in charge of the Wangfu, many subordinates are still willing to praise the concubine, and sometimes she feels that Xunzi is too human.

"Woohoo ..." Along the way, Xuan Xuan felt quite wronged. When she heard Meier's concern, she couldn't help crying.

Well, when she cried, the atmosphere in the whole palace changed, especially when Wan Yan Shengyan saw her aggrieved and wanted to hug her, but thought of what she insisted on and stopped firmly. Footsteps, making Xuan Xuan more sad, crying even more uncomfortable.

"What's going on?" Prince Yong got the letter and hurried over, seeing that his son was in conflict with his daughter-in-law, and his daughter-in-law was crying like a tear-dropr, and wet Meier's clothes. , Can not help but ask a voice.

"Father Wang, look at your elder brother, crying so badly, he doesn't appease him," Wan Yanmeier also resentment now, so he is not willing to help his elder brother who has always respected him at all.


As I write this chapter, I feel a little shadowy in my heart and suddenly worry about myself.