MTL - The Top Translator Alpha and Her Elite Queen Are Subject To-Chapter 4 Revenge directly on the spot

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This time it was Lu Zhixia's cell phone, calling from home.

Shen Wanqing saw where the name said: Mother.

She straightened up for a moment, and the four people in the convertible behind pretended to watch the scenery.

Lu Zhixia didn't want to answer, because of the current embarrassing situation, it seemed better to answer her mother's call.

A lecture was inevitable, Lu Zhixia got used to it, and the end was coming to an end, and she told her not to cause trouble.

After a phone call, the spell was broken. Although Lu Zhixia blushed, she didn't dodge any more.

"Come down, let's talk." Lu Zhixia followed, just following the so-called rules.

Shen Wanqing didn't make it difficult for her, it's okay to chat, let's go to the room to chat.

Lu Zhixia suddenly remembered that they might have been watched just now.

She turned her head abruptly, and sure enough the car was following behind, and the four of them were pretending to look at the scenery again.

Get off the car, enter the hotel, open the door... There is no room opening process at all.

Shen Wanqing's familiarity, in Lu Zhixia's eyes, gave the message: Shen Wanqing often comes to the hotel, and she is just one of them brought back.

After drinking, Lu Zhixia looked expressionless, but she looked shy because of her blushing cheeks.

Lu Zhixia went up in the elevator, recalling all the things between tonight and Shen Wanqing, his face became gloomy.

The top-floor suite is as luxurious as the homes of rich people in film and television dramas. The difference is probably that there are wine bottles in sight.

Lu Zhixia cut to the chase and said, "I'm here today, just to abide by the rules. I'll sleep on the sofa. You can do whatever else you want."

Shen Wanqing looked back at her: "You seem to have made a mistake."

Shen Wanqing brought her back tonight, Shen Wanqing was the host and she was the guest.

Lu Zhixia understood what she meant, and deliberately asked in a bad tone: "So what?"

"There is a saying that the guest can do whatever he wants."

"I also know that there is a word called distraction."

Shen Wanqing raised her chin slightly, looked her up and down, retracted her gaze and said softly, "I won't argue with words, I'll take a shower first."

The sound of running water in the bathroom sounded very quickly, and Lu Zhixia's ears were a little itchy.

She stood there for a few seconds, walked towards the door, twisted it, huh? It's locked?

Lu Zhixia twisted hard a few times, but the heavy door didn't budge.

She glanced at the bathroom speechlessly, stood in front of the door and studied for a long time, but couldn't figure out how to open it.

Every little thing I got along with Shen Wanqing tonight showed that messing with her would be troublesome.

Lu Zhixia had just returned to China, and she was most afraid of trouble. She looked around and sighed again, there is really a lot of wine.

Study room, dining room, balcony...all kinds of wine bottles are placed without exception.

One wall of the second bedroom is a wine cabinet. Although it is a second bedroom, its area is much larger than that of an ordinary master bedroom.

The supporting furniture is complete, bookcase, desk, wardrobe, home theater... Lu Zhixia turned to go to the bathroom, and there were indeed matching bathing facilities.

Before Lu Zhixia locked the door, he tore off a piece of paper from the post-it note on the desk.

She lost it, tore it up after losing it, and wrote it again. She didn't bother to speak when she wrote the fifth page, so she went out and posted it in a conspicuous place on the coffee table in the living room.

Lu Zhixia went back to the second bedroom in peace, locked the door behind her, and took a shower.

The luxurious life of the rich, the bathroom is bigger than the living room of ordinary people.

The bathroom is separated from the toilet, and Lu Zhixia is also proficient in using the smart bathtub.

Turn on the water, adjust the temperature, and there are rose petals in the delicate small basket next to it.

Lu Zhixia picked up a petal and held it to the tip of her nose to sniff, it's a real flower.

She didn't like other smells on her body, so she removed the flower basket and sat on the stage next to her to pick up the red wine.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be luxurious imported red wine. She put it back where it was, and finally lay down in the bathtub after shopping around.

Lu Zhixia couldn't get a good night's sleep after tossing and tossing for the past few days.

At this moment, the tired body fell into the warm water, and the whole body couldn't help stretching.

In the end, the stretching exercise was not long enough for her to perform, so she could only curl up and kick her legs from time to time to relieve her pain.

Yawning continuously, feeling drunk, Lu Zhixia soaked in the warm water, feeling sleepy.

After a while, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and she was startled.

She locked the door to the second bedroom, which was perfectly safe, so the door to the bathroom was ajar.

"Open the door." After taking a shower, Shen Wanqing's voice became even colder.

"I left a note for you on the table." Lu Zhixia stood up and listened to the movement outside.

There was no sound for a long while, Lu Zhixia laid down and lay back in the bathtub, closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Dangdang, here we go again!

Lu Zhixia pretended not to hear, Shen Wanqing knocked three more times: "Open the door."

Lu Zhixia paddled his hands in the water, muttering comfortably, "I won't let you go, what can you do to me?"

Click, suddenly there was the sound of the door opening, and Lu Zhixia sat up in fright.

She didn't even bother to put on her clothes, and quickly jumped out of the bathtub. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Shen Wanqing pushing the door open, and she quickly locked the bathroom door.

She didn't dare to let go, and grabbed the doorknob nervously, when she suddenly remembered that her clothes were still outside.

To make matters worse, she didn't have the bath towel by her side, so she thought to herself, what are the chances of Shen Wanqing opening the door now?

Shen Wanqing was wrapped in a bathrobe, holding a post-it note in her hand.

There were four **** of paper of the same color lying on the desk. Shen Wanqing took them over, walked to the door of the bathroom, and said slowly, "I'll give you three minutes."

Listening to the rustling noises inside, Shen Wanqing opened the paper **** one by one.

The first one: The surname is Shen, I am not the kind of person you think! Let's keep the water in the well tonight, and we will be strangers from tomorrow onwards.

The second one: I have a bad temper. Tonight you provoked me again and again. I am very tolerant. No matter how aggressive you are, I will make you regret it.

The third: I will not sleep with you, and I will not mark you, I am not interested in this kind of thing, please give up this idea.

Fourth photo: Shen Wanqing, I've thought about it, I'll sleep in the second bedroom, you sleep in the master bedroom, we'll spend the night peacefully, don't make trouble for anyone else, or you'll make me anxious, and I won't Know what you will do.

The fifth one was the one that was finally pasted in the living room, and it said: I sleep in the second bedroom, please don't disturb me, thank you.

Lu Zhixia inside couldn't be in the mood to take a bath, so he took advantage of 3 minutes to wrap himself in a bath towel.

She returned to the door and held the doorknob: "I wrote it very clearly."

Shen Wanqing glanced at the clothes on the chair next to her. The red underwear was too obvious, especially on the back of the trousers was a picture of a puppy sticking out its tongue, with a word written on it: seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Shen Wanqing put away the stickers, put them in the cabinet next to her, and said loudly, "Open the door."

Lu Zhixia didn't move, Shen Wanqing hissed, took a breath, and was as cold as before.

"I'll give you one last chance to open the door."

Lu Zhixia planned to fight to the end: "Who cares about your chance?"

Lu Zhixia soon heard the sound of keys colliding. She watched the door lock turn, and she subconsciously grasped it tightly.

Unexpectedly, after holding back for a long time, the door was not opened at all.

Lu Zhixia's hands hurt, and he breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the door was suddenly pulled outward.

The doorknob was so big, there was no place for Lu Zhixia's big hands to grab it, so he pulled it open a crack.

The two confronted each other, Lu Zhixia blushed a little, and Shen Wanqing reminded her coldly: "My physical strength is higher than yours, I suggest you not to make unnecessary resistance."

"How is it possible!" Lu Zhixia gritted her teeth, "You are an oga, just, count, top, level..." The door was slowly pulled open.

The doorknob was small, and both of them pulled the door with one hand.

Lu Zhixia had to fight with both hands, but Shen Wanqing suddenly reached out and ran for her bath towel.

Out of self-preservation, the moment Lu Zhixia raised her hand to cover the towel, Shen Wanqing laughed and pulled the door open.

Lu Zhixia: ...

"You don't care about the opportunity I give you." Shen Wanqing asked lazily.

The slap in the face came so quickly, Lu Zhixia boiled it down to the fact that she drank too much tonight, and she was climbing rocks before, and she had no energy.

"I'm also doing it for your own good..." Lu Zhixia was about to switch to a warm routine, but Shen Wanqing suddenly grabbed her bath towel.

When the person was dragged to her, Lu Zhixia quickly covered herself, "Don't mess around!" She was empty inside.

It was also at this time that Lu Zhixia noticed that the lights in the room were turned off, and the curtains were drawn. The room was as dark as ink, and only here was a spot of light.

Shen Wanqing raised her hand to press the switch, and with a click, the last gleam of light disappeared.

Lu Zhixia became blind in an instant, but she was inexplicably relieved that she didn't have to worry about being seen.

Shen Wanqing hooked her bath towel, and said softly: "Follow me, be careful of the steps."

Lu Zhixia didn't get used to the darkness at all, and groped down the steps, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

"I'm really doing it for you. I heard that once oga is marked, it will be limited to alpha. You definitely don't want to do this." Lu Zhixia muttered, feeling that Shen Wanqing had stopped, and she also stopped, "I think We are even today, and I don't care about things tonight with you."

She kicked it and got to the bed, Lu Zhixia asked again: "How about my proposal?"

"It's okay." Shen Wanqing let her go.

Lu Zhixia boasted against his will: "Well, I think you, like me, are not a grudge."

Shen Wanqing hummed, and wrote lightly: "I really don't hold grudges."

Thinking that he had escaped, Lu Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief when he heard an increasingly deserted voice say, "I always take revenge directly on the spot."

Lu Zhixia drank her head, but she didn't realize it. She had already been pushed down on the bed by Shen Wanqing.

She was forced to lie on the bed, and when she struggled, the towel opened.

The warm and cool palm fell, brushing past the tooth marks left before, and circling along her restricted body.

Lu Zhixia shrank her neck, unable to break free, she was angry and annoyed: "Shen Wanqing! You... ah!"

The body was suddenly attacked, and Lu Zhixia's voice changed. At this moment, only his mouth remained stiff.

"Shen Wanqing! Don't let me catch you, or you will die... Ah!" The body was pressed again, and Lu Zhixia trembled all over.

This was the first experience in her life in the past 20 years. Lu Zhixia was at a loss what to do. When she leaned over, she grabbed Shen Wanqing's wrist, and she was so angry that she gasped and stopped.

Shen Wanqing rode on her body without struggling or letting go of her, leaning over and taunting her ear: "A puppy must be tamed if it bites."