MTL - The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel-Chapter 581 47. When I woke up in the morning and went to the toilet, I saw aliens enter

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  Chapter 581 47. When I woke up in the morning and went to the toilet, I saw aliens invaded! Who can stand this?

  In the early morning at Osborne Tower, Mason made himself a cup of coffee.

As usual, he added one-tenth of the refreshing agent, and he walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office with this thing in his hand, and when he looked up, he saw the eye of time and space above his head that had expanded to the limit and stabilized, or according to old A, it was called "MasonのEye of Fear".

  The slowly rotating purple-red vortex above the sky shrouded the surroundings with a strange arc.

  That’s not because it’s really emitting light, but it’s the embodiment of energy in the material world when the cosmic matter from the alien plane rubs against the original plane.

   It's like a cool corona of light shrouded around.

  A sun of an evil color, yet emits no light or heat.

  Mason learned about the influence of his creation of this thing through various channels last night. After tracking by the three big bosses of the Ultimate K team, the final result of the Speed ​​Force Cannon is extremely gratifying.

  Now the captain can proudly claim that he is a man who has left his mark on all planes.

   "Huh, what an unimaginable experience."

  Mason drank the last sip of refreshing coffee, turned around and returned to his chair, and opened the internal group chat of Team K while recalling the operation yesterday.

   "Report the real-time data of the internal pressure of the plane!"

  He gave an order, and in the next moment, information from the observation team members dispatched from all the worlds of the Resistance Alliance will be sent back.

   "The current reading of the internal pressure of the lord's world plane is 10, and the internal pressure drops faster than expected, perhaps because the scale of the space-time tunnel we opened is larger than planned."

  Xiao Qiao, the observer of the Junior K team, reported clearly:

   "According to the comparison between the current drop rate of the internal pressure of the plane and the standard pressure gauge, this indicator will drop below the standard value of 4 when the impact occurs.

  Lord Superman just used his superintelligence to make predictions. He said that this value will eventually stabilize at around the standard value of 3.5. "

   "The internal pressure reading of the plane of the Isu world is 9!"

  The report of the blue beetle also sounded, but he still asked:

"But what does the standard value mean? What kind of standard is it set on? Why can't I understand this formula at all? I tried to use the scarab system to deduce its calculation mode, and the result almost messed up my weapon system down."

   "1 standard value refers to the limit squeeze value that two colliding earths can withstand in fusion. Simply put, once an external pressure exceeding the standard value 1 is applied, our fusion will fail."

  Mason simply explained:

   "The operation mode of the speed force cannon is quite complicated, you just need to know that we must reduce the internal pressure of each plane to below the mark value of 4 before the impact occurs.

   This is the most basic prerequisite to ensure that world integration can be completed. "

   "Sweetheart! The internal pressure of the plane of Aegis World has just dropped to the standard value of 8.7, but I have one last question!"

  Harry, who went on a business trip after fooling around with Mason last night, happily asked in a shrill voice:

   "Where will the internal pressure of these planes be discharged? Will the big eyeball on the top of our head absorb this pressure? I used my doctorate to think about it, and it seems very unscientific."

   "I'm really relieved that you're finally doing something normal with your Ph. D., cutie."

  Mason curled his lips and looked at the complex plane internal pressure detector placed on the desk. The internal pressure reading of the Osborne Tower plane is currently 9.5, which is within the acceptable range.

  This represents that the first step of Mason's plan is being implemented smoothly, so he explained:

  "The expansion of each plane is different, so although the execution logic is to 'relieve the pressure in advance', what we are really doing is to open up all the planes, and then use the eye of time and space to balance the expansion forces of the entire system.

  Those pressures will not be absorbed out of thin air, we don't have that black technology yet.

   It's just applied evenly on each plane.

  In this way, when the planes collide, the propulsion force of the two earths will be roughly consistent, and it will be more convenient to perform the fusion of planets and planets under the condition of uniform collision.

  Well, I don’t know if you understand my explanation? "


   There was a response from the communication system, which made Mason raise his eyebrows.

  Harry believes that she understands the captain. Although her cutie is a bit crazy, she has a doctorate after all, but Bizarro, how can you be confident that you understand?

   Is this pretending to be X?

   Must be, right?

   "Mason, the world of Gotham has been invaded! The watchtower has just detected that a lost alien fleet has entered the sky above the earth through the eye of time and space.

  Currently, Zhenglian has been dispatched. "

  Barbara quickly brought back bad news, which made Mason blink his eyes in surprise, and then got up and went to Gotham World to check the situation.

   As a result, as soon as I stepped through the gate of the world and looked up, I saw a whole black starship fleet floating outside the atmosphere, and those strangely shaped spaceships were casting huge shadows on the cities on the ground.

  The good news is that the citizens of Gotham are well-informed and not panicking. Even the streets and rooftops are full of onlookers, who are taking pictures with their mobile phones and forwarding the news.

  The bad news is that the communication between Zhenglian and this strange fleet seems to have failed.

  Mason clearly saw that the frigate at the front had aimed its main guns at the ground, and dangerous and majestic energy was gathering at the muzzle to fire at the ground.

   "Can anyone tell me what happened?"

  Mason pushed the frame, connected to the Zhenglian communication network very smoothly and shouted, and soon a steel frame came forward to explain:

   "The opposite is the Senagon people, but not the Senagon fleet of our plane.

  Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter entered their starship to talk to their leader and learned that when the eye of time and space was opened yesterday, a extinction accident occurred in their plane.

The entire Senegon mother planet was involved in the turbulence caused by the opening of the eye of time and space, and the fleet escaped by cruising outside. They followed the direction of the opening of the eye of time and space and traveled through 26 planes to chase after them. come over.

  They think we destroyed their home planet with space-time weapons.

   They are here for revenge! "

   "That's not wrong, the Eye of Time and Space was indeed opened by us, but the turbulence it caused when it opened was not enough to crush a world, please! This is just a large 'portal gate', not a black hole!

  It doesn't have destructive power, so there is a high probability that their unlucky home planet just drifted into an unknown plane and was not really destroyed. "

  Mason explained:

   "Can these big alien brothers temporarily calm down? I can take a moment to explain to these winged buddies how it works. Although they may not want to listen."


   Before the captain could finish his words, he saw a beam of light descending from the sky and bombarding the outer part of the city in front of him. He did not directly attack the city, but he was probably exerting pressure on the world to force him to surrender.

  Unfortunately, this flamboyant fleet probably doesn't know what happened to this world twenty days ago. It is indeed a bit of a fantasy to frighten this world, which has already seen neutron destruction, with a mere main artillery bombardment.

   Do you think the people of Gotham will be afraid?

   No, they will only take pictures while commenting that this method of destruction is not efficient enough!

  But this crisp shot interrupted Mason's words, causing the captain to shrug his shoulders and say:

   "Negotiations broke down, ready to attack."

In a flash, he came to the roof of the Afterlife Bar, raised his head, and saw the angry Da Chao rushing from a distance like a meteor, turning into a sharp arrow and crashing into the deck of the frigate that was firing, and then rushing from the other side a second later. out.

  Other members of the Zhenglian also stepped into battle and began to teach this group of disobedient aliens, while the arc of the mirror dimension stretched along the sky.

   However, the caster was not Zha Kang, but Xiao Zha, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. This righteous magician lost some weight, but his spellcasting ability was obviously greatly enhanced.

  Wearing Dr. Fate's Anubis pendant, she swung her magic wand in the air and wrapped the entire exciting air combat battlefield with one person's strength, lest the falling starship would smash into the city and cause extinction.

   But the opponent is a whole fleet, and it is still too slow to rely on the heroes of Zhenglian to deal with it.

   Moreover, there is an upper limit to the damage taken by mirror dimension magic. Letting these vengeful guys fire wildly will quickly deteriorate the situation to an unmanageable level.

   "Barbara, give them some color."

  Mason called the master hacker of the K team in the communication, and he instructed:

   "The Senagang people's fleet stores a large amount of N metal, which is an important production material. It's a pity that it was destroyed in the war. Find a berth for them, and find a few salvage ships to give them humanitarian help."


  At this time, Batgirl, who was still working on the exile spaceship, borrowed the mechanical throne in the main control room of the spaceship. Under the guidance of Ms. Ott, she quickly completed a classic cross-plane invasion.

  After several data viruses written on the spot were silently uploaded to the Senagan's fleet navigation system, Batgirl began to take over the menacing fleet.

  "Maybe it's because I've been fighting wits with the main control system of the exile spaceship recently, which makes me feel that their firewall is too bad. It's like adapting to a crazy computer and then dealing with easy difficulty, which is really not challenging at all.

  Perhaps it is time to remind these Senagang people to maintain a good habit of daily upgrades. "

  Barbara laughed, and under Mason's satisfied gaze, the eagle-type warship hanging high in the sky quickly turned to the Atlantic Ocean and performed an emergency landing.

  The king of the seven seas and the warriors of Atlantis are already waiting there to start receiving the captives.


  A hoarse voice came from behind Mason, and when the captain turned his head, he saw the classically dressed master jumping out of the bat fighter, and gathered his cape when he landed on the roof.

   "When did you change back?"

  Mason said in surprise:

   "Yesterday, I clearly saw you playing chivalrous actions under the name of Gray Bat and flirting with Aunt Diana."

   "Just last night."

  Master sighed rarely, and said softly:

   "The Queen of Justice made some terrible demands that I couldn't cope with. It just so happened that Gray Bat's intelligence collection here has also been completed, so I just took advantage of the situation and exchanged it.

   And their Gotham over there is so quiet it makes me feel suffocated. "

  Although the master spoke very briefly, Mason could fully imagine the embarrassing scene at that time.

  With the strength and character of the Queen of Justice, it is also a big challenge for the master to ask for a shameful sticker.

   But to be honest, if the willpower of the master is weak, it is actually quite interesting to stage a story where Batman turns green into Batman.

   But this is Batman, and he doesn't frighten anyone when it comes to willpower.

   "You didn't come to meet me just to say thank you, did you?"

  Mason smiled and said:

   "If you want to ask anything, just ask. I will never hide what I can tell you under our current deep cooperative relationship."

   "that thing"

  The master is not polite either, he pointed to the purple-red eye of time and space in the sky, stared at Mason and said:

   "That is completely different from the scale preset in the plan. The time wormhole that was originally only used for pressure relief has been expanded into a space-time tunnel that allows the fleet to sail through.

   Today's chaos is all because of it.

   It is conceivable that this thing will definitely cause chaos on a larger scale and last longer before the shock arrives and after it is over.

   So, Mason, tell me, did you mean it, or were you careless? "

   "Both, if our side is in such a mess, then the situation in so many worlds under the jurisdiction of the Council must be worse than ours.

  In this way, they won't have time to hold back their energy and make trouble for us. "

   Mason didn't hide.

  During the questioning of the person in front of him on his trust list, he took off the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and brushed the hair that he hadn't done much recently.

  In the wind that still carried the meaning of war in front of him, he replied:

   "If I had controlled the energy projection below 200% yesterday, everything would have gone according to plan, but I let it fire at more than twice the intended value.

  The appearance of Black Lightning was indeed an accident, but I suddenly realized something at that time, so I decided to modify the launch mode at the last minute. "

  He turned his head and said to the master:

   "I want to take this opportunity to break their monopoly!

  Old A keeps saying that he wants to establish a system that can communicate with each other to ensure that the ending of this era will not lead to the cruelest zero-sum game.

   That's a great idea.

  Although what they did was completely contrary to this goal, it didn't mean that his idea was wrong.

  He wanted to communicate, but he monopolized the way of plane-to-plane communication.

  I helped him realize his original wish.

  Now everyone in the apocalypse no longer needs to rely on the gate of the world or mother box technology or magic means to meet each other. As long as you have the courage to cross the time and space tunnel in the sky, you can know the thoughts and decisions on the other side.

   It won't affect our work, but it will give others a chance to avoid destroying each other.


I realized.

  This may be the best way to disintegrate the Council of Hope.

  We don't need to defeat them, and we can't defeat such a huge behemoth in a short time.

  Just give back the power of communication to all those staggering in the dark, and once the words are spoken, there is no need for a knife or a gun. "

   "But you set up 500% redundancy for the Speed ​​Force Cannon during the design phase."

  Master asked sharply:

   "This proves that this extreme plan is already in your preset plan. What you showed us was only the conservative plan. You are afraid that we will disagree with your adventure.

  In short, I think you are intentionally careless! "

"ok I admit it."

  Mason grinned brightly, winked at the master and said:

   "Does this look like your usual planning? I'm pretty good at school, right?"

  Faced with this question, the master chose not to answer.

He glanced at the Senangan warships in the sky that were crashing into the Atlantic Ocean. Those alien fighters with wings on their backs were fleeing from the out-of-control warships on a large scale, but the Zhenglian, which was dispatched collectively, would not let them have a chance Spilled around the world causing more chaos.

  The monitoring system of the watchtower has been upgraded again, which is enough to accurately track every target.

  The current Zhenglian is much stronger than before.

  The master who withdrew his gaze suddenly said to Mason:

   "Did Selena tell you?"


  Mason blinked, and then heard the master say in a gentle voice:

"She is pregnant"

   "Wow, congratulations. I said why you came back suddenly. It turns out that it's not just because you're afraid that you won't be able to control yourself and you'll get another self."

  The chief captain smiled instantly.

   But then he realized the master's purpose in bringing up this topic, he stared at Batman in front of him, and said:

   "Are you really planning to retire?"

"not now!"

  Master said in a deep voice:

   "That devil tattoo on her arm is something I have to fix, but I do think about future arrangements, Mason, you"

"I reject!"

  The captain crossed his hands and made a baa gesture. He said firmly:

   "I admire your career, but I have no interest in becoming Batman. Find a successor among your other apprentices. To tell you the truth, I plan to retire after this job is done.

In the future, I will find a place with beautiful scenery to open a small shop, clinic or blacksmith shop. That is the life I want. Although it is a bit boastful to say this, I am indeed a reluctant person who is forced to go to this point. hero.

   But I have a half-baked idea about your heir.

   Why don't all the Robins fight?

   Cape battle or something, sounds great. "

  (end of this chapter)