MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 18 Crazy Dragon Aotian 18 (completed)

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The sky is still bright, and there is a loud horn in the camp.

When he was asleep, Li Luo was awakened. Qin Hao’s first sound in the horn sounded and he sat up, dressed quickly, and took the sword out of the tent.

Li Luo also arranged himself at the fastest speed, and went out with Qin Hao.

In the next second when Qin Lan walked out of the tent, a thin and thin scout flew to the front of Qin Lan. "Reporting the generals, the enemy army tied the army and came to us from the side of Jingcheng. ”

After listening to Qin, he accelerated his footsteps and pulled out his black horse from the stable. He jumped up and jumped up.

The prepared soldiers also gathered in the open space in front of the camp, waiting for the instructions of Qin.

Under the sunlight shining through the clouds, the vast army in the distance is clearly visible. The man who walked far ahead and walked in the front, the man with almost all white hair was covered with a layer of almost vitality, and his eyes only came far away from the Qin dynasty. If the gaze can kill, Qin I have long been riddled with holes.

Only after a fragrant time, both sides can clearly see each other's strength.

Qi Qi rides on a brown-red horse, bloodshot eyes and full of suffocation make him look like a ghost from the hell, the yin measurement is extremely fierce and screaming Qin Qin Face.

Qin Hao was unmoved, and even a beautiful smile was on his face. The black eyes were faintly flashed.

Qi Tong pulled a smile and revealed a white tooth, but his eyes were full of killings. "You are the six princes of the thief?"

The expression on the face of Qin Xiao is unchanged, but the sharp eyebrows are picking. The black eyes reveal a ridiculous look. "In the end, who is the thief, the Qindi you support must be very clear. He I didn't want to forget it so quickly."

Qi Hao clenched the reins, he also knows a little about the greasy inside, but since he has promised the Queen Mother of Jing, he can only stand on the side of Qin Yan.

"Do not talk nonsense, do you dare to fight with me for a few times?" Qi Qi did not pick up the words of Qin Qin, took out the long gun behind his back, and stabbed the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Lan immediately turned over and escaped the gun of Qi Qi. The two men rushed to the top of the game and finally returned to the back of themselves. The soldiers behind Qin and Qi Qi are like what signals they got, and they started to fight each other.

The air suddenly filled with a strong **** smell, and after a while someone would fall, and then another person would fill the position of the person.

Qin and Qi Qi played against each other for several rounds. Qi Wei was scratched by Qin Hao on the waist, but he did not leave any wounds on Qin. The look on Qi Wei’s face could not help but solemnly rise. He did not think that this looks like a teenage boy, and his martial arts would be so good.

Qin Yan’s face still carries the same smile as before, only the clothes have some wrinkles, as if the fight just is only one of his warm-ups.

The bloodshot eyes of Qi Qi were slightly picked up, and the hand was turned over. The long gun once again stabbed toward the Qin dynasty, but this time his moves were more and more secretive. Compared with before, the speed and flexibility were great. Improvement.

Qin Lan did not despise the murderous man in front of him. He took care of all the tricks and strokes. When he found the flaws, he gave the man a blow. After several times, although Qin Xiao still had the upper hand, he also added several blood marks on his body.

However, compared to him, the situation of Qi Qi is even more terrible, and his body is stained with a layer of blood. Qi Qi is not a stupid person. He knows that he can't kill Qin Yu with his own ability anyway, and he will no longer fight.

Qi Yan’s gaze patrolled the battlefield for a moment and found that the army he brought was slightly superior. But somehow, there are very few soldiers in the army led by Qin Xiao who are riding horses. Therefore, the place where his cavalry passes is almost invincible, but few of the cavalry that the infantry will rush to him. Together, it is generally thick and hard to damage the thick armor around the cavalry.

Qi Qi suddenly felt the vigilance in the bottom of his heart. Just when he was about to announce the news of the first retreat, he saw that dozens of horses wrapped in horses were rushed out from the camp of the Northern Army. The soldier dragged a bag and didn't know anything. He rushed in the direction of the cavalry on his side.

The sack on the horse was cut open, and the large yellow granules were sprayed on the ground and rolled off the ground.

The Marton, who was still obedient and retreating, all bowed his head and ate the yellow granules on the ground, so that the soldiers riding on it would not move half a minute.

At this moment, the situation quickly reversed, and the cavalry, who was unable to move at once, was stabbed into a hedgehog by a squad of the Northern Army, and the infantry became one by one under the rush of the cavalry of the Northern Army. Lamb to be slaughtered.

Qi Qi’s face suddenly became very ugly. He quickly announced the retreat signal. However, it was too late. Most of the soldiers had been left under the sword of the Northern Army forever, and he followed him back to Jingcheng. Only three-fifths of the original ones were left.


Qi Qi brought back the soldiers and carried out the stagnation of Jingcheng, but the mistakes have already been caused. The strength of his side is only less than 150,000. Compared with the more than 200,000 troops of Qin and Qin, their odds are very high. Hey.

In addition, after Qi Qi went back, because the wound was infected, he had a high fever and fell down. Jingcheng could not even have the ability to do the main thing.

Under the command of Qi Qi, the commander of the overall management thought that he had found the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and secretly transferred the power of the **** to his own hands.

Just after he was proud of himself and thought he had made a very correct order, he did not know that because of his stupid order, he was able to hold on to Jingcheng for one or two months under the command of Qi Qi. The Northern Army led by Qin Yu was attacked.

At the moment when Qin Yu attacked Jingcheng, Qi Qi killed the commander and fled along the secret road in the house where he was wounded.

After Qin Zhen found the room where Qi Qi was injured, the inside had already gone to the building, and there was only a shelf that was obviously moved in the room, as well as the blood splashing next to it and a dead eye, with a look of horror. Middle-aged man lying on the side.

Qin Lan looked at the secret road in front of him with a black hole in his mouth. The sword eyebrows fluttering into the shackles wrinkled, thinking for a moment, and sent a few scouts with outstanding observation ability to check.

I hope that Qi Qi can be arrested again. If this person insists on staying at Qin Yan's side, it will definitely slow down the speed of his recovery of Qin. This kind of variable must be annihilated in the cradle as soon as possible.

It is a pity that the secret road that Qi Qi escaped was built in a very convenient way. It was not the kind of setting that went through the end. The people who were looking for Qi Qi under the Qin dynasty all failed to return. Qin Hao also had to give up and kill Qi Qi directly. Thoughts.


Yujing, the palace.

Qin Yan broke his favorite glass cup and only felt that his throat was sweet, and he almost vomited a blood. He sat down on his back with his chest on his back, and his white face was like a piece of paper.

Jing Hao was too anxious to hurry up and step forward, extended his well-maintained hand and stroked his chest. "Huanger, don't worry, there will be a way."

"There is a way, what else is there? After the mother, even the generals of the levy of the year have been defeated, what else do we have?" Qin Yan caressed his chest, feeling that he is about to breathe, can only use The mouth sighed with a big mouth and trembled, and the hand trembled. "Is it hard to get the river, is it still going back to the hand of the little hybrid?"

"No." Jing Hao's beautiful face flashed a hint of gloom, and then she touched Qin Yan's head lovingly. "This palace heard that the little hybrid is very fond of a person, very valued him. I have to eat and live together. This palace will find a way to catch the person, this may not be a bargaining chip. Even if the last palace and the emperor you encounter unexpectedly, this palace will also take that person to accompany the funeral! The palace wants the little hybrid to suffer from the position of the emperor, and it will be painful for a lifetime.

At this time, Li Luo did not know that the plot had already been offset by a mountain road, and he had already been stared at by his own book. He is still bored in calculating the progress of Qin Yu’s current capture of Qin State, and then calculating in his heart how long it will take him to return to reality - this is the most common time he thinks when he is empty on the road of riding a horse. The thing is gone.

After all, the ancient march is not like modern, there are so many electronic products that can be used for entertainment to pass the time. The march is very boring. You can only sketch some things in your mind and think about it.

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