MTL - The Top Beast Master Reborn In the End of the World-Chapter 311

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"After entering the community, you can't leave the community at will. There will be troops patrolling around at any time. The beastmaster can go out hunting through this base gate at any time. You must register information every time you enter and leave."

"In the base, you can't fight casually and hurt people. The beastmaster must take care of his mutant animals. There must be no mutant animals in the base that hurt people. Otherwise, we will not follow You are being affectionate."

Feng Chuan said a lot, a lot of words, Stinger nodded repeatedly, saying it was right, and then went back and told everyone about Feng Chuan's request, and everyone agreed.

Just kidding, if you don't agree now, will you be left outside the base to die? If they wanted to die, they wouldn't forcefully follow the team all the way here!

so much better!

In the end, they agreed to all the demands that Feng Chuan said, and also promised that if someone made a mistake, they would take the initiative to drive them away and would not cover up anyone.

Feng Chuan nodded and let people open the gate of the base and led them back to the base. In fact, the prepared community was not far from the gate, and it took a minute to reach the gate of the community.

Feng Chuan was not interested in arranging for them either, and turned to look at Stinger, "All the houses in the entire community are vacant and no one lives in them, so there is no furniture or daily necessities at all. Now you are yourselves. Arrange the accommodation, and I will send some to you later, you can use it for now."

"After that, someone will come to give you an identity, and then the beast master, the spirit master, etc. can go out to hunt, and after bringing the prey back, you can't go to the base to sell for the time being. At the gate, the prey is sold to the official staff of the base, and the price the official will give you is the same as the price given to others, so you can rest assured.”

Stinger, "No problem, thank you, really no problem."

Feng Chuan, "There are water and electricity, you rest first, wait for someone to come over to give you an identity, the beast master and the spiritual master will be given priority, and the rest will be handled slowly. "

Stringer, "I see, thank you."

Feng Chuan left after explaining what he was going to say, but there were still patrols around the community, and there were complete monitoring equipment inside and outside the community. All in all, once there was an abnormality, they could directly suppress it.

Stinger took some people to touch all the houses in the entire community, and then began to allocate housing. Dozens of their beastmasters all have one room per person, if there are two rooms and one living room Only two people live in, three rooms live in three, and then the rest of the house is a family living, and the bigger ones are two families living together.

After Stinger had just allocated the housing, the army drove to the gate of the community. They removed all the materials from the car and listed the details of the materials. price.

"Ok, this is the bill, in duplicate, you take one and I have one here, remember to pay it back when you have money, you can check this batch of supplies."

Stinger took the list and put it away, "No, I trust you."

It would be nice to get them supplies now, even if it's a little trick, he doesn't care.

The soldiers also had no objection. "There will be some supplies to be delivered later, you can see and receive them yourself. If there is anything missing, tell me tomorrow, and I will supplement it for you according to the situation."

"Okay, thank you, please."

When Fang He and the others came back, they found that the people outside the base were gone.

Feng Chuan, "It's not bad. If this group of people can use it, the thousands of people lost before will be replenished, and dozens of beastmasters will be given as a gift."

Lou Xingrui, "There are quite a few dozen beastmasters, I hope Ning Hao can grasp it."

Fang He, "We have nothing to worry about. Now the situation of the W city base needs further observation. Let's stay for a while and watch this group of people well."

, will there be any idea of ​​seizing power? Fang He intends to stay and observe for the time being, making sure that there is no danger before leaving.

As for the Ansai base, the number of bases that they can do is relatively small, and many bases have adopted the approach of the W city base. Those who have no other bases before are certified by the beastmasters , will be listed as high-risk elements, and will even be rejected by various bases.

So the danger of the Ansai base is not so serious for the time being. Besides, the affairs of this base require each base to protect itself. How can he not have such a great ability to protect all bases in the country , Besides, he's not a nanny either, so he can't do so much.

When Fang He passed by the community, he saw the people inside, "It seems that he lives in this community, Feng Chuan is there, it seems to be giving... It is to the beastmaster. Make arrangements."

Lou Xingrui, "After you have an identity, you can go out hunting and make money."

Fang He, "That's right, anyway, the W city base has a huge demand for meat, and it is difficult to have enough meat every day just by relying on the original beastmaster and the army to go out hunting. To supply millions of people in the entire base, the more beastmasters the better, the sooner the better."

Lou Xingrui, "Let's go, I'll take a little look at this community."

Fang and He stayed in this base for another half a month. During this time, they didn't find any unusual behavior from this group of people, so I was a little relieved.

Feng Chuan was very satisfied with them. Thirty beastmasters went out hunting together, and they brought a large amount of prey back every day, and the money in exchange was used to repay debts or buy them what is needed.

Rent or buy a house in the base to settle down.

Feng Chuan asked Stinger, they all plan to settle here, since they want to settle down, they must not live in that community all the time, after all, that community is not suitable for them to live in, but suitable for Watch out for surveillance.

In the beginning, there were 20 people who could go out to work. These 20 people were carefully selected, and even after inquiries from the psychology professor, they were relieved to go out to find work.

Of course, because what they know really requires a lot of work experience to get started, Feng Chuan also arranged for someone to introduce them to some jobs, the treatment is not bad, and they are very satisfied.

Of course, they can adapt quickly, in fact, part of the reason is that when they live in this community, they have to learn their language every day, at least they can do daily conversations.

When they are completely integrated into this base, they will not be able to leave if they want to.



The number of members of the wolf pack is about 1,600, and the edge of the territory is just close to the border, and the base of W city is less than 90 kilometers away from the border.

This distance is really long for humans now, but for mutant animals, it is really like playing, from the border to the W city base, if you run at full speed, Maybe less than an hour.

This is what Fang He is worried about. The wolves have a large territory, and the prey inside is enough to eat, but this does not mean that the wolves will not expand their territory. After the territory on this side of the line is easier to obtain than the territory on the other side, they will definitely choose this side.

Yes, it doesn't mean that there is no threat. The territory on this side of the border is also occupied by mutant animals, but no matter how many mutant animals there are, the number will definitely not be too many. For mutant wolves, That's a sure-fire result.

However... if these mutant animals block it a little, the mutant wolves must not be so easy and fast to get close to the W city base.

But no matter what, Fang He still intends to discuss with Ning Hao. If he has a solution, Fang He is willing to cooperate. After all, this W city base is managed by Ning Hao.

In one month, the number of people who left the community has reached more than 600. They are all skilled, and after having a stable income, they will definitely not be able to continue living here.

Some people bring their families, some are alone, and they begin to integrate into the life of this base. They have enough money to support their expenses, enough food and clothing, and a safe place to live.

Stinger saw these vacant houses and divided some of the crowded people who lived here to live here. Now, in addition to himself, there are thirty beastmasters in this community. In addition, there are 4,160 ordinary people. Except for the children who have lost all their elders and the elderly who can't support themselves, everyone else actually has the opportunity to go out to find work.

But many people are beginning to enjoy the help of their group of beastmasters. They don't want to go out and get tired. There is food to eat, and the place where they live is also complete with water and electricity. Although they know that these are bought by the beastmaster with money, but they gradually get used to it and think it is very common.

After Stinger discovered this phenomenon, he called all the beastmasters together to hold a small meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"What do you think? It's enough that we keep them safe and help them through the toughest times. I don't want to keep them."

"I don't want to, in fact, I also find it very puzzling. Why don't you want to seize the opportunity to work well in such a good place? Instead, lie at home like a waste."

"Otherwise we will discuss with Feng and take care of them for half a year. If it is half a year, it should be almost the same. After half a year, we will no longer care about the people in the community who haven't left?"

For the elderly and children, as long as the base accepts them, there must be a place to place them, and the number of simple elderly people and unattended children is very small.

There are no more than ten elderly people and no more than 100 children. These children are still young. If they are well educated, they will all be people from this base in the future. If they want to come to Feng Chuan, they will not refuse.

There are only ten old people, and Feng Chuan would not mind if they wanted to come, the number is very small.

"Then that's the decision. In fact, just protecting them to this base is enough. Stinger, you are too kind. Look at them now. We deserve it, and they should be made aware of that."

Once I find a job, I think I'll move out when I'm stable."

"In the future, we will deliver food to them according to the minimum specification of two meals a day, and control materials and other materials, so that they can gradually realize that we will not always help them."

"No problem, I'll listen to you, we think so too."

It has been two months since they came to the base. Except for the beastmasters, there are only a little more than 3,000 ordinary people left in this community. Live well in a certain corner of the base, have your own job, have your own income, and have your own life.

At first, their neighbors were not used to the foreigners living around them, but as time passed, everyone got used to it, and now more than 3,000 people still live in the community, and there are also one A thousand or so found a job outside and were waiting to move out. The rest were about two thousand people.

After Stringer made that decision before, instead of finding their own way, these people organized a group of people to come and trouble them, saying that not giving them enough food was abusive to them .

act rashly.

"Stinger, why don't you give us enough food?"

Stinger wondered, "Why should I give you food?"

"Aren't you helping us? Why are you doing this to us?"

Stinger, "My God, don't you forget? I have nothing to do with you, I just pity you, so I help you, but you don't think We will support you for the rest of your life, right? What are you? We will live in this community for a month, and we will leave this community after a month, and you... I don't care!"

The people standing behind Stringer also barked at them, "Do you really think that you are a high-ranking boss? We all work for you? What! Let's go!"

Originally, Stinger planned to stick to it for half a year, but now it seems that they are full of energy and do not need half a year at all, so there is nothing wrong with leaving early.

The Beastmaster is going to leave, and they can't keep the ordinary people at all, and now they realize that Stinger does not seem to be obliged to take care of them, but they still have luck.

For example, even if Stringer leaves them alone, hasn't this base accepted them? In this case, after Stinger leaves, the base will definitely support them.

At that time, they will still be able to live like this. If there is not enough food every day, they will not be enough. Anyway, if there is a place to live, water and electricity, this community is also a good place.

One month later, there are 760 people left in this base, and the rest have all moved out, because they continue to live here, and no one will give them anything, including utility bills Rent, food, daily necessities, etc.

Before they left, they also handed over the elderly and children who were not taken care of in the base to Feng Chuan. Feng Chuan didn't say anything. For the sake of these thirty beast masters, Feng Chuan also will agree.

The elderly are sent to the welfare center, and the children are sent to the orphanage. Although they cannot live a very good life there, at least they will not suffer from hunger and cold, and the children can still receive education .

Seven hundred and sixty people.

Feng Chuan, "There are still seven hundred and sixty people left here, what's the matter? They are not willing to integrate into the base?"

Stinger gave a slight pause, and then said a little embarrassedly, "They are used to being taken care of by me, and now they don't want to exchange labor for what they need."

Feng Chuan, "The base will not support idlers, these people..."

Stinger, "Oh, they have nothing to do with me anymore, you can do whatever you want, we have done what we have to do, the rest is their own Xun Ze, and it has nothing to do with us. "

Feng Chuan, "Since this is the case, then it's easy to say that you won't care if you drive out of the base directly, right?"

Stinger, "Yes, it's their choice."

Feng Chuan patted his shoulder, "Okay, I see, you all go back, clean up your new home, and live a good life at the base in the future."

Stinger said goodbye to him with a smile, and left with the brothers behind him. As for the people in the community behind him? They were kicked out of the base without a way to survive?

So what? What does it have to do with yourself?

Stinger just followed the others without a cloud, and didn't even look back at the end, he didn't care anyway.

After they left, Feng Chuan took the soldiers inside and took out all the remaining people inside, "Are all seven hundred and sixty here?"

"It's all here, nothing missing."

Feng Chuan ignored their abuse and dissatisfaction, and ignored their pleas. For several months, he didn't know how to find a job and support himself. Such people will stay at the base no matter how long a waste.

"Get out of the base, get away!"


Feng Chuan gave an order, and these people were all threatened by the army with live ammunition to walk out of the base gate with the dark muzzle. They didn't want to shamelessly stay, but...

The original man wanted to stay on the ground, but was thrown out by several soldiers, and the rest wanted to pass through the encirclement and rush into the base .

But unfortunately, they were directly shot to death by them. The body was dragged and thrown outside the base. Of course, it was thrown far away, and there was a trace of blood on the ground.

Now they don't dare to resist any more, they can only keep begging, kneeling on the ground and begging them to give them another chance, they can't work, what they can do is before...

It was just a fluke idea before. I didn't expect Stinger to do this absolutely, and this base also did so much.

No matter what they say, the seven hundred and sixty men, women, teenagers, middle-aged people, dead or alive, are all driven out.

Feng Chuan was inspecting the community at this time, and found that many houses were cleaned up very well, and the things that should be taken away were not left, and all the things that should not be taken away were also there.

However, there are only dozens of houses that are dirty and poor, and the sanitation is not done. Obviously, this is the house where the group of people who were evicted before lived.

Feng Chuan, "Call some people to clean up these houses. It's disgusting to look dirty."


Feng Chuan left after dealing with this matter. The other foreigners who are now living in the base have not let go completely. They secretly persuaded people near their residence or working with them. , let them help stare, and talk to them from time to time to see if they can find anything.

It will take a year to really want Feng Chuan to feel at ease with them.

At this time, Feng Chuan didn't have much attention on them, he hurriedly returned to Ning Hao's reception room, there were two people inside, Fang He and Lou Xingrui.

Fang He saw him and said, "You're here."

Feng Chuan sighed, "Come on, by the way, boss, where did you just say?"

Ning Hao, "The other side of the border is the border of the territory next to a group of mutant wolves."

Feng Chuan, "The borderline is only 80 or 90 kilometers away from us. Isn't this distance just for the mutant wolf to run and play? This..."

If this group of wolves came together, there would be nothing to stop them in the middle.

Fang He, "This wolf pack is indeed very dangerous, and I didn't expect that foreign wolves would be flooded with disasters, which was never thought of before."

Feng Chuan, "Yeah, according to me, it should be a hundred flowers blooming, but they... hey, forget it, maybe it's because foreigners think differently from us, just listen to them Not even a decent base."

Fang He, "Now is not the time to discuss this, let's talk about how to deal with these mutant wolves. If you want to deal with it, you must take advantage of it now, if you wait for their population to grow again, the current The territory is not enough to deal with when you plan to expand, and then it will be too late."