MTL - The Top Beast Master Reborn In the End of the World-Chapter 408

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Fang He, "It's still one to two days before Wu Shang and the others arrive at the base in T city, if possible, let the current beast masters and spirit masters at the base in T leave as far as possible. ."

You can go anywhere, just don't stay at the base of T city.

If the previous Wu Shang would not do this, but now it is not necessarily. Now Wu Shang has a vicious person who advises and advises. After arriving at the T city base, he will be sure It is to let all the beast masters and spirit masters in Wushang's parasitic base, no matter how strong or weak.

This is the best and fastest way for him to master the entire T city base.

Lou Xingrui has no opinion on what the other party said now. They immediately contacted the capital base and asked them to immediately activate the informant in the T city base.

Yes, all the people sent by the capital base to the T city base have returned, but they have left some people there who volunteered to help them observe the base situation.

Most of these people are the beastmasters who left with the three families before. They now want to return to the capital base, so they are doing their best to help the capital base obtain information.

This includes an employee working in the communication department. This employee is an ordinary person, but his work place is a bit special, so it is also included. In short, after this person receives the message, Immediately notified all the informants in the T city base.

These informants are all beastmasters, with a total of 20. As soon as they receive the news, they will persuade as many as possible in the fastest way according to the requirements of the capital base These people leave the T city base.

The more people are persuaded, the more relaxed their treatment will be after they go to the capital base, not better, but more relaxed. They will all be monitored for a period of time, but as long as they can complete their tasks as required, they will be freer.

It is precisely for this reason that these people used various excuses to persuade the beast masters at the base of T city and even the few remaining spirit masters to agree to leave T City base.

Originally, there were only a single digit of spiritual masters left, and the number of beast masters was less than 100. They all had the idea to go. Half push and half agreed.

In just half a day, these 20 beastmasters directly persuaded 80 of them, and the remaining few have already settled in the T city base, and they are unwilling to leave.

Of course they don't want to, but that doesn't mean other people want to stay, and it doesn't mean that other people who have decided to go will tell them to go.

The result is that today, one after another, the mutant animals went out to hunt, or a few underpowered beast masters went out in a team, and even the spirit masters went out to hunt together.

Such anomalies quickly caught the attention of the gate guards at the base, who quickly reported the situation to Xia Ge, who was taken aback when she heard the news.

But it's a pity, when Wu Shang left the base in T city alone, he left a lot of people here to guard the base. It was fine at that time, but some time ago, I don't know what happened, these people They all left, just in case they left five beastmasters.

What is the use of these five beastmasters? For the current situation, it's useless at all, can it stop so many beast masters from leaving with the few remaining spirit masters?

Just kidding! It's impossible, but Xia Ge still contacted the five beastmasters with a little hope, but when they heard what he said, they were all shocked.

"Xia Ge, are you kidding me? The total number of beast masters and spirit masters is one hundred, and all one hundred people are out hunting today? Except for the five of us in the T city base now , there are only three beastmasters left?"

Is it worth it? In this case, the entire T City base, now not even a safe area, can only become the most common gathering place for survivors!

This is unacceptable to them, "What the **** is going on? No, they're just out hunting, how do you know they won't come back?"

Although this has happened before, but before, now and now, how many people were there before, and how many people are there now? It's not the same at all...

Of course, this is the only way they can deceive themselves and others.

Xia Ge rolled her eyes, "Then... do you want to wait until the evening to see if they will come back? …”

That means the group really left, but isn't it too late after such a thing is confirmed?

"But haven't they left the T city base? Can you chase them back now? There isn't a single spirit master in the base, there are only five of us beast masters. Are we going to face eight? Ninety beastmasters?"

Xia Ge knew that even if they caught up, they couldn't bring them back, because they couldn't win at all, there was no way, Xia Ge could only record the situation first and see it later in the evening how many people can come back.

The beastmasters who have left the T city base are now listening to the words of the twenty beastmasters who took them away, "According to the information we received before, it is inferred that Wu Shang is now Their large troops are rushing back to the T city base, if we go directly in the direction of the capital base, it is very likely that we will meet them directly on the road, so the best way now is to take a detour."

"From where?"

"Let's go around from the north... eh?"

At this point, they saw a mutant little sparrow flying from a distance and landing directly on a stone near them, then the little sparrow stretched out one of its legs to show them.

"Huh? This sparrow has a piece of paper on its leg."

Because it was just a small sparrow, they were not too vigilant. One of the spiritual masters went forward and took the paper and opened it, and found that it said...

"Detour south."

There is also a pendant at the back, square.

"It's Fang Dashao! This is Fang Dashao's mutant sparrow. It's here to show us the way. If that's the case, let's take a detour to the south to be safer."

"Let's go, let's go quickly, since Mr. Fang knows that Wu Shang is taking a detour to the north, it means that they may be not far from the base of T city now. You must go quickly."

"And don't waste time on the road, just hurry up all night, anyway, it's just to stay up all night, we can rest well after we arrive at the capital base."

"Go go go."

A large group of people left the vicinity of the T city base like this, and Xia Ge was expected when the evening came, and did not wait for any of the beast masters or spirit masters who went out to return.

He also conveyed this news to the five beastmasters guarding the base, but they couldn't do anything about it. They can't go and catch people now, let's not say whether they can catch up, It's not clear which direction they're going.

This matter can only be put aside for the time being, because the biggest problem now is not this, but that there is no base for the master of the spirit, and there are not even ten masters of the beast. This base, how to protect yourself now.

Yes! Now the T city base is a problem to even protect itself, not to mention the livelihood issues in the base. There are not enough beast masters and spirit masters hunting, and the meat reserves in the base will soon be exhausted.

Xia Ge can only cut down the meat for sale now and store it, at least until Wu Shang returns to the base, and I don't know when they will come back.

The problem of the base will not be solved until they return.

But what Xia Ge didn't know was that Wu Shang came back soon, but when he came back...

In a day and a half, Xia Ge saw Wu Shang again, and Wu Shang immediately covered the entire base with his mutant plants, so he quickly discovered the abnormality of the base.

But now is not the time to pay attention to this, he first settled the beastmaster and spiritual master he brought, and then went to the office building and found Xia Ge.

Xia Ge looked at Wu Shang, who was sitting in front of him with a cold face, standing by the desk in a cold sweat, tremblingly reported what happened during this time, "...It's just like this, now the T city base The situation is very bad.”

A few of them are unwilling to leave because they have married here, and all the others who can leave have left!

But he thought of the two groups of people who stayed at the Ansai base, and the two who were not prepared for him were attacked twice in a row, which he did not expect, he thought that these two were so smart , one hit is the limit.

I just didn't expect... Maybe they are used to the tricks I showed in front of them before, so this time I underestimated him, but it doesn't matter, he has someone in his hands anyway.

He was not good at using his brains, and now someone helps him to make plans, and he helped him to fix them twice at the beginning, he will never expose this person.

Wu Shang was silent for a long time, just when Xia Ge thought that he was going to die, he suddenly laughed, "Okay, you go out first, you don't need to worry about this matter, you can go anyway. Go, let them go."

These people are of little value to me, yes, they are of little value to me now, the beast masters and spirit masters he brought back are enough to make up for these lost of people, and even more.

Xia Ge nodded in disbelief, controlled his expression, and left the office respectfully. He felt that he had escaped this time, but unfortunately, his thoughts is wrong.

Because on the third day, Xia Ge slept at night and never woke up, the T city base once again replaced a person in power, and the movement was very small.

Not to mention the ordinary people of the base, who is in power at the base has nothing to do with them, as long as it doesn't affect their normal life.

Say it.

After a few days, no one will pay attention to this matter anymore. After all, it really has nothing to do with daily life, and ordinary people at the base will not pay attention at all.

And this person in power was arranged by Wu Shang, "Liu Ya, how is the management of the T city base?"

Liu Ya nodded with a smile, "Brother Shang, this T city base is much better managed than I thought, I didn't expect that I'm a newcomer, and I haven't even appeared in the base before, all of a sudden I became the ruler, and no one came to oppose my rule.”

Wu Shang smiled, "Of course no one will object, the entire base is under my control now, you manage the base well, and help me think of ways to deal with the two of them..."

"The two of them are my confidants. As long as I live, I will feel uncomfortable, and I will not have a good day. No matter what actions are taken in the future, as long as these two are around, I will be tied. There's no way to do anything at all, just like two mad dogs chasing and biting me all the time."

Liu Ya smiled and said, "Don't worry, these two are not that smart either, maybe it's too smooth sailing before, they didn't escape my two small tricks before... In the future, is it not appropriate to calculate them?"

Wu Shang, "You're right, don't worry now, let's make the base bigger first."

Liu Ya, "Okay, let's ignore Fang He and the two of them now, let's do the base first."

Wu Shang nodded with satisfaction. As for the Ansai base that only ordinary people can do without the Beast Master and Spirit Master? In fact, he had already abandoned the empty base when he left before.


Thousands of chess pieces do seem to be a bit extravagant, but to Wu Shang, these ordinary people are actually useless. don't speak the language here.

So naturally Wu Shang gave it up. Of course, he brought the beast masters and spirit masters from the T city base. There are very few people who can speak here, not many, but There is very little interaction between the beast master and the ordinary person, and basically they don't speak.

In the next few months, if you only need to study here well, then daily communication should not be a problem, and even if it is exposed, there is no problem.

The entire T city base is their territory, can ordinary people leave after finding out? Why did they leave? Who will protect them from leaving? So even if they knew, they could only pretend they didn't know.

Only in this way can you survive well at the base, instead of being killed as an alien.

At this time, Fang He and Lou Xingrui were of course the same as before, monitoring the T city base by all means, but after monitoring for a period of time, they did not find that Wu Shang managed the former Ansai base .

According to the current time, the ordinary people left in the Ansai base may have all died, regardless of their words, which means that they were all abandoned by Wu Shang.

Fang He gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that the arrangements for bringing people back to the Ansai base were all made for us to see, just to make us believe that Wu Shang did not give up on safety. Seize the base."

Lou Xingrui, "But in fact she gave up, and she gave up very simply."

Fang He, "It must have been the military advisor who gave him advice. If it weren't for these actions, we wouldn't think he would give up the Ansai base. It seems that there are thousands of ordinary people and twenty imperial beasts. Teachers are all trash in Wu Shang's eyes, garbage that needs to be abandoned."

Trash can still bring him some benefits before he dies, why not?

Lou Xingrui, "So next, is he really going to arrange the T city base?"

Fang He, "That's for sure, the Ansai base has been abandoned, so now he only has the T city base, and this time he brought back so many beastmasters and spirit masters... "

Lou Xingrui, "Continue to monitor now?"

Fang He, "Yeah, continue to monitor and see what he wants to do, or what he plans to make this T city base look like."

Lou Xingrui, "If the entire base is slowly brainwashed by him..."

Fang He was silent for a while, and then said cruelly, "We have so many bases across the country, and a small base like T City Base, even if it is destroyed, it will not change."

Lou Xingrui glanced at him in surprise, but after careful consideration, he didn't say anything against it.

All have been evacuated.

So now they want to obtain information about the T city base, they can only observe from the outside, and no one will send them information inside the base.

However, there are still two brothers in the capital base. I wonder if the information they send to the T city base will be useful.

Fang He mentioned this.

Lou Xingrui said, "You guessed it."

Fang He sighed, "Yeah, I guessed it too, if it was before, maybe Wu Shang would still believe it a little bit, but now in this situation, Wu Shang has a military advisor by his side, Wu Shang I definitely won’t believe Zhao Yu and Zhao Yin’s nonsense anymore, maybe we can guess that these two guys were caught by us and threatened to send false information.”

Lou Xingrui, "I don't dare to send half-truths."

Fang He, "Yeah, I'm afraid that the military advisor beside him can guess which is the real information and which is the fake information. Wouldn't it be possible to steal the chicken and lose the rice?"

Lou Xingrui, "Well, continue to observe, don't move the T city base for the time being."

Fang He, "The number of beast masters and spirit masters at the base in T City is unknown for the time being, but..."

Lou Xingrui nodded, "However, the number of mutant animals and mutant plants is more than at the peak before, even if the number is small, but these beast masters and spiritual masters are definitely more than before. A lot of people together are stronger."

Fang He, "Humph! I guess Wu Shang is still thinking about how to deal with your mutant bacteria while developing the T city base. After all, he has mutant bacteria himself, and he knows this well. The horror of things."

Fang He blinked and suddenly thought of something, "Hey, you said that those people believed in him as a **** because of the mutant bacteria on Wu Shang's body, and they could parasitize him?"

Lou Xingrui suddenly had a bad feeling, "You mean..."

Fang He, "Hey, don't you have mutant bacteria too? You can show them this and see if it works? Maybe it works?"

Lou Xingrui, "Even if it works, it won't cause them any big problems, and since Wu Shang knows that I also have mutant bacteria, he will definitely solve this problem in advance."

Fang He thought about it too, "Hey... Forget it, then this method will definitely not work."

out the door.

Fang He and the others can’t monitor all the time, so when I have time, I will go around and have a look, go to the S city base to live for a while, and then return to the capital base to live for a while, I went to several bases that were relatively close to the T city base and walked around a few times, took a look around, and checked and checked by the way.

After confirming that there was no abnormality, they returned to the capital base with confidence. To be honest, Wu Shang, who has a military advisor, really can't take it lightly. They always feel that a moment of negligence or a moment of relaxation may cause a lot of trouble. The consequences, which they do not want to see.

As a result, after a winter, there was no additional movement at the base of T city, and there was no movement to go out. It looked quiet, as if there was no problem.

Lou Xingrui, "Maybe he is teaching the new people the language here, at least he must be able to understand and speak some simple conversations, and ease the loss of so many beastmasters at the base. The troubles and losses caused by the Royal Spirit Master, etc., just these things will take a lot of time."

Fang He, "Forget it, anyway, the entire T City base may be abandoned..."

Lou Xingrui, "This is the last choice, I hope not to go to the last step."

Fang He, "It depends on whether Wu Shang can take it for granted, if he is completely impersonal, then there is no way, the entire T City base was killed by him, but he Can give up the thousands of ordinary people in the Ansai base without any grudges and let them fend for themselves, not to mention the ordinary people in the T city base, I always feel that he will not be so kind, let alone the one who follows him. Unknown soldier."

Fang He, "I really want to sneak into the T City base and kill them all."

Lou Xingrui, "It's coming."

Fang He, "En?"

Lou Xingrui, "I have a hunch that the battle between us and them is not far away."

Fang He blinked, "Are you serious?"

"Really, as long as we kill Wu Shang, we will be able to live leisurely afterwards."

Lou Xingrui, "Well, I have a hunch."

The exact time cannot be determined. He just has such a hunch. In fact, they have been entangled with Wu Shang for a long time.

When the T city base develops, it will be really difficult.

Especially the two of them or apart from some of the people in the T city base, no one knew that the person in charge of this base had already changed.

And this person in the upper position is Wu Shang's military advisor who Fang He and the others have been guessing.

Fang He, "It's spring, it's spring..."

Lou Xingrui, "The T City Base is as always without any abnormalities."

Fang He, "Let's go hunting from now on."

Lou Xingrui squinted his eyes, "Try it?"

Fang He, "Try it, although it is a little closer to the base of T city, but..."

Lou Xingrui, "Isn't it the beast master and the spirit master who hunted the T city base?"

Fang He, "Of course not hunting them, but hunting prey in a large circle around the T city base, so that the people at the T city base could not find enough prey and had to walk Farther, so that we can kill these beastmasters outside."

Lou Xingrui, "Is there a spiritual master?"

Fang He, "Leave the Spirit Master to you, and the Beast Master to me."

Lou Xingrui, "Yes, try it first."

Fang He, "I don't know if that military advisor has any secret arrangements."

Lou Xingrui, "Just pretend he has it!"