MTL - The Two-Faced Side Character Fantasizes that I Love Him Everyday-Chapter 89 There is saliva!

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   Chapter 89 Saliva!

   The result of biting and biting is that the mouths of the last two people are a little red.

  Shen Wu didn't seem to know what satisfaction was. He stuck to her side and wanted to continue to ask for a kiss, but Wen Ran just put away the flowers and lotus pods he picked and ignored him.

   Of course, she didn't forget what Tang Ling needed, and picked a leaf by the pool.

   As for the remaining flowers and leaves, just let them stay here, maybe someone will need them in the future.

  Shen Wu saw that she ignored him, and he took out another thing, "Ran Ran, look."

  A magnolia hairpin made of white jade appeared in front of Wen Ran's eyes. This jade is of good quality, and at first glance it was a precious thing. She asked curiously, "Where did you come from?"

   It is impossible for him to buy this. She saves all his money, and only gives him some pocket money to buy food at certain times. He doesn't have so much money to buy hairpins.

  Shen Wu moved to her side, obviously the area was so empty, he insisted on squeezing and sitting next to her, "Ran Ran, I just picked it up in the pool."

"Pick it up?" Wen Ran took the hosta, looked at it for a while, and said, "Although this kind of hairpin is of high quality, the style is very old, it should be the style of more than ten years ago, the current girl Basically, I don't wear this kind of hairpin anymore."

Shen Wu nodded, stretched out his hand playfully, and touched the wings of the butterfly golden hairpin in her hair with his fingers, watching the wings flutter, he seemed to have found an interesting gadget, and then his fingers slid down, gently. poked her in the face.

  Wen Ran stared at him, and he grinned happily.

  Everything on her body, he wanted to touch.

  Wen Ran knew that he was naive and didn't bother to bother with him. She looked at the hosta in her hand and said strangely, "Why are there women's hairpins here?"

   "Yeah, why?"

   He was always like this, even if he didn't know, he would respond to every word she said.

Wen Ran rubbed her chin and thought for a while, "Perhaps a long time ago, a man-eating ice beast caught a girl, so this hairpin fell here, or maybe a girl's thing fell and was caught by the ice beast. Picked it up and made it all the way here."

   But no matter what kind of possibility, the only thing that can be confirmed is that the person who owns this jade hairpin must have a good family background. I am afraid that the girl is very ill-fated, and has already died many years ago.

  Wen Ran suddenly felt a little melancholy, life always dissipated so easily, and she didn't know what happened to the owner of this hairpin many years ago.

  Shen Wu saw that Wen Ran was in a bad mood. He regretted taking it out a little bit. Like a child who had done something wrong, he said cautiously, "Ran Ran, we don't want it anymore, just throw it away."

"Since we found it, it means that it has a relationship with us. Maybe we can find the relatives of the owner of this hairpin later." Wen Ran put away the hosta and walked out of her negative emotions. She smiled at him again, " Let's find our way out."

   He nodded, obediently being pulled by her and stood up.

   In fact, there is only one way to go forward. All the way forward, just like the way they came, the bodies of ice beasts will appear on the ground from time to time.

  Wen Ran couldn't help but wonder, is there a ban here, is the purpose just to make someone have to kill all the way up?

   Otherwise, there is no way to explain that there is only one way forward, nor to explain the presence of so many ice beast corpses on the way.

  The further she walked, the more traces of fighting and the more corpses of ice beasts she saw. Wen Ran's emotions suddenly seemed to be involved, and her footsteps became slower and slower.

  Shen Wu yawned and noticed something was wrong with Wen Ran. He asked with concern, "Ran Ran, do you want to sleep?"

   He thought he was always sleepy, so she wanted to sleep too.

  Wen Ran shook her head.

  Shen Wu asked again: "Ran Ran, what's wrong with you?"

   "I just thought about how much danger the first person to kill on this road had to go through, and what kind of belief they had to keep from falling."

  Shen Wu stared at her with a pair of pitch-black eyes, his white jade-like face had an indescribably strange look, as if there were too many emotions coming out, but he didn't know how to express it.

   Then, he pointed to the road ahead, and said to Wen Ran with a smile: "Ran Ran, he must have gone out!"

   Judging from the corpse of the ice beast in front of him, what he said was correct.

  Wen Ran adjusted her mentality and took his hand, "Let's move on."

Shen Wu seemed to be refreshed at this moment. He was not sleepy at all. He was still in a good mood. Knowing that in the dim environment, Wen Ran could not see clearly, so he pointed to the stone wall on the left and said, "Ran Ran, There's a strange-looking rock here."

   pointed to the ground on the right for a while and said, "Here is the corpse of an ice beast. It died beautifully!"

   He would occasionally touch her face, "Ran Ran, you have ashes on your face, I'll wipe it for you."

   Later, when she was unprepared, she lowered her head and licked her face, and said, "I'll help Ran Ran clean up."

  Wen Ran finally couldn't bear it anymore, she slapped his face away, "Shen Wu, are you disgusting!"

   This person used to say that he liked kissing her. After all, she also liked it, but recently he has intensified his efforts and started to lick people!

  Shen Wu innocently asked: "Ran Ran, am I disgusting?"

   "There's saliva!" Wen Ran took out the handkerchief and wiped her face. According to her previous fiery temper, she had to kick it.

  Shen Wu said helpfully: "Then I'll help Ran Ran to lick it clean."

  Wen Ran hurriedly covered her face, "You give me enough time!"

   When other people just fall in love, their hearts are thumping, so why is it so heavy to fall in love with him!

   She wouldn't let him lick, Shen Wu was a little disappointed.

  Wen Ran said with a stern face, "Don't mess around anymore, walk well."

"Oh." He replied, holding her hand obediently, and continuing to walk forward, but he couldn't help but secretly glance at her face, and when she glared back, he didn't mind, he didn't mind. smile.

   seems to be able to attract her attention, which is something that makes him very happy.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but there were gravels rolling down in front of him. Shen Wu stepped forward and stood in front of Wen Ran. When a giant beast rushed over from the air, he stretched out his hand and accurately caught the giant beast. Only one horn remains.

  The giant beast was huge, and the weight it threw down was as heavy as a thousand pounds, but Shen Wu just sunk his feet a little, and he didn't move like a mountain.

   The giant beast who could no longer get close roared in anger.

  The noise of   was echoed in this passage, and a gust of wind blew up.

  The young man was dressed in white, and the corners of his clothes were fluttering. He restrained the giant beast hanging in the air with one hand, and safely protected the girl behind him.

  If it wasn't for the fact that he was too bloated, he would look really handsome in this picture.

   (end of this chapter)