MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 272 This time I am in charge!

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   Chapter 272 I'm in charge this time!


  Shimura Danzo did not immediately answer Sarutobi Hizan's words, but raised his eyebrows when he saw the name of one of them: "Haruno Sakura... This child doesn't seem to be from a big family, so why is he assigned to this special class?"

   "She has good academic performance, strong theoretical knowledge, and a certain degree of self-protection ability."

   Sarutobi Hiizhan replied casually, urging: "Don't pay attention to that kind of thing, you answer my question just now."

   "The question just now, invite, please invite them here."

  Shimura Danzo said indifferently: "It's our problem whether to issue an invitation or not, it's their problem whether they dare to come."

   "Huh? Do you really think so?"

   Sarutobi Hijian raised his brows: "Isn't this your style?"

   "That's because you don't know the real me at all and have too much prejudice against me."

  Shimura Danzo snorted coldly: "Those ordinary small countries definitely need invitations, without them as cannon fodder, how can we show the majesty of our Dainin Village?

   On the surface, the five major countries are now in harmony, so even if they invite them, this is our home ground anyway, and whether they should send the outstanding ninjas from the village over is something they need to worry about.

  The Kingdom of Thunder has a guilty conscience and is unlikely to send people over. The Kingdom of Water is recuperating, and there are probably not many excellent ninjas.

As for the land of wind and land, as well as those small countries that joined the alliance, even if we let them come, come to our territory and let them see the strength of Konoha. Some small countries that are not firm enough will definitely be scared. Quit that ridiculous league on the spot.

   As for Sandyin Village and Yanyin Village, if they decide to go their own way, then we just don't stop and keep all their excellent ninjas here! "

   At the end, a cold light flashed in Danzo's eyes: "You're right, Hizan, this Chunin exam is indeed very important, it will allow us to wipe out those hostile forces and re-establish our Konoha's prestige!"

   "You are playing with fire! Not to mention whether we have the power to swallow them all, do you want to make trouble in Konoha Village?"

   Sarutobi Hizan suddenly regretted asking about this matter: "Even if they leave their juniors behind, what kind of prestige do we Konoha have in the ninja world for doing such despicable things?"

   "Oh, it's fine if you don't agree."

  Shimura Danzo snorted coldly and waved his hand: "I'm not interested in taking the blame for you this time. Ninjas are always trying to intrigue, and Yunyin Village didn't have a bad reputation for doing that kind of thing?

   is the most, and when the time comes, a few people will be pushed out to take the blame, and this matter will be over.

   Of course, I still say that. After this time, even if you fail, don’t say that it was my idea. You didn’t implement my idea to perfection at all. If I were to be Hokage, everything would be the best! "

   "You are too arrogant!"

   "You are too cowardly..."

   "Report Hokage-sama!"

   The door of Hokage's office was knocked on.

   Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo looked at each other, and both regained their solemn appearance: "Come in!"


  A masked Konoha Anbu entered the house, saw Danzo beside him, and was stunned: "Meet Hokage-sama, Danzo-sama!"

   "Well, do you have anything to report?"

   Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded and looked at Konoha Anbu: "Is there something wrong with the Chunin exam?"


   Konoha Anbu was stunned and shook his head: "We were around Konoha and found Lord Jiraiya coming towards Konoha."


   Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hizen were startled at the same time.

   "Did he want to sneak in?"

  Shimura Danzo thought of the scene of being defeated by Jiraiya, and his whole body was aching: "Does he want to be detrimental to Konoha Village!"


  Konoha Anbu shook his head again: "Lord Jiraiya, he moved quickly towards the village in an open and fair manner. Maybe he has already reached the entrance of the village, so his subordinates hurriedly informed Hokage-sama..."

   "Jiraiya has changed his mind, or does he want to do something else..."

Sarutobi Hizan murmured softly. If he had said that before, he still believed that Jiraiya would come back to admit his mistake when he calmed down, but then when he heard the other party speak on Uchiha Yu's alliance, he gave birth to a feeling of being betrayed by his apprentice. Anger - this is the second time!

   Jiraiya and Uchiha Miyu are together, and now they come to Konoha Village, what do they want to do?

   "Take it now!"

  Shimura Danzo said coldly, "It doesn't matter if you live or die..."


   Sarutobi Hizen decisively stopped him: "Jirai is also my apprentice, I know him, his position may fluctuate, but his love for Konoha will not diminish!

  I don't believe that he is here to destroy Konoha. If you rashly attack him, you will force him into our opposite! "

   "Wake up, Hizuchi, he's already on the opposite side of us!"

   "No, there is another possibility!"

   Sarutobi Hijran fell into contemplation: "It's possible that Jiraiya is just a ghost and a snake, and wants to sneak into the investigation secretly..."

"Do not be silly!"

   "No, it is possible for him to do such a thing!"

   Sarutobi Hiizan turned his head to look at Konoha Anbu and asked, "Are there any suspicious people around him, such as people from the Uchiha clan, or ninjas from other countries..."


   Konoha Anbu answered truthfully: "Besides Lord Jiraiya, it is Naruto Uzumaki."

   "The Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli!"

  Shimura Danzo stared: "He actually dared to bring Kyuubi back?"

   "Ha, like I said, if Jiraiya wants to destroy Konoha, will he bring Naruto back?"

   Sarutobi Hizan smiled and said: "It seems that he wants to send Naruto back, I know he still has a village in his heart."

   "Hmph, it's also possible that the nine tails were used to destroy the village. Have you forgotten those Uchiha tricks?"


   Sarutobi Hiizhan's smile froze and shook his head: "No, Jirai will not do that kind of thing to hurt Naruto, he is not that kind of person."

   "People change!"

   "Neither will it."

   Sarutobi Hiizan waved his hand: "In short, without my order, no one is allowed to attack without authorization, including your Danzo!"


  Shimura Danzo's face was ugly: "Hisashi, you will regret it!"

   "The black pot won't be on your head this time. If something goes wrong, I'll take full responsibility, okay?"

   Sarutobi Hizaki gave Shimura Danzo a look: "I'll take a look at it in person later, you'd better stay safe during this period!"

   "Let's go."



   "Ha! Press it all on me!"

   Tsunade looked at the gaming table with a red face, and slapped it on it: "I will win this one!"

   "Sir Tsunade..."

   Mute whispered: "I heard that there will be a Chunin exam in the village, I invite..."

   "That kind of thing has nothing to do with me, don't say bad words when gambling, good luck will run away!"

   Tsunade snorted coldly: "Remember it next time!"

"oh oh…"

  Mute sighed: "Well, this is the fortune we finally saved up again, Tsunade-sama, don't go and give it all at once!"


   Tsunade had a puzzled expression of "Are you looking down on me?": "What to send out? Mute, do you think I will lose?!"

   "Ah this...I didn't think..."

   Mute whispered: "I mean, you will definitely lose."


   (end of this chapter)