MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 55 Live a breath

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Many people in the field didn't know what was going on. They didn't understand why the faint mountain range in the distance suddenly became clear.

However, whether it is the fall of the autumn or the bald God Superintendent, they all understand what happened.

This is moving the mountain!

Only by taking a moment to evacuate the vast amount of heaven and earth in the distance, and moving it, the distant mountain will be clear at this moment, and only the terrible amount of heaven and earth will suddenly come over. At this moment, everyone’s The top of the head will suddenly have an invisible giant mountain.

In the midst of an uproar, Xue forgets the satisfaction of the light and holds the white jade sword on the side of the body.

The invisible giant mountain on the top of the head suddenly disappeared. However, a more powerful force was sent from the seemingly white jade sword and rolled up against the ground.


I knew that the autumn was low and heavy, and the iron clothes on his body shook countless years of fine dust. The whole person couldn’t hold it anymore, and floated up, his feet off the ground.


All the chariots parked next to them were as if they felt a fatal crisis, and they also gave a sharp vibration. All the runes on the body were illuminated and dazzled.

A fierce beast with greed and killing, with a fierce breath, seems to be rushing out from the surface of the chariot at the next moment.

What is even more shocking is that these heavy rune chariots, which require four horses to be pulled, are also propelled by a kind of force in the next moment. The higher the flight, the sooner the road is far. The height of the gazebo.

This is a picture that is difficult to describe in words.

The incomparably heavy rune chariot was thrown into the air, but the fierce beast on the body was simply unable to compete.

Even the sergeants of the squadrons who were wearing armor were shocked. However, when they saw such a scene, the eyes of the superintendent, the superintendent of the superintendent, suddenly reacted and said: "Don't!"

Rune chariots are not easy to build. Each one is a collection of countless craftsmen. It is a valuable asset of the Daqin Dynasty. According to the Daqin law, the practitioners deliberately damage the Rune Chariots.

However, his fears seem to be superfluous.

A slamming sound.

All the strangeness in the air suddenly disappeared.


It was broken that the body of the autumn landed, and the soles of the feet shook the dust again.

All the heavy rune chariots were dragged by a soft force and landed silently.

The beasts formed by the light lines on the surface of the Rune Chariot also quickly disappeared with fear.

Xue forgets to take back the white jade sword of the display, and proudly looks at the white face.

Countless exclamations sounded.

Until then, all the talents discovered that the carriage of the White Sheep Cave, which was still in the back of the autumn, had already been rolled up to the path behind Xue.

Xue Forgot to look at the stunned autumn that is still trembled. He shook his head and didn't even have a lot of interest.

His people flew like a cloud of no weight, flew to the front of the carriage, sat down beside the driver who was driving, and said faintly: "Go back to the mountain."

The mountains in the distance are like light eyebrows.

No one dares to block this carriage.


In an ordinary small courtyard in the eastern suburbs of Changling, last night's sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful sorrower sat on a bamboo chair under the tree in the courtyard.

At this time he has no mask.

His cheeks are as shiny as his forehead, but the little beard on his chin is also stained with hoarfrost, adding a bit of weather and rain.

One looks like a feather withered, but can't say that the vigorous and powerful eagle flies sharply from the sky and stops directly on his extended arm.

He took a small roll from a hollow tube tied to the eagle's leg, and when he saw the contents of the small volume, he gave a deep sigh.

He closed his bitter eyes and leaned against the back of the cold bamboo chair. ,

In his mind, a lot of sub-pictures flashed.

Among them is the body of the headless teacher who stumbles in the dark alley, and Wang Taixu, who has disappeared from the sky, has a fat cook behind the small restaurant, and at the moment on the official road. The invisible mountain that fell.

In all the battles he has experienced in the past, this seems to be the most sure battle.

However, who would have thought that the master who was very strong and very cautious in the weekdays would have died in the hands of a young boy who was still stinking?

Who would have thought that there would be so many people in order to break the clues, and to help Wang Taixu hide the traces and would rather die?

Who would have thought that a small sect who was the most mediocre and most inconspicuous in the outside world and even forgotten by the vast majority of people in Changling, turned out to be a great master of moving mountains?

A teenager who has been practicing for less than a month has such a fighting power.

An ordinary Changling river and lake figure has so many dead men. An old man who moved to the mountain will actually come out at this time...

Therefore, this battle is unsuccessful.

It’s a pity that in the past battlefields, there may be opportunities to turn over the books. However, this battle has lost, but it is already a foregone conclusion.

To deal with the practitioners above the six borders, it is necessary to use a number of practitioners of the six borders, and even to use the practitioners of the seven realms. To deal with the seven realms, they must use the practitioners of the seven realms.

The source is not as good as the gathering place. The ratio between the practitioners of the world and the ordinary warriors is very rare. The total number of practitioners in Changling is quite a few. It is just that the practitioners under the five borders are easy to find, but the six borders are already a watershed.

Therefore, at this moment, Xue forgets the strength of the seven realms, and there is no difference between the three days and one day.

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the sorrowful face closed their eyes forever, and his true element would pass through the storm like a storm, destroying all his own vitality.

A bright blood burst out of his mouth and spilled on the robes on his chest, like a few beautiful roses.


The carriage carrying four people was a little hard to run on the mountain road.

In the carriage, Wang Taixu sat down in the body, seriously sitting in the front of the car, and swearing at the car in the carriage: "Thank you for the help of Xue Dong."

"If you want to thank, don't thank me." Xue Forgetant has been looking at Ding Ning with a satisfactory look, and Ding Ning is also looking at him with a satisfactory look. At this moment, I heard the acknowledgment of Wang Taixu. He reached out and clicked on Ding Ning. "Thank you, thank you for saving him and his men. If it wasn’t for him, he would have made me faceless last night. Things, I will never go out today."

Wang Taixu said with respect: "It's all the same."

"There are many temperament between the market, you guys are more emotional than the people in the court." Xue forgot to look at Wang Taixu calmly, slowly said: "I just want to advise you, I have to be a man and be a man, and I have to guard everything. The brothers who died last night, the nobles in the hall will definitely give you a confession. But if your next treatment can’t satisfy them, it’s involved. Some people who shouldn't be involved, that will put you and more people into it."

Wang Taixu's face was over, and he nodded Road: "The younger comprehend."

"You are really good." Xue's forgotten eyes once again stayed on Ding Ning's body. His face was filled with satisfaction, but he couldn't help but admire him: "I am very satisfied."

Ding Ning respectfully and calmly smiles, "I am very satisfied with you."

Xue Forgot smiled and said: "My satisfaction with you is not purely because of your progress, but also because you are dealing with these rivers and lakes. I like the humane practitioners. I don't like it very much. If you are a cultivator, you can marry a practitioner who is full of emotions."

Ding Ning looked at him and said: "My satisfaction with you is not because you are so strong... but because I originally thought that Li Dao pilot may come, but did not expect you to come in person."

Xue Forgiveness did not hide his satisfaction and looked at Ding Ning and said: "Your injury does not seem to be light, but the Qingtiao Jianyuan's sword trial has not been many days."

Ding Ning nodded: "So give me some good medicine... Otherwise I might not be able to support the chase, and I won't be able to get back to that thread."

Xue forgot to laugh, he laughed very loudly, and laughter echoed in the forest on both sides of the forest.

"You and my brother have some origins. You can stay in the mountains after my Aries Cave for a few days."

Then, he looked at Wang Taixu and said faintly.

Wang Taixu once again seriously thanked him.

The golden morning light fell on the carriage and was plated golden.

Ding Ning raised his eyes. He leaned on the cushion and couldn't help but ask Wang Taixu softly: "Sometimes you will feel that you kill me, I kill you, so killing and killing, will be very boring?"

Wang Taixu nodded. "It's very boring... It's just that there is a scale in the heart. This scale is not flat. People are not happy."

Ding Ning gently said: "This is the so-called person to live a breath, a tree to live a skin?"