MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 656 23 There is a third choice besides loyalty and betrayal,

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  Chapter 656 23. There is a third option besides loyalty and betrayal, let’s start fishing

   "How is it? Does it taste good?"

  Mason walked into the ecosystem beside the ruins of the city, stepped on the comfortable grass, and said to the native who followed him, holding a glass of milk and drinking through a straw:

   "I added some medicinal materials into it according to different flavors. The drink you are drinking now can stimulate the secretion of dopamine and make people feel happy. The best thing is that this thing is not addictive.

   I can give you the recipe if you want. "

   "No, no more."

  Although the taste of milk is really good, Azu will still say with a blank face:

   "Don't try to get close to me! I know who you are, and I think you also know what will happen in a while. I won't show mercy."

   "No, if you can't even deal with it, then I don't need to pretend to be firm and brave to come alone."

  Mason waved his hand, not caring about the hostility in the words of the people from the motherland.

  He looked at the test base built in the ecological zone in front of him, stomped his feet again, and said to Azu:

"This is where Doom used to produce super mutants, right? If I'm not mistaken, you should also be a product of this project. Compound No. 5 in your body has become complete. It seems that Doom hired you Guard his secret here.

  Can you tell us about the whole process of getting to know him? "

   "Do I have any obligation to answer your curiosity?"

  The motherlander snorted, he took a sip of yoghurt-flavored milk, licked his lips, and said:

   "Besides, it's not something that makes people feel happy. Compared with these, I think you should care more about the safety of yourself and that frosty lady in front of you in your current situation, right?

  You don't look like a prey who has stepped into a trap at all. To be honest, I'm beginning to doubt whether the big man's scheme will work. "

   "Safety is my problem, I just think about it."

  Mason waved his hands, and continued to move forward, while asking:

   "Your own strength, coupled with the strengthening of the second improved No. 5 compound, makes you not weaker than the real Kryptonians. Don't you think about joining the Conqueror to achieve a career?

  The good days of burning, killing and looting everywhere should be in line with your mentality of wanting to be noticed, and your character of not wanting to be suppressed and wanting to release all desires, right?

   Just like your famous saying, you can do whatever you want.”


  Mason's words seemed to bring back some bad memories of the people of the motherland. He scolded and interrupted Mason to continue describing the embarrassing thing, but then said suspiciously:

"You seem to be familiar with me, isn't it? Ever since the world was taken over by the gods, everything here is a secret. We are employed by Doom, both as staff and security personnel here, but we have never stepped out of here , and has not participated in any action by the Council.

   You shouldn't know this! "

   "You just think I have some kind of magical talent."

  The captain blinked at the motherlander, then handed over a bottle of milk with a strange smell, and said:

   "So Doom is going to test his mutant abilities here? The ruins out there and the whole world that was nearly razed was caused by those super mutants testing themselves?

  Where is Water Company? Is it gone? "

  Azu wanted to refuse at first, but his nose moved, and his keen senses made him realize that the smell in front of him was his favorite "flavor".

  He hesitated for a moment, didn't refuse the surging desire in his heart, stretched out his hand to take it, and let out a moan of satisfaction, then wiped his mouth and whispered to Mason:

   "It's long gone. Doom and the council didn't conquer this place by means of war. They discovered it fifteen years ago, but in a very clever and cunning way.

They joined Vault as partners, and Dum even stayed here for a while, and quickly seized control after the research on Compound No. 5 made progress. No good, they wanted to kill Doom by assassination.

  But that directly triggered a great battle among the professional heroes, the result was quite tragic, and not many people survived, but Doom gave us a chance to strengthen our strength, but the price was that we had to stay in this ruin forever.

   They even sent away all the civilians and left us in this **** cage. "

   "You have a lot of resentment, Azu."

  Mason has collected enough information. Before walking into the main building of the research facility in front of him, he whispered to the people of the motherland:

   "Do you know why they asked me to come here, and why they put up such a big battle to kill me?"

   "I heard some rumors."

  Azu narrowed his eyes and said while drinking the strange milk:

   "I heard that you have done incredible things, which made the council feel afraid, but it doesn't look like it. To be honest, putting you and Ms. Xilia together, you are like a little follower.

  It's like Huey and Starlight who were strangled to death by my own hands in Pro Heroes. Tch, little milk dog. "

   "They fear me because I can give them another way out, and I think you need another way out."

  Mason smiled at Azu, and said softly:

"But no matter what the result is, your hard labor will end today. I'm afraid the world is going to end, but what should I say? If you are not sure that they will win, you shouldn't be so anxious to put everything on yourself .

  Although your intelligence is stubborn, it is much better than the Kryptonians. I believe you can understand what I mean. "

   "You want to instigate me?"

  Azu snorted and said:

   "How long have we only met?"

   "No, I'm not trying to instigate you, I just hope you can look at the problem more rationally. Betrayal and fishing are two concepts, but they can achieve the same purpose under certain circumstances."

   Mason shrugged and said:

   "If you need more reasons to help you make decisions, there is something wrong with the milk you drink. I put some things in it. I dare to drink whatever I give you. Your heart is really big enough."

   "My stomach is not so fragile!"

  The motherland sneered and said:

   "If I dare to drink, it means I am not afraid."

   "Well, you better be scared."

  Mason showed a mysterious smile, waved goodbye to Azu and said:

  "Talk to your partners, believe in collective wisdom rather than individual bravery, your complexion doesn't look good, do you feel a sore stomach?

   Don't be afraid, this is normal for poisoned people.

   There is still some time before we fight, go to the doctor quickly, but if you want to recover immediately, you might as well think about the few words I just said.

   This is not your war.

  Your life is your own, why bother to shed your blood for things that are not worth it? "

After finishing speaking, Mason strode into the building in front of him, leaving only the motherlander standing still and clenched his fists, but the pain in his abdomen became more and more severe, and he took off with a sonic boom and rushed towards the building. the nearest restroom.

  Azu transformed into Jet Superman in a few seconds.

  It feels so sour.

A few minutes later, amidst the crisp sound of the ascending elevator reaching the top floor, Mason walked into a very elegantly furnished hall. Sitting at the piano and pressing the keys with a very immersive posture, let the intense music sway with his movements.

   There is no third person in the entire hall.

  Mason didn't immediately step forward to interrupt him, but found a chair to sit on, listening to the music from the climax to the end.

   This scene is quite interesting.

  A one-eyed vicious black marinated egg plays for his subordinates and ideological opponents with an artist's temperament, making this look less like a prelude to a life-and-death fight, and more like a friendly discussion.

The sunlight outside the hall was quickly blocked, and there was a silent drizzle falling under the cloud cover, which turned into a majestic torrential rain in a few seconds. Mason could feel it wherever the rain screen went when he closed his eyes. Subtle changes in the world.

  Everything seems to be as usual, but what kind of destructive energy is bred in the darkness under the earth is impossible to guess.

   Ciri was not found.

  She should be somewhere in the building. Judging from the hostility shown by Azu just now, it seems that the defense forces here have regarded Mason and Ciri as high-risk enemies.

   "Sorry to bring you here this way."

  During the final coda, Old A opened his eyes, leaned against the piano and picked up the wine on the piano cover. He said to Mason in a very relaxed manner:

   "But you also need to understand my difficulties. In this situation, I know that nothing I say can win your trust, and I really hope to resolve the conflict between us through a conversation."

   "You can go on and on, but we both know it doesn't make sense."

  Mason also leaned back on the chair in a relaxed posture, with his left hand resting on the backrest, his legs folded and looking sideways at Old A in front of him, he said:

   "I'm not an opponent that you can solve with words, and neither are you, so, you see, I don't intend to waste my words at all. But you can continue to try Ciri, okay?"

   "She's fine, better than ever."

Old A got up and took the wine and walked to the front glass wall, looking at the world shrouded in lightless rain, it was like the sky leaked, and countless water streams fell from a high place, as if he was venting some kind of anger.

  He took a sip of the amber wine, and said to Mason without looking back while admiring the rain scene:

  "When I gave her the soul stones of Mr. Geralt and Ms. Yennefer, I even saw tears in her eyes. It was a reunion after seventeen years of separation.

   Of course, I have to emphasize in advance that this is not my conspiracy.

   I thought they were dead too, in a stupid trial by the Council seventeen years ago, but Mephisto hid their souls.

   That's the usual trick of the devil.

  He hopes to see me and you fighting here, like beasts so angry that they lose their minds, they only want to stab their fangs into each other's veins, and it is best to end up with the same fate.

   That way, one less nuisance would be removed from his stars, and one less person on the council to hold him back.

  Mason, you are a sensible person, you should know that if we really go to the point of fighting each other, it will only benefit the third party. "

   "I didn't shoot you as soon as I came in, did I?"

   Mason responded:

"Maybe you can give me a way to save our irreversible cooperative relationship. Besides, isn't Dum here? He gave you his secret base so generously as a cemetery to bury me, but he is unwilling Show up here and shovel down the first shovel of earth to bury me?"

   "Dom is casting the end star, it has been formed and just needs final polishing."

  Old A took a sip of wine, turned around and said to Mason:

   "The star that condenses all my thoughts about the doomsday and the future has taken shape, representing that my seventeen years of hard work have finally yielded results.

  I'm not afraid that you will laugh at me, I actually wanted to let it show up before the fourth shock happened, so as to express to you a thought I wanted to tell.

   That is, I am not as sad as you think.

  Besides what you think of as a conspirator, I am actually advancing my plan down-to-earth.

   But you broke it.

   While showing your own answer sheet, you ruthlessly destroyed the hopes of others. This shows that you are not an absolutely good person in the true sense. I was very angry at one time.

   But something Doom said reminded me. "

  Braised egg stopped, and said to Mason who listened attentively to him:

"Doomsday is a problem, but it has more than one answer, and there is no single correct solution. The Council has tried its best to expand its influence into the galaxy of many planes, but the universe is huge, and every There are so many unknown things in the star sea of ​​the plane.

  In the sky full of stars, you and I are not the only ones who are working hard to survive. I mean, the fusion plan and the doomsday star are the answers of us survivors to the change of the universe.

  Why must there be a distinction?

   How about shaking hands and making peace? "

  Old A suggested to:

   "To reach a deal, or to make an exchange, just use your previous ideas, don't push things into the cruelest zero-sum game in the end, we can each take a step back.

  You go to complete your world fusion, while we continue to forge and perfect our final star.

  Everyone does not interfere with each other.

  With this consensus, we can discuss some more in-depth topics, such as Mephisto, the devil who wants to play you in the applause.

   I guess he's watching all of this right now, even watching our conversation and expecting to see blood flow.

  But you and I are not idiots who are willing to be used as gunmen. We should work together to kill him. Anyway, under the current situation, the repeated impact of acceleration indicates that the situation has passed the last moment.

  The time left for you and us is running out, don't waste this precious possibility on stabbing each other. "

  He looked at Mason who was silent, and said:

   "I can even give you the dominance of the Quint Association, just according to our bet, you will replace me in charge of this organization, allocate these resources and obtain more allies.

   In this way, your fusion plan will advance faster and more smoothly.

   You see, it's not doing you any harm at all. "

   "It really surprised me."

  Mason looked at old A, he said:

  "I never thought that these words would come out of your mouth, give in, bow your head, admit defeat, it never seemed like a choice you made.

  It seems that I really misunderstood you. Apart from wanting to bury me, you invited me here to bury me, and you are really looking forward to cooperation.

  Although you have been covering up some truths that I don't know, I still feel uneasy that you are so eager and so frank, old A.

   May I ask why? "

   "It's good for you and me, isn't that reason enough?"

  Fry says:

   "Think about it, after our cooperation, our power has greatly increased. Mephisto can only close his eyes and wait for death. I can mobilize the high-end power of the entire council to help you save Ciri's life.

  You know, she is the best weapon Mephisto uses to contain you.

  You've created an Achilles' heel in yourself, but we can help you close it. "

   "No! There is something wrong with your attitude."

   Mason shook his head and said:

   "The strange grievances between you and Mephisto came a little too fast, there must be something I don't know. Wait!"

  The captain suddenly got up, he stared at old A, and said:

   "Left hand! Pull up your sleeve and let me see your left arm!"

  (end of this chapter)

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