MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 59 vow

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As the gas is condensed, the instinct is filled with it, and as the infuriating begins to infiltrate the body, a fresh breath emanates from his body.

This is like a blue orchid, which is finally slowly open at this moment.

Li Daoyun is standing in front of the leeks outside the grass. At this moment, although he can't know the changes in Ding Ning's body, he is the most clear person who practiced before Ding Ning. He knows that Ding Ning's repairing environment was extremely stable before this.

This kind of stability makes him look forward to it.

At this moment, he looked at the clouds in the sky, and suddenly felt the fresh breath of the grasshopper. He instantly understood what Ding Ning had done, and his face showed a very rare excitement.

He rubbed his feet on the ground and jumped straight ahead.

His figure passed through the white clouds and landed on the mountain road of the White Sheep Cave.

He often flies like this on weekdays, but this time he jumped a bit, and the height of the drop was a bit amazing.

Then, with a bang, his landing sound continued to echo in the valley.

Many people have noticed the strangeness of Li Daoji.

Zhang Yi was originally going down the mountain, preparing to practice at the bottom of the White Sheep Cave, but just looking up and seeing the strange look on Li Dao's face, he thought of some possibility, the whole body was inexplicably stiff.

"Li Dao pilot uncle..." He smashed his hand.

Before he could say more, Li Daoji, who was not far above him, nodded to him and said, "He broke the border."

"This can be..." Zhang Yi's stiff body trembled fiercely. Although he was prepared in the heart, he really heard this sentence. He still almost surprised and fell directly from the mountain road.

"This is really amazing." After the count, the voice was still a little trembling, and he completely recovered his heart before he could say such a complete statement.

"Ding Ning really broke down?"

“Ding Ning really broke through from the first place to the second place?”

"Ding Ning actually really refining in January?!"

Almost all of the Aries of the White Sheep have now reached the outer mountain road.

All the people opened their mouths, just like watching a sudden rainstorm, looking up at the sky above.


At this moment, Xue Xunxu, who even meditated in the highest Taoist view, felt this strange sound.

He opened his eyes and instantly understood what had happened.

"Hey..." whispered softly.

He accidentally tore off his own few beards.


The sun is already west, and the sunset glows.

The Qingteng Jianyuan is already preparing for the dinner of the students.

More than 20 students from the practice sites have come to the ceremony, gathered in the open space in front of the stone temple in the Qingteng Jianyuan, and the students of the Qingtian Jianyuan Court have also joined, and the scene is even more heated.

At the same time, Nangong Caiyu was sitting next to Xu Heshan and Xie Changsheng, and Xie Changsheng’s fearful sister Xie Rou was sitting next to Xie Changsheng.

Xie Changsheng has a bitter face, and he has to accept a few words from time to time.

"There is no movement in White Sheep Cave until now. It will pass in January. Now people are betting with you. Are you still betting?"

"I don't know what you think. Even if you haven't seen anyone who has earned some silver and two hardships, you should think more about your home. What do you jump out and do with Gu Xichun? Don't say that Gu Xichun may enter 岷Shan Jianzong learns, even if he loses at the Shushan Swords Club, with his current cultivation as the entry, there will be good achievements in the future. The home business is to pay attention to the qi and the wealth, and you will most troubleshoot. If you don't converge, you will definitely give your family an enemy in the future."

"The home gives you money, is it for you to practice or travel to make friends, is it for you to gamble on this wine shop teenager?"

Xie Changsheng is already used to Xie Rou's temper and such discipline, and the lifeline of the usual spending is in her hands, so I can only listen to my heart, I can't hear, I can't hear, but the Nangong picks heard it. Xierou took a sip of a wine shop, but his brows gradually provoked.

"I heard that you were at the door of my Qingteng Jianyuan. If Ding Ning broke through the border in January, you would let him be the brother-in-law of Xie Changsheng." She couldn't help but look at Xie Rou, who had a strict look on her pretty face, and interjected: "Xie Changsheng Are there other sisters?"

"He only has one of my sisters."

Xie Ruo heard the voice of Nangong Cai, her bold smile, said: "Sister, don't say that he only has such a sister, even if there is such a big event, can I still do something for others?" ?"

Nangong Cai thinks about Ding Ning's physical condition, and thinks that his father has not given back the remedy for a long time. The heart is more dry, so she squints coldly: "So you are serious? If you really wait for Ding Ning Really refining in January, you really are not married?"

Xu Heshan was amazed at the side, thinking that it was really autumn and high in dryness, even people are easy to be a donkey. How do you even talk about Nangong’s words in today’s chilly, with a gun?

Looking at the cold face of Nangong, Xie was slightly stunned, but he smiled indifferently. "Who doesn't know that we are thanking us for doing business is a promise. I am not a man, but I am not going to go back."

Just a few words from Nangong Caishao’s voice are not low, so Xu Heshan feels that there is something strange about Nangong’s picking today. At this moment, the sentence that Xierou answered is also powerful, and everyone around him heard it.

Not far away, Gu Xichun had been drinking in a dashing manner. When he saw such a scene, he could not help but laugh at his head. He thought that it had been so long since he entered the mountain gate. He still talked about the problem of the man. Bored enough.

However, at this time, the heavy footsteps sounded.

Someone rushed in, and couldn't control the instinct under their feet and rolled up a large piece of dust.

Nangong picks up his frown and follows the footsteps, but finds that he is a brother.

This is a year earlier than her, she is loyal and loyal. She is much calmer than she is on weekdays, but now she is a shocked and flustered gesture.

She couldn't help but open her mouth. "To the brothers, what happened, is it so flustered?"

"" The face was flushed, and the breathing rush was too fierce. When I said three "one" words at a time, I couldn't say more words.

The eyes of Nangong’s picking eyes suddenly brightened. Her breathing was a meal, and the subconsciously called out: “Dinning really has broken through the second world, and refining in January?”

When the students in the field heard the words of Nangong Cai, the natural reaction in the first time was still impossible. However, the reaction to Yu was to make the scene suddenly fall into absolute silence. Everyone seemed to be cold. The north wind instantly freezes.

Breathing violently, nodding.

Gu Xichun's ridicule looked solid on his face, and his fingers froze.

A great shock and ridiculous clarity in his heart made his mind creak.

"This is real?"

A loud exclamation sounded from the mouth of Xie Changsheng, breaking the silence. The emotion on his face is very complicated, as if a picture is covered with various colors.

Nod to the donkey again.

At this moment, he was finally able to speak out completely. He said with difficulty: "The news that just came out of the Aries Cave... Ding Ning has already succeeded in breaking the border and has already reached the refining environment."

Gu Xichun's face began to be a little white, and the stiff fingers trembled slightly.

He didn't need to ask for anything, because the news was too shocking, and before he came in, he said that he had already carefully verified it.

Only at this moment no one noticed his face.

All eyes of the people involuntarily gathered in Xie Rou's body beside Xie Changsheng.

Everyone wants to know what she is going to say at the moment.

Xie Mo's face is white, and the eyelashes keep vibrating.

The previously overbearing sister, now seems to have become a pitiful and poor girl who needs to rely on.

Nangong picks are more happy.

She couldn't help but want to laugh.

But what she and everyone did not think was that it was only the time of this interest, the softness of Xie Rou became hard, her lips were still shaking, and the lines on her face became cold.

"If I say what I say in the Guanzhong family, it is a promise, and it will never change."

"Since Ding Ning really broke down today, and refining one day, I naturally keep my promise, not that he does not marry."

Everyone in the room wanted to see her jokes, even her brother, Xie Changsheng, who was next to her. However, with the export of these two sentences, everyone in the field was shocked by her.

Xie Changsheng completely stopped.

Is this really fun?

And let someone in the place be shocked again and again, the sound of a clear voice rang.

She pulled out the long sword at the waist.

Her sword is also generous, heavy and straight, not like the sword that women often use.

Both the blade and the sword are gray-black, like the color of charcoal burnt in half, and the straight ridge is bright white.

This black and white sword, whether it is the hilt, the style, size, or even the scabbard of the sword, is the most suitable ritual and specification for the sword.

The sound of "唰" sounded softly.

The long sword gently stroked the cold air in her hand and crossed her hair.

A black hair fell and fell into her hands.

“Guan Zhong Xie’s parents, Xie Rou, vowed here.”

Her cold voice rang again, and it was awkward.

Everyone was shocked again.

No one thought that the temperament of this Guanzhong woman was so staunch, she would make a vow in public.