MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 627 93 The old devil sends you an invitation to Play, do you accept it?

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  Chapter 627 93. The old devil sent you an invitation to Play, do you accept it?

   "Your girlfriend is really a clever little ghost, and she is very good at inviting you into the urn."

   Wearing a crimson tights and dressing himself like an exhibitionist and perverted Deadpool Wade swaggered in the front. In the quiet and permeating corridors of Starsburg, this A-level personnel complained viciously:

   "She might as well just suggest that it's just the two of you, and treat it as a couple's haunted house adventure, why let us melon-eating people come to take risks, why?

   Is Master Deadpool’s life not his life? "

   "Just say a few words less."

  The Deadpool kid next to him was holding the knife, turning his head from side to side suspiciously, and said:

   "It's so creepy here, why is there no one? Is it really haunted?"

   "No signs of life were detected, this layer is empty, and the spatial structure is not damaged or distorted."

  The mechanical deadpool is suspended in the air one meter above the ground, and the purple rays are constantly shot from both sides of the shoulders to scan the surrounding area. She reminded:

"I also saw half-eaten food and cold water. It can be seen that people here are caught off guard when a crisis occurs. Don't shake, there are no spirit signals and no magic energy left. This place is not haunted! You coward .”

  Although the mechanical deadpool gave an affirmative answer, the other deadpools didn't believe it at all. They took out gadgets full of national characteristics from their luggage and hung them on their bodies.

From crosses to mahogany charms, Wade also took out a few crumpled yellow papers and pasted them on the female deadpool's upturned buttocks, while the cowboy deadpool took out some dried bug parts and a few cloves of garlic for himself brothers and sisters.

  In the end, even the mechanical Deadpool, who should theoretically be a materialist creation, was pasted with a Q-version photo of Christ's big-headed doll.

  They think that this is the way to be prepared, and after being blessed by stupid idealism, these guys think that all ghosts are safe, so they are courageous again, and they start to make noise in this uninhabited castle.

  It's like thousands of ducks being put in the same house, so noisy that people's brains hurt and they want to pull out their guns and blow the heads of these bastards.

   "Bringing them here was a real mistake."

  Mason rubbed his ears that were already suffering from a headache, took out a set of bracelets strung together with twelve charms from his luggage, and stuffed them into Ciri's hand next to him, whispering:

   "The exquisite version blessed by Hei Qiyi himself can summon him to teach his skills remotely. We will withdraw first when something really happens."

   "There will be no surprises."

   Ciri accepted Mason's kindness, but she shook her head and said, holding the Lake Lady's sword:

   "The resonance between the Great Mentor and the Castle of Stars was restored when I stepped into the gate. I can confirm that there are no supernatural events in this castle, and its own magic barrier has not even been activated.

  Go directly to the top floor!

   There is no need to waste time elsewhere, everyone has already been transferred. "

   "Hey, then you two go up."

  Wade, with sharp ears, blew a breath to make the yellow paper on his forehead shake. He winked and turned around and said:

   "Let's go look under the castle, maybe those dark things are hiding there, ready to rush out and kill us when we let our guard down.

  Horror movies are all this routine, so we have to rule out the danger in advance! The Deadpool Legion has nothing to fear! "

   "If I didn't know that you planned to sneak into the secret treasure house to get some good things, I would have almost believed it."

  Mason complained:

   "Such righteousness does not match your personality at all."

   "It's blocked, you can't get in."

  Ciri shook her head and said:

   "After the warlocks waged wars and consumed a lot of inventory, there was nothing good there. Although the wizards didn't reveal too much, they only went in and out during this period, and the Stars Club's finances were on the verge of collapse."

   "You don't have to explain so much, you can't stop the free deadpools from going wherever they want."

  Mason sighed, watched the Deadpool team wave goodbye to them friendly, and then disappeared in the elevator leading to the underground secret treasure room. There were only the two of them left in the hall. The captain shrugged and turned to Ciri and said:

   "I think they don't want to be light bulbs. Although these guys are unreliable, their ability to read words and actions is second to none."

   "Be serious!"

  Master Hunter gave Mason a hard look, reached out to open the elevator and walked in.

  Mason observed the ground, just like the Fortress of Stars lost its shadow at this time, they would not leave any shadows when they walked in this building.

  As the elevator went up, Mason pushed the hat on his head and whispered:

   "When did your relationship with Harley get so good? I saw you sharing snacks when I came over just now."

   "Yes, your girlfriend gave me all the expired candies in her pocket, and supervised me to eat them in the name of friendship."

  Xi said expressionlessly:

   “Dealing with snack inventory while disabling competitors’ body management can kill two birds with one stone, and I vaguely remember my friends in the elf court doing the same when I was a child.

  Seeing her big eyes staring at me expectantly, I was too embarrassed to refuse. "

   "This is really a small thought in the style of Harley."

   Mason laughed dumbly, shook his head and said:

   "Actually, she is quite cute most of the time, right? As long as you know how to appreciate the beauty of innocence in the madness."

   "It's pretty cute."

  Xi Li rolled his eyes, put away the long sword and sheathed it, curled his lips and said:

   "And very smart, knowing how to deal with me, and your Quinn, although she doesn't speak, she looks at me very strangely every time.

  Like trying to figure out what size body bag to use for my dismembered body.

  Both of them really like you, Mason, unlike me, who just see you as a fix for empty feelings, they see you as the center of their lives and a part of their lives.

  In their crazy world, you are the only one who remains the same, like the last entanglement that holds me back in the world. Compared with their fiery hearts, I am more like a bad woman with a temporary intention.

  I no longer have the heart to get involved in this strange but beautiful relationship of yours, and I feel guilty even thinking about it. "

   "Your behavior is not like a demon hunter who is extremely open in terms of emotions."

  Mason complained:

   "If your father was half as innocent as you, he wouldn't be entangled with so many ladies."

   "I am the last witcher, in name only."

  Hiri brushed her long hair, snorted, and said:

   “I feel like I should be a role model for the profession, in every way.”

  The atmosphere became more relaxed amidst the jokes between the two. The elevator went up to the top floor and was about to open. Ciri stretched her fingers and was about to go out, but the captain took a step forward and took her hand.

  This little action made Master Hunter glance down, and she said softly:

   "This time, you posted it on your own initiative. If Harry asks, I won't cover for you."

   "Well, it's all my fault."

  Mason nodded, and under Ciri's blinking gaze, he leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly, saying:

   "Take this as a blessing."


  The elevator door opened a few seconds later, and the old wizard Shazam, who was already waiting on the top floor, had no time to speak when he saw two people hugging and kissing after the elevator door opened.

   This made the old man's eyes widen, and then he sighed.

   Oh, young man!

   "Are you enough?"

  Ten seconds later, Old Shazam tapped his staff on the ground and said in a deep voice:

   "I thought you guys were here to save us poor souls, didn't realize the rescue was just a side effect of a young couple's haunted house adventure, right?

   Shall I close the elevator doors and give you another twenty minutes? "

   "Of course I would be grateful if it was possible."

  Mason let go of the blush-cheeked Master Hunter who had been struggling in his arms, turned around and winked at the old wizard, and said:

   "Hey, you are in good spirits, it seems that there is really no danger. Why don't you go out by yourself and insist on us coming in?"

   "Stop talking nonsense, come with me!"

  The wizard snorted, turned and led the way to the depths of the top floor, followed by Mason and Ciri.

Lord Hunter kept hitting the back of the captain with the small fists of the demon hunter, and every punch made water splash. It can be seen that Ciri has indeed inherited the super boxing talent of the legendary demon hunter Lord White Wolf .

  Speaking of which, boxing can be regarded as an excellent inheritance of the demon hunter profession. How can a demon hunter who cannot become the world boxing champion be a good Gwent player and a master of emotions?

  "When Mephisto used that super magic to smash the demiplane where Starsburg is located into this world, everyone thought it would be the end of the world, but it was not.

  I don’t know what the outside situation is like, but the Castle of Stars is unharmed, and even the servants in charge of cleaning the castle are safe and sound. "

  Old Shazam, who led the way ahead, explained:

  "After discovering that the physical entities and shadows of the Fortress of Stars had been separated, I immediately gathered them and sent them to the secret treasure house in the lower level, where the place is large enough and the strongest protection is the best refuge.

   And for the rest of the time, I explored here alone, and finally I discovered some things left by Mephisto. The reason why I didn't leave is because of it.

   Get ready, what you're about to see is going to be amazing. "

The wizard's reminder made Mason and Ciri look at each other. A few minutes later, the three of them entered the large library and saw at a glance that the very magical fate machine that was said to be able to predict the future had collapsed and shattered, as if it had been weathered. Items that are thousands of years old are completely irreparable.

   "It cannot predict a future that has been derailed."

  Old Shazam shook his head and said:

   "This is probably the only thing that has been destroyed in Starsburg, but it's not the point. Look! Front!"

  The old wizard cast a spell to remove the shield, and an irregular dark halo of dancing shadows appeared in front of Mason's eyes, like a door leading to an unknown place.

   "Through it, you can reach the 'shadow' of the Fortress of Stars. I have seen it in the past, and it maintains a projection that is exactly the same as the material world. It is shaped by very superb magical attainments and maintains a mysterious connection with the material world.

  I guess as long as the Castle of Stars is still standing, the Shadow Castle will not collapse, but this is still not the point.

  Come with me, there is no danger there.

   I've checked.

  What I'm going to show you is over there. "

   After finishing speaking, Old Shazam was the first to step into the dark circle of light. Mason took no action but took out various auxiliary tools to add protection to himself and Ciri.

  Even the storage tank of the active power armor of the universe is activated, and it only needs one command to pop open.

  Hiri also applied the several protective powers he possessed to Mason.

  They believed in the old Shazam, but it is by no means a bad thing to take precautions in this situation. After ten seconds, Mason and Ciri walked forward into the world of shadows hand in hand.

  Old Shazam was already waiting for them here. He didn't say much when he saw the various protections flashing on the two of them, he just raised his finger and pointed forward.

  Mason and Ciri raised their heads, and the next moment, both of them were breathing rapidly.


   To be precise, candlelight.

  The starforts of shadows are not dark.

  Because there are burning candles flickering and dancing in every part of the building here, tens of thousands of candles are scattered throughout the large library shaped by shadows, and extend along the open porch all the way to the outside.

  Those dancing candles illuminate the surrounding ground, making the shadow entity present a translucent strange luster.

Mason felt Ciri's hand clenched tightly in his own. Obviously, Lord Hunter had already guessed the truth about these candles, just like she had taken Mason to that special place when she told Mason the truth about the Constellation. Just like the above, all this is the most amazing one among the countless little secrets belonging to Mephisto.

   "He put all the candles here? In the shadow of Starsburg all the time?"

  Ciri said hoarsely:

   "Shouldn't this be the deepest secret hidden by the devil? Why did he show all this in front of us again? Is this a provocation? Or a threat?

is this real? "

   "It's true, absolutely true."

  Old Shazam looked at the three candles of different colors arranged like a crown on the chandelier composed of many thick candles above his head. Under his gaze, the flame of one of the candles bent into the symbol of Shazam's lightning and then recovered in the next moment.

  He said to Mason and Ciri:

"I have tested with my magic, and each candle here corresponds to a member of the Star Society. They are not projections of that dark place, but the reflections of our soul contract with Mephisto in the material world." real embodiment.

  If we snuff out a candle here, one of our peers is bound to die. And the worst case scenario right now is that we can actually snuff them out here.

  It delegates this power to us, but it has nothing to do with good intentions. "

  Old Shazam said solemnly:

   "I don't know why Mephisto exposed this secret to us, but what is certain is that this represents a certain attitude of it."

   "It's a demonstration, or rather, pressure."

  Mason put his hand next to the flame of the nearest special twin candle, and while feeling the temperature, he could see the happy and smiling faces of Harry and Quinn in the illusion of the flame.

  In the place where the candles were burning, in the intertwined shadows of the three, he said hoarsely:

   "Mephisto wants to play a game with us. The two sides are completely opposed and there is no chance of turning around. If we want to defeat him, there are two ways, easy and difficult.

  He put the easy way in front of us.

   Just blow out these candles, Lord Fate will be weak and our odds will be improved What are you doing! You are crazy! "

  Mason suddenly turned around and hugged Ciri and covered her mouth with his hand. The hunter's cheeks puffed up and he was about to blow out the surrounding candles.

  Amidst Mason's yelling, she stared at him and signaled him to let go.

   "He's playing with you, Mason! It's a vicious mind trap."

  Shiri says:

  "He knows you won't make such an unethical choice for victory, and he's using victory to tempt you to step over your bottom line, just like the Joker has been doing his best to make Batman break the code.

  There is a more terrifying darkness hidden under the seemingly easy victory.

  He is trying to pollute you, making you, the forerunner who is about to reverse the dark age, fall into a devil as bad as him.

  You will not and cannot do this, but I will help you.

   Mephisto must die! "

   "This is not a trap or torture for me, Ciri, sober up!"

  Mason grabbed Ciri's shoulder and shouted:

   "This is a test for you too! Once any of us blow out these candles, the alliance of rebels will collapse in an instant.

  Those heroes will even turn against us.

  I'm going to destroy the Stellaris, but not in this way, I can't! Neither can you! No one should do that, Shazam, get us out of here!


  Seal it forever and keep it a secret until Mephisto is defeated by us.

   This is his bait.

  A hot potato thrown to us, a hateful drama that seduces and degenerates. "

  Mason let out a long breath. Feeling Ciri's helplessness, he lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead. He said softly:

   "I already have a plan, follow the plan and proceed steadily, trust me, be good."

  (end of this chapter)

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