MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 51 Holy Sorcerer 14

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Sunshine, cloudless.

More than a thousand teenage girls dressed in magical robes stood on the grass in front of the lake of St. Helier's School of Magic when they first started school. The current situation is similar to the day. The difference is that they have now entered the college and are now testing at the end of the semester. What's more, every student can't **** the designated items of other students. As long as they are snatched, even the one who forcibly robs the exam fails. So this time, all the students entered the World of Warcraft together.

Moreover, this time is one month at the end of the time, twice as long as the last time.

Elvis still stayed behind the crowd without hesitation, and there was nothing like the tension in the exam.

Tars stood behind the crowd and watched Elvis as if he was walking in a leisurely pace. His eyes flashed through an unpredictable glory. He lowered his eyes and kept quietly following Elvis. Behind him. After entering the World of Warcraft, and after a certain distance, he placed a small piece of round stone with a magical atmosphere in his hand inside the magic robe. If anyone who knows this thing sees it, it will definitely recognize that this is the general communication stone of the Water Empire.

At this point, the piece of communication stone shone with a little bit of light, I don't know where to send the message.


Elvis's control of magic is now very proficient, so his speed at getting specific items is much faster than others.

Others have a look at Elvis, but when they think of his usual grades, and the current level, they are relieved. And Elvis and the first grader, like the primary magician Heramon, except for the first time with other students, they surpassed them, leaving most of them behind them, so the more they came behind There are fewer and fewer people around him.

In addition, Elvis also wants to avoid other people, let Li Luo become a human form to cultivate feelings, and therefore also intentionally go to places where there are few people.

It was just raining last night, and there seemed to be a damp but not smelly smell in the forest. The grass leaves under the trees are contaminated with a lot of water vapor, and the ground is also a little bit tidal, and the sun is half dry and not wet. Everything seems to have been washed into the water and washed all over, all seem particularly clean.

Li Luo looked up from Elvis's arms, and the triangular ears on his head moved and became the animal type. His sense of smell was also very sensitive. He had not felt anything wrong with the mixed taste of many people, but When the number of people around Elvis gradually became less and less, he sniffed out a taste, always following Elvis. Until Elvis had only one person, the taste still did not dissipate.

He is very familiar with this taste, this is the smell of Talth.

If Talth did not make any bad thoughts with Elvis, Li Luo would never believe it. After discovering this, Li Luo immediately responded anxiously to Elvis with his knowledge: [Elvis, Talth has always followed us, and now he is still more than 20 meters away from us. I don't know what he is trying to do, you have to be careful. ]

Elvis actually discovered this anomaly early, but after hearing the anxious tone of Li Luo, the corner of his lips couldn’t help but rise up, then he tapped his head and touched the head of Li Luo. Well, I know. ]

After Elo and Elvis raised the alarm, they closed their eyes, sank into consciousness, and quickly looked at the synopsis of the story. He wanted to see what would happen in this episode now, Elvis would not What dangers are encountered.

Although it is known that Elvis is the son of the world's gas, his injuries on the road to strength will not alleviate the pain. Just like the last time that his grandmother Vicia died, Li Luo could clearly feel the heart of Elvis's heart.

Li Luo quickly found the outline of this paragraph. When I saw the last, I found Elvis no danger, and after solving Talth, and his cousin Gaddam, Li Luo could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the heart just mentioned was put down. .

Sure enough, after a while, Li Luo smelled another smell and rushed over here.

Li Luo immediately stood up in the arms of Elvis, and with Elvis a careful, he got up and jumped into the arms of Elvis.

The accident happened suddenly at this moment, and a bright purple flame did not know where it came from, and it quickly hit Elvis's back vest.

At this moment, Li Luo's four claws just fell on the ground. After seeing this scene, he then twisted, and a small group transformed into a residual image, and rushed toward the purple fire. The claws of the front paws protruded out, and there seemed to be a glimpse of invisible wind between the claws. When he swung a claw, he quickly formed four wind blades, and the purple flames of the group Broken.

Then he landed behind Elvis, posing in an attacking position, and the amber cat looked alertly in the direction of the attack. Elvis also turned around, and the beautiful face still had no expression, but the blue eyes seemed to be colder than usual, as if a faint frost on the surface was condensed.

"Elvis, did not think that this kitten you raised, is actually a Warcraft?" In the shadow of the trees, Talth slowly came out, a horror in his eyes flashed. Behind him, Gaddam’s tall figure also appeared, and the black eyes were full of killings to see Elvis.

Elvis did not answer Tal's words. The blue eyes glanced over Talth and Gardham. The fingers in the magic robe moved and lifted the magic wand slightly. The direction of the temple and Gardham, ready to fight at any time.

Tars had the backing of Gardham and suddenly felt that he had a good foothold. He looked proudly at Elvis, as if Elvis in front of him was just an ant that was about to die. Oh, it has become a cockroach who can die at any time, why should he restore the magical power and appear in front of him. God must have given him this opportunity, so that he can really get rid of the stab in the eyes.

"Elvis, do you know what the most wrong decision you made?" Tars narrowed his eyes, and a light gray eyelid flashed a bit of poisonous hatred. "You turned out to be ordinary." Isn't people very good? It's your best ending to die like a useless waste, at least you can leave your whole body. But now?"

Tars looked around for a moment and smiled a bit. "You can only die here, and the body will be eaten by Warcraft. Nothing will be left."

Elvis narrowed his eyes, but he was slightly over-the-head, still not talking, and the blue eyes were still cold and staring at Talth. The lip corner seems to have raised a slight arc, as if taunting what Talse had just said.

At Tarston, his eyes were a little bloody, and he turned to look at Gardham. The latter nodded at him and raised the magic wand in his hand. With a soft sing, the magic wand in Gard's hand wanted to talk about a dazzling bright yellow glow, and then a fire dragon lingering around the purple thunder rushed toward Elvis.

This is the ultimate magic that only a four-star junior magician can perform - Thunderfire Dragon.

Tars originally thought that Elvis would definitely not be able to escape the attack. He was stunned and looked at Elvis.

However, Elvis, who he expected, would be embarrassed by this blow, so that the situation of scars did not appear. I saw Elvis just lifted his arm lightly. He didn't know what the spell was in his mouth. The magic wand in his hand ignited a circle of blue light, and then it turned into a cyan-like cyan light. The circle was entangled with the purple fire dragon that flew toward him, and bound it in midair.

The purple fire dragon, which looks like a huge force, couldn’t move under the thin cyan rays. Elvis’s eyes flashed a fine light, and a spell was again heard in the mouth. That is, a few thin cyan rays The purple fire dragon struggling below became more and more fine, and finally disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

"How, how is it possible?!" Tal's proud smile solidified in the corner of his mouth. Isn't he just a Samsung magician now? How could it block the attack of the junior magician? All this is simply incredible!

Then think of a possibility, Talse could not help but widen his eyes, he did not dare to look at Elvis, is Elvis now a four-star junior magician?

No, it is impossible. It’s only a few months now, how can Elvis’s cultivation speed be so fast? It took only a few months to break through the bottleneck and you can step into the realm of a four-star junior magician. If it is true, then Elvis's progress is too horrible.

Gardham couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He looked at Talth. His eyes were full of surprises. "What happened, Tars? You are not saying that he is just a Samsung magician now?" If it is just a Samsung magician, how could it resist his attack.

Tars’s face was also very ugly. He looked at Elvis and said with hatred: “Even if he is already a junior magician, it’s definitely just a breakthrough, and the cousin is one in the morning. I have already stepped in before the year, can't I still deal with him as a first-time entrant?" He paused and said, "I will hold his World of Warcraft, and you will be able to deal with him alone." If we have already shot him today, we must succeed! Otherwise, he will definitely come to us for revenge in the future."

Gardm listened to Tal's words, and the killing of Elvis was even heavier. That's right, now he and Talth have already been riding the tiger, and if they are unsuccessful, they will become a benefactor. They have not had any retreat.

The two looked at each other again and each faced the goal they had to deal with.

Unfortunately, both of them