MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 24 Crazy Dragon Aotian 24

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It’s night, there’s no star in the sky, and even the sickle-shaped moon is hidden behind a dark cloud.

Li Luo first let the palace lady who was on duty tonight take a few sauces to the imperial kitchen. After the palace lady entered the door, Li Luo stood by and watched the palace lady take a dish of snacks out of the food box. on the table.

When the palace girl was facing his unguarded, Li Luo slowly approached the palace lady. His footsteps were light, just like a cat walking on a carpet, without making any noise.

The lady was completely unaware of his approach, still bowed her head, took a dish of walnuts out of the food box, and carefully placed it on the table.

Under the guidance of Xiao Qi, Li Luo stunned the palace lady with a quick note. At the moment when the palace lady fell, Li Luo quickly reached out and grabbed the body of the palace lady, then dragged her body and placed her on the bed.

There are also trousers in the palace costumes, so Li Luo does not have much psychological pressure. Just licking the coat of the palace lady and changing it to her body, the moment that the universal Yi Rongmao hanging on his neck was at his mind, turned him into the look of the lady in bed, even that The aunt of the palace lady behind her ear, the real reaction was on Li Luo's body.

After Li Luo put the quilt on the palace lady, he went to the table and let Xiaoqi put all the snacks on the table into its space. These snacks have been collected for more than a week, and now they have escaped from Beijing. Even if they are on the road for a week, they can maintain their physical strength without encountering a place to stay.

After doing this, Li Luo took the food box, lowered his head and opened the door and went out.

Immediately after he walked out of the door, several lines of sight and vigilance were turned around him for a few laps until he was completely sure of his identity.

Li Luo tried his best to keep a way of walking like a woman. He took a small step and walked slowly and walked out of the yard where he was holding him.

Apparently, those guards who had carefully observed him with his gaze had no longer doubted his identity. When he left the yard, no one gave him a glimmer of sight.

[Congratulations to the host to escape the birth day, to the free and unrestrained life avenue ^ (^o^) ノ \ (^ _ ^) ~] Xiao Qi began to appear in Li Luo’s mind after Li Luo stepped out of the courtyard gate Can't live with flowers.

Li Luo looked at Xiao Qi’s cheerful tumbling in his mind, almost slipping on his feet and falling to the ground. His mouth can't help but pump out, and it's easy to escape from birth. What kind of ghost is free and unrestrained?

Because Xiaoqi was used for the time being, Li Luo did not let Xiaoqi fall into a dormant state. Although Xiaoqi is somewhat off-line, in this case, what can be found can be discussed, and only Xiaoqi is helped.

Li Luo is also somewhat gratified, he also has the system of Xiaoqi. If there is no system function of Xiaoqi, even if he stuns the maid who serves him, even if he is pretending to be the palace lady, he will be discovered by the guards. He will not succeed in leaving him. The yard.

Because it is night, the light of the lights on the hands of the palace people can be seen from far away. Every time I see the light in the distance, Li Luo will quickly turn in the direction, or find a place to hide first, not in front of those palace people. After all, he does not understand the rules in this palace. If he meets a noble person who needs to do anything, he does not respond. It is awful to be delayed.

Li Luo was careful all the way. It took two hours to escape from Tibet. He finally came to the big garden that Xiaoqi said had a secret passage to the outside.

[...The host is big, can you see the road map? 】

In the next moment when Xiao Xiao’s voice fell, Li Luo felt a semi-transparent plan in front of his eyes, just like the Baidu map that is often used in the real world. The red dot indicates the destination, and the blue dot is He is now standing. Because it is translucent, it will not obstruct his view.

Li Luo walked along the red sign and quickly found a rockery hidden in a bamboo forest.


Inside the luxuriously decorated room, there is a white smoke that is fascinating, and the enchanting scent of the scent fills the entire hall. From the inside of the room to the doorway, a layer of black and red gauze was hung, so that the person standing at the door of the room could not see the scene inside.

The Queen Mother of Jingyu was lying on a chaise couch with her head in her head, and the scorpion was gently closed, seemingly in a sleep.

On her side stood several palace ladies, a palace lady holding a fan to fan her, a palace lady standing behind her to give her a shoulder, and two palace ladies are kneeling at her feet, meticulous Give her a pinch.

A palace lady hurriedly walked in from the door of the house, opened a layer of gauze, and sneaked to the front of the scene of the Queen Mother of Jingjing, kneeling down to the Queen of the King of Jingjing, first. Looking up and glanced at the face of the Queen Mother of the scene, then whispered softly: "The Queen Mother, the guardian of the Yunyang Temple is looking to see you."

"Oh? Yunyang Hall?" Yunyang Hall, isn't that the place where the kid is held? The Queen Mother of the scene opened her eyes and "proclaimed him to come in."

"Yes." The palace lady got up after getting the order and quickly walked out of the room, letting the guards who had sweated their foreheads go in.

When Empress Dowager saw the expression of the chief of the guard, she knew that things were probably not good. She frowned slightly and her tone became much more intense. "What happened?"

"The Queen Mother, the ministers did not care for Su Mucheng, and if they didn't care, let him run."

"Running?!" Although Jing Hao had already guessed the three or four points, but she really heard the news, she still couldn't believe it. In order not to make mistakes, Li Luo had a chance to escape. How could she send so many of her elites to look at Li Luo, she really can't imagine how Li Luo could escape.

Now, the captain of her carefully selected bodyguard team actually told him that the people she had taken care of were so gone. !

It is simply incredible! !

After the Queen Mother of the Scenery, the face was completely black, and the guardian who was kneeling below did not dare to look at the face of the Queen Mother of the Scenery, but he could only continue to slap the scalp and continue to press the pressure exerted by the Queen Mother of the Scenery: "Yes, Yes, after serving the palace lady this morning, I found that the person lying on the bed became another palace lady."