MTL - The Top Beast Master Reborn In the End of the World-Chapter 299

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Lou Xingrui has no opinion. After so long and intense search for Zhu Feng, he has not rested. He is indeed unable to hold on. Not only does he not sleep, but they also use mental power to control mutant animals and animals The mutant plants are constantly looking for and sharing their sights, which all consume their energy.

In fact, let alone Lou Xingrui, even Fang He was equally exhausted.

I still plan to rest for a night before catching Zhu Feng.


When Fang Hemi woke up from sleep, Lou Xingrui had just woken up. He was looking for something to eat in his backpack. Fortunately, there were semi-finished products that could be directly heated, which were frozen outside before. In the snow, it was hot enough to eat now, but Fang He refused.

Lou Xingrui did not refuse, "Okay, let's arrest people first, I let the mutant plants go over and stare at them, and they stare at the ground, and there is a wide range of places over there. Mutated mycelium, and I checked, there are many mutant animals that should be parasitized around, all with dull eyes and thin bodies."

Fang He, "If this is the case, then you can only come here, after all, they are all mutant plants, and my little friend can't get close, this parasitic type mutant plant is really troublesome ."


Fang He, "I know, just do it if you find a chance, I'll wait."

It's not cold, surrounded by mutant plants and mutant animals, and there are two people hanging from the ground.

One is Bai Xu and the other is Bai Jun, these are these two brothers. I didn’t expect that he would actually steal them out. Jiang Chengan didn’t tell a lie before, but this also shows that, Zhu Feng really hated the Bai brothers so much that he didn't forget to take them with him even when he ran away.

Because it’s hard to walk long distances with two people, so I simply stayed here for a while. Zhu Feng must have thought that when the time was almost up and it was warmer, he would go to the Ansai base.

To be honest, Fang He felt that Zhu Feng was too obsessed with Bai Xu and Bai Jun, but this kind of revenge was really cool, especially Zhu Feng might really really love his son, which led to Didn't come out now.

Fang He didn't say a word, he sat quietly behind Lou Xingrui, slowly looking at the snow outside and some sparse plants around, Lou Xingrui was concentrating on preparations hands-on.

Speed ​​got dressed and walked outside, Lou Xingrui also noticed Zhu Feng's abnormality, no longer waited, and shot directly.

Hundreds of sturdy mutant plant vines spewed out from the ground, covering all the surrounding ground, making a super-large prototype hood!

The mutant animals were all hanged and sucked dry, and the residue was thrown in place.

Even Zhu Feng, Bai Xu and Bai Jun were all tied up, unable to move a finger, Lou Xingrui could feel everything around him except his own mutant plants The mutant plants of , even a little bit of spores were not spared, and they were all absorbed without falling at all.

At this moment, Lou Xingrui suddenly felt that Zhu Feng also had mutant mycelium in his body, and he was actually parasitized? ! No, he was definitely not being parasitized. He may be because he is a spiritual master, so he... Forget it, it's the most important thing to catch the talent first.

And it seems that this mutant mycelium has not been completely eliminated. After all, there are so many mutant mycelium in Zhu Feng's body. There it is again.


Lou Xingrui breathed a sigh of relief, "I caught it all, Bai Xu, Bai Jun, and Zhu Feng."

Then the green cocoons made of three mutant plants appeared in front of them, Fang He was a little puzzled, "In this case, Ah Chou can't use it, what should I do?"

Although Lou Xingrui is prepared, if there is a little bit of failure to guard against, it will be a waste of all previous efforts, Fang He nodded, "If this is the case, then wait for a while and think of a way to talk about it. "

Lou Xingrui wanted to say something, but Zhu Feng, who was in the cocoon, said, "Xiao He?"

Fang He's mouth twitched, this dog has a face to call himself so? Xiao He? Is Xiao He what he can call?

Fang He sneered, "Don't call me that, if you want to die, keep talking."

Zhu Feng smiled, "Don't be so angry, Xiaohe! I know why you came to me, is it for that husky? can do this.”

Fang He sneered, "Even what happened to the dog? It has accompanied me for so long, and the relationship between me and it is not something that a person like you can imagine."

Is your relationship obedient to you?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, he really thought so, Fang He was the one who had the best relationship with his mutant animals among all the beastmasters he had met!

Zhu Feng, "Actually, I was unintentional at the beginning. Look at it like this. How about I help you restore the husky to its original state, and then write off everything?"

Fang He, "Are you kidding me?"

Zhu Feng, "Well, I know you won't agree so easily, but how about adding another one? I'll give a part of the mutant bacteria to your lover, your lover is not A spiritual master? In the future, he can also have this mutant mycelium, and he can also use these to parasitize other people or mutant animals in the future."

Fang He looked at Lou Xingrui, wondering if Lou Xingrui would be moved, but Lou Xingrui showed a look of disgust, "Needless to say, if you want to have this kind of mutant mycelium If you have the right to use it, you must first let these mycelium parasitize in your body, and I don’t have such a hobby yet.”

Fang He immediately objected when he heard the need, "No! I don't agree!"

Lou Xingrui put his arms around him and patted his shoulder, "I didn't agree, don't worry."

Zhu Feng, "Hey... It seems that there is no way to negotiate?"

Fang He, "Anyway, I won't believe you for the time being. After all, what you've done makes me uneasy."

Zhu Feng is really in a hurry now, Fang He and Lou Xingrui are obviously the type who don't eat hard and soft, they will only act according to their own judgment.

If he wants to survive now, it is best to start with that husky.

Lou Xingrui suddenly had some vines and caught a... mutant fox? It was the mutant fox he had seen before. Fang He was a little puzzled. After seeing Lou Xingrui put the mutant fox into Zhu Feng's cocoon, he understood, "This is..."

Lou Xingrui, "Zhu Feng, this mutant fox, you used the mutant mycelium to parasitize it before, and now you only need to let it return to its original state, we will temporarily believe you."

The white tiger was walking around, and when he saw the mutant fox just now, it didn't respond, just stared at it with a pair of eyes. If it wasn't for the mutant fox being parasitized, Confused and sluggish eyes, it is estimated that I have been scared and stupid!

Zhu Feng looked at the mutant fox that was thrown in. It was very good. It was parasitized by him with mutant mycelium before, but if he wants to restore the original state... He knew in his heart that it was impossible!

The mutated hyphae are his own mutated plants, but he has no ability to restore the parasitic mutated animals to their original shape. After all, he can't even clean the mutated hyphae in his own body. clean!

What he can do is to let these mutant hyphae parasitic on other living things, and then control those living things by controlling these hyphae. After these hyphae are parasitized, he can only control He couldn't let these hyphae leave the body of the living creature that had already been parasitized. He didn't care about this before, but now...

After Lou Xingrui found out that the mutant fox was thrown in, Zhu Feng stopped talking, Fang He immediately understood, "Can't you do it?!"

Zhu Feng was stunned for a moment, and he had not said a word for a long time, "Of course it is not impossible, it just takes time, the parasite is simple, it is not easy to restore it, it will take a few days! "

Fang He thought about how many days they had left the S city base, mutant animals can indeed be hungry for a few days, but not for a long time!

"How many days do you need? If you can't give me an accurate time, then you should just die! It's not bad for me to be buried with Erha."

Zhu Feng thought for a while, "Give me two days, I will definitely be able to do it."

Fang He sneered, "Two days? It's been a few days since we left the base to find you, two more days? When we return to the S city base, Erha will starve to death a long time ago. maybe."

Zhu Feng, "Then...then you can take me to the vicinity of the S city base right now, and when I get the mutant fox to show you, Erha can give it to me directly, right?"

Lou Xingrui thought about it too, but at this time Fang He felt that something was wrong. He just wanted to explain in detail what was wrong.

The spores of the mycelium simply cannot enter the base.

But he always felt that something was wrong, so Fang He objected, "Don't worry, it only takes a few hours for me to get from here to the base in S City, you should hurry now and hurry up The mutant fox has returned to its original state. Anyway, if it is too late to save Erha after returning, you can die directly! Just burn your body and bury it with my little Er."

Zhu Feng sighed in his heart. It seems that he can't go to the S city base now. In this case, he can only start to delay time.

Fang He, "That's it, Xing Rui, keep an eye on it, I'll make something to eat."


For the past two days, Fang He plans to wait here, of course, not only waiting, he will also let Lantian go back to the S city base to check the situation of Erha, and come back and tell him .

After coming back for the first time, Lan Lan told Fang He that Er Ha's situation was not very good, but he would not die in a short time, so he should not worry, Fang He was a little relieved and continued to wait on.

Two days passed quickly, Fang He almost asked Zhu Feng, "Are you all right? Two days have come, give me an answer."

Zhu Feng, who was in the cocoon, smiled and said, "Okay, let your lover take this mutant fox out and take a look, I guarantee you are satisfied."

Fang He, "Take it out and see? Why take it out? You forgot, can Xing Rui also see it inside?"

After speaking, Fang He looked at Lou Xingrui, Lou Xingrui controlled the mutant vines inside to wrap around the mutant fox, and then said, "There are mutant hyphae in the body."

Fang He's eyes narrowed, "I knew you were a liar, since you can't do anything yourself, then kill it and take the corpse back. Bringing it back alive may cause trouble."

Lou Xingrui, "No problem."

Zhu Feng hurriedly stopped them, "Oh, don't be so anxious! Young people are always so anxious, seriously, haven't you noticed that the parasitic mutant mycelium in the mutant fox's body has been reduced a lot? "

In my opinion, once it is parasitized, unless the mutant mycelium wins and kills the host to grow itself, or it perishes together, there is no killing of the mutant mycelium, the host can still survive ."

The smile on Zhu Feng's face gradually subsided. He really didn't expect Lou Xingrui to find this out. He himself only knew this after he mastered the mutant mycelium. of.

Fang He sighed, "Xing Rui, kill it."

After knowing about Zhu Feng, at the K City base, he had a high opinion of Zhu Feng, and even had some sympathy and pity, and put him in a position where he needed help, but he did not expect It's…

No, there will be no next time in this life. What Zhu Feng did to him will make Fang He never have such personal feelings for others in the future.

, but nothing happens.

Until Lou Xingrui said, "It has been dealt with."

Fang He took a breath, "If that's the case, let's go back. I can accompany Erha for a while after I go back."

Lantian came over and took them all away and returned to the S city base. Zhu Feng's body was always wrapped in mutant plants, and of course Bai Xu and Bai Jun, these two people Xing Rui didn't bother to do anything, just killed it, and then let his mutant plant **** dry, and there was no mutant mycelium left.

Even before they left, they checked the surroundings for a long time, and even quietly went to the K city base to check, and they really left when they didn't find the mutant mycelium.

Back to the S city base before dark, Zhu Feng's body was temporarily left outside the base at a distance, Fang He and Lou Xingrui quickly returned to the base.

The two went home and took a bath before going to the hospital. When Fang He saw Erha again, tears almost fell. Erha had become skinny and could even see There was something squirming under the skin, very subtle ups and downs, but Fang He could see it clearly.

Fang He touched Erha's fur, "Hey... what should I do?"

After thinking for a while, Fang Hecai said, "Xing Rui, otherwise let's try it, if it keeps going like this, Erha will definitely not be saved, try it now, maybe it can be saved. Woolen cloth?"

Lou Xingrui thought about it, in fact, this is also possible, "Then give it a try."

The entire ward was tightly wrapped by mutant plants, leaving no gaps, and Fang He and Lou Xingrui stood outside the ward with others.

Zhang Yanqing was also outside. After he heard that Fang He and the others were back, he came to see them. To be honest, this was the first time he had seen Fang He so haggard in so many years. .

He sighed and patted Fang He's shoulder, "It will be fine."

Fang He nodded, then looked at Lou Xingrui, Lou Xingrui nodded to him, and then controlled the mutant plant vines in the ward, and began to wrap around Erha's body in various positions, drilling little by little Breaking its skin, the tiny vines soon burrowed in from these positions, of course not a lot, just a few.

on the rise.

Of course, because these mutated mycelium devoured the flesh and blood in Erha's body and multiplied rapidly to increase its number, Lou Xingrui did not stop, but continued to maintain such a speed.

He is betting now, whether the mutant mycelium will perish with the host, or if they will stop devouring the flesh and blood of the host before Erha dies.


Lou Xingrui shook his head at Fang He, Fang He immediately understood what he meant, "If this is the case...then..."

Before Fang He finished speaking, an explosion sounded in his ear, because the explosion sound was so loud that Fang He couldn't hear any sound for a while.

After a while, I vaguely heard Lou Xingrui talking to him.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

Fang He shook his head blankly, "I'm fine."

Then he stared dumbfounded at the ward where Erha was. He didn't expect that it was Erha's ward that exploded just now. What happened? Is there a bomb in it?

But it didn't take long for him to look in through the cracks of these scorched vines and saw a burning flame. At this time, Fang He suddenly remembered that his Erha seemed to be able to spray Fire!

In other words... the mutant hyphae in Erha may be burned to death?

Fang He hurriedly walked to the ruined ward. Fortunately, because of the mutant vines on the first floor, the explosion did not affect the upper, lower, left and right wards. This ward definitely needs to be rebuilt. Renovated.

Fang He walked inside and looked at the flaming dog standing on the ground... It's really cool to see, Erha's whole dog is burning with flames, and even his body has become It's a little transparent. In this case, the mutant mycelium parasitic in the body must have been burned out, right?

Fang He hurriedly communicated with Erha, but the communication went very smoothly. In this case, Fang He wanted it to return to its original state, but Erha told him that the mutant bacteria in his body The silk hasn't burnt out yet.

Fang He breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he could really recover on his own, he was completely relaxed, and now he is really relaxed, "Are you hungry? I will go out to eat delicious food later. , eat as much as you want."

Er ​​Ha said that when it comes to eating, it seems very greedy now, but it is also very sensible to know that its current situation is not able to go, and it must be recovered before eating and eating.

Erha, who hasn’t eaten for many days, is almost drooling, but fortunately he can hold it, Lou Xingrui stood beside Fang He and looked at Erha in surprise .

But thinking of the lightning pig that appeared before, and the white tiger who can control the water, I quickly accepted it, but the others outside seemed very shocked, especially Zhang Yanqing.

"Xiaohe...Xiaohe, this is...what's going on?! These two ha..."