MTL - The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura Fields-Chapter 22 Dangerous

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Pei Xiaoming also flew towards the crack.

The closer you are to the crack, the more intense the golden light will be. After completely entering the crack, you will be enveloped by a burst of intense white light, making you temporarily lose your vision.

It took a while for them to see things, only to find that they and tens of thousands of participants were standing on a piece of snow.

As far as the eye can see, there are endless snow-capped mountains, just like the snow-capped mountains on the outskirts of Guiling City, but they are more lonely and vast.

Since they are newcomers, everyone dare not act rashly, because they have already heard about the dangers in Guiling Secret Realm. Especially in the place where people are sent to at the beginning, almost two or three out of ten people will be lost here.

But the place of transmission is different every time, so the seniors can't pass on their own experience, they can only tell the juniors that the starting point of Guiling Secret Realm is very dangerous, so we must be careful.

Everyone didn't understand, so Pei Xiaoming naturally stood still. In fact, he belongs to the classic style of "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger" that belongs to the protagonist of Dianjia.

This snow-capped mountain looked nothing special at first glance. After a brief moment of stupefaction, everyone began to ask tentatively: "It doesn't seem to be anything special. Although we know the danger of the starting point of the Guiling Secret Realm, it is difficult for us to stand here forever." It's not a solution. It's better to go out first, when the time comes, the demons and demons will show themselves."

Everyone thought so, after all, those who dared to come to Guiling Secret Realm were not cowards who were greedy for life and afraid of death, so they all set off to leave this snow mountain.

This snow-capped mountain seemed to stretch for thousands of miles. According to the normal footsteps, it must be impossible to get out in a few months. Everyone flew up, wanting to fly out of this snow-capped mountain.

Pei Ming was still standing on the ground. He felt that things were not that simple, and always felt that the variables were very close to them.

Sure enough, in the next second, some people who were flying with their own swords or flying with their own strength seemed to be pulled down by a pair of invisible hands and fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, small holes were suddenly cracked in the snow, about one meter square, and a vine soaring to the sky suddenly drilled out of it. The vine was two or three meters thick, and the whole body was pitch black, like black jade. It soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a person who was flying with a spirit beast in mid-air was rolled up. The man was completely involved by it, and he lost his movement after a while.

There were more and more vines like this, and suddenly there were only a few scattered people in the air.

"Why are there vines in the snow-capped mountains?!" Some people were surprised, but obviously no one could answer his question.

How can one use common sense to deduce the secret realm of Guiling?

"Not good! There seems to be an air ban on practitioners above this snow-capped mountain. Only spirit beasts can fly. Moreover, people who fly with monster beasts will be entangled by these weird vines!" Someone yelled in horror.

People get hairy when they think about the situation, but the situation is worse than they imagined.

The tentacles of the vines also came out from the snow. Although they were thinner than the main trunk, they were much longer than the main trunk. It waved its tentacles and danced towards the person next to it, the speed was so fast that only an afterimage was left, and the person was swept away directly.

The man drew his sword and was about to attack, but something even more chilling happened. The tentacles of the vine grew many sharp thorns, which pierced deeply into the man's body. The people around were horrified, as if they could hear the sound of that person's blood being sucked by the vines.

In just one breath, the man was sucked out, and the emaciated corpse was thrown by the vines, and he continued to catch the next spiritual practice.

There are more and more vines, and the tentacles are also growing. Fortunately, there are many strong people here. After the initial short-term surprise, everyone's casualties are much less.

The situation was at a stalemate, but the best of this generation also found a way to leave in an instant after familiarizing themselves with the situation.

—It is too time-consuming to fight these vines on the ground, why not sit on the spirit beast and fight!

Many spirit beasts flew up from the ground, like flying high in the sky, and Pei Ming's Xiaohong was among them.

Phoenix was indeed far ahead among the spirit beasts, and Pei Ming immediately distanced himself from the others. He circulated the Heavenly Interpretation Art in his heart, as if he could predict it, and every time he avoided the rushing vines very skillfully.

While struggling to avoid those vines, the people behind couldn't help but glanced at Pei Ming, thinking: It seems that this is Jiuhuaxiao's Pei Ming, the number one genius in the spirit world, and he really deserves his reputation.

A few more people were pulled off by vines, but dozens were still flying.

These people breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to themselves: The starting point of this Guiling Secret Realm is indeed a big wave washing the sand, and it is true that if you have no skills, you will not be able to get out. But those who are really capable still have a way to escape...

Before they could finish the sentence completely, their pupils dilated suddenly, and they saw a small group of red birds flying from nowhere in front of them, but there were a lot of them. Although the bird was not big, it was extremely fast. It hit a person who was flying on a spirit beast. Its small body was instantly ignited with flames. Due to the high speed, the person was burned to death. A scorched black skeleton fell to the ground.

"Damn! I'll just say why this air ban doesn't ban monsters from flying, so they are waiting for us here!" One person cursed depressingly.

If the monsters couldn't fly, the group of red birds probably wouldn't have the chance to leave the country.

With such a large number of red birds flying in, the first to bear the brunt was Pei Ming who flew at the forefront, but he was also the one who was the most unscathed. I saw a light red spherical barrier flashing about two meters around him and the little phoenix. Although the shape looked pale, any red bird that charged up would be turned into flying ash in an instant.

This is a martial skill that can be attacked and defended that Pei Ming has combined with a fire-type sky-ranking skill "Tian Chi Yan" over the years. Not only does it have a super strong defense, but any creature that touches the barrier will be attacked by the Chi Yan, and it can even transform the opponent's power for its own use.

The flock of flying birds covering the sky and the sun was knocked out of a passage by Pei Ming, freeing up a "V" shaped space. Those who are still in the air are not experienced geniuses. They followed closely behind Pei Ming, so that the pressure on Red Bird was greatly reduced.

Pei Ming could have just rushed out like this, but he suddenly saw a familiar figure below, was startled, turned around instantly, and rushed down!


Speaking of this matter, it has to be rewinded to half an hour ago.

Originally, Yue Xiuzhi stayed in Liuya Peak and lived his life in another house, but the idiot system who hadn't contacted him for thirteen years suddenly came out.

[Hey, idiot, long time no see. 】The system greeted suddenly, with the usual flat tone, but called Yue Xiuzhi a "stupid"—you know he used to call him the host, so it was still angry about Yue Xiuzhi scolding him before.

This is really a narrow-minded system. Before he left, Yue Xiuzhi let himself go and beat him up. It has been angry for thirteen years, and the customer service function has been shut down for thirteen years. Now he finally appeared once and called him "stupid".

Although Yue Xiuzhi didn't care about the "stupid", he suddenly became vigilant.

This idiot system has not been seen for thirteen years, but now it suddenly appears, it must be a bad thing!

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