MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 47 Holy Sorcerer 10

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" Ludwig is a cat," Elvis’s voice rose slightly, seemingly questioning Lero’s words. “What evidence do you have? Can you prove that you are him?"

Elvis’s face suddenly approached Li Luo, and Li Luo could feel the burning scent of his nose. “Or, just because you have a pair of ears and tails with the same color as Ludwig. You feel that you can prove to me that you are him?"

Elvis’s voice just fell, and Li Luo felt that the ear on his head was covered with a hot big palm. An inexplicable feeling rushed from the top of the head. Li Luo felt that his body was like a small electric current. The long tail behind him did not consciously swing around for a few times. He simply wanted to squint his eyes. Hey a few times.

Li Luo was almost guilty of his cat's ears. He suppressed the instinct he wanted to use his head to slap Elvis, and reached out to Elvis's hand with a difficult hand. The boy’s pair of amber eyes seemed to contain water vapor, and the white sputum could almost ooze a soft pink on the cheeks of the soft light. After taking a breath, he said: “I can re-make the cat’s form, so that Can you?"

Elvis only saw the young man in front of him disappeared, and his robes fell down. Then, a small group got out of the clothing room and yelled at him.

Elvis looked at the little one, the color in the dark blue eyes became darker, just like the waves of the sea, the surface looked calm and waveless, in fact, the inside has long been Twisting, "Now I believe, you are Ludwig, but when can you become human?" Although Elvis was already known as the first day when Lilu could become a humanoid. But he subconsciously does not want to let Li Luo know about this. Those beautiful scenery under the moon can be buried in his heart.

Just like his feelings for him, because it is too rich, just like breaking out from the depths of the soul, it has been brewing for countless years. If you do not suppress it and directly force this person, the person in front of you is likely to be afraid and then flee from him. The result is that he can't allow it. He will spend a lot of time with him in the future. He has enough patience to woven into a net and bind him to the net forever.

Elvis had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he finally turned into a must-see for the flash of his eyes.

Li Luo twisted a bit, or in the presence of Elvis, turned into the naked teenager, quickly picked up the robes on the ground, until the belt was fastened, Li Luo said: "I used to have long been I want to tell you, but I don’t have a long time to maintain the human form. I want to tell you when I want to be a little longer."

In fact, he even wants to wait until he can recover the pair of ears on his head, and the tail behind him, and Elvis said. But now it has been discovered by Elvis, and Li Luo can only meet Elvis in this form.

"Oh, is this the case?" Elvis looked at the white skin of the boy who was covered in his robes, and the sharks in his eyes flashed, and then he turned his eyes away. Asked casually, "How long can you keep the human form now?"

"Two and a half hours is almost the same." Li Luo took care of his clothes and felt a little thirsty. He poured a cup of tea into his mouth at the table. He didn't wear shoes, and his feet were smaller and more refined than the average boy. The fingernails were all pink. The shank that reveals the robes is smooth and smooth, just like good jade.

Elvis's eyes swept over the beautiful feet of Lillona, ​​then turned and walked to the bed to sit down. "That means you still maintain the cat shape?"

"Yes." Li Luo turned and sat next to Elvis. "But now the time to maintain the human form has slowly grown. I should be able to maintain the human form all the time and want to become a beast." You can do whatever you want." The ear of Li Luo’s head trembled unconsciously during his speech.

Elvis's twilight was so heavy that he couldn't hold back until he reached out on the top of Lero's head.

Li Luo felt the soft bed underneath himself, and felt that the human figure was more comfortable, and he did not notice the dark eyes of Elvis.

And Elvis had a conversation without a word for a long time. After two and a half hours, Li Luo couldn’t help but turned into a fluffy white snowball-like kitten. As soon as he became a cat, he made a big anger. A pair of rounded cats were half-opened and half-closed, and their bodies were skewed. At first glance, they knew that they were very sleepy.

Elvis put Li Luo on his pillow and continued to lie down on the bed. At this time, the outer moon has been tilted halfway to the east. It is estimated that it will be dawn in two or three hours. .

Elvis waited for his own ear to hear the gentle breathing of Lero, and opened his eyes. He reached out and gently stroked a few on the back of Li Luo, and watched Li Luo’s sleeping posture for a long time. Only closed my eyes and slept.


After breakfast the next day, everyone followed the instructor of the St. Helier School of Magic in front of the road and took the carriage. It took more than two hours to reach an open space in the Warcraft Forest, a few hundred miles away from the town of Troon. I saw a huge magical array being painted there. There were several instructors wearing six-star magic robes standing on the side. It was estimated that they also stayed here directly last night, waiting for the tutor to enroll the students.

After all the students were gathered, the head of the instructor took out his magic wand, and after reading the spell in his mouth, the whole magical moment lit up and wrapped the people standing inside. Then it was just a blink of an eye, and all the people who were supposed to be in the magic circle disappeared.

When everyone disappeared, the huge magical array was eclipsed, slowly disappearing, and finally the place was completely restored to its original appearance.

Lero was held in his arms by Elvis, only to feel that his eyes were in front of him, and then the scene in front of him changed completely.

From the original green forest to a huge lake, there is an island in the center of the lake, and the St. Helier Academy of Magic is built on that island.

The St. Helier Academy of Magic is a huge building that occupies almost the entire island. From a distance, the spire-like buildings and the green vegetation on the island are beautifully printed and look very beautiful.