MTL - The Sword Dynasty-Chapter 37 New practice

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In the small road view at the highest point of the White Sheep Cave, looking at the empty sky and the floating white clouds in front, thinking about the death of a famous teacher and brother around him, Xue forgets that his body and mind can not tell the lack of space. .

He sighed softly and asked Li Daoji, who was standing at the entrance of the Taoist Temple. "Is the boy now in the hole?"

Li Daoji nodded.

"If he chooses to set up a practice book, he will tell me the first time." Xue forgets a little satisfied.

Li Daoji nodded, but his eyebrows like a knife were unconsciously provoked slightly. "Master, why is there such interest in him?"

Xue forgets his eyes and feels guilty. He whispered: "Not only because this boy is special, but also because this boy is a seed that you Du Qingjiao gave us to Baiyang Cave. Waiting for you to come to me. At the age, you will naturally understand how those people who have been with you for many years will leave.

Looking at the old man who has begun to fall in love, Li Daoji no longer speaks, takes a serious bow and turns away.


《养生经》《指玄真诀》《内观真引》》《修行九境论》》《悟真心诀》《白羊三四剑剑经》《九墨照照诀》《长陵修行 Brief History》 "The real fire"...

For ordinary practitioners, this kind of practice in the history of the cave is so vast, even if it is sorted neatly, it must be spent, so like most Tibetan ancestral sites, the story of the White Sheep Cave Shi Dong did not make special rules, and all kinds of books were not placed in order.

Ding Ning knows better than Zhang Yi that all the methods of practicing the true Yuan have their own advantages and disadvantages. Except for some secrets that are particularly bad, there is no obvious high and low boundary for all the exercises, so he is not in a hurry. The idea of ​​going into the inner hole is just going forward, and a shelf is not missed.

Looking at the spine or the dense text on the scroll, there is no shock or fanaticism in his heart. Many of the books are naturally mediocre for him, but his eyes are still very serious and prudent.

The nine dead silkworms he repaired are the most mysterious and profound exercises in the world. There are many wonderful functions that the world's practitioners are completely unaware of. However, his nine dead silkworms must not be exposed to the sunshine of Changling.

Before he is strong enough, he needs a spell to cover up, and most of the time, he needs to fight with the real elements produced by this spell.

This method must be the best for him.

So this is no less than a new practice.

"Red Phoenix God Photograph"

Daddy, he stopped and his fingers fell on the classical of the red-yellow cover.

This is the method of the true Yuan practice that he has heard but has not seen.

Turning over the cover made of thick butter paper, his thoughts are immersed in the books that have been yellowed inside.

The content inside is consistent with what he has heard. This method of practicing the true Yuan is very suitable for his current state of practice. This method of authenticity itself requires a strong spirit, and the natural condition in his body makes him simple. A lot of cultivation practice, the speed of practice can be much faster than the general practice, and the infuriating and true element of this practice is also very beneficial to the double repair of Changsun and Xuexue.

He looked at the moment, first put away the book, hold it in his arms, and then move on.

"Five Yang Zhengshen"... is also beneficial to the double repair of the long-term Sun Xuexue. Although it is not as fast as the practice of the Red Phoenix, but the body flesh and blood will be more robust, this practice seems to be not bad.

"Standing Streaming Method"... A method of practice that makes the flow of infuriating gas faster, so that the speed from the refining atmosphere to the real state will be much faster than the general practice.

Ding Ning was deeply immersed in it, and unwittingly had already held three books in his arms.

Sitting on the Heart Sutra

Suddenly, such four words fell into his eyes, his body was slightly shocked, and his face was somewhat stiff.

His gaze was unbelievably and quickly moved forward.

"Amazing Self-View", "Distraction Method", "Reverse Life"... On the bookshelf in front, he quickly caught these words.

He took a deep breath, and there was a strange tingling smell in his body. Only these familiar words made him understand why Aries Cave would offend the Queen and eventually ushered in being forced to merge into the Green Sword. The result of the hospital.

These are the classics that should not exist in the Daqin Dynasty.

In the early years of Yuanwu, in order to stabilize the throne that had just been seated, in order to eliminate the traces of the existence of that person, I did not know how many practitioners were killed. Many of the sects were convicted of sin, and after those sects were annihilated, In order to express the loyalty to the Holy Spirit and the Queen, in order not to let the Holy and Queens worry about the resurgence of those sects, countless books related to those sects were put to death.

In fact, when the years passed, many things in the past became stories. Even if they practiced some of the classics left by the sects, it is difficult for today’s practitioners to associate themselves with those sects and what they want to do for those sects. thing.

However, this represents an attitude... the holy and the queen do not want any possibility.

There are such classics that should have been destroyed in the cave of Shiyang Cave, which also explains the attitude of some practitioners in the cave of Aries.

Even if it is simply that the practice is not guilty, for the practitioners of the world, any feeling of groping on the path of practice is a rare experience. However, many people in Changling feel that they have at least those ancestral doors. A sympathy, there are different feelings about some things in the past.

Ding Ning's heart filled with unspeakable feelings. He looked deeply at the books that were probably solitary in Changling. The slightly stiff fingers did not touch and continued to slide forward on the bookshelf.

His mood gradually calmed down.

"The Real Solution of Lingyuan Avenue", a thin ancient book inexplicably attracted his attention.

In his memory, this is the practice of Zhao Zhaoling Yuan Zhenbao. It is the most common. However, it has been circulated in the folks of all the dynasties. This ancient book is obviously not subject to anyone in Baiyang Cave. The importance of the old cover has been quite damaged, and no one has repaired it. From the traces of the place where the book and the bookshelf are in contact, this ancient book has not been touched for many years.

Just through the broken cover, Ding Ning saw part of the picture on the inside page, but it didn't seem so ordinary.

He unconsciously raised his brow slightly and carefully pulled out the side album and slowly opened it.

His brows wrinkled deeper and his eyes began to glow with an unusual light.

The expression at the beginning of the inner page does not seem to differ much from the real solution of Lingyuan Avenue. However, the first deputy work diagram is absolutely not simple. The more it turns back, the more surprised Ding Ning’s heart is.

He can be sure that this is definitely not the ordinary Lingyuan Avenue true solution, but an extraordinary practice secret that is mistaken for the ordinary Lingyuan Avenue true solution!

I turned over a few more pages and saw a few lines of mysterious words that were impossible for most practitioners to understand. The Ding Ning who was immersed in it almost screamed out.

This is where the ordinary Zongmen before the Da Zhao Dynasty circulated the ordinary classics, which is clearly one of the three major practice sites of the previous Korean dynasty, the secret of the No. 1 Palace, "Three corpses without my own life!" .

In the case of ordinary practitioners, the "three corpses" refer to the three "bad desires" of human beings, such as lust, appetite and lust. These three kinds of desires are unfavorable for practice, and should be reduced as much as possible. This "three corpses without my own life, the nerves", but in the process of spiritual practice, to stimulate these three kinds of desires, and then at some critical stage of the practice, hard to get rid of these desires.

In the process of stimulating the three desires in the body, the practitioner's five-gas secretion can be more vigorous than the average practitioner, and once he goes, as long as he succeeds, his mind and mood will be greatly improved.

This is a kind of sinister method of dying and then born, and it is also a powerful exercise that goes beyond the general practice.

In the decades before the death of the Daqin dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the neighboring Wei Dynasty rushed to the battle, and the Palace of Nothing was destroyed in the defeat of a Korean dynasty.

According to legend, no one has occupied thousands of hectares. After being broken, the flames of the burning of the palace have not burned out completely in January. In the battle at that time, the treasures and classics of the No. 1 Palace suffered the collapse of the Han Dynasty. The looting of the army of the army and the great Wei dynasty, many practitioners who survived without my palace also desperately grabbed something to escape, or desperately destroy, not allowing useful books to fall into the hands of Wei Jun, the pages of countless books in flames Flying like a butterfly.

Ding Ning does not know how this "three corpses without my own life" is disguised as a common practice. It is how to lie in the cave of Shiyang Cave, but he is very certain that this martial art is extremely powerful, he practiced It will definitely be very fast.

At the same time, he can also be sure that even the inner hole of the White Sheep Cave that he has not entered before, there is no way to exercise stronger than this practice.

So he put down the three books in his arms and took only this one in his hand.

Then he no longer looked at the practice of practicing the real yuan, and began to concentrate on the choice of the body and sword.

As time went by, he entered the inner hole.

The size of the inner hole is only about one-third of the outer hole, but the classics in the hole are indeed much more responsible than the esoteric and external.

In the end, his fingers fell on a sword with a very common name.

This black cover sword is called "Wild Fire Sword".

Then he had no interest in the books in it, and went to several futons on one side.

"Did you pick and choose, and finally choose these two books?"

"Do you want to practice these two books?"

Two incredible sounds rang in the silent caves and passed into Ding Ning's ear.